Telepathy for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Telepathy for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Telepathy is nothing exotic - it is a part of everyday life - haven't you often looked around involuntarily when someone was staring at you from behind? If you want to do experiments to solidly prove the existence of telepathy and to find out how it works, you will find it in this book. There are a large number of phenomena that are based in whole or in part on telepathy: Hypnosis, dream journeys, homeopathy, oracles such as the Tarot cards, and many more. Telepathy is also closely related to other phenomena such as astral projection, poltergeists, foretelling the future, and the like. Often one cannot even clearly assign a phenomenon to one of these areas: Is the crashing of PCs, whose users are in stress, now telepathy or telekinesis? From the experiments and phenomena a simple model can be derived, which resembles the "collective subconsciousness" of C.G Jung. Such a model can help to use telepathy more purposefully.

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Table of Contents

Characteristics of Telepathy

Telepathy in everyday life

Examples in religion and magic

Examples of my own experience


The Development of a Telepathy Model

The procedure of a chemist

The "classical" telepathy experiment

The Pendulum

The "Zombie Experiment"

The Postcard Experiment


Experiments with the Telepathy Model

Dream journeys

Collective telepathy



Border Areas of Telepathy


Omens and oracles


Astral projection





The ABC of the Sorcerer's Apprentice


The Content of the "Telepathic Transmission"

Special Forms of Telepathy

Automatic writing

The "cloak of invisibility"

Transfer of consciousness

Time telepathy

Sending and receiving

Sensitive computers


Telepathy in the Horoscope

Telepathy Models

Telepathy in Everyday Life

Learning Telepathy

Book List

1. Characteristics of Telepathy

1. a) Telepathy in everyday life

Who has not experienced this – one walks through the city and suddenly has a strange feeling and turns around and sees that from behind an acquaintance comes hurrying up, who has just recognized one. You felt something and reacted to it without knowing exactly what was going on.

Until 10,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the early Neolithic period, this "funny feeling" was a vital skill: If a hungry tiger was lurking behind some bushes, it was decidedly helpful if you could sense its hungry gaze …

Telepathy is an essential element in almost all religious, mythological, spiritual, esoteric and magical world views – even if it is not always called "telepathy".

This widespread use is not surprising, because telepathy is ultimately an "inner connection" between two beings – and religion and magic are ultimately about such "inner connections" all the time.

Even the word "religion" means "re-connection", that is, "backing up to the gods". This can be interpreted, if one wants to do so, also as "telepathic connection to the gods" – whereby "telepathy" would already have a very broad meaning in this context. But religion is essentially already the invisible, non-physical connection of humans to their ancestors, to the gods or to God.

Telepathy seems to be an important topic …

1. b) Examples from religion and magic

In the New Testament, an example of advanced telepathy is found in Matthew 17:24-27:

Now when they came to Capernaum, those who were collecting the two-drachma tax ("temple tax") came to Peter and said, "Does not your master pay the tax?"

He said, "Yes."

And when he came into the house, Jesus preceded him (Jesus telepathically discerned what Peter had experienced.) and said, "What do you mean, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take tolls or taxes: from their sons or from strangers?"

Then Peter said to him, "From strangers."

Jesus said to him, "So the sons are free. But lest we give them offence, go to the sea, and cast a line, and the first fish that comes up, take him; and when you open his mouth, you will find a two-drachma piece; take that, and give it to them for me and for you." (Jesus telepathically recognized these circumstances in the future.)

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In the Old Testament, Elijah and his disciple Elisha are especially known for their magical abilities. Thus it is said of Elisha in the 2nd Book of Kings 6:27-32:

When the king heard the woman's words, he tore his clothes as he walked on the wall. Then all the people saw that he had the sackcloth on his body underneath.

And he said, "God do this to me and that, if Elisha son of Shaphat keeps his head today!" (Death sentence for Elisha)

And Elisha sat in his house, and the elders sat with him. And the king sent a man before him.

But before the messenger came to him, Elisha said to the elders, "Have you seen how he (the king) has sent this murderer here to cut off my head?"

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In Tibetan Buddhism, telepathy is also reported quite frequently – especially in connection with meditations on deceased yogis, but also in everyday events.

For example, after an argument with the monk Dharlo, the Tibetan yogi Milarepa finally told Dharlo that Dharlo had given two necklaces from the monastery property to a woman so that she would become his mistress – this was telepathically perceived by Milarepa.

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The monk Lotön tested Milarepa the next day by performing a ritual wrongly in his chamber – whereupon Milarepa greeted him the next day with the words that Lotön should refrain from such mischief in the future.

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One can also find telepathy apart from the "great religions" – e.g. with the shaman and war chief Geronimo from the tribe of the Apaches:

Geronimo, as a shaman, also learned astral journey and used it extensively to fly regularly in his astral body to the camps of the cavalry to spy on what they had planned next. In this way, he was able to resist the militarily far superior cavalry for 35 years.

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There are also reports of telepathy in the Germanic tradition – for example, in the "Book of Land-taking", which tells of the settlement of Iceland:

Heid the Spellsong Woman (seer) predicted to them all that they would settle in a land to the west of the sea (Iceland) that had not yet been discovered, but Ingimund said that he would beware of it. The magic song woman, however, said that he would not be able to do that and that, as a sign of that, his talisman, which he carried in his pocket, would now disappear and that he would find it again where he was digging on that land for the foundation for the pillar behind his high seat.

… … …

Ingimund did not feel at home anywhere; so King Harald urged him to seek his fortune in Iceland. Ingimund said that this was what he had never intended to do, but he sent two Finns as Hamfarir (shapeshifters) on a mage's journey (astral journey) to Iceland to look for his talisman, which was shaped in the form of Freyr and made of silver.

The Finns came back and said that they had found the place where the talisman was, but that they could not seize it.

However, they described to Ingimund exactly the location of the place in a valley between two hills, and they told Ingimund all the details of the land and how it was shaped, where he was to settle.

After that Ingimund left for his journey to Iceland. With him went his brother-in-law Jorund Nacken and his friends Eyvindr Sorkvir and Asmund and Hvyti and his servants Fridmund, Bodvar, Thorir, Refskegg and Ulfkell.

They came ashore in the southern part of Iceland and stayed in Hvanneyri all winter, together with Grim, Ingimund's foster-brother, but in the spring they went north over the heath.

Then they came to an arm of the sea where they found two rams and called it Rams' Bay. From there they continued to wander northward across the land, giving appropriate names to all the places they came to.

He stayed for one winter in Vidi Valley in Ingimunds Forest. From there they saw snowless mountains to the south and moved south there. There Ingimund recognized the appearance of the land that the seer had described as his future home.

Thordis, his daughter, was born in Thordis Forest.

Ingimund took possession of the whole water-valley from Helga-water and Urdar-water upwards and lived in Hof and found his talisman there at the place where he dug the foundation for his high-post.

1. c) Examples from my own experience

I also include here some of my own experiences, as I can describe them most accurately – which is helpful for the study of telepathy.

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When I was 20 years old I met Annette. She told me after a few days about a vacation in the south of France. Suddenly I saw the landscape she had been in front of me and could continue telling what she had experienced. Something like that became normal between us pretty soon.

We always knew for sure whether the other one was at home or where he/she was in the city or in the forest.

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Once when Annette was visiting me, she suddenly thoughtfully said that all kinds of colors were shining in my room. When I asked her what she saw, she began to describe it to me in great detail.

She saw exactly what I imagined every day in my room. At that time I was accepted by a magician as a sorcerer's apprentice and thereupon I first learned how to draw a protective circle. For this I used the "Lesser Pentagram Ritual" and the "Exercise of the Middle Pillar".

Annette described to me the white radiant circle on the floor, the four flaming pentagrams on the four walls, the golden hexagram on the ceiling, the four archangels in the four directions and the Middle Pillar consisting of five colored spheres in the center of the room.

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A few months later, one of my sisters, who lived in the room next to me, came to me in the morning and said that she had had a very strange dream. When I asked her, she told me that she had seen me standing in my room, making gestures, speaking softly, and how a colorful picture had appeared in my room.

She also described to me the pentagram ritual and the Middle Pillar with many details.

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My grandparents tried several times to surprise my mother by coming unannounced from Hamburg to visit us in Bonn. But the surprise never worked, because my mother always sensed that and therefore cooked more and baked a cake.

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My grandfather (my mother's father) had once had knee pain for a long time and no doctor could help him. Then a neighbor advised him to go to a healer who lived a few villages away. When he opened the door of the healer's house, he saw that she was plucking a chicken. Then the feathers of the chicken all flew to my grandfather and stuck to him.

Then the healer said to my grandfather that he obviously had much greater powers than she did and that she therefore unfortunately could not help him …

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My great-grandmother (my grandfather's mother) also had this talent: she sometimes went to the fair with us children and our grandparents and parents. Once, when I drew only blanks, she told me that this would not do and that she would buy me a ticket now. My parents tried to explain to her how the lottery works and that there are a lot of blanks. However, she bought a single ticket without further ado and drew the main prize.

A few years later, one of my sisters had bad luck with the tickets and my greatgrandmother also drew the main prize for her with a single ticket.

I don't think she was very popular with the fair people ….

They say in Holstein that this talent is passed on from father to daughter and from mother to son – at least with my great-grandmother, my grandfather, my mother and me this is true. After that, however, it goes on to my son – but he was not born in Holstein …

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When I was accepted as a magician's apprentice by a magician at the age of 21, we experimented quite wildly. Since he had a German shepherd dog, we wondered if dogs could also perceive telepathically. So we both imagined a white rabbit in front of his nose.

The effect was quite interesting – imitation recommended.

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When I was about 24 years old I went to a friend with whom I learned goldsmithing. I made a piece of jewelry for my friend Jörg. When I was finished, I had the strange feeling that I should take it to his apartment in Bonn right away – although we had arranged to meet the next day. So I drove to his place – this is extremely untypical behavior for me, since I always try to keep all appointments as precisely as possible.

When I then stood in front of his door and he opened it for me, he looked surprised and then had to laugh quite a bit – he had called me by telephone, but had not reached me anywhere and therefore sat down and inwardly called me to him, because he urgently needed the piece of jewelry a day earlier.

Apparently, his "call" reached me and was also so loud that it drowned out all my concerns about the arranged appointment …

In retrospect, it was amusing to see how many arguments I came up with on the way to be able to go to Jörg's a day earlier, despite my principle of sticking as closely as possible to agreements.

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Once I went with my bicycle to Frater U.D. in the Siebengebirge (where he lived at that time), where we wanted to do some experiments with several people. Thereby a screw at the axle of my bicycle had loosened. When I asked him for a 12mm wrench, he said he had just moved in and had no idea where anything was.

Since the group that met there had met their power animals shortly before, I inwardly asked my she-wolf where there was a 12-key. Thereupon she showed me a drawer in a cupboard in the living room – there I found the 12-key.

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