The Book of the Poppy - Chris McNab - E-Book

The Book of the Poppy E-Book

Chris McNab

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The Remembrance Poppy is a haunting reminder of the ultimate cost of war. Worn by millions around the world every year, the Poppy compels us to remember war's dead, wounded and bereaved, regardless of nationality or conflict. As we reflect on the centenary of the First World War, this book charts the history of the Remembrance Poppy, from its origins in the battle-tortured landscape of Flanders in 1915 to its enduring relevance in the present day. It sets the Poppy in its context of tragedy and sacrifice, always acknowledging that our war dead are gone, but not forgotten.

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First published 2014

This paperback edition first published 2018

The History Press

The Mill, Brimscombe Port

Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 2QG

© The History Press, 2014, 2018

The right of Chris McNab to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978 0 7509 8955 8

Typesetting and origination by The History Press

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Introduction to the 2018 Edition

Introduction to the 2014 Edition


1.  Nation at War

2.  An Act of Remembrance

3.  Not Forgotten

4.  They Shall Not Grow Old

5.  A Symbol of Hope





THE FIRST EDITION of this book came out in 2014, to commemorate the centenary of the beginning of the First World War (1914–18). Since that event, every November without fail, I am invited to participate in media discussions about the value of the Remembrance Poppy. In particular, the interviewers have regularly challenged me with the following questions: why do we wear the Poppy? More important, should we wear the Poppy – isn’t it just glorifying war?

War remains a terrible business, so we can’t simply ignore such questions. Furthermore, I do believe that some modern attitudes to conflict need to be addressed. For example, I do not like to see war discreetly sentimentalised or rendered as somehow ‘poetic’. For those fighting it or living through it, war can be frightening, harrowing, boring and miserable, playing out without the benefit of a neat script or stirring background music, albeit with strange moments of dark exhilaration and profound comradeship. We must also be careful with the word ‘heroes’ – in my experience, veterans and serving personnel largely recoil from being classified as such, especially by civilians. One Falklands War veteran I interviewed said that he felt physically sick when described as a hero, feeling the positive label didn’t really square with the visceral reality of killing a young Argentine soldier on a foggy, cold hillside in the South Atlantic.

In short, we should always think carefully and soberly about war. But here, surely, is where the Remembrance Poppy steps in and serves its purpose. Stopping to consider, buy and wear a Poppy might just make us pause – profoundly so in the context of the two-minute silence on Armistice Day – and reflect upon our own social, historical and personal relationship to war. And we do need to think about it – wars both real and potential throw long, dark shadows over the modern world. In many, perhaps most, cases, the Poppy might be worn without deep consideration. Yet the cultural presence of the Poppy does establish a focal point for knowledge, education and discussion. Take it and the acts of remembrance away, and I’m not sure that the resulting vacuum would necessarily be filled with anything more considered or productive.

So why should we wear the Poppy? There is partly a practical answer to this question, of course, in the millions of pounds raised by the Royal British Legion each year to support our veterans. But beyond that, the answer could be that it is simply one of the most effective means of making our society stop to contemplate war and its victims, which is essential if we are to comprehend present and future threats properly. The Poppy does not tell you what to think, or what conclusions to reach, but simply reminds us why it is important to think about war in the first place.

Chris McNab, May 2018


WAR HAS UNDENIABLY shaped Britain, historically and socially. For there have been relatively few prolonged periods in British history when the nation has not been embroiled in domestic or foreign conflict. These conflicts have cost the lives of millions of soldiers and thousands of civilians, blood being spilt in every corner of the globe across the centuries. Yet this constant immersion in conflict does not seem to have stripped the nation of its humanity. Indeed, it is a somewhat warming truth that in many ways we have become more, not less, reflective on the nature of conflict and its human cost.

Every year in the United Kingdom, in October and running into November, a distinctive accessory is attached to the clothing of millions of people. This accessory is unusual in that it isn’t about fashion, nor is it purely about fundraising (although this is a major part of the rationale behind its distribution). Instead, it is a very visible national act of commemoration. It is the Remembrance Poppy.

In its typical form, the Remembrance Poppy is not an item of material worth. It is basically a poppy rendered in paper and plastic, the vivid red paper petals standing out clearly and attractively atop a green plastic stem. And yet, there are few items worn with more reflection and pride. It represents a collective act of remembrance for generations of British war dead, especially the nation’s military personnel. At the same time it also compels us to think about all those who have died in conflict, including Britain’s former enemies, and those who continue to suffer the effects of war, whether veterans of previous conflicts or victims of present ones. In many ways, therefore, each Poppy represents not just loss, but the continuing desire to care for those affected by war.

This short book is published to coincide with the centenary of the beginning of the First World War (1914–18). A hundred years ago, a shot rang out on the streets of Sarajevo, the assassin’s bullet inflicting mortal wounds on the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Four years later, through a scarcely conceivable chain reaction of events, 20 million people lay dead and large parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East were in ruin. The magnitude and human cost of this conflict still reverberate today, even in light of the subsequent world war between 1939 and 1945, which killed more than 50 million. Furthermore, the end of the Second World War did not see an end to global conflict – sadly there has not been a single year since 1945 in which war has not been fought somewhere around the globe. British soldiers have continued to fight, die and endure to the present day. The Remembrance Poppy, therefore, has never been more relevant.

Chris McNab, 2014


IT IS UNDENIABLE that Britain has a particularly distinguished military history and martial tradition. What is often remarkable about this history is that is has generally been achieved with a comparatively small armed forces. Looking back to the medieval age, the martial burden of the nation was taken by a militia – a non-professional citizen army. Various royal statutes placed obligations for male citizens to serve in the militia at times of crisis, led by the noble knights who owed feudal service to the king or queen. There were very few of what we would know as ‘standing forces’ (full-time professional soldiers) – isolated examples include the Yeoman of the Guard, essentially a professional royal bodyguard force created by Henry VII in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field. It should also be noted that the medieval monarchs drew heavily upon foreign mercenaries to patch the gaps in military capability – Britain’s armies have frequently been international bodies.

The soldiers of the medieval militias were kept busy through an endless sequence of destructive wars, from bitter civil conflicts such as the War of the Roses (1455–87) to distant expeditionary adventures like the Crusades in the Middle East. Hundreds of thousands of British citizens served and died for causes truly remote from their daily lives and concerns, although the ferocity with which they fought gave the British renown as a warrior race.

The nature of Britain’s armed forces changed considerably during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, not least in terms of maritime power. By the sixteenth century, the nation had already established a ‘Navy Royal’, a force of State-owned warships and naval facilities. The size and power of the force waxed and waned, the British fleet often supplemented by private vessels to fight its wars. Crises were averted, such as the repulsion of the Spanish Armada in 1588 (as much by virtue of the resistant British weather as its navy), but as an island nation Britain needed a more formidable fleet. This ambition was realised in the seventeenth century, as the Navy Royal expanded under both Charles I (r. 1625–49) and II (r. 1660–85) and the rule of Oliver Cromwell/the Commonwealth that separated the kings’ rule. Through major programmes of shipbuilding, fuelled by conflicts such as the Third Anglo-Dutch War (1672–74) and the War of the Grand Alliance (1688–97), Britain acquired a ‘Royal Navy’ and became the most powerful naval force on the planet for the next 200 years.

The army was also changing. Queen Elizabeth’s long-running war against the Spanish in the Netherlands from 1595 demanded huge amounts of manpower. Although still using the militia system, Elizabeth oversaw a degree of professionalisation of the army, particularly in terms of command and administration, but it still didn’t give Britain a stable force. Ironically, it took revolution to transform Britain’s land forces. Following the overthrow and execution of Charles I, Oliver Cromwell’s ‘New Model Army’ became Britain’s first professional standing army. It was well trained, liable for service in any destination (previously many militias had been bound to service in just a single local area) and had a professional officer class. Although the Commonwealth collapsed in 1660, with the restoration of Charles II, the new monarch saw the clear value of a standing army, and began to build up his own. This army swelled rapidly – it reached about 40,000 men strong under James II (1685–88) – and was structured around a regimental system that still exists today. This system, which first emerged in the sixteenth century, created formations of soldiers with a fierce sense of local identity and geographical connection. (The practice of creating county, as opposed to numbered, regiments was actually implemented by Richard Haldane, the British Secretary of State for War between 1905 and 1912.)