was a red-headed slattern sweeping the veranda—nobody else visible
about the house. All the shutters of the stone and timber chalet were
closed; cow-barn, stable, springhouse and bottling house appeared to
be deserted. Weeds smothered the garden where a fountain played above
a brimming basin of gray stone; cat-grass grew rank on the oval lawn
around the white-washed flag-pole from which no banner flapped. An
intense and heated silence possessed the place. Tall mountains
circled it, cloud-high, enormous, gathered around the little valley
as though met in solemn council there under the vast pavilion of sky.From
the zenith of the azure-tinted tent hung that Olympian lantern called
the sun, flooding every crested snow-peak with a nimbus of pallid
these terms of belles-lettres I called Smith's attention to the
majesty of the scene."Very
impressive," remarked Smith, lighting a cigarette and getting
out of the Flivver;—"I trust that our luncheon may impress us
as favorably." And he looked across the weedy drive at the
red-headed slattern who was now grooming the veranda with a slopping
ankles might be far less ornamental," he observed. I did not
look. Ankles had long ceased to mean anything to me.After
another moment's hesitation I handed Smith his suit-case, picked up
my own, and descended from the Flivver. The Swiss officer at the
wheel, Captain Schey, and the Swiss officer of Gendarmerie beside
him, Major Schoot, remained heavily uninterested in the proceedings.
To think of nothing is bovine; to think of nothing at all, and do
that thinking in German, is porcine. I inspected their stolid
features: no glimmer of human intelligence illuminated them. Their
complexions reminded me of that moist pink hue which characterizes a
freshly cut boiled ham.Smith
leisurely examined the buildings and their surroundings, including
the red-headed girl, and I saw him shrug his shoulders. He was right;
it was a silly situation and a ridiculous property for a New Yorker
to inherit. And the longer I surveyed my new property the more
worried I became.I
said in English to Major Schoot, one of the ample, pig-pink gentlemen
in eye-glasses and the uniform of the Swiss Gendarmerie: "So
this is Schwindlewald, is it?"He
blinked his pale little eyes without interest at the low chalet and
out-buildings; then his vague, weak gaze flickered up at the terrific
mountains around us."Yes,"
he replied, "this is now your property, Mr. O'Ryan.""Well,
I don't want it," I said irritably. "I've told you that
several times.""Quite
right," remarked Smith; "what is Mr. O'Ryan going to do
with a Swiss hotel, a cow-barn, a bottling factory, one red-headed
girl, and several large mountains? I ask you that, Major?"I
was growing madder and madder; and Smith's flippancy offended me."I'm
an interior decorator," I said to Major Schoot. "I've told
you that a dozen times, too. I don't wish to conduct a hotel in
Switzerland or Greenland or Coney Island or any other land! I do not
desire either to possess kine or to deprive them of their milk.
Moreover, I do not wish to bottle spring water. Why then am I not
permitted to sell this bunch of Swiss scenery and go home? What about
my perfectly harmless business?"Major
Schoot rolled his solemn fish-blue eyes: "The laws of the canton
and of the Federal Government," he began in his weak tenor
voice, "require that any alien inheriting property in the Swiss
Republic, shall reside upon that property and administer it for the
period of not less than one year before offering the said property
for sale or rent——"He
already had told me that a dozen times; and a dozen times I had
resisted, insisting that there must be some way to circumvent such a
ridiculous Swiss law. Of what use are laws unless one can circumvent
them, as we do?I
now gazed at him with increasing animosity. In his uniform of Major
of Swiss Gendarmes he appeared the personification of everything
officially and Teutonically obtuse."Do
you realize," I said, "that my treatment by the Swiss
Confederation and by the Federal police has been most extraordinary?
A year ago when my uncle's will was probated, and that German
attorney in Berne notified me in New York that I had inherited this
meaningless mess of house and landscape, he also wrote that upon
coming here and complying with the Swiss law, I could immediately
dispose of the property if I so desired? Why the devil did he write
was a year ago," nodded Major Schoot. Captain Schey regarded me
owlishly. "A new law," he remarked, "has been since
have suspected," said I fiercely, "that this brand new law
enacted in such a hellofa hurry was enacted expressly to cover this
case of mine. Why? Why does your government occupy itself with me and
my absurd property up here in these picture-book Alps? What
difference does it make to Switzerland whether I sell it or try to
run it? And another thing!—" I continued, madder than ever at
the memory of recent wrongs—"Why do your police keep visiting
me, inspecting me and my papers, trailing me around? Why do large,
moon-faced gentlemen seat themselves beside me in restaurants and
cafés and turn furtive eyes upon me? Why do they open newspapers and
punch holes in them to scrutinize me? Why do they try to listen to my
conversation addressed to other people? Why do strange ladies lurk at
my elbow when hotel clerks hand me my mail? Dammit, why?"Major
Schoot and Captain Schey regarded me in
tweedle-dum-and-tweedle-dee-like silence: then the Major said: "Under
extraordinary conditions extraordinary precautions are necessary."
And the Captain added: "These are war times and Switzerland must
observe an impartial neutrality.""You
mean a German neutrality," I thought to myself, already
unpleasantly aware that all the banks and all the business of
Switzerland are owned by Teutons and that ninety per cent of the
Swiss are German-Swiss, and speak German habitually.And
still at the same time I realized that, unless brutally menaced and
secretly coerced by the boche the Swiss were first of all
passionately and patriotically Swiss, even if they might be German
after that fact. They wished to be let alone and to remain a free
people. And the Hun was blackmailing them.Smith
had now roamed away through the uncut grass, smoking a cigarette and
probably cursing me out—a hungry, disconsolate figure against the
background of deserted buildings.I
turned to Major Schoot and Captain Schey:"Very
well, gentlemen; if there's no immediate way of selling this property
I'll live here until your law permits me to sell it. But in the
meanwhile it's mine. I own it. I insist on my right of privacy. I
shall live here in indignant solitude. And if any stranger ever sets
a profane foot upon this property I shall call in the Swiss police
and institute legal proceedings which——""Pardon,"
interrupted Major Schoot mildly, "but the law of Switzerland
provides for Government regulation of all inns, rest-houses, chalets,
and hotels. All such public resorts must remain open and receive
won't open my chalet!" I said. "I'd rather fortify it and
die fighting! I hereby formally refuse to open it to the public!""It
is open," remarked Captain Schey, "theoretically.""Theoretically,"
added Major Schoot, "it never has been closed. The law says it
must not be closed. Therefore it has not been closed. Therefore it is
open. Therefore you are expected to entertain guests at a reasonable
if I don't?" I demanded."Unhappily,
in such a case, the Federal Government regretfully confiscates the
property involved and administers it according to law.""But
I wish to reside here privately until such time as I am permitted to
sell the place! Can't I do that? Am I not even permitted privacy in
this third-rate musical comedy country?""Monsieur,
the Chalet of Schwindlewald has always been a public 'Cure,' not a
private estate. The tourist public is always at liberty to come here
to drink the waters and enjoy the climate and the view. Monsieur,
your late Uncle, purchased the property on that understanding.""My
late Uncle," said I, "was slightly eccentric. Why in God's
name he should have purchased a Swiss hotel and bottling works in the
Alps he can perhaps explain to his Maker. None of his family know.
And all I have ever heard is that somebody interested him in a plan
to drench Europe with bottled spring-water at a franc a quart; and
that a further fortune was to be extracted from this property by
trapping a number of Swiss chamois and introducing the species into
the Andes. Did anybody ever hear of such nonsense?"The
Swiss officers gaped at me. "Very remarkable," said Major
Schoot without any inflection in his voice or any expression upon his
weary of prowling about the place, came over and said in a low voice:
"Cut it out, old chap, and start that red-headed girl to
cooking. Aren't you hungry?"I
was hungry, but I was also irritated and worried.I
stood still considering the situation for a few moments, one eye on
my restless comrade, the other reverting now and then to the totally
emotionless military countenances in front of me."Very
well," I said. "My inheritance appears to be valuable,
according to the Swiss appraisal. I shall, therefore, pay my taxes,
observe the laws of Switzerland, and reside here until I am at
liberty to dispose of the property. And I'll entertain guests if I
must. But I don't think I'm likely to be annoyed by tourists while
this war lasts. Do you?""Tourists
tour," observed Major Schoot solemnly."It's
a fixed habit," added Captain Schey,—"war or no war.
Tourists invariably tour or," he added earnestly, "they
would not be tourists.""Also,"
remarked Schoot, "the wealthy amateur chamois hunter is always
with us. Like the goitre, he is to be expected in the Alps.""Am
I obliged to let strangers hunt on my property?" I asked,
revenue to an estate is always considerable," explained Schoot.
"With your inn, your 'Cure,' your bottling works, and your
hunting fees your income should be enviable, Mr. O'Ryan."I
gazed angrily up at the mountains. Probably every hunter would break
his neck. Then a softer mood invaded my wrath, and I thought of my
late uncle and of his crazy scheme to stock the Andes with chamois—a
project which, while personally pursuing it, and an infant chamois,
presently put an end to his dashing career upon earth. He was some
uncle, General Juan O'Ryan, but too credulous, and too much of a
mountain did he fall off?" I inquired in a subdued voice, gazing
up at the ring of terrific peaks above us."That
one—the Bec de
said Captain Schey, in the funereal voice which decency requires when
chronicling necrology.I
looked seriously at the peak known as "The Emperor's Nose."
No wonder my uncle broke his neck."Which
Emperor?" I inquired absently."The
don't mean William of Hohenzollern!""The
All-Highest of Germany," he replied in a respectful voice. "But
the name is in French. That is good politics. We offend nobody.""Oh.
Well, why
all the same?""Why
celebrate the All-Highest's Imperial nose?""Why
not?" retorted the Swiss mildly; "he suggested it.""The
Kaiser suggested that the mountain be named after his own nose?""He
did. Moreover it was from that peak that the All-Highest declared he
could smell the Rhine. Tears were in his eyes when he said it. Such
sentiment ought to be respected.""May
I be permitted to advise the All-Highest to return there and continue
his sentimental sniffing?""For
what purpose, Monsieur?""Because,"
I suggested pleasantly, "if he sniffs very earnestly he may
scent something still farther away than the Rhine.""The
Seine?" nodded Captain Schey with a pasty, neutral smile."I
meant the United States," said I carelessly. "If William
sniffs hard enough he may smell the highly seasoned stew that they
say is brewing over there. It reeks of pep, I hear."The
two neutral officers exchanged very grave glances. Except for my
papers, which were most perfectly in order and revealed me as a
Chilean of Irish descent, nothing could have convinced them or,
indeed, anybody else that I was not a Yankee. Because, although my
great grandfather was that celebrated Chilean Admiral O'Ryan and I
had been born in Santiago and had lived there during early boyhood, I
looked like a typical American and had resided in New York for twenty
years. And there also I practiced my innocent profession. There were
worse interior decorators than I in New York and I was, perhaps, no
worse than any of them—if you get what I am trying not to say."Gentlemen,"
I continued politely, "I haven't as yet any lavish hospitality
to offer you unless that red-headed girl yonder has something to cook
and knows how to cook it. But such as I have I offer to you in honor
of the Swiss army and out of respect to the Swiss Confederation.
Gentlemen, pray descend and banquet with me. Join our revels. I ask
said they were much impressed by my impulsive courtesy but were
obliged to go back to barracks in their flivver."Before
you go, then," said I, "you are invited to witness the
ceremony of my taking over this impossible domain." And I took a
small Chilean flag from the breast pocket of my coat, attached it to
the halyards of the white-washed flag pole, and ran it up, whistling
the Chilean national anthem.Then
I saluted the flag with my hat off. My bit of bunting looked very gay
up there aloft against the intense vault of blue.Smith,
although now made mean by hunger, was decent enough to notice and
salute my flag. The flag of Chili is a pretty one; it carries a
single white star on a blue field, and a white and a red stripe.One
has only to add a galaxy of stars and a lot more stripes to have the
flag I had lived under so many years.And
now that this flag was flying over millions of embattled
Americans—well, it looked very beautiful to me. And was looking
more beautiful every time I inspected it. But the Chilean O'Ryans had
no business with the Star Spangled Banner as long as Chili remained
neutral. I said this, at times to Smith, to which he invariably
remarked: "Flap-doodle! No Irishman can keep out of this shindy
long. Watch your step, O'Ryan."Now,
as I walked toward Smith, carrying my suitcase, he observed my advent
with hopeful hunger-stricken eyes."If
yonder maid with yonder mop can cook, and has the makings of a
civilized meal in this joint of yours, for heaven's sake tell her to
get on the job," he said. "What do you usually call her—if
not Katie?""How
do I know? I've never before laid eyes on her.""You
don't know the name of your own cook?""How
should I? Did you think she was part of the estate? That boche
attorney, Schmitz, at Berne, promised to send up somebody to look
after the place until I made up my mind what I was going to do.
That's the lady, I suppose. And Smith—did you ever see such very
red hair on any human woman?"I
may have spoken louder than I meant to; evidently my voice carried,
for the girl looked over her shabby shoulder and greeted us with a
clear, fresh, unfeigned, untroubled peal of laughter. I felt myself
growing red. However, I approached her. She wore a very dirty
dress—but her face and hands were dirtier."Did
Schmitz engage you and are you to look out for us?" I inquired
in German."If
you please," she replied in French, leaning on her mop and
surveying us out of two large gray eyes set symmetrically under the
burnished tangle of her very remarkable hair."My
child," I said in French, "why are you so dirty? Have you
by chance been exploring the chimney?""I
have been cleaning fireplaces and pots and pans, Monsieur. But I will
make my toilet and put on a fresh apron for luncheon.""That's
a good girl," I said kindly. "And hasten, please; my
friend, Mr. Smith, is hungry; and he is not very amiable at such
went into the empty house; she showed us our rooms."Luncheon
will be served in half an hour, Messieurs," she said in her
cheerful and surprisingly agreeable voice, through which a hidden
vein of laughter seemed to run.After
she had gone Smith came through the connecting door into my room,
drying his sunburned countenance on a towel."I
didn't suppose she was so young," he said. "She's very
young, isn't she?""Do
you mean she's too young to cook decently?""No.
I mean—I mean that she just seems rather young. I merely noticed
said I without interest. But he lingered about, buttoning his collar."You
know," he remarked, "she wouldn't be so bad looking if
you'd take her and scrub her.""I've
no intention of doing it," I retorted."Of
course," he explained, peevishly, "I didn't mean that you,
personally, should perform ablutions upon her. I merely meant——""Sure,"
said I frivolously; "take this cake of soap and chase her into
the fountain out there.""All
the same," he added, "if she'd wash her face and fix her
hair and stand up straight she'd have—er—elements.""Elements
of what?" I asked, continuing to unpack my suitcase and arrange
the contents upon my dresser. Comb and brushes I laid on the left;
other toilet articles upon the right; in the drawers I placed my
underwear and linen and private papers.Then
I took the photograph which I had purchased in Berne and stood it up
against the mirror over my dresser. Smith came over and looked at it
with more interest than he had usually displayed.It
was the first photograph of any woman I had ever purchased. Copies
were sold all over Europe. It seemed to be very popular and cost two
francs fifty unframed. I had resisted it in every shop window between
London and Paris. I nearly fell for it in Geneva. I did fall in
Berne. It was called "The Laughing Girl," and I saw it in a
shop window the day of my arrival in Berne. And I could no more get
it out of my mind than I could forget an unknown charming face in a
crowded street that met my gaze with a shy, faint smile of
provocation. I went back to that shop and bought the photograph
labeled "The Laughing Girl." It traveled with me. It had
become as necessary to me as my razor or toothbrush.As
I placed it on the center of my dresser tilted back against the
looking-glass, for the first time since it had been in my possession
an odd and totally new sense of having seen the original of the
picture somewhere—or having seen somebody who resembled it—came
into my mind."As
a matter of fact," remarked Smith, tying his tie before my
mirror, "that red-haired girl of yours downstairs bears a
curious resemblance to your lady-love's photograph.""Good
Lord!" I exclaimed, intensely annoyed. Because the same
distasteful idea had also occurred to me.