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"A new view on the Myth of Adam and Eve" Wolf von Guggenberger succeeds in describing a possible, very plausible and new background for the "Adam and Eve myth". Although he sticks to the myth, he refutes the idea of original sin and frees Eve from the role of sinner - and thus also women from it. A great book
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Seitenzahl: 80
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023
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Andreas Wolf von Guggenberger Großbeerenstraße 34 10965 Berlin Germany Tel: 0049 (0) 176 326 51 [email protected]
What do I describe in this book?
How the ADAME PLANE – the heavens and paradise – could have come into being?
The Evolution soul
The spherical people are awakening:
Primordial Principle: Dispute
Primordial Principle: The ME of the spherical people
Primordial Principle: Unpleasant, unknown things are avoided.
Primordial principle: One turns to the same or similar things
Primordial principle: Evaluation
Primordial principle: Good reinforces good
Primordial principle: Negative reinforces negative
Primordial principle: Motivation
Primordial principle: Behaviors have consequences
Primordial principle: Acting reflexively
Primordial principle: Discussion and debates
Primordial principle: Identity
Primordial principle: Pride and envy
Primordial principle: Demarcation
Primordial principle: Fright, fear, confusion
Primordial principle: Insurrection
Primordial principle: Interest groups
Primordial principle: Doubt
Primordial principle: Pain of not being understood
Primordial principle: Ignorance
Primordial principle: Injury
Primordial principle: Displacement
Primordial principle: Unification
Primordial principle: Pregnancy
Primordial principle: Error
Primordial principle: Forgiveness
Primordial principle: Stretchable plasma
Primordial principle: Color and light contrasts
Primordial principle: Shadow and light
Primordial principle: The part
Primordial principle: The Consequence of our actions
Primordial principle: Boredom
Primordial principle: Obedience/disobedience
Primordial principle: Punishment/reward
Primordial principle: Win or Lose the game
Primordial principle: Conscience
Primordial principle: Feeling betrayed deception
Primordial principle: Honesty
Primordial principle: Friction generates heat
The Big Bang and the time after
This book describes a new view of the biblical story of "Adam, Eve and the forbidden Apple". In doing so, I build up on my main work: "Evolution of the creation and soul". In it, I also describe the time before that: How the souls‘ perceptive and communicative abilities might have developed, as the basis for the "Adam and Eve Myth".
What do I describe in this book?
By way of introduction, I briefly describe the origin of the evolutionary soul and how it gave rise to the ADAMEBENE.
The pictorial, spherical ADAM PLAINE represents the heaven and paradise.
I will describe the awakening of human beings and their development in the ADAM PLAINE.
The dispute of the angels, that leads to Eve eating the apple from the tree of knowledge.
In doing so, I will justify, why Eve was not a sinner and why there is no original sin for me.
How the ADAME PLANE – the heavens and paradise – could have come into being?
For a better understanding, I will now briefly start with the collective evolution soul:
The Evolution soul
The evolution soul will adapt the experiences of creation to the needs of the souls.
The evolution soul will store all the experiences and images of the souls, in order to process them and multiply them within itself.
With its total experiences, it will have an effect back on the souls.
In the future universe, spiritual evolution will split up itself into a second material evolution, with which it will co-operate in the atoms, genes and bodies.
Together with the spiritual evolution, the material evolution will work inside the souls, genes and their bodies
In the primordial ocean and in the collective evolution soul, the Unity Spirit works in the souls with its Light, Consciousness and Love. It experiences itself in them and works back on itself with their experiences. The new, collective evolution soul will store the experiences of all souls within itself, process them and multiply them within itself. It is superior to the souls, that "swim" in it like fishes. But since the Unity Spirit works in the collective evolution soul, the images of the earlier creation also appeared in it. Curiously, the souls floated around them to internalize them. In the future, these images will also appear in human beings, in their inspirations. Thus, all was moved by all and evolved in all.
In a distant future, the vibrations of love will protect the primordial sea from the violent experiences of the universe and the earth. The destructive will instantly be transformed into the love vibrations of the primordial sea.
What role will God play in evolution? God wanted to create a being that is similar to it, that independently and creatively creates his Diversity. To do this, it integrated the necessary experiences into the new images of the primordial sea. Suddenly, new images of seas, islands and skies rose up from the depths of the primordial sea. Although we souls did not know them yet, but we were fascinated by their beauty. Curious, we floated around them to internalize them and thus transform ourselves into the images. With the collective evolution soul, the souls, angels and the spiritual evolution will soon create the spherical ADAM PLAINE – the heaven with paradise. In it, the concepts for the universe and the earth will also arise. In the center of the ADAM PLAINE, the universe will also be created later. In a distant future, the souls will be drawn into the universe. There the spiritual evolution will split up itself into a second material evolution of atoms and genes. Together they will interact in souls, creatures and humans.
In eternity, the spherical creation with its inner spheres of light, colors, sound and the primordial sea had formed. In its center the evolution soul was created, in which the souls moved. There the spitritual dispositions of the souls were created and the abilities to communicate with each other.
In the center of the evolution soul, the ADAMEBENE – heaven, paradise – is now created.
The planes of creation surround each other spherical.
The old high-resolution ones penetrate the young and denser plaines of creation.
I interpret the biblical six days of creation with plaines of creation.
I interpret the words of God with images, because words usually convey images.
In the meantime, more and more spherically, luminous images of blue skies, seas and green islands rose up in the primordial sea and in the evolution soul. They were images of the earlier creation, that will come together to form the new ADAM PLAINE. We souls were mesmerized by them. Never before we had seen such beauty. The images inspired us, because they showed us, what we could create from dots and lines. Curious, we internalized them and thus transformed ourselves into them. This also gave us completely new experiences, that drove our developments. Everything now began to nuance. New images of skies, seas, islands and plants were constantly appearing. Driven by the principle of similarity, the images of the seas merged with the seas and those of the skies with the sky. This resulted in hovering seas with islands and landscapes, over which the sky shines blue. Our past lost its charm. The new ADAM PLAINE now began to develop around us souls. Creation had new experiences with us, with which it worked back on itself. It evolved with us souls. In this way, everything reacted to everything. We souls condensed, which increased our tensions. This made the spherical images and colors more visible and clear. We souls felt better. Our perception differentiated, so that we could better distinguish our inner from the outer. This also strengthened the effect of our actions. In the meantime, we had become sea and island souls. Spherical meadow, flower, tree and animal souls had emerged.
The ADAM PLAINE was illuminated by the spheres of light and colour of creation. How? Driven by the primal principle of "similar things recognize and combine with each other", the sea images had merged together into spherically seas. Everything was luminous and spherical. The same happened with the images of islands and stars. Landscapes with plant and animal souls had emerged on the spherical luminous islands. The evolution soul worked through the souls, back on itself. It nourished the souls with its images, experiences and light. In these processes we souls condensed much more, than the ADAM PLAINE surrounding us. Flooded with new power, we were also able to work better. We perceived ourselves more and more as something of our own. In the meantime, two naked people were lying under a tree, still asleep. We paid no attention to them, because we were preoccupied with the constantly emerging images. Without being aware of it, we were also calling up similar images of the previous creation with our experiences, which rose up to us in a flash from the primordial sea. They emerged around us and within us.