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In his work "Evolution of Creation and the Soul", Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger, describes a fascinating creation myth and presents a new ethic for our time. His original vision of the origin and genesis of creation combines scientific and spiritual theories with a deeply felt religious vision to create a stirring synthesis. In it he describes: - How souls might have come into being with their levels of perception. How they communicate. - How in the ADAMEBENE - in the heavens, the basic concepts for the universe and man evolved. - A new perspective on the Adam-Eve myth. - The origin of the universe with the evolution of human beings. - He expands the concept of evolution by distinguishing between a spiritual evolution of consciousness and a material evolution of the universe. Spiritual and material interpenetrate and mutually evolve. - How fate, mental predispositions, the will and chance create each other. With 154 principles of creation, he describes a continuous evolution of soul and creation. He shows how these principles manifest themselves simultaneously in the everyday perception of man. His work has emerged from introspection, research and a journey of realization. He draws from his own visions, which is why his concepts differ from those of other philosophers and religious thinkers.
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Seitenzahl: 384
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023
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Andreas Wolf von Guggenberger Großbeerenstraße 34 10965 Berlin Germany Tel: 0049 (0) 176 326 51 [email protected]
The active Self-Creating Unity Spirit in everything
The Passive Unity Consciousness in the spirit
The Unitary Light in the spirit
The Love in the spirit
How will evolution work?
The primoridial principles, experiences and possibilities are awakend
Unity and Diversity
Possibility and Potential
Attention and concentration
The reflecting canvas of the Unit Spirit
The recognition
The knowledge
Imprinting the Spirit
We focus our attention of our self
The creation begins
The three levels of consciousness
Creation begins to develop
The feminine primordial principle: The inner
The masculine primordial principle: The outside
The distinguishing
Something similar recognizes and connects with something similar
Spheres of light
Lack of light creates tension and movement
The inner, condensed light pushes back into eternity.
Refraction of light
Conscious ideas reinforce themselves
: Point
Binding and seperation were reinforced
Line and sphere
Shape transformation
Independent action
Nothing arises from itself
Everything depends on everything
Repetition condenses and reinforce
Everything develops individually
Distribution and diffusion
Forming forces
Dissolving forces
The three qualities of movement
Dillatation, expansion
Light breathing
Mental projection
Spherical sounds
How the images became souls
Angels as spiritual guides
Group souls
Mental imprints
Everything develops a little differently
: Association
What are the functions of feelings?
The light reflection process
Orientation according to the light
Lack of light produces tension and movement
Unusual excites curiosity
Movement leads to voltage discharge
Light saturates us
Cause and effect
The limited will
The ME
Selective awarness
The idea
Image chains
Conscious decision and intention
The collective evolutionary soul
Shape, figure
Colour pattern of the bodies
Resistance provokes strength
Imitation and learning
Inner light organs
Angelic hierarchy
Too much of something becomes unpleasant
Exchange of light balances too dense and stress
Unequal repels
Sharing light creates beautiful sensations
Light must be constantly in flux
Light breathing
Mindfulness and compassion.
The soul
The evolutionary level of man
The ME of the personality
How does the soul in man interact with his evolutionary level, the personality, the ME and the body in man?
The spherical people awaken
The ME of the spherical people
Unpleasant and unknown things are avoided
One turns to the same or similar things
Good reinforces good
Negative reinforces negative
Behaviours have consequences
Acting reflexivly
Discussion and debates
Pride and envy
Fright, fear, confusion
Interest groups
Pain of not being understood
Stretchable plasma
Colour and light contrasts
Shadow and light
The part
The consequence of our action
Win or lose the game
Feeling betrayed deception
Friction generates heat.
The big bang and the time after
The material evolution
The three levels of consciousness
Back to the beginning of the universe
Color plaines – heavens
Light and darkness
Dark Matter - Energy becomes Mass
Vacuum and Emptiness
Types of light and drives
First cosmic principle:
Form, dissolution and transformation forces create diversity.
Second cosmic principle:
Atoms and bodies encapsulate energies and light.
Third cosmic principle:
Everything revolves around itself.
Fourth cosmic principle:
Everything will revolve around itself in a spiral and process-like manner.
Fifth cosmic principle:
From atoms evolved suns and stars
Sixth cosmic principle:
"Absorbe process and release"
Seventh cosmic principle:
Everything is dependent from each other
The seven cosmic principles are driven by the ancient primordial principles of dilation, contraction and pulsation
Black Holes
Time and space
Everything comes from outside
inner reacts to what comes from outside
When my dear friend Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger asked me, if I wanted to write the prologue for his new book, I immediately said yes. I have not regretted it, because I was taken on a great journey by reading his work: Looked behind the curtain..., what holds the world together at its core, once from the earth to heaven and back again.
Andreas has taken the step to create a new image of creation. A creation, which explains humanity, space, time and sense In this comprehensive work, we find the essences of Laotse‘s origin of the mentionless and the nameless, connected with dreams of Genesis and the garden with the archetypes of Plato. This book is a successful attempt to give the nameless a space, a home. Despite the profundity, it has almost a style of a novel. A novel of creation, in which we can get closer to the world and to God. Myth and Spirit unite in a birth, that becomes visible in transcendence and takes shape. Polarities combine to form Unity. What you can hardly express with words, one can find here. The reader suspects the glow, the melody of the absolute behind the novel-type written lines. He finds himself and his inner self in the process of reading. It is a book about the knowledge and clarity of the relationship of heaven and earth. It tells about the diversity of creation, about God, angels and people and the deep meaning of their internal and external relations. Above all, it also frees from the delusions and errors of ideologies, which are confused by some with the core of religions. So, it liberates us and reveals the view of the truth. It leads to a true inner relationship, to a love for God, and nothing can stay in this way.
On this journey in the universe of space, time, matter and spirit, we encounter the meaning behind things and this meaning is expressed in the communities of people. As in other great works, this is not about the constructed or the imagined, but is a journey to a revelation of truths, one of many worlds. If I had to describe his book with just one word, I would say:
I almost forgot something. You can clearly feel that for Andreas an important topic was, to include scientific concepts, building a bridge between religion, philosophies, mysticism and the science. And he absolutely succeeded in this. But this also reminded me of a saying of my beloved mentor Prof. Friedrich Weinreb, who said:
The greatest mystic is also the greatest realist.
As a founder of Media Markt and philosophy graduate, I have always tried to combine everyday life with idealism. What unites Andreas and me, is that we are about people, about their salvation in everyday life, far from a dreamy esotericism.
In this sense, we are happy to put our next to our beloved attention. This beautiful work should also call for this.
Walter Gunz
The active, Self-Creating Unity Spirit in everything
The creative principle of the self-creating Oneness Spirit will be constantly recreated itself in all future souls, creatures and people. In these processes the original principles and formless experiences will also get form, expression and effect again by the souls. Through the Consciousness and Light of the Oneness Spirit, the creatures will recognize themselves in it. Moved by the Creative Power and Light of the Oneness Spirit, all and everything will move and create in it. The Unity Spirit stores all the experiences of the past and future creation. All experiences ever made will be processed in it and transported in his Light. In its Light of Unity, the future souls and creatures will be reflected and become visible on the „reflecting canvas of the Spirit of Unity“. They will perceive and communicate with each other in the Unity Consciousness. Everything will be reflected in it, because the Oneness Spirit works with his Creative Power in everything and illuminates everyone with its Light. The Unity Consciousness with its Light, Spirit and formless experiences will divide up itself into the future spaces and souls with its Divine Being. In the souls the formless experiences and primal principles will also get form, expression and effect again. The Creative, Self-creating Spirit of Unity in everything will move all future souls, creatures and people from within, to create and individualize themselves. Moved by the Creative Power, everyone will move and work in it. Created by it, the souls, creatures and we humans will create the Diversity of Creation. At the same time, the Spirit of Unity will recognize itself again in all, in all of us, who recognize ourselves together in it. In its interior, it will process all the experiences ever made, multiply them and work back with them on the souls and us. It will nourish future souls with its Light and its experiences.
The Passive Unity Consciousness in the spirit
The future souls, creatures and people will perceive themselves in the Unity Consciousness. Together they will recognize themselves in it, which makes reactions, actions, interactions and communication possible in the first place.
The Unitary Light in the spirit
The condensed Unified Light will make everything visible and recognizable on the „reflecting canvas of the Unity Spirit“. The Spiritual Light will transport the experiences and information of the souls. The souls will be nourished and developed with the Spiritual Light and the experiences of the Unity, as a result of which they will unfold. Moved by the exchange of experiences of the creatures, the Spiritual Light will also transport the thoughts and information of people in the future.
The Love in the spirit
Unity Spirit, Light and Unity Consciousness form a Unity in Love. Love will balance everything and open it towards God. It will work through the boundaries and help to preserve them. With its Divine Being, Love will divide up itself in all souls, in order to give each creature an individual being. It will individualize in the souls and personify in people. God, as the All-Encompassing Eternity and Unity, will create itself in its Creation as Diversity. God is the Eternal Unity, the Resting in itself and the Moving, Ephemeral Diversity at the same time. But since God permeates and unites everything with its Divine Essence, it will also experience itself in everything with its Unity Consciousness. God will experience the consequences of its possibilities in the experiences of the souls. As the future souls and creatures in it react to each other, they will condense and recharge, as a result of which tensions and movements will arise. Through their bodies they will receive expression and effects.
With the Spirit of the Creation, which creates itself in everything, the spiritual evolution was also awakened. Evolution was driven by formless experiences searching for form, expression and effect. In the spiritual evolution, the experiences of souls and creatures will be processed and multiplied. With its experiences, which it processes into itself, spiritual evolution will retroact to the souls. How? By making images appear in the interior of the future souls, in which experiences are packed, that the souls will develop.
In the future, spiritual evolution will create the following:
A new creation
Images as preforms of souls
The Souls
In the exchange of experiences of souls, their levels of perception will arise.
A new, collective evolutionary soul will emerge, which will store and process the experiences of the souls.
The pictorial-spherical PLAINE OF ADAM will emerge, in which the social behavior of the souls will be shaped. In it, the concepts of the future universe will also develop.
So, I will also describe the Adam and Eve myth anew and interpret it anew.
After that, I will describe a possible formation of the universe,
The evolution of the humans.
With these levels, I will also show the evolution of the souls. I will also show every primal principle in the future of the people and communities, as it is expressed in them.
How will evolution work?
In the future universe and on Earth, spiritual evolution with its experiences will act on the minds of souls, atoms and creatures. It will penetrate them with its experiences and pictures to connect them within herself.
In the universe, spiritual evolution will also be divided up into a material evolution, which will permeate it at the same time.
The material evolution: On Earth, it will work in the atoms, genes and hormones of the plants, animals and humans.
The spiritual evolution: It will develop interspecies plants of basic social behavior in the creatures.
The experiences of the creatures will be stored in their memories and multiplied in their inner Evolutionary level. Both are permeated of the spiritual evolution. How? The spiritual evolutionary soul will permeate all spaces, souls and creatures in the universe. She processes and multiplies their experiences, pictures and retroact with them to the creatures, who will change nature with them. Through the creatures and people, spiritual evolution also affects the material evolution. Both will develop each other in the communities.
That‘s why we humans will not only make experiences for ourselves. Each of us will make them for all of us. Stored and processed in spiritual evolution, the experiences will be available for all creatures again. They will serve their development, their survival and their social, interspecies basic behaviors.
After God had once realized itself in its previous creation, the bodies and souls of that time had dissolved in its spirit. He rested. With its formless experiences of the previous creation, it „slept“. But now God awoke again. In its Eternity there was silence and peace. Everything seemed to be „empty“. There were no spaces, energies or forms. With God, its Unity Consciousness, its invisible Light and its Oneness Spirit, its formless experiences also awoke. Its formless experiences frightened, as they no longer recognized each other without images and bodies. Without a body, they had no expression and no effect. But since the Unity Spirit, with its Consciousness and invisible Light, worked through its experiences, it connected them within himself. But as the formless experiences no longer recognized themselves in it, they were frightened and condensed in this process. As a result, however, the invisible Oneness Light also condensed. The formless experiences were moved by the Unity Spirit. How? It created in them hunches and longings for bodies. Confused, they searched for form, expression and effect. In the Oneness Spirit, the first primal principles now also awakened, with which God will soon create its next creation.
The primoridial principles, experiences and possibilities are awakend
Thus, the Unity Spirit will now divide up its creative power into the original principles. Together they will move and develop everything. But what interested me about the original principles, that work in everything? I was looking for a possibility, a model of how the primal principles once created the souls and levels of creation. How that would show up in us people and communities today? That is why in this book, I will jump back and forth between the construction of creation at that time and us people of the present, in order to show, how the original principles developed at that time and how they are expressed in us today.
Primordial principle: Unity and Diversity
The basic principle of „Unity-Diversity“ will be the basis for everything in the future. God – as the All-Encompassing, Dormant Unity, wanted to create itself again as a Moving Diversity in its new creation. With its Divine Being, its Oneness Spirit, Consciousness and Oneness Light, God will divide up itself into the rooms, images and souls in the future. With its Divine Essence it will give the creatures their essence and radiance. In the images and souls, its experiences are to be given form, expression and effects again. So, it wanted to give form and expression to its Diversity again.
Everything visible will be a reflecting mirror of God‘s Unity and Diversity. All souls, bodies and objects will be units consisting of the diversity of their parts. Inside, their parts will consist of even smaller units. The future human being will also be a unity consisting of the diversity of his cells, bacteria, thoughts and ideas. Thus, everything that will come in the future, will be reflected in the basic principle of „Unity-Diversity“, which will be individualized and expressed in everything. The Oneness Spirit will divide up itself with its experiences into the spaces and souls, in order to create itself in them, as Diversity.
So. I suspect, that God awakened only those experiences, that were useful to it for the construction of his new creation. What happened then? Awakened by the impulses of the Unity Spirit, we – the formless experiences were frightened. Even though we knew, that we existed, we couldn‘t recognize each other anymore. So, another primal principle awoke:
Primordial principle: Self-knowledge
For us – formless experiences, everything seemed „empty“, shapeless and timeless, without energy. Through the Spirit of Unity, we received diffuse forebodings – as we once were. We were frightened, because we could not perceive ourselves without a body. We were present without having a presence. Confused, we wondered, if we existed or not? With this question, the urge for selfknowledge also arose in us.
Even on the future Earth, people will have to ask themselves, who they are in the ever-changing situations and relationships. When eating, working and loving, you will have to experience and adapt again and again in the mutual mirror. Again and again you will be confronted with the question: Who are you in this new situation?
Possibility and potential
The experiences could only exist, because they had the opportunities to do so. In order to become visible, the possibilities and experiences will need bearers: Images, souls, bodies, without which they are not recognizable. The possibility consists of an inner potential, that moves it. In order to develop their potentials, the possibilities need effective experiences, through which they will get form and expression again in the images, souls and creatures.
In the future, all creatures will develop from their experiences and possibilities. In order to drink, a person must first have an idea of how he could drink a glass of water. With the possibility of his imagination, he will now move his hand, take the glass and drink water.
Possibilities will also be the developmental engines of evolution. Without new possibilities and mistakes, everything would move in the same paths and routines. Nothing would change. There would be no developments. Thus, the possibilities are also drives for developments, for the creative and innovative.
God is at the same time the All–Encompassing Unity – Resting in itself, as well as its Diversity – the Moving, Embodying. With his possibilities and experiences, God will give form, expression and effect to its Diversity again. God wanted to create itself in its Diversity, in which it will multiply its experiences in the spaces and souls. To achieve this goal, it will need carriers: Images, souls and bodies, through which his experiences will be expressed.
At that time, we experiences had no forms. We exist without form, energy and without substance as possibilities. The Unity Spirit awakened our potentials and hunches through impulses, which awakened longings for forms in us. Moved by them, we began to look for each other. But frightened without a body, we did not recognize each other. As a result, the Unity Spirit also condensed with its self-creation power, which worked in all of us. He drove us, created in us longings for forms. This also awakened the next primal principle:
Primordial principle: Attention and concentration
With the question of whether we existed or not, we began to focus on each other in the mind and condensed in this process. At the same time, the Oneness Spirit, that permeates us all with its Consciousness and Invisible Light, was also condensed as a result.
Primordial principle: The Reflective canvas of the Unity Spirit
The condensing Spirit became a „reflecting canvas“, on which the light of the nascent creation will soon be reflected.
Primordial principle: The Recognition
The recognition began, by not recognizing anything, no longer recognizing ourselves and yet suspected, that we existed. We had no forms and therefore no expression.
In the future on Earth, it will be possible for people to realize themselves through their self-reflection in their thoughts, feelings and bodies. A man will think of a rose. He will recognize it and decide to buy his girlfriend a rose. But how the man will recognize the rose? With his attention he will recognize the idea of the Rose on the „reflecting canvas of his mind“, in the light of his soul.
Primordial principle: Knowledge
More and more hunches appeared in the spirit of our potentials. As a diffuse knowledge, they moved us formless experiences to look for form and expression. It was an intuitive knowledge of the previous creation, which moved us with impulses. But since there were no pictures yet, the knowledge turned into an indefinable, pressing longing, that drove us experiences.
Primordial principle: Imagination, an idea of something
The Spirit of Unity recognized itself in our confusions and made formless representations of our experience, which it multiplied in us. Without realizing it, hardly aware of ourselves and moved by the Unity Spirit, we began to make ideas of our confusions. Terrified, we focused on ourselves. As a result, the Unity Spirit condensed in all of us with its Invisible Light. Without pictures, we formless experiences could not recognize each other. Pushed by our longing, we became more and more restless at that time. Without perceiving us, we reacted to each other, as a result of which the Unity Spirit condensed more and more with its Invisible Light.
In the future on Earth, the primal principle of imagination inside people itself in people and express itself in completely different ways:
People will form ideas from each other, which they will reproduce in memories, ideas and thoughts.
So, it will also happen in the DNS. The RNA will make copies of his DNA, which will be packaged in the nucleus, inside proteins. Spread in the blood, they will move and develop the human with his hormones.
The future people will use their imaginations and ideas to develop new devices, tools and information technologies. With the help of mass media and computers, their ideas will be multiplied more and more quickly, as a result of which the density of information will increase. Your world will become „smaller“. Societies, cultures and religions will collide, creating friction, tensions and new possibilities.
At the time before creation, there were neither spaces nor energies, only „void“.
Primordial principle: Identification:
God wanted to create its new creation through us. For this purpose, it strengthened our intuitive knowledge inside its Spirit. Joined together in its Oneness Spirit, we responded as a Unity – like a swarm, although we did not yet recognize each other. We were driven by our knowledge to look for each other, as a result of which we identified with each other. In this way, we also identified ourselves with our intuitive knowledge and our hunches, in which we made intuitive ideas of them. But since we did not yet have an individual consciousness, each individual experience was also a collective Unit Experience at the same time.
It will be the same with humans. A man will describe a rose with words, as if he can see it right now. But how is this possible? He will describe the rose through his memories and experiences. How? By identifying with them and making ideas about them. The humans in the future will form ideas about each other, which they will store in their memories. They will identify with them, through which new ideas are created. These imaginations will be like tinted glasses, through which fellow human beings look at each other. With their glasses they will recognize themselves discolored : As who they are in the group and in the same time as WE – as group. As a result, they will also adopt the values, attitudes and motivations of the groups.
We experiences have been further developed by the Unity Spirit working within us. Moved by the Unity Spirit, we concentrated on each other, whereby at the same time the Unity Spirit with its Invisible Light condensed in all of us.
Primordial principle: Imprinting the Spirit of Unity
Through constantly, similarly repeated experiences, we were shaped in the Oneness Spirit – just like people, who constantly follow footprints in the sand, which also creates new paths. In the same time, we shaped the Unity Spirit with our experiences.
Primordial principle: We focus our attention on ourselves.
By identifying with our experiences, we began to spiral around ourselves with our attention. Our attention was shaped by it. We condensed in this process. This turning around ourselves, imprinted itself in all of us. Soon this principle will also lead to division, because the experiences will thereby detach themselves from the Oneness Consciousness.
Just as the future stars and planets revolve around themselves, people will also revolve around their experiences and desires with their attention.
At that time, before creation, everything was silent and „empty“. Pushed by our longing and the Unity Spirit – that was creating itself in us, we became more and more restless. With our help, God now wanted to give us all form, expression and effect again. For this, the necessary experiences of the previous creation were activated in us.
Primordial principle: Development
Hardly aware of ourselves, we reacted to each other at that time. Our experiences responded to our intuitive ideas and knowledge. So, everything condensed and developed. This also awakened the principle of development and with it the spiritual evolution.
Primordial principle: Condensation
As a result of the condensation, a new creation should soon arise.
Compression and light will play an existential role in the future. How come? Because the Spirit will condense itself in the Light of Creation over many levels. The Light will differentiate and transform:
In the future universe, the Unity Light will split up. It will continue to differentiate in the lights of the stars and suns, dividing up into strong, weak, electromagnetic and interacting gravitational forces.
When the Earth is formed, the glowing gas will cool down and condense with other things, in order to petrify as the earth‘s crust.
Gases will be created, that will form atmospheres around the planets and the Earth, which will filter the sunlight.
From air, gases and water, with the help of carbons and proteins, condensed slimes, jellies and minerals will be formed.
With their attention and concentration, the future humans will bundle the mind and the light of their thoughts. Packed in condensed sound waves and words, they will share their thoughts in discussions with friends.
Primordial principle: Tensions
In the Oneness Spirit, the compressions became more and more noticeable. Nuanced tensions arose in our experiences. Therefore we became more and more restless. Suddenly, something luminous appeared in the „emptiness“. Amazed, we focused on this something new and luminous, which suddenly formed all around us. The invisible Light became visible through its condensed Mind. We identified with it, so that it continued to condense and enlightened more strongly. Lights began to shine. Fascinated, we made up our ideas about them, which we internalized as pictures. On this way we became the light ourselves. Finally, we had found form and expression again. New lights appeared everywhere, which reacting to each other and merging with each other. At the same time, the Unity Spirit worked through us lights back on itself. Everything began to glow. We had become light ourselves. Suddenly we realized, that we really existed. It was glorious.
Thus the creation arose.
The creation begins:
The luminous creation, which will develop in a spherical shape, was surrounded and permeated with the invisible Eternity. The Unity Spirit, with its Consciousness and Light, had divided up itself with its Creative Power into creation and the primal principles, in order to create its future diversity. In this processes of creation, two new primal principles had also emerged:
Primordial principle: Binding-merging:
But because the Lights in the Oneness Consciousness functioned as a Unity – like a swarm, they merged with each other to form the light of creation. Thus, the luminous creation was arosed. With the creation, the Unity Consciousness also differentiated.
Primordial principle: Division
As a result of the compressions, fine tensions arose in the experiences. As the experiences revolved around themselves with their attention, they condensed further and began to shine. Shining as lights, they individualized themselves by dividing from each other inside the Unity Light.
Driven by spiritual evolution, a second level of Consciousness also began to develop with the creation. I will now briefly look into the future, to the humanity, in order to describe all three levels of Consciousness of creation:
The Three Level of Consciousness
The First level of Consciousness of the Oneness Spirit
The Unity Spirit, with its Consciousness and Oneness Light, is the substance of all spaces and souls. Eternity is the actual present, in which the time-spaces of the present, past and future will develop interactively. The future souls will float in the Unity Spirit, Light and Unity Consciousness, in which they perceive themselves. Only when we perceive something, it will become a reality for us. We experience ourselves through our self-perception. Thus, something can only react to a stimulus, when it has perceived it with its consciousness. The First level of Consciousness of Eternity will permeate all spaces, souls and creatures with its Spirit and Light and connect them within itself. Thus, it is also the basis for perception, communication and movements, as well as for actions, reactions and acts. The First level of Consciousness appears to us „empty“, devoid of form and energy. In fact, it is full of experiences of the previous creation. In the „emptiness“ of the Unity Spirit, all the future basic systems of creation are already contained. Thus, the First level of Consciousness is also the basis for:
Without a space, the creatures could not exist at all. You wouldn‘t recognize them at all. Without a space, they would not be able to move and develop. Without it, one could not distinguish one from the other.
The Second level of Consciousness of souls
With the creation, the Second level of Consciousness of the souls has now emerged. The Spirit of the First level of Consciousness will divide up into the future souls and condense with its Light and Conscious in them. So, in creation, the Eternity will divide up itself in the spaces and souls, that it will penetrate with its First level of Consciousness. How come? The formless experiences should get form, expression and effects again through the souls. With the spaces and souls, Creation will also create the foundations for movements and developments, in order to express its Diversity in this way. The Second level of Consciousness is also the level of simultaneity. Past, present and future time periods will create and permeate each other. They will coexist. In the Second level of Consciousness and souls will be nothing solid. The spherical images and souls will constantly adapt and transform.
Inside humans, the Second level of Consciousness is the level of our memories, thoughts and feelings, that float and move in our First level of consciousness. That is why we will be able to change our ideas and thoughts in our mind. In the Spirit, everything will be relative, changeable and possible. On the other hand, the Third level of Consciousness, that of our solid body, will be for us the actual and present. Our imagination and ideas of the Second level of Consciousness will be relative for us.
The Third level of consciousness of matter and physical bodies
The Third level of Consciousness of matter will be the level of solid bodies and that of life and death. In this way, the souls will enter the universe in the future, in order to be born on Earth by the women as human beings. The duration from their birth to death will be called life. After the death of the body, the soul will leave the Third level of Consciousness of matter to return to the Second level of the spirit. When the soul returns to Earth, it will become self-aware in the Second level of Consciousness of its thoughts and feelings and will feel itself in the Third level of its body. The Third level of consciousness of the material will be divided up into cause/effect periods and either/or qualities. Why will it split up in time periods? Because we humans can neither travel into the past, nor into the future with our bodies. In our Second level of Consciousness, on the other hand, we will be able to cross our present, past and future spaces with our attention in seconds. But if we express our thought in the Third level with our tongue, we will need minutes for this. Why? Because our heavy, dense bodies are very sluggish compared to our mind. As we pass through our dense body, our flows of light and time will slow down. Therefore, with the body, we will need more time to express our thought. At the same time, the Third level of Consciousness of our body will be for us the actual and present. In our Second level of Consciousness, our thoughts, ideas and desires will be relative and possible. Both will be imbued with the First level of Consciousness of the Unity Spirit, which unites us in Everything. Eternity with its Oneness Spirit, Consciousness and Oneness Light is the actual presence – the being, in which we will experience ourselves in our existence. In the Third level of Consciousness in our bodies, we will experience ourselves, in our spaces, as separate from each other. At the same time, we are moved by our thoughts and feelings of the Second level of Consciousness, which will float in the spirit of our First level of Consciousness and develop in it. United in the Oneness Spirit, we are with our souls parts of the Diversity and Unity at the same time.
With the original principles, I will also describe my idea of a possible evolution of creation and soul, which in reality had certainly developed much more complex. My model is certainly incomplete and full of errors, but I gave my best in the 10 years of constant revision my book. Therefore, I ask you for tolerance and advise you to focus on the important things. To make it a little easier for you, I will describe my idea in the narrative style, as if it actually happened. Why? I hope that this will give more vitality, so that you can better empathize with the development of the souls and better imagine the creation. Therefore, I will also spare you from constant phrases like: „... It could be that way, maybe it was so, we can‘t tell...“. So, I am aware that, what I am describing here, cannot actually be described. But it doesn‘t matter to me, whether it was the like this or happened differently. Why? It should simply give you a possible impression of how the creation and our souls could have once been created. Therefore, I also hope, that all the old ideas may appear to you in new angles.
With the Light of Creation, the developments of spiritual evolution were also accelerated at that time, which will create the following:
Spheres of lights, colors and sounds
The basics of images
Images with inner ideas
How the images will transform into souls.
In the exchange of experiences of souls, individual and collective levels of perception will arise.
In the spiritual primordial sea, the evolutionary soul and the ADAM PLANE will arise.
In the ADAM PLANE, the basic behavior systems of the souls and those of the universe will be created.
The „Adam-Eve myth“ will be rewritten and reinterpreted by me.
In the universe, spiritual evolution will be divided up into material evolution. Interacting together, they will create the suns, planets and the Earth with plants, animals and people.
Towards the end I will describe the evolution of the humans.
I will show, how the processes of development of souls and primal principles will manifest in us, communities and nature today.
Creation begins to develop
The Spirit of God, with its Unity Consciousness, Light and Love, will penetrate the levels of creation, souls, creatures and people in the future. It will develop them with the primordial principles and nourish the souls with experiences and Unity Light. We will recognize ourself on the „reflecting canvas of the Unity Spirit”. Humans will recognize themselves in it through their selfreflection. God will serve us full of compassion with its Unity Consciousness, in which we will perceive ourselves and communicate together. The Oneness Consciousness and Oneness Spirit will permeate everything. They will nourish us with its experiences and the Unity Light.
The new creation shone in the Light. There was silence, peace and „emptiness“. We formless experiences had transformed into light and found expression. Inside, we were nourished by the invisible Unity Light, which was concentrated in us. So, God began to create itself as Diversity through us. But it still lacked the basics: Energies, images, forms and souls. There was also nothing to move. Everything was still formless, energy-free, spaceand timeless. We have not yet been able to achieve any effects, because there were no substances. Suddenly, some lights, that had merged in the Unity Light, remembered themselves, when they were individual lights, that floated in the Unity Light. This memory made them restless. With their attention they started, circling around themselves again. At the same time, they condensed and began to shine more strongly. Their tensions and excitements increased nuanced. They multiplied themselves. How? Intuitively they made imagining of themselves. As a result, the division principle was stronger activated. With their ideas, that they made of themselves, they detached themselves from the Unity light. They began to float, with the others, as individual lights in the Unity Light of the creation. At the same time, the Creative Spirit was working in us. It had an effect on itself with our experiences. He urged us to form ideas. Thus, a new primal principle had emerged:
Primordial principle of memory:
When we intuitively remembered the moment, when we were lights, the primordial principle of memory was awakened in all of us. With the memories and ideas, God now began to create itself as its Diversity. So, the memories also will the basis for future learning and developments.
The feminine primordial principle – the inner
The Creation is the feminine side of God, which in its interior will create the souls. The feminine primordial principle is the inner one, which permeates everything with its creative light and spirit. It will connect all within itself. With Love, Light and experiences, it will nourish the future souls and creatures. With its Creation, God had created itself in its female God consciousness. The feminine primal principle is the inner, the all-processing, sustaining, all-developing, nurturing and giving birth. The All-Encompassing Eternity exists around creation and concealed within it, with its Oneness Spirit, Consciousness and Oneness Light. As Unity in all, God was never born and never lived.
In the distant future on Earth, the feminine primordial principle will be expressed inside the souls, bodies, organs and cells.... It will manifest itself in the vagina and uterus of women, who will develop and give birth to the conceived. It will expel it through the women and give birth. It will also show itself in communication, in relationships and syntheses. However, the inner feminine also has male parts, which can be found in the outer, round, in female hips and breasts, as well as in the round domes of mosques and Orthodox churches, ..., will be expressed. The male primal principle will emerge from the female principle.
The male primordial principle – the outside
The male primal principle will be the externally visible, the delimiting, creating and expressing, orienting and moving. Irregular and exciting stimuli will lead the attention of the creatures to the outside.
On the future Earth, the masculine will show itself in the penis, in long, jagged, angular forms. You will find it in rockets, guns, ..., church towers and towering houses. But it will also be revealed in decomposing analyzes and terms. Men will prove their love to women by actions. They will create, hunt, delineate, fight and seek orientation.
The feminine primal principle will create its masculine from within. The male primordial principle will envelop its inner, defend it and protect family members from external threats. Moved by its feminine energies, the masculine will direct them outward to create with them.
The male must constantly reorient itself on the outside, constantly analyze it, in order to isolate or connect. At the same time, it will develop cross-border and penetrating qualities. The feminine, on the other hand, will dissolve everything, process it in itself and nourish it, in order to develop the masculine from within. Inside, it creates, what will show itself as masculine on the outside.
The male and female primal principles together form a unity, just as man and woman will form a unity in human. Both have the other principle in them. One cannot exist without the other. In interacting relationships and interactions, they will constantly recreate themselves.
God will be the All-Encompassing, All-pervading, Genderless. God will be the All-Embracing, All-Pervading, Sexless God. Sexless, with its formless experiences, it will create itself in the Spirit of its female Creation and in the souls as its Diversity. God, which was never born, never died, will be the All-Encompassing and All-Pervading mystery. As Unity and Creation, Eternity and Transience, it will constantly recreate itself as Diversity. Everything in the future will depend on its Love, its Unity Spirit, Light and Unity Consciousness, without which the creatures cannot perceive themselves. That is, why I believe, that we perceive our individual essence in Gods Divine Essence. With our souls we are parts of its Diversity and Unity. We exist in its All-Pervading and Comprehensive Being. Together we are the Divine Essence, which expresses itself through all of us, works and gives us our radiance. So, it was God itself, which created itself as Unity/Diversity in all of us. How and where can one experience God?
The Love, as Unity Spirit, Consciousness and Unity Light, it will permeate all spaces and souls with its experiences. All will perceive themselves in it.
God will be the In-Between, the Inner and Outer Substance in everything.
It will be the Spiritual Consciousness in the individual, impersonal and universal.
God will be the All-Encompassing Unity, Diversity and the all Unifying.
It will be the Spiritual Light, in which we recognize ourselves on our inside and with the sunlight on the outside.
God is the Mystery, the Indescribable and only Conceivable.
Thus, the male and female primal principles will only unfold in the future images, souls and us humans.