Book of Shadows - Shakti Morgane - E-Book

Book of Shadows E-Book

Shakti Morgane



At least since the TV series 'Charmed', we know witches use a 'Book of Shadows'. This book usually contains a lot of spells, charts and recipes and is considered a witch's diary. But it is important to keep in mind that witches, sorcerer and shamans refer to the spiritual forces of nature, which modern people nowadays do not want to know anything about. Therefore, if someone wants to become a witch, sorcerer or shaman, they must first rediscover the spiritual power of their own nature and lose their fear of the 'wilderness'. This book helps with that.

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Seitenzahl: 88

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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I summon the Great Goddess,

in the form of the mighty Three.

Take away the evil

and make me free.

Help me now and make it flee.

As I will it. So mote it be.


Evil gives way to the one who has the sun in his heart. (Isis, ancient Egyptian goddess)

Table of contents

Female Strength and Spiritual Power of Nature


'Vampire' / Energy Predator

Suddenly fat

Lucid dreaming

The 'Old Path'

Feng Shui and Karma

Meditation: Journey to the Underworld



First aid in 'demon' attack


Neutrino power in ancient Egypt

Sex and the Meaning of Life

The Safety of the Soul

Witch Dance is Ecstatic Dance

Being a witch

Appendix - The Magical Year


Feminine strength and spiritual nature power

It is female nature to connect with the vibrations and elements in the world and within herself to bring forth, protect, nurture and sustain new life. This ability became increasingly fatal to women when it was no longer needed for immediate survival. The special ability of the female part of humanity to communicate with nature and to bring about change by means of psychic power was forgotten throughout history as essential for survival and was understood less and less, even by women themselves. In the period from about the 14th to the 18th century, this ability was increasingly demonised in Europe and denigrated as being 'in league with the devil', and used as a pretext to scapegoat and exterminate about 1 million people, especially women, by means of the Inquisition.

Only in modern times, thanks to the fact that an enlightened culture of knowledge has been established, is one again able to demystify human nature and put both religious and ideological delusion in its place.

In tradition, literature and art, there is evidence of the partly successful handling of various psychological states into which man can fall when it comes to warding off 'evil' events in order to shape his life.

However, modern man is generally characterised by a lack of strength of soul or personal power (psych.: 'dependent personality disorder') in the face of adversity in life. Moreover, nowadays envy of the female potency of childbearing produces a postmodern form of 'witch-hunt': the aim is to abolish women as mothers as far as possible in order to replace nature with the artificial creation of patriarchal science. (von Werlhof)

Therefore, in the age of technical progress, the rise of modern man's longing for the lost abilities to communicate with nature - an ability that promises great soul power - can be increasingly observed.

An inkling of such spiritual power is conveyed by the well-known novel by M. Bulgakov published in the 20th century: "The Master and Margarita".

In this novel, Bulgakov addresses the contradiction between determinism and voluntarism in the Soviet Union of the Stalin era. His solution to the problem: the occult! The 'devil' fetches the technocrats! Because the moral of the story here is: those who manage to overcome their fear and thus transform their pain into relaxation, like Margarita, contribute to chaos breaking into the world of their adversaries from behind the scenes. Thus, for the purpose of strengthening the soul in the face of adversity, it is a matter of emotional transformation! The 'spirits' that create chaos in Margarita's adversaries have crossed over into reality from a parallel universe to come to Margarita's aid. They have been summoned by Margarita's ability for emotional transformation.

Magic is an independent energy. It is available to each of us and is activated through emotional transformation. The basic prerequisite for this is the ability to relax. Then magic becomes an active force. Relaxation, in turn, means releasing a problem from the mind, to get to the bottom of such emotions as anger, fear, delusion, and so on, - the shadows! Each of us can strengthen our soul by purifying the 'heart' (self-knowledge!) and thereby use powers from the underworld to solve our problems.

The 'Book of Shadows' helps to remember which spiritual tools have helped in dissolving 'shadows' (Jung) and which magical actions have been crowned with success.


Unnoticed fears, undiscovered manipulations, negative emotions and thoughts - the shadows - make you ill in the long run. Illness is an imbalance in spiritual terms, is one-sidedness in relation to the power that balances.

Illness is a drive conflict (e.g. between sexual drive and food drive) because of personal imbalances due to entanglements.

By means of illness, our body, the obedient servant of our soul, reminds us that we have a soul to which we should finally listen.

But one can also accept suffering as personal fate, according to the motto: dying is part of life, nothing can be done about it.

But that is not the same as:

'Especially today, don't worry, don't be angry, be grateful, be kind, take care of your circumstances'. (Usui)

In this case you have to actively seek and find balance by taking care of your own circumstances.

Life is balance, equilibrium. If someone is ill, he has lost his centre.

The balancing of the vibrations can take place through movement, in which we integrate and balance above and below, right and left, front and back, inside and outside, e.g. in dance. The body makes the movement and the soul follows.

A soul is a being of light. The divine spark within us. The soul acts according to its own rules, those of the Ma'at (great goddess), and protests against the character if it moves too far away from the Ma'at. The body reacts with indisposition, even illness. That is why, in this case, shamans want to bring back the soul.

A shaman is a seer. A shaman has a guardian spirit. From him he gets strength.

The shaman proves himself in different states of consciousness. The shaman is a distributor of power. It is about spiritual power.

Soul retrieval is protective spirit retrieval or power animal retrieval.

When someone became despondent, the shaman would travel to the underworld and retrieve the power animal. The retrieved guardian spirit (power animal) is first blown into the chest, then into the fontanel on the patient's head.' (Harner)

The 'other side' (Silva) / otherworld from which the shaman retrieves the guardian spirit (soul) is the underworld / astral world and the frustration / emotion is at the same time the fuel to transform the emotion. But one can also change the body frequency oneself and e.g. go into the alpha state (trance) and ask the Higher Self, the immortal part of the Self, to transform the frustration into something else, such as wish fulfilment / need satisfaction. This works in every case. When frustrated, always seek one's own centre / relaxation, this includes at the same time:

the balance


overcoming the inner resistance caused by one-sidedness

the 'impeccability' (Castaneda)

'Vampire' / Energy Predator

When someone in a family is very ill, there is often a case of energy vampirism (emotional abuse). For example, all those suffering from abandonment become energy vampires. One 'vampire' (narcissist) creates the other 'vampire'. Anyone who has been sucked by a 'vampire' becomes a 'vampire' themselves.

'Vampires' are in perpetual search of love due to abandonment trauma in childhood and / or past lives. However, they are incapable of love. They suck others dry because they only use them to quench their thirst. They cannot give anything themselves because they have not received love. 'Vampires' are insolent. They steal the life force of others.

Addiction comes from wasting away, wasting away because of vampirism. The addict wants to run away from himself, he wants to run away from his pain. Without drugs, this becomes depression. Something pulls the addict into the beyond, he has to look at that. An addict has developed the pain avoidance strategy of putting himself on the sidelines or outside the group. The group is too painful for him because of its vampirism and cannot be endured without drugs.

To be bored means to have a 'vampire' on your hands. To be bored means to waste your time, your life time.

According to Dufour, the only way to escape the feeling of tension that results from boredom is to focus on the body in the 'here and now' and to switch off the 'thinking', to let the chattering mind rest. But when the mind rests, there is no time and therefore no time to waste through boredom. (Buddha)

'To let the mind rest' means to meditate. To meditate is to stop the carousel of thoughts.

Meditation is the school of the mind. Through 'mind' you change your body vibration. You have to change your body vibration when you feel uncomfortable. It is about transforming a low frequency into a high frequency. Buddha nature is a certain high body vibration.

You go into the alpha state and concentrate on colour, light, or invoke the divine vibration by feeling into the movement of belly dancing, or concentrate on a symbol, or recite a mantra, until you are calm and relaxed. That is quite enough. Therefore, for the purpose of transforming vibration, always meditate when you feel unwell.

The transformation of negativity (darkening of the mind / shadow) is necessary because negativity sooner or later drives us to death, because 'energy follows attention' (Kahili King).

The best means of transmutation for shadows that I know is belly dancing in combination with meditation, because this dance comes from a time when life was celebrated and worshipped (fertility cult / the 'Old Path'), while meditation trains the mind. The transformation of shadows, when one dances, is done by the spirit through the body by changing the frequency of the body into the vibration corresponding to one's own spirit. For this purpose, one must know the vibration (music) corresponding to one's own spirit. The multitude of rhythms and movement combinations of oriental dance, which have been handed down for thousands of years, provide the appropriate vibration for each spirit and thus guarantee again the change of the body vibration in the direction of life / joy.

Suddenly fat

The sickness of our time is meaninglessness (ignorance!).

Resulting emotions / frustrations / shadows that are not perceived lead to 'frustration eating' and make people fat. The fat person tries to eat away 'inner emptiness'.

The hero in the TV film "Plötzlich fett!"