CAGEDrules! Volume 2 - Robert "Landy" Landinger - E-Book

CAGEDrules! Volume 2 E-Book

Robert "Landy" Landinger

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How can you learn your guitar's fretboard without thinking so that you can play melodies, chords, and solos to always fit the style musically? Robert "Landy" Landinger, author of this book, was looking for a corresponding method since he first started playing the guitar. He focused on guitar greats like Jimi Hendrix and Django Reinhardt and discovered the CAGED system which relies exclusively on the basic chords. With this volume, there is finally a book for everyone to learn this ingenious system quickly and effortlessly and master the classic chords on the guitar. Whether you're a singer-songwriter or a folk, metal, jazz or blues guitarist, this book will give you the tools you need to become a CAGED specialist. Content: Minor, Diminished, Augmented Shapes Minor, Diminished, Augmented Arpeggios Minor Pentatonic Natural Minor Scale Harmonic Minor Scale Melodic Minor Scale Comparison of the Shapes Stepchords

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Seitenzahl: 41

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Table of Contents

About this volume

I. Introduction

This is CAGED – CAGED rules!

Why is it called the “CAGED” system?

The A natural minor scale

How a chord / triad is formed

Minor chords on one string, root on open string

Am chord tones on one string

A minor chord tones on two strings

Am chord tones on three strings

II. The minor shapes and their structure

Forming and moving Shapes

Connecting minor shapes

CAGED for all CAGED minor chords

Practising in two directions

III. Minor triad arpeggios

IV. Minor pentatonic and minor scales

Minor pentatonic

Comparison and connection between major and minor pentatonic scales

V. Diatonic extensions of minor chords

VI. Minor scales

A natural minor scale

The natural minor cadence

Harmonic minor or: what is the leading tone?

A harmonic minor cadence – Playing in a line

Melodic minor

VII. Diminished

The diminished triad

Dim chords on one string, root on the open string

Bdim chord tones on one string

Bdim chord tones on two strings

Bdim chord tones on three strings

Practising in two directions

Diminished triad arpeggios

VIII. Augmented

The augmented triad – aug+

Aug (+) chords on one string, root on the open string

C+ chords on one string

C+ chords on all strings

C+ chord tones on two strings

C+ chord notes on three strings

The CAGED augmented shapes and their structure

Augmented shapes formed and moved


chord – 3 root notes – 3 augmented chords

Arpeggios of the augmented shapes

C+ arpeggios of all shapes

G+ arpeggios of all shapes

IX. Comparison of shapes: major – minor – dim – aug

X. Step chords

The step chords of the C major scale in the 5 positions

The step chords of the C major scale with the five CAGED shapes

Chord affinities


Thank you for the sensational help and support for this book. I would especially like to thank:

Ma und Pa, Claudia Badouin, Kim Beblo, Max Bronski, John Frusciante, Jimi Hendrix, Andy Hiermeyer, Shawn Lane, Martin Maertens, Pat Martino, Reimond Milewski, Joe Pass, Ursula Paulick, Johanna Maria Pfeiffer, Abi v. Reininghaus, Marc Ribot, Henry Robinette, Uschi Seifert, Thomas Vonier, Stephane Wrembel.

Exemplification of Chord

About this volume

This book introduces and compares the five CAGED shapes for minor (-), diminished (dim) and augmented (aug +). The aim is to establish a harmonious connection between the chords and shapes, both from a logical as well as tonal perspective.

The “fill me up” method enables the student to always keep an eye on the interaction between scales and chords. This technique provides a playful and easy way of successful learning with self-study.

This special learning method for step triads with the diatonic circles allows aspiring guitarists to learn the entire range of chord movements, so they will be able to play their favourite songs in no time at all.

Classic harmony textbooks explain connections with notes mostly using the piano keyboard. This book tries to fill this gap by making harmonious connections visible on the fingerboard of the guitar. After working through this book, the student will be more familiar with the tablatures and able to transfer harmonic explanations from harmony textbooks to the guitar.

CAGED teaches students an easy method how to enjoy playing without any sheet music. However, reading music can certainly be an asset to guitarists and help with understanding how to read the fingerboard, thus rounding things up.

Have fun, and Lockn Looooo!

I. Introduction

This is CAGED – CAGED rules!

Why is it called the “CAGED” system?

C A G E D system refers to the basic forms of the major chords CA GE D.

So the word C A G E D also has to do with the order of the chord shapes as they appear on the fingerboard. In the table above, the chords are shown in this order.

This works with the minor shapes as well.

Since these fingerings are possible not only in the 1st position, but on the whole fretboard, you should remember these fingerings as a shape, form or template. The intervals of the shapes should be easy to recall both graphically/ visually and by ear without having to think about them.

With the Fill me up method, it is possible after a short time to add notes to the chords or to form scales with which you can simply play away when playing melodies or in improvisation. Important is always the relation to the chord.

With CAGED you get an overview of the fretboard very quickly and you can concentrate on the music and playing.