Christianity – The Untold Tragedy - Dr. Roman Landau - kostenlos E-Book

Christianity – The Untold Tragedy E-Book

Dr. Roman Landau

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Is it allowed to argue that the legendary "freedom of teaching and research" seems to be purely theoretical and in fact one should better speak of "the dictatorship of the professorate"? Or is this a problem of intellectual nature? Is the ignorance of our elite in (journalism and) academia owed to their (innocent, God-given) mental immaturity? It took me only a few visites to the State Archive (Staatsarchiv) in Hamburg to realize that there had taken place an impressive revolutionary overthrow in ownership. The documents reveal that up until the 19th century communal and communitarian (Christian) foundations appear to have been the most important property owners. (Real estate and capital) Looking at this contradiction of the reality (of the files of the Staatsarchiv) with the authoritarian-omniscient teaching of the historians at schools and colleges we are surprised to see that our true history and especially the role and function of Christianity was obviously wilful falsificated in a brutal and misleading way. And replaced with a beautiful dramatic fiction (!) in which everything began with Luther nailing his paper to the church door of Wittenberg. In fact everything began with the communitarian co-operatives "in honor of God" that the foundations indeed were. And it began to find its end with the egoism ot the social elite.

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Dr. Roman Landau

Christianity – The Untold Tragedy

A Picture of Historiography as a Conspiracy of Ignorance

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

If one takes the effort …

If one takes the effort to systematically look through the university libraries one will be surprised about the many boring books that had been written. But on the other hand one might discover some peculiar and interesting books as well. For example the language-history-books of the 17th century. The authors of these books of the 17th century (Spaten, Schottelius, Lambeck etc.) do not know anything about the Italian Renaissance of the 16th century. They do not know anything about the Roman Empire (Rise or Fall) as well. They don't know anything about the Greek-Roman Antiquity that we learn and teach in school and university. This fact is (as strange as it is) undiscussed in the learned world of historiography.


And if you take the effort to look through economic libraries as well you will be even more surprised to find in the „Hamburger Weltwirtschaftsarchiv“ the first book of the legendary master-head of the concept of the so called „Welfare State“ (Soziale Marktwirtschaft) in Germany: Dr. Müller-Armack. This book (published in 1933 !) portrays him as an enthusiastic Nazi-fascist. He writes about the Nazi-movement:

„The movement is radical and yet with an inner balance. (..) It is revolutionary, but .. it is revolution from the right.“ „It fights the liberal democracy.“


We discovered this book in the late 1980s and of course contacted the ZEIT. Because this paper (DIE ZEIT) claimed and still claims (together with the FAZ) to be the best intellectual paper of Germany. The chief-editor of economics was at that time Mr. Roger de Weck. He was very impressed by our research and could not believe it,  - because Müller-Armack was and is still today seen as the great innovator of modern economic thinking. The Max Weber of the Federal Republic of Germany  so to speak.

Roger de Weck invited me for coffee to the ZEIT-office, (a great honor for every freelance journalist). He congratulated me again, but wanted to read the book himself before publishing my article. A few weeks later he told us that everything was right with our article. He would not publish it though, as his bosses in DIE ZEIT had advised him so. The reason: The Nazi-past of Dr. Müller-Armack is (allegedly) well known to everyone in the business and thus of no interest to the readership of DIE ZEIT.

Wow. I was impressed and my view of German quality-journalism changed forever.  


It was a shock to see that it is not the truth that German journalism is searching for. What is the use of reading and writing, discussing and criticizing if the truth is of so little importance? Why can't we use this book of 1933 to understand the history of ideas of the 20th century? And why didn't anyone else but me discover this book? What about our excellent economic professors at university? Why do they ignore the history of their own department as much as the professors of history?

Is historiography a rational science or as dogmatic as religion?