Environment.help.Eu - Dieter Mende - E-Book

Environment.help.Eu E-Book

Dieter Mende



Let yourself be inspired by the idea that your garden or balcony can also be an oasis of well-being that supports the environment and the climate with much joy and growing enthusiasm. Let yourself be inspired by the idea that with a little craftsmanship and the ideas shown in this book, you can contribute to the common multiple with your "swarm contributions": a sustainable living culture. A leafy arbor instead of a pavilion, imaginatively planted small areas, flowering islands for birds and insects, imaginative garden decorations with insect and bumblebee hotels, with feeding stations, with small or larger water areas in the garden with a pond bank instead of the usual "demolition crater". Each small contribution in the "swarm" is the comprehensive bracket for the sustainable living culture, for the exciting feel-good island at home, the reduction of the increasing heating up of the city and much more. The clearly structured articles in the book are supplemented with imaginative resource-saving tips for the operation of gardens. A pick-me-up for new starters. The book is written and illustrated in a way that is easy to understand, even for open-minded people who are new or relatively new to the opportunities and contribution possibilities of creating exciting and pleasant areas in their own outdoor living space with little effort, which are valuable swarm contributions for the environment and the climate. Ideas for professionals. The book is written and illustrated in a complementary and detailed way for open-minded people who have already dealt intensively with the opportunities and possibilities of making valuable contributions to the environment and climate in their own outdoor living areas. The course of the book is never trivial with words and pictures, rather the book offers valuable, supplementary impulses with imaginative implementation tips with the ideas implemented by the reader.

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If someone tells you that he/she can explain the opportunities and possibilities of environmental aid with the exciting microcontributions within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

Success with the feel-good island at home, with exciting and cozy living culture in the garden and on the balcony, is really no "witchcraft" with your own contributions; without much effort.

Dieter Mende



Climate, environment, insect mortality ...

Covered arbor instead of pavilion

Imaginative greening of small areas

Blooming islands of birds and insects

Imaginative garden decoration with: Insect and bumblebee hotel, feeding stations ...

Pond shore instead of demolition crater

Valuable contributions with rewards and also with pleasure for you; reward yourself: for the eye and for the palate

Conscious use of resources

The author


When changes become possible with a view to valuable and sustainable contributions to the climate and the environment, we cannot always immediately recognize and/or understand all the connections, even in our hobby.

The fact that the garden or balcony, for example, are precisely the places where we can optimally implement "swarm contributions" for the common multiple, "detailed contributions" for the feel-good oasis with little effort, is shown in words and pictures with our own projects in this book UMWELT.helfen.EU.

Perhaps the following analogy sounds familiar to you? During the annual health check, the specialist reports the results of the examinations using medical terminology.

At this point, people often nod in agreement without really understanding what has been said and are satisfied if the doctor smiles in a friendly manner. Asking questions helps if the explanation has not been good enough. Suddenly the doctor is speaking in understandable colloquial German.

Why not just like that?

It is no different with many non-fiction books focusing on the environment and climate; you really have to ask yourself what target group the non-fiction book was written for.

The content is not specific enough for a specialist book; for a non-fiction book, the content is so concise and overloaded with technical terms that readers already need a comprehensive basic understanding.

A non-fiction book is particularly disappointing if the expected information is not covered at all or only very briefly and the book turns out to be a picture book.

A non-fiction book is equally disappointing if the book content is drawn out in lengthy formulations without supplementary explanatory pictures due to the author's lack of personal experience.

Picking up for newcomers.

The book is written and illustrated in a way that is easy to understand, even for openminded people who are newly or relatively newly interested in the opportunities and possibilities of contributing to creating exciting and at the same time pleasant areas in their own outdoor living space with little effort, which are valuable swarm contributions for the environment and the climate.

Ideas for professionals.

The book is written and illustrated in a complementary and detailed way for openminded people who have already dealt intensively with the opportunities and possibilities of making valuable contributions to the environment and climate in their own outdoor living areas. The course of the book is never trivial with words and pictures, rather the book offers valuable, supplementary impulses with imaginative implementation tips with the ideas implemented by the reader.

Lassen Sie sich begeistern von der Idee, dass Ihr Garten oder Ihr Balkon auch eine Wohlfühl-Oase sein kann, der mit viel Freude und mit wachsender Begeisterung die Umwelt und das Klima unterstützt.

Let yourself be inspired by the idea that with a little craftsmanship and the ideas shown in this book, you can contribute to the common multiple with your "swarm contributions": a sustainable living culture.

A leafy arbor instead of a pavilion, imaginatively planted small areas, flowering islands for birds and insects, imaginative garden decorations with insect and bumblebee hotels, with feeding stations, with small or larger water areas in the garden with a pond bank instead of the usual "demolition crater".

Each small contribution in the "swarm" is the comprehensive bracket for the sustainable living culture, for the exciting feel-good island at home, the reduction of the increasing heating up of the city and much more.

The clearly structured articles in the book are supplemented with imaginative resource-saving tips for the operation of gardens.

Leaf colors and leaf shapes are the contrasting basic framework for a garden design with exciting elements; Dieter Mende.

Leaf colors and leaf shapes are complemented by many perennials that make valuable contributions throughout the year with their flowers; Dieter Mende.

Climate, environment, insect mortality ...

This book deliberately dispenses with the extensive warnings about environmental problems, climate change and the extinction of plant and animal species. After a conceded sensitization to the problems listed here, the book starts immediately with the presentation of its own imaginative projects; the book shows with numerous pictures the possibilities with the picture and text documentation.

2017 is the year with the startling reports in all media that the population of flying insects has fallen by 75%.

Scientists from Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands have presented the evaluations of the studies and communicated them via the media in such a way that even laypeople can recognize the problems that have arisen, so that even those who have not yet wanted to deal with the environmental problems and climate change that are causing the extinction of species in the plant and animal world are startled.

The first connections were explained to us in elementary school with a view to the plant and animal world.

We all know, for example, that many bird species feed on insects. It immediately becomes clear that if the number of flying insects has fallen by 75% in some areas, birds have less chance of raising their broods due to a lack of food, with the result that the number of birds is also reduced.

The increasing extensive monocultures in the fields, the increasingly unattractive garden areas for native animals due to unsuitable plant selection, the increasing reduction of hedges with native deciduous trees towards conifers or walls, are in total also a trigger for the decline of native wildlife in people's living quarters.

The gravel and stone areas in the front gardens, which were certainly created for convenience, still offer potential for optimization:

by replacing the plastic sheeting under the gravel and stone surfaces with a water-permeable and breathable sheeting, so that the wildlife in the soil continues to have its vital environment,

by limiting the choice of conifers, if it absolutely has to be conifers, to standard conifers, upright-growing conifers, native shrubs that can be underplanted and accompanied by e.g. flowering, bee-friendly ground cover plants for rock gardens,

by enabling the enrichment with flowering, insect- and bird-friendly, medium-sized shrubs, which bear flowers at different times of the year; perhaps even suitable fruits for the native animals.

But climate change is also a major problem for flora and fauna. There are many spruce trees in our forests. A few decades ago, the forestry industry opted for spruce because spruce is a faster-growing coniferous tree and therefore produces higher yields. However, the temperatures in Germany were not ideal for spruce even a few decades ago; in fact, the temperatures in Germany were at the upper end of tolerance for spruce, which originates from northern Europe. With global warming, the spruce in our forests no longer has a suitable basis for healthy growth.

The lack of water in the forests means that the trees can no longer defend themselves, e.g. against the bark beetle, because without sufficient rainwater the trees can no longer produce enough resin to defend themselves. In the past, sick trees were defenceless against the bark beetle, but now healthy trees are increasingly unable to defend themselves against the bark beetle. The forestry industry is sounding the alarm and if global warming continues, we must expect global consequences, including ever stronger storms and ever more intense rainfall.

What is the difference between the weather and the climate?

Quite a few people have difficulty distinguishing between the weather and the climate. The pro-fossil fuel lobby (coal, oil, natural gas) questions the increasing global warming because, for example, a summer turns out to be colder. However, the current weather is not the climate.