Impressive three-dimensional aquaristics. Retrofitting existing aquariums to three-dimensional aquariums. - Dieter Mende - E-Book

Impressive three-dimensional aquaristics. Retrofitting existing aquariums to three-dimensional aquariums. E-Book

Dieter Mende



Success and enjoyment with and from the bio-filter hydroponics in the aquarium, with the impressive three-dimensional aquariums, is really not rocket science. Let yourself be inspired by the idea that an aquarium with a Bio-Filter hydroponics system can also be a three-dimensional water garden. With great pleasure and growing enthusiasm. Aha; that's how a bio-filter hydroponics aquarium works. The impressive three-dimensional aquarium is a very clear work, + which on the one hand explains the details, + which also shows the interrelationships; + this also includes pictures of your own aquarium projects, + which trigger the "aha effect" in many places. The course of the book is clearly structured and optimally documented with many examples. Basic impulses, nitrate reduction against the algae plague, project planning of the three-dimensional aquarium with the active bio-filter hydroponics, setup with the active bio-filter hydroponics, retrofitting an existing aquarium to three-dimensional aquaristics with a passive bio-filter hydroponics, which plants and where from? Pick up for new starters. The book is written and illustrated in a way that is understandable for the many aquarists who are new or relatively new to aquariums with a bio-filter and hydroponics in an aquarium project. Giving ideas for professionals. The course of the book with words and pictures is never trivial for aquarists who have already dealt more intensively with filter technology for aquariums. The shapes of the three-dimensional aquariums with the hydroponic bio-filter can be created individually and the project should always be adapted to your living space, not the other way around. The course of the book shows several of my projects, each with a different shape.

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Dieter Mende

Impressive three-dimensional aquaristics.

Impressive projects, variable in shape for your living space.

Retrofitting existing aquariums to three-dimensional aquariums.

Aha; how a bio-filter makes hydroponics in the aquarium a success.

The results are documented with the author's projects.

Clearly structured.

Pick-up for newcomers.

Giving ideas for professionals.

Wenn Ihnen jemand sagt, Sie/Er könne Ihnen innerhalb von wenigen Minuten die Aquaristik erklären, dann sollten Sie äußerst skeptisch sein.

Der Erfolg mit und die Freude an einem dreidimensionalen Aquarium mit dem Bio-Filter Hydrokultur ist wirklich kein “Hexenwerk“ mit ganzheitlicher Betrachtung.

Dieter Mende

Dieter Mende

Impressive three-dimensional aquaristics.

Impressive projects, variable in shape for your living space.

Retrofitting existing aquariums to three-dimensional aquariums.

Aha; how a bio-filter makes hydroponics in the aquarium a success.

The results are documented with the author's projects.

Clearly structured.

Pick-up for newcomers.

Giving ideas for professionals.




Basic impulses

Which plants and hydroponic plants and where to get them from?

Nitrate reduction to combat the algae plague

Design of the three-dimensional aquarium with the active hydroponics bio-filter

Setting up the three-dimensional aquarium with the active hydroponics bio-filter

Retrofitting an existing aquarium for three-dimensional aquaristics with passive bio-filter hydroponics

The author


When changes are possible, we cannot always immediately recognize and/or understand the connections. Perhaps the following analogy sounds familiar to you? During the annual health check, the specialist reports on the results of the examinations using medical terminology. At this point, people often nod in agreement without really understanding what has been said and are satisfied if the doctor smiles in a friendly manner. Asking questions helps if the explanation has not been good enough. Suddenly the doctor is speaking in understandable colloquial German.

Why not just like that?

It is no different with many non-fiction books on aquaristics; you really have to ask yourself for which target group the non-fiction book was written.

The content is not specific enough for a specialist book, for a non-fiction book the content is so concise and overloaded with technical terms that the reader already needs a comprehensive basic understanding.

Pick up for new starters.

The book is written and illustrated in a way that is easy to understand for the many aquarists who are new or relatively new to aquariums with a bio-filter or hydroponics in an aquarium project.

Providing ideas for professionals.

The course of the book with words and pictures is by no means trivial for aquarists who have already dealt intensively with filter technology for aquariums.

"Aha; so a bio-filter hydroponics in the aquarium. Imposing three-dimensional aquaristics" is a very clear work,

which on the one hand explains the details,

which also shows the interrelationships;

with pictures of your own aquarium projects,

which trigger the "aha effect" in many places.

The course of the book is clearly structured and optimally documented with many examples.

On the one hand, the author's educational background is in chemistry and electrical engineering, and on the other hand, with over 50 years of aquaristic experience, the author has been involved in the Cichlid Forum since December 2003 and is already a "dinosaur" there as a board moderator. By showing and explaining, often based on his own projects, the book author has explained the sustainable and dynamic processes in aquaristics in the Cichlid Forum with well over 8,800 posts as of December 2023.

In this book, the results are shown in an optimal and very clear way. Let yourself be inspired by the idea that an aquarium can also be a "water garden" with much joy and growing enthusiasm.

Success and joy

with the Bio-Filter hydroponics in the aquarium,

with the impressive three-dimensional aquariums,

is really not "witchcraft"

Let yourself be inspired by the idea that an aquarium

with a bio-filter hydroponics

can also be a "water garden".

With great pleasure and growing enthusiasm.

Dieter Mende; from the project "The Green Lagoon 1" with cichlids from Central America.

Basic impulses

The shapes of the three-dimensional aquariums with the hydroponic bio-filter can be created individually and the project should always adapt to your living space, not the other way around. In the course of the book I show several of my projects, each with a different shape.

Dieter Mende

These project dimensions have already been realized several times, for the first time in 2004. Project dimensions of the aquarium that carries water:

LxBxH: 160x80x60cm

The overall dimension of the glass body is: LxBxH: 160x80x95cm ;

Dieter Mende; as a result, there are numerous possibilities that are presented in the course of the book.

A newly installed bio-filter hydroponics system initially appears sparsely planted.

Over the course of 6 to 9 months, the visual impression changes with the magnificent growth of the plants used in the Bio-Filter hydroponics system.

Dieter Mende;

The picture on the left: the start of the "Central America" project in 2006 with the overall dimensions of the glass body LxBxH: 160x80x95cm

The picture on the right: the start of the "Lake Malawi" project in 2007 with the identical overall dimensions of the glass body LxBxH: 160x80x95cm

Der Vergleich der beiden unten gezeigten Bilder zeigt nicht nur die prächtige Entwicklung der Hydrokultur-Pflanzen, mit dem Wachsen der Pflanzen steigt auch die Wirksamkeit der Reduzierung des Nitrats in dem Aquarienwasser.

Dieter Mende;

The picture on the left: the start of the "Central America" project in 2006 with the introduction of the hydroponic plants in April 2006.

The picture on the right: the progress of the "Central America" project with the magnificent growth of the hydroponic plants in August 2006.

Dieter Mende;

Project in 2015.

Aquarium dimensions of the water-bearing area:

LxBxH: 200x70x55cm

The overall dimension of the glass body is:

LxBxH: 200x70x105cm

Dieter Mende;

Project in 2021

Aquarium dimensions of the water-bearing area:

LxBxH: 120x120x50cm

The overall dimension of the glass body is: LxBxH: 120x120x80cm

In this project, in addition to the hydroponics bio-filter (picture above, in the background), a bank area was also created as a flooding area (picture above, left).

The picture above with the flooded area (left in the picture, taken above the waterline) and the picture below with the flooded area (left in the picture, taken below the waterline) show the dynamic design possibilities that can be created with a three-dimensional aquarium.

The aquarium becomes a water garden.

Which plants and hydroponic plants and where to get them from?

The hype surrounding indoor plant care with hydroponics from 1980 to around 2010 has noticeably subsided, so that retailers continue to offer containers, granules and level indicators, but the range of hydroponic plants has unfortunately become very limited.

In the trade, mostly in DIY stores, there are often only the rather tall-growing and stem-forming houseplants, which are completely unsuitable for a bio-filter hydroponics system with a cover. However, a cover is necessary, as otherwise we have to reckon with a significant loss of energy with regard to the water temperature; with an open-top bio-filter hydroponics system, the heating capacity increases due to the chimney effect: the heat always rises upwards and the water temperature of the aquarium is in most cases above the ambient temperature of the room.

CAUTION! Ornamental plants sold as aquarium plants

From time to time, plant species are offered for aquariums that do not exist in nature under water, but which can survive for a few months under water. Only if these plants have not yet been reacclimatized can they be used successfully in a bio-filter hydroponics system; the reacclimatization is not successful.

Here are some examples of terrarium plants that are often offered as aquarium plants, even by well-known companies, because they look very attractive and sell well.