Obedience - Elizabeth V. Baker - E-Book

Obedience E-Book

Elizabeth V. Baker

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This article, "Obedience," originally appeared in the October 1911 issue of Trust, a magazine produced by Elim Publishing House in Rochester, New York, founded by Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker (1849-1915) and her three sisters. This article by Mrs. Baker, published posthumously, talks about the spiritual growth, the life of faith that follows after salvation: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

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© 2020 Full Well Ventures

Originally published in the December 2011 issue of “Trust” magazine







“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; ​And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation ​unto all men that obey Him.”

— Hebrews 5:8, 9.


EVERYTHING IN THE Christian life depends upon obedience. You remember how in the book of Acts it speaks of Christ, whom God raised from the dead and made a Prince and a Savior. He is Lord, and Master, and a King, and a Prince, as well as a Savior. We see Him as a Savior often, but we sometimes fail to recognize His Kingship, and that nothing but obedience belongs to Him.

In the beginning God was Sovereign and man yielded perfect allegiance to the will of God. Then came the fall when man took his will into his own hands and began to rule and govern himself, and God intents to bring man back to the place where God is Sovereign. The way He will do this is by bringing each individual heart to see the necessity of a perfect and absolute surrender to Him.

The law-abiding citizen is the one who keeps the laws of the country, and we are citizens of heaven, and therefore it should be our aim and desire to keep the laws of the kingdom and see that we are obeying them like we would obey the laws of the United States. We pray, “Thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven,” and God is going to have it done — first, by getting the individual will surrendered and then by getting every individual will until there is not an unyielded will in earth or sky. The day is coming when on this earth the will of God shall be done as it is today done in heaven, when all evil will be taken away, and man will have yielded wholly to God.

We realize comparatively little about it, because in our fallen state we have never known a place where the will of God was done perfectly. Heaven is heaven because the will of God is done, and earth will be heavenly when the will of God is done perfectly, and God in His recovery of man aims at this point first.