To Be Found in Him - Elizabeth V. Baker - E-Book

To Be Found in Him E-Book

Elizabeth V. Baker

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This article, "Conformed to His Image," originally appeared in the November-December 1931 issue of Trust, a magazine produced by Elim Publishing House in Rochester, New York, founded by Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker (1849-1915) and her three sisters. This article by Mrs. Baker, published posthumously, talks about the spiritual growth, the life of faith that follows after salvation: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

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To Be Found in Him



Modern Edition © 2020 Full Well Ventures

Originally published in the November-December 1931 issue of “Trust” magazine




To Be Found in Him

Or, Degrees of Consecration.


I WANT TO speak about the different degrees of surrender through which souls pass. People usually begin by dealing with externals, they surrender things, because as a rule their life is centered in outside things. They begin to make little sacrifices to the Lord at first, but never dream of making a total surrender of all. There is quite a number of illustrations of this throughout the Word.

John 6:1-13, where Christ multiplied the bread to the five thousand, and the lad who gave up his dinner to the Lord Jesus, you notice it was a small sacrifice, any great strong boy could get along without his dinner; no doubt the disciples came and asked him to do it, — it was under pressure, — a small sacrifice to make, only a temporal discomfort. Christians often do this. They begin to give a little to the Lord, missionary money, etc., their sympathies are stirred and they make a sacrifice, maybe a real sacrifice. Sometimes it is not really anything to speak of, but some may give until they feel it. But this is only sentimental, not very much for God, — really because of the pressure that has been put upon them. That is as far as a host of Christians go. Just enduring a little temporary discomfort and sacrifice.