The Bride in Mystery - Elizabeth V. Baker - E-Book

The Bride in Mystery E-Book

Elizabeth V. Baker

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Both Mrs. Baker’s sermon, “The Bride, in Mystery,” and a related sermon by the Rev. Stephen Speirs Craig (1855-1947), “Some Characteristics of the Bride,” were preached at a convention held in January 1910 at Elim Tabernacle in Rochester, New York, previous to their publication in the April 1910 issue of Trust magazine. Both of these articles are included.

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The Bride in Mystery

By Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker — Convention.

PASTOR CRAIG SAID yesterday he could not find the Bride as clearly defined as he would like in the Bible. He never will. It is such a deep and sacred thing that it does not lie on the surface of things. A betrothal is usually secret, there comes a wedding day when it is manifest, but it is usually secret before. The Bible is nowhere in the Bible portrayed as a photograph. We find just a little mark here and a touch there, that only anointed eyes will see; all so hidden, so beautifully hidden, just as it should be. The day is coming when the garments will all be put on; then shall the Bride stand forth in full manifestation. You must know in your heart if you belong to that company, but you do not know who besides, but there is coming a day for the manifestation with glory and then shall all be known.

I want to bring out some of these little touches. Notice this word, Matthew 22:14: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” The Greek, “eklesia,” is the ecclesiastical word for the Church. Called out of the world — but those who enter the brideship with Jesus are selected from among the called out. The first is a selection from sinners into the Kingdom, but out of this select body comes another selection, “eklektoi”; which signifies “a selection from a selection,” the elect from the Church, and signifies those who are chosen and faithful. There is a beautiful touch right there of this wonderful second selection. I have a feeling the Lord wanted the whole Church to be the Bride. But it is like Israel; He wanted all Israel to come into the promised land, but He only brought in the second generation. The Lord has had to deal with the remnant, because the mass would not follow, — so He put this down, “Many are called, but few are chosen,” because they would not meet conditions.

Leviticus 23:10, 11 — We find the type of the “first fruits” of the harvest, the first sheaf of wheat which was waved before the Lord, “on the morrow after the Sabbath.” This represented Jesus Christ, who rose on the morrow after the Sabbath, or on the first day of the week, the “first fruit” of the resurrection harvest. Fifty days later, on the day of Pentecost, two loaves were brought out made from wheat, — Pentecostal loaves — and they represent, I feel, a resurrected and translated company. It is the “first fruits” unto the Lord before the harvest, presented in the temple of God long before the harvest was touched. These things were all significant, and we get this little touch, so suggestive, of the Lord taking out this little Pentecostal company, to present to Himself, before the gathering of the large harvest, the Church.

Revelation 12:1-5 — My own mind is very satisfied that this woman who gave birth to the man-child, is the Church, and the birth of the overcoming company. This is after Christ was born and He was not caught up immediately to the throne of God after His birth. Here comes a company who will be caught up, to reign with Christ on His throne. To what company can this apply, but to the overcomers, or Bride.

Then the three disciples out of the twelve, Peter, James and John, always with the Lord on great occasions, — Mount of Transfiguration, etc. They had a special relation to Him. The other nine had not the same relation as the three, there is no reason given for this, but it is true. There must have been something in the three that went out in devotion to the Lord Jesus, that perhaps the others did not have. The nine followed Christ, but you hear so little of them afterwards, even in the ministry of the Church.