Patient Europe: a case for psychiatry? No! Release the handbrake, the hedgehog posture after Corona. - Dieter Mende - E-Book

Patient Europe: a case for psychiatry? No! Release the handbrake, the hedgehog posture after Corona. E-Book

Dieter Mende



The indecent game with uncertainty, including the creation of fear of the future among the population, is intended to slow down the energy transition with the aim of maximizing the profits of the current business areas with fossil fuels, coal and oil products. In fact, the indecent game with uncertainty not only creates fear of the future, but also social hurdles, because the lobby, the intentions and the incentive are imbalanced. The title of the book "Patient Europe: a case for psychiatry?" is not a provocation; rather, the course of the book shows the background to the current heated reports in the press and social media, the deliberately incomplete and deliberately false statements by the pro-fossil fuel lobby. The book helps you to recognize the real connections and helps you to counter the uncertainty. The book also shows you how to recognize the false rhetoric. The book starts by identifying the trigger by looking at the prevailing reluctance of people to the point of hysteria with conspiracy theories. No, people in Europe are indeed not a case for psychiatry, but people need orientation. Resolving people's hedgehog attitude after Corona is important and right, and the book starts by recognizing and seizing the numerous opportunities and possibilities. Let yourself be inspired by the fact that change opens up many opportunities, that change is very exciting without exaggeration and that change can trigger a lot of enthusiasm for the future. Please do not allow yourself to be unsettled by the deliberately created irritation on the part of conspiracy theorists, with deliberately incomplete or deliberately false impulses. The energy transition is much more than just the increasing use of renewable energies! The energy transition is the basis for action to reduce the effects of climate change, the energy transition is a booming global job engine.

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If someone tells you that they can explain the energy transition to you within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

Thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally is not a contradiction, but rather a dynamic energy policy.

Dieter Mende

Dieter Mende

EEZ Energy Energy industry Future energies

Patient Europe: a case for psychiatry? No! Release the handbrake, the hedgehog posture after Corona.

People's reticence to the point of hysteria with conspiracy theories in the energy transition.

The lobby, the intentions and the incentive are imbalanced. The mental coach energy transition shows its enormous potential.

Table of contents


Corona has left its mark; people's hedgehog husbandry

The self-fulfilling prophecy

The extended view beyond the “Johari window“

Does anyone really believe that ...

Motivation comes from motive: the lobby, the intentions and the incentive ...

Every previous energy transition in Germany/Europe was predicted to be doomed

In Europe's potential grid with the enormous global potential

Author and contact


The indecent game with uncertainty, including the creation of fear of the future among the population, is intended to slow down the energy transition with the aim of maximizing the profits of the current business areas with fossil fuels, coal and oil products. In fact, the indecent game with uncertainty not only creates fear of the future, but also social hurdles, because the lobby, the intentions and the incentive are imbalanced.

The title of the book, "Patient Europe: a case for psychiatry?", is not a provocation; rather, the course of the book shows the background to the current heated reports in the press, on social media, and the deliberately incomplete and deliberately false statements by the profossil fuel lobby. The book helps you to recognize the real connections and helps you to counter the uncertainty. The book also shows you how to recognize the false rhetoric.

No, people in Europe are not really a case for psychiatry, but people need guidance. Resolving people's hedgehog attitude after Corona is important and right, and the book starts by recognizing and taking up the numerous opportunities and possibilities.

The driving force behind the creation of reports and books is, on the one hand, a passion for highlighting the opportunities and possibilities in the potential grid of the topic and, on the other hand, the ambition to build and expand a common understanding.

The target group of this book is broadly diversified: interested citizens, pupils and teachers, urban planners, politicians, players in industry and companies, players in the service sector, and basically all people who repeatedly ask themselves what sustainable action can look like.

As a result, the first chapter should provide readers with a common basic understanding of the issues.

Let yourself be inspired by the fact that change opens up many opportunities, that change is very exciting without exaggeration and that change can trigger a lot of enthusiasm for the future.

Please do not allow yourself to be unsettled by the deliberately created irritations on the part of conspiracy theorists, with deliberately incomplete to deliberately false impulses.

An initial situation must always be considered in its entirety so that the connections that have a significant influence can be recognized, e.g. also on climate change and the environment.

In the same way, the energy transition must be considered in its entirety, starting with the energy generation paths, via the energy networks (electricity + heat + gas products + fuel products), via the energy storage systems, via the energy supply through to the applications (mobile + portable + stationary), so that sound technological expertise and sound infrastructure expertise can be optimally integrated into the existing markets. As a result, the existing energy markets, for example, will be expanded and also coupled with hydrogen through Power-to-X.

At the same time, you will learn about what are certainly the most exciting developments in the modern world with the challenges of today; on the one hand with a view to maintaining the security of energy supply for people, and on the other hand with a view to the many opportunities for future generations.

The energy transition is much more than just the increasing use of renewable energies! The energy transition is the basis for action to reduce the impact of climate change, and the energy transition is a booming global job engine.

The book starts by identifying the trigger with a look at the prevailing reluctance of people to act through to hysteria with conspiracy theories.

Picture: The cover image depicts the confusion and lack of orientation and is created by extending the shutter release over time and turning the camera along the forest path; Dieter Mende, EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien

Corona has left its mark; people's hedgehog husbandry

Corona has demanded a lot from people! The times of lockdown have triggered numerous changes; not only in the world of work, but also in perceptions and even in the psyche, including long Covid diseases.

The changes in the world of work due to corona with the lockdown:

The first thing that springs to mind when people think about coronavirus and the world of work triggered by the lockdown is working from home.

Without the lockdown, the world of work in Europe would certainly not have opened up to working from home; but only at first glance, because there is a significant, subsequent pandemic effect that is actually causing concern among quite a few employers:

With the lockdown initially enforced by the pandemic, employees' relationship to their job has changed; changed in such a way that employees' attachment to the workplace has changed towards a more optimal balance between job and leisure time. Not living for work, but working on a life.

The entry into the profession has also changed, as the lockdown has made the challenges at schools noticeable. Students with a great deal of discipline and an understanding of the multimedia offerings via PC from home had a better re-entry situation into everyday school life after the corona pandemic than students who had missed a lot of learning material.

The coronavirus pandemic has not only forced people into a previously unfamiliar self-discipline, but with the lockdown, many people have rediscovered how to reflect on their own life situation due to the sudden availability of time at home.

The lockdown and working from home have suddenly created freedom in the workplace. Since this development, the younger generation in particular has been striving for more freedom in their jobs. Decision-making processes for co-determination are particularly important for the younger generation when it comes to working hours, which affects the opportunities to have a say.

However, freedom has not led to personal responsibility with the necessary self-discipline for all people; for quite a few people, freedom has led to aggression, fear of loss and even a life crisis. The burgeoning conspiracy theories have led to an aversion that seems to have been cast in concrete, despite the actually recognizably meaningless statements; the hedgehog attitude of many people is one result.

Basically, the burgeoning conspiracy theories had one basis: people's increasing uncertainty about the future, triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. However, the motivation of those who put the conspiracy theories into circulation through the numerous social media offerings is worrying.

Fears that have arisen have either motivated people and sensitized them to emerging opportunities, while fears that have arisen have otherwise demotivated quite a few people.

Despite the conspiracy theories' statements, which are actually clearly meaningless, a fundamental skepticism has developed, a skepticism towards almost everything.

This sepsis has left many people in the hedgehog mindset that many people still find themselves in, even today.

Trust with triggers such as reliability and security are sought, but people in the hedgehog mindset lack the courage or foresight to do so. Courage, foresight and a fair distribution of opportunities are demanded by federal policy. Federal policy has also delivered this with a fair view, because what has followed the effects of the corona pandemic are the effects of the war in Ukraine with very demanding time pressure to solve the problems. Conspiracy theories have been replaced by actors with little or no democracy and people are experiencing further restrictions and fears. In addition, the pro-fossil fuel lobby and the pronuclear lobby are also making deliberately incomplete or even deliberately false statements about the energy transition.

As a result, people now reject anything that even begins to give the impression of being a guideline; a fundamental mistrust has arisen. Mistrust is not a basis that is suitable for freeing people from the hedgehog mindset.

Distrust distorts perception, so that the fundamentally positive intention to encourage someone, to stimulate someone, to spur someone on, gives rise to the false perception that someone is to be coerced, that someone is to be forced.

For example, the offers of support made by German politicians are sometimes misperceived; the offers made by federal politicians are led to rejection by deliberately false statements from those who think differently. The incitement of those who reject democratic values creates a false image of unreliability on the part of federal politicians. The same can be seen in Europe.

The way out of hedgehog farming is really the decision of each individual and the greatest self-motivation comes from the joy and fun of one's own commitment.

Easier said than done? No, all it takes is either the role models who have taken the step out of the hedgehog mindset or the prospect of a joyful future.

However, for the future to be perceived with joy, the triggering factors must be right. However, it should not be underestimated that people's needs are very different.

People's insecurities as a result of the coronavirus pandemic initially led to social distancing, initially led to a rejection of the coronavirus guidelines.

The subsequent aggression triggered verbal attacks on social media against anything that could even remotely be a guideline.

The call for a solution from the hedgehog attitude is indeed a challenge for some people due to their bias; the perceived uncertainty is often accompanied by doubts.

Transforming this antipathy into attention, into sincerity towards the new, is a social challenge that this book aims to proactively address by motivating and highlighting opportunities and possibilities.

A person's authenticity is explained as a concept with a positive effect on others, whereby authenticity also necessarily stands for credibility, genuineness and reliability. Only a person who is open and honest is perceived positively, even with their individual flaws, which we are happy to accept with a smile as a "quirk". If we are authentic, we come across as trustworthy and perhaps even likeable. But we ourselves are responsible for this; not politics, not the economy, not "the others".

Picture: Old becomes new. In Gelsenkirchen Bulmke in Germany, the 12 meter high and 240 meter long ore and coal bunkers of the Schalker Gruben- und Hüttenverein company, founded in 1872, have been preserved, on which an extraordinary solar project was realized: the Gelsenkirchen solar bunker, a solar power plant that generates around 320.000 kWh of electricity per year, went into operation in April 2008; Dieter Mende, EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien

The self-fulfilling prophecy

The self-fulfilling prophecy is explained conceptually by Wikipedia, for example, as a prediction whose fulfillment is self-fulfilling.