Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition) - Franka Lederbogen - E-Book

Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition) E-Book

Franka Lederbogen



Sugar-free baby-led weaning recipes for Christmas Most parents want to offer their babies and toddlers something special at Christmas time but are unsure about what to look out for and which complementary foods are suitable. This book provides the perfect solution and shows a wealth of healthy recipe and snack ideas for the Christmas season. In addition to sound nutritional knowledge, you'll find lots of sugar-free recipes that babies can eat independently or with support. Many of the sugar-free recipes are suitable for babies who are ready for complementary food (around 6 months), but are also a treat for older children. Sugar-free, healthy and baby-friendly baking This baking book is a modern recipe book for anyone who is interested in sugar-free complementary foods and wants to raise a happy and independent eater. The recipes are prepared without refined sugar and instead use natural sweeteners. The healthy treats are perfect for the cold season, but are also suitable for snacking all year round. Theory and practice for introducing solids The concept of this book is simple and ingenious at the same time: In an introductory chapter, you will learn the basics of introducing complementary foods and baby-led weaning. The author explains the stages of complementary feeding, discusses different portion sizes and looks at suitable and unsuitable foods for babies. She also looks at different spices and sweeteners and presents alternatives to white industrial sugar. This is followed by Christmas complementary food recipes. Christmas complementary foods for babies and toddlers This baking book combines theoretical nutritional knowledge with baby-friendly recipes for sugar-free baked goods. Each recipe is clearly laid out and easy to understand: You will find a list of ingredients, detailed instructions with the preparation steps and creative ideas for variations. You'll also find tips on how to store them so that you can prepare the treats in larger quantities and then store them optimally. The best sugar-free treats for Christmas This Christmas baking book contains 55 sugar-free baby-led weaning recipes that you can use to prepare healthy snacks for your baby or toddler. The Christmas treats are divided into the following categories: - Sugar-free cookies, biscuits and pastries - Sugar-free muffins and brownies - Sugar-free pancakes and waffles - Sugar-free cake - Sugar-free bread - Sugar-free jams - Sugar-free no-bake recipes - Christmas spices and sugar-free toppings Not a "normal" baking book This sugar-free recipe book is not a typical baking book with glossy photos and incomprehensible theory - it is a collection of Christmas recipes without sugar especially for babies and toddlers. We have kept the layout of the book minimal deliberately, without unnecessary explanations and glossy pictures. This is not only sustainable and protects the environment, but also promotes a focused approach to working with the book: the baby-friendly recipes take center stage - that's all you need for a sugar-free Christmas snack. Baking for Babies at Christmas: sugar-free, healthy and safe! In this baking book, Franka Lederbogen, nutritionist and a trained specialist in baby-friendly complementary foods, explains which sugar-free X-mas snacks are suitable for babies and toddlers. The mother of two knows what challenges introducing solids to babies entails - and how to overcome them. In her book, she provides an overview of the most important basic rules, answers the most frequently asked questions and reveals her best Christmas recipes for sugar-free snacks. With this book, the pre-Christmas season will be something special for your little eater.

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Sugar-free baking for babies

(Christmas Edition)

The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers

Franka Lederbogen

veggie +

The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at

Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers (Sugar-free baby-led weaning recipes for Christmas)

by Franka Lederbogen

Studenscheiss GmbH

Oppenhoffallee 143, 52066 Aachen, Germany

[email protected]

Managing Director: Dr. Tim Reichel, M. Sc.

Registry court: Local Court Aachen

Registration number: HRB 19105

VAT ID No.: DE295455486

1st edition, November 2023

© 2023 veggie + (an imprint of Studienscheiss-Verlag)

ISBN: 978-3-98597-142-8 (Softcover)

ISBN: 978-3-98597-143-5 (Hardcover)

ISBN: 978-3-98597-144-2 (PDF)

ISBN: 978-3-98597-145-9 (EPUB).

All rights reserved. The contents of this book are protected by copyright. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or processed by electronic systems without the permission of the publisher.

Disclaimer: The recipes presented in this book as well as the theoretical explanations on the subject of introducing complementary feeding are the result of the author's practical work. All tips, explanations and recipes described are merely suggestions as to how certain effects can be achieved with certain means. The use and implementation of the described tips are at your own risk. Neither the author nor the publisher accept any responsibility for consequences of any kind whatsoever that have occurred or will occur after the use of one or more of the tips or recipes described.

Copy editing and proofreading: Delia Hansen, Piet Retief

Editor: Hannah Dautzenberg, Aachen

Cover design, layout and typesetting: Tim Reichel, Aachen

Cover illustration: alexanderon /

Photo: Franka Lederbogen, Singapore

Manufacturer: Studienscheiss GmbH, Aachen

Printed in Germany



Joy to the world!

Important information about the book

Introducing Solids

The Basics

Introducing Solids Safely

Unsuitable Foods

Milk and Introducing Solids

Sugar for Babies


Cookies, Biscuits & Pastry

Apple Cinnamon Cookies


Roasted Almond Cookies

Cinnamon Stars

Hazelnut Cookies

Viennese Nut Crescents

Shortbread Cookies

Orange Spice Cookies

Pumpkin Cookies

Sweet Potato Cookies

Speculaas Cookies

Almond Macaroons

Vegan Coconut Macaroons

Vanilla Chickpea Cookies

Almond Cookies

Cheesecake Cookies


Muffins & Brownies

Lebkuchen Muffins

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Almond Brownies

Pumpkin Brownies

Carrot Cake Blondies

Pancakes & Waffles

Lebkuchen Pancakes

Pancake Cake

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

Coconut Almond Pancakes

Pumpkin Waffles

Speculaas Waffles

Baked Apple Waffles

Chocolate Waffles

Cakes & Breads

Apple Pockets

Almond Cinnamon Knots

Orange Cake with Frosting

Christmas Sheet Cake

Pumpkin Pie


Fruit Bread

Banana Bread

Spices, Toppings & Jams

Pumpkin Spice

Speculaas Spice

Lebkuchen Spice

Gingerbread Spice

Stollen Spice

Lebkuchen Frosting

Orange Chocolate

Orange Vanilla Jam

Chai Buttercream

Apple Cinnamon Jam

No Baking

Marzipan Balls

Lebkuchen Chia Pudding

Nut Bar


Lebkuchen Balls

Speculaas Balls


About the Book

About the Author

Thank You

Reading Tips

Introducing your Baby to complementary Feeding

Solid Snacks for In Between (baby-led weaning)

One Pot Recipes for Babies (baby-led weaning)

Vegetarian Complementary Feeding (baby-led weaning)

Sugar-free Baking for Babies (original)

Bonus material


Joy to the world!

Hi, I'm Franka, mother of two wonderful babygirls, nutritionist, specialist for baby-friendly introduction to solids and baby-led weaning.

December is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the cozy atmosphere with decorated windows and Christmas lighting. A walk through a fragrant Christmas market with its unique holiday treats add to the joy.

Since the birth of my children, the Christmas season has changed. I hope my girls will enjoy this time as much as I do. But, as much of that enjoyment comes from the warm drinks and Christmas pastries, they probably aren't suitable for babies due to their high sugar content.

My eldest daughter didn't eat any processed sugar until she was 18 months old. (For me, that was a long time, considering how often relatives tried to offer her sweets in-between at that age!). This strategy also worked for almost as long with my youngest.

My eldest daughter is a December baby. So, by her first Christmas, she was almost 12 months old and already a proficient eater. Exactly the age at which babies often want to eat what mom eats. I, of course, wanted to share my Christmas treats with her and thought: How can I offer her Christmas cookies without processed sugar? This question gave me the idea of turning classic recipes into sugar-free versions and testing new recipes without sugar. That’s how this book was born.

Let's be realistic: It is only possible to avoid processed sugar to a certain extent. In my opinion, you don't have to avoid it 100%. Consuming it to a lesser degree already makes a difference and this can be controlled particularly well with sugar-free alternatives.

I've brought you my favorite classic recipes for sugar-free baking in this book, all of which use natural sweeteners. Babies can eat the treats themselves or with assistance. They are ideal for the winter months but are also great for snacking throughout the year.

From the moment the little ones show signs to be ready for solids, you can use many of the recipes, for others, baby may need more practice. The recipes also include tips for you. In addition, you will learn when you should start with the introduction of complementary feeding (solids), the signals that indicate they are ready, and which foods are not allowed.

Before we get started with the recipes, the following pages cover the topics of sugar, spices, solid food readiness, and other important information about sugar-free baking. Lastly, there's a chapter on the theory of baby lead weaning and the baby-friendly introduction of solids. The book contains some basics for you to keep in mind.

Important information about the book

I have written this cookbook with great care based on my expertise, and many years of cooking and baking experience. Nevertheless, the book is not a scientific nutrition guide. It cannot replace a visit to a nutritionist for children, or a pediatrician.

All recipes have been compiled without taking into account individual intolerances and allergies. Therefore, please check in advance whether the ingredients of the recipes are suitable for you and your family, or whether ingredients may need to be replaced.

No refined sugar

Sugar was an important source of energy in times of food shortages. Today, however, there is an oversupply, and it is found in a majority of processed foods, primarily in refined form. The recipes in this cookbook do not contain refined sugar. Since neither honey nor maple syrup are not allowed for babies under 1 year, these ingredients are also omitted from the recipes. To ensure that the snacks and nibbles still taste good, the recipes make use of the natural sweetness of fruit and vegetables. In the end, it's up to you to decide how sweet you want the treats to be. That's why you can adjust the recipes according to the sweetness. More information about sugar and natural sweetening can be found in the chapter on basics.


Since babies and children usually eat less than adults, the portion sizes are adjusted accordingly. If you are preparing the recipes for your family or guests, you can multiply the quantities.

From “introducing solids” to “experienced eaters”

All recipes listed in this book contain the note “introducing solids” or “experienced eaters“. These notes describe the stage of development at which your baby can eat these snacks. I describe introducing solids in more detail in the basics chapter. A few months after being mature enough to start on solid food, babies master the pincer grip: Things can now be picked up with the thumb and index finger. This developmental step is a milestone in the introduction of complementary feeding. You'll find that after a few months of introducing complementary foods, your baby will be much better at handling food in a variety of forms. From this point on, you can classify your baby as a skilled eater.

Christmas spices

Spices play a major role in creating a fragrant Christmas. You can either buy the spice mixtures used in the recipes listed here or make them yourself quickly and easily according to my recipes. Then you have the peace of mind to know what is in each food you've made. Spices are generally allowed in processed form from the time the baby is ready to eat. There are advantages to including spices in baby food right from the start — for example to prevent picky eating behavior later on.

Vegan recipes and vegan options

Some recipes in this cookbook are vegan, while others contain non-vegan ingredients. In all recipes, you can substitute ingredients with your vegan alternatives as needed. I do not recommend a purely vegan complementary diet, but nutrient-rich vegan foods do not have to be excluded from the menu. A well-prepared vegan meal or a vegan snack is a sensible option now and then.

No teeth necessary

All recipes listed here are baby-friendly. Neither the recipes in this cookbook nor complementary feeding in general require your baby to have teeth. The recipes labelled “introducing solids” are soft enough that your baby's palate, tongue, and chewing ridge can chew them into a state ready to swallow. For the recipes marked “experienced eaters,” your baby does not need to have teeth either as babies at this stage of development already know how to soften food with their saliva and break it down so it's ready to be swallowed. To be on the safe side, please also look at the list of unsuitable foods in the basics chapter.

Baking times and storage

Ovens bake differently, which is something you should keep in mind when it comes to baking times. Therefore, it sometimes makes sense to increase or decrease the baking time. You know your oven best. The storage times in the recipes are only approximate and depend on the temperature and the particular storage container.

Family recipes

The best environment for babies to learn to eat independently is when they eat together with the family. Enjoying Christmas treats together is more fun anyway! All recipes could be used for the whole family. The portion sizes can easily be adapted.

Photos and bonus material

This cookbook has a modern and minimalist design. Therefore, the publisher and I have done without photos and colorful pictures. As we understand the visual appeal of food, you can still get a picture of all the recipes in this cookbook, because I have baked and photographed each recipe myself. In addition to this book, you'll receive a bonus book from us which features all of the recipes. Simply follow