The Blue Princess of Chalin - Marianne Le Soleil Levant - E-Book

The Blue Princess of Chalin E-Book

Marianne Le Soleil Levant

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The beautiful but strange rider of the black stallion causes quite a stir in the medieval castle just before the gates close. The lord of the castle and his people learn about her special status in a previously unknown world. But even the blue princess of Chalin can use some support. Trusting only in herself, she faces her task, which requires sophisticated decisions. It revolves around nothing less than freedom and responsibility. For Chalin is a world of peace, protected by palace law under the reign of the Queen.

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Marianne Le Soleil Levant

The Blue Princess of Chalin




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The Blue Princess of Chalin

Music inspired by the tale The Blue Princess of Chalin


Published by Marianne Le Soleil Levant:

Impressum neobooks


Kaew Somkham Faaß

The Blue Princess of Chalin

The guards just began closing the main gate of the castle. It is really a very big and heavy gate made of massive wood with metal fittings. In the worst case it had to withstand unscrupulous aggressors. The open castle day, actually a weekly market day, had come to an end and before nightfall they wanted to lock up safely. Although peace reigned and the castle was confidently kept open for trading with anyone on a regular basis, no reason was seen to become careless. Peace was considered to be a valuable commodity, and no effort was spared to protect it.

She appeared rather abruptly. Literally out of nowhere. On a pitch-black horse with golden glittering harness, the young beauty rode like the devil through the slowly closing gate onto the square in the castle, where the merchants were startled as they dismantled their presentation of goods.

Immediately the guards with spears and archers surrounded the beast, it reared up belligerently, stamped its forelegs in the air, and came to rest the next moment as the lady intoned in a loud echoing voice full of clear power: "Who is the lord of this castle?" At this, the guards flinched and then immediately fell into awe.

A ghostly moment of silence followed until the lord of the castle appeared on the balcony of the tower, accompanied by a placating gesture of his hand.

"I am lord of this castle and its citizens. Who are you to allow yourselves this disturbance at this late hour and to intimidate our people in times of peace?"

However, the young woman's beauty gave him confidence there was no danger. After all, she was alone and seemed more driven than offensive.

"I am Xoy, the Blue Princess of Chalin."

No one had ever heard of Chalin or princesses from there. Her robe was not blue either, but silver.

"Would you have us believe you are of blue blood?" The people smirked at the gentle mockery in his words.

"There is a rainbow running through my veins."

"Why are you afraid?"

"Fool. The blue princess is not afraid."

"Is it customary where you come from to insult one's hosts in their own homes?"

"It is customary to tell the truth."

"Are you so bold because you are a princess?"

"I am the blue princess."

Somehow you could hear it in her voice.

"How many princesses are there? Are they all different colors?"

"There are 24, one each of red, green, orange ..."

"Great. What do they all do? Is the difference just in the color?"

"The blue princess is the heir to the throne when the queen dies."

"At least you seem to be seeking shelter with us. What are you fleeing from?"

"I am fleeing from responsibility."

"Shall we take it from you?"

"That won't be possible."

"Then why do you come to us? Where is Chalin, anyway? I've never heard of it."

Xoy began pointing into the already almost completely darkened evening sky under rather complicated explanations. People looked at each other puzzled, while the castle lord's facial expression showed skepticism.

"You claim to have traveled that far?"

"After all, I don't come on foot. What do I have the transport for?"

"You're on a horse."

Xoy gave a short sonorous belch that echoed off the castle walls, and the steed abruptly transformed into a flying small motorcycle with the appearance of a vintage Honda, seeming to glide without wheels on an invisible track as Xoy whizzed with it in spirals up around the tower to the castle lord's nose above the astonished gazes of those present.

"It's a fast and flexible horse."

"My name is Richard. They call me The Gentle. Duke over three provinces and Knight of the Crown."

"Will you give me lodging until my mind is made up for the future?"