The Folk Song Singer & Los Deseparacidos - Benjamin Myers - Benjamin Myers - E-Book

The Folk Song Singer & Los Deseparacidos - Benjamin Myers E-Book

Benjamin Myers

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Two very special stories from Benjamin Myers in one ebook. It's our first Galley Beggar Double-A side! The Folk Singer On a hot stormy night in London a music journalist interviews a reclusive female folk singer still living off the royalties off one hit single in the 1970s. Over too many drinks she begins to drop her guard and as thunder cracks over the city what started out as confrontation soon turns into something else entirely... The Folk Song Singer was awarded the Society Of Authors' Tom-Gallon Prize 2014. Los Desaparecidos At a resort in Mexico a young English couple meet Martin Ladore, a wealthy ex-pat who relates a tale of politi and intrigue from his time working in the international oil business. As their holiday progresses the couple find themselves pulled back into a dangerous past that appears to be catching up with this engaging but mysterious stranger.

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The Folk Song Singer


Los Desaparecidos

Benjamin Myers

Praise for Benjamin Myers

‘Myers has the potential to become a true tragedian of the fells’ (Alfred Hickling, The Guardian)

‘Benjamin Myers is quite simply an excellent and already accomplished writer. His prose is taut, confident, professionally polished but at the same time maintaining a sense of rustic and unrefined authenticity, that which is truly hewn’ (Sarah Hall)

Ebook version published in 2014 by

Galley Beggar Press Ltd

37 Dover Street,



Typeset by Galley Beggar Press Ltd

All rights reserved

© Benjamin Myers, 2014

The right of Benjamin Myers to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, so please don’t re-sell it or give it away to other people. We want to be able to pay our writers! If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, please buy your own edition, or send a donation to make up for the money we and our author would otherwise lose. Thank you for understanding that we are a small publisher dependent on each copy we sell for our survival – and most of all, thank you for respecting the hard work of our author and ensuring we are able to reward him for his labours. And don’t forget to keep visiting our site to see what else is happening in the Singles Club!

Thank you


The sky is stretched tight across the city. It has a strange hue and there is a charge to the air. It is storm season and the clouds are moiling.

He arrives uncharacteristically early and takes a seat so that he can look down the street and watch her walk – observe her without the pretence of the interview situation. He sits for a minute before deciding that perhaps she might not like being on display like that, like meat in a butcher’s window, so he moves to a table further back, in the darker corner of the cafe.

He has crossed seven postcodes and one river to be here. West London. Unfamiliar territory.

The cafe was her publicist’s suggestion. He had said it was just around the corner from her house and that she would feel at ease there. She did not do many interviews these days. She was, the publicist had said, nervous. Reticent.

The writer checks his notepad, checks his tape recorder. He orders coffee and a glass of water.

He opens a packet of a strong mints and tips one into his mouth but finds himself chewing it straight away and the sharp sugary chunks stick in his throat. He is coughing when the folk song singer arrives. He is swallowing water when she walks towards him.

She glides.