The Sense of Silence - Andrea Pirringer - E-Book

The Sense of Silence E-Book

Andrea Pirringer



The silence is not simply "emptiness" or "nothing". It is the possibility to pause and encounter: with oneself and with God. Therefore, in the silence a treasure is hidden, a source from which one can draw. Who refuels in the silence can cope easier with everyday life.

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Andrea Pirringer

The Sense of Silence




Dieses ebook wurde erstellt bei




Why God does not cry

What is silence?

Silence in everyday life

The types of silence

Places of silence

Expose yourself to the silence

The problem of loneliness

Silence and encounter

The naturalness of silence

Silence as a base

Silence and encounter with oneself

Place of prayer

The levels of silence

The voice of God

Tranquility and silence

Silence of worship

Devotion in the silence

In the silence miracles are possible

Jesus and the silence

Silence and self-discovery

Information about the author

Impressum neobooks


Dear Reader,

are you one of those who wonder: why do we actually need the silence? Could we not well do without it? Isn’t silence something terribly boring? It is silent, so nothing happens. It is like a void, almost like a "little death".

Do you also believe that silence is uncomfortable and that it is therefore better to avoid it if possible? - It has no benefit and it is also a waste of time, where you can do more important things.

But throughout life, each human comes once to a point where he feels his limitations: it is that the problems grow him over the head, that he has become sick from stress, or that he sees no purpose in his life.

In such situations, you suddenly develope the need for silence, for a break for rest, relaxation. One hopes that the silence will give reorientation and new power.

So it probably still makes sense?

The author

Rosenheim, September 8, 2014 - Feast of birth of Our Lady

Why God does not cry