The Ultimate Metabolic Reset - Andreas Jopp - E-Book

The Ultimate Metabolic Reset E-Book

Andreas Jopp

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More than 800 000 metabolic reset participants will tell you from experience: Easy weight loss is possible while saying farewell to hunger, mood swings, and the yo-yo-cycle.
The secret is to reduce your calories substantially and to boost your intake of protein and essential nutrients. That’s the difference between the metabolic reset and all other “diets”, which frequently leave your body deficient in essential nutrients. The increased inflow of essential nutrients and protein results in improved mood, plenty of energy and a metabolism that is activated to produce the maximum fat burn.
Women can lose 4 to 6 kg (9 to 13 lb) and men 7 to 10 kg (15 to 22 lb) without hunger pangs within four short weeks.
The metabolic reset does more than just help you lose weight. It also increases your supplies of essential nutrients for better health, more energy and improved quality of life. You’ll feel these benefits in your life.
Top topics:
++ Feel full, happy, and avoid yo-yo effects through protein.
++ Stay vital, energetic, and resilient to stress with vital nutrients.
++ Maintain stable mood and health with Omega-3.
++ Activate your collagen production to tone your skin and reduce cellulite.
++ Cleanse and re-balance your colon with fibre and friendly bacteria.
++ Maintain your weight loss and keep your energy levels up over the long term.

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Seitenzahl: 239

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Table of Contents


Introduction – The 10 keys to success in the ultimate metabolic reset

PILLAR1Calories down, essential nutrients and protein up. Success through a nutrition plus shake strategy

Lose weight, fast or slow

Ketogenesis – the body’s high-power fat burning engine

The nutrition plus shake concept – The combined strategy

PILLAR2Escape the carbohydrate trap The benefits of the no-carb strategy

Getting fat from quick carbs

Carb-induced hunger

Carb-induced unhappiness

Obesity and changes to the brain’s messenger system

Getting out of the carbohydrate trap

Why do a no-carb diet?

Eating to numb the pain

PILLAR3Feel full and satisfied, and avoid the yo-yo effect Losing weight with a “high-protein” strategy

If you don’t feel satisfied, you won’t lose weight

The studies: Protein and feeling full

Boost your metabolism with protein

More weight loss, more fat reduction, less yo-yo effect

Improved mood and energy

What protein shake is best to help you lose weight?

PILLAR4Use micronutrients to feel energetic and stress-resistant

Would you fuel a sports car with crude oil?

Consistent good mood while losing weight

What the studies say: Stress, moods and vitamins

Improved fat burning by re-booting your metabolism

Micronutrients for weight loss and beauty

PILLAR5Avoid mood swings with Omega-3

Comfort eating

Omega-3, hunger and satiety

An oil change for the mood

Making the right choice

PILLAR6Losing fat – saggy skin. How to use OPC to enhance your skin tone

Nutrients for your skin

OPC and collagen production

PILLAR7Lose more weight and cleanse your colon

What the studies say: Increased weight loss using fibre

Colon cleansing and skin

Beat the yo-yo effect by changing the microflora

PILLAR8Detox and reduce acidity with minerals

Fat cells accumulate toxins

Detox with sulphur and minerals

Excessive acidity as a brake on weight loss

Improve circulation and acidity with L-Arginine

The metabolic activator


Your photo – your most powerful motivation

Don’t muddle through by yourself

PILLAR10Eat with pleasure: new recipes, new habits

Stabilization phase – a stable body weight and carbohydrate blockers

Slowing down and blocking carbohydrates

Less fat storage

The studies: Carbohydrate blocker and weight loss

Special interests of dieters


Thyroid insufficiency and Hashimoto


Severely obese people – lose 30-50 kg/70-110 lb

Special: high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar


A quick guide: How the metabolic reset works

A quick guide: Vital nutrients and protein

A quick guide: How to measure your weight

My work as a medical journalist

A short guide to Nutrition

A final word: How to keep your weight constant




It’s not about what you are today, but what you would like to be in the future. More than 800 000 people all over the world have successfully lost weight using the metabolic reset: quickly and easily.

The metabolic reset is a low calorie diet with added essential nutrients and protein. This guarantees rapid weight loss while staying energetic, in a good mood, feeling full and without the yo-yo effect. When a person reduces calories on any other diet, nutritional deficiencies, loss of muscle mass and the yo-yo effect are practically inevitable! This is because under such regimes the body is inevitably going to go short of essential nutrients and, most of the time, of protein.

Lots of people would like to lose between 20 and 30 kilos (44 to 66 lb) without ending up suffering dangerous nutritional deficits caused by dieting. The metabolic reset replenishes the body’s reserves of essential nutrients rather than depleting them. Instead of leaving you feeling tired and low, the plentiful essential nutrients that the metabolic reset provides will make you feel energetic and positive. On top of that, the additional protein you take in will keep your hunger under control and help you avoid the yo-yo effect.

Health goes well beyond the goal of simply losing weight. With the smart use of essential nutrients and protein, you will improve and re-balance your metabolism to ensure better health into the future. More than anything else, it’s the quality, composition and bioavailability of the essential nutrients that you take in that determines the success of your metabolic reset.

The metabolic reset is more than just weight loss

As a medical journalist, I will show you the success factors of this diet. The metabolic reset conforms to the very latest scientific findings on how the body works.

1. You can lose between 4 and 10 kg (9 and 20 lb) per month.

2. The diet will increase your fat burn.

3. You can reduce hunger pangs.

4. You can increase your energy levels and resistance to stress.

5. You can cleanse your colon.

6. You can detox your body.

7. You can reduce inflammation in your joints

8. You can tone up your skin and reduce cellulitis.

9. You can restore your acid-alkaline balance.

10. You can regenerate the function of your pancreas.

11. You can normalize your blood sugar and fat levels, as well as improve your blood pressure.

12. You can replenish your body’s reserves of essential nutrients.

13. You can increase your blood levels of vitamin D and omega-3 fats.

14. You can treat your body to a general overhaul.

My advice to doubters is as follows: Don’t take my word for it. Try it out for yourself.

Rebalancing your metabolism

So you’ve got your weight down – but what then? Do you go back to your old ways? Or do you want to continue to use essential nutrients to keep you energetic, stress resistant and in a good mood into the future? Giving your cells potent protection. Getting fitter and healthier. Reprogramming and activating your metabolism. Naturally enough, you’ll only pose this question to yourself once you have successfully lost weight after a few weeks on the metabolic reset and have seen for yourself how your intake of essential nutrients and protein leaves you feeling full of energy and good humour. This will not be just your imagination or a placebo effect. I’ll show you how scientific studies have proven exactly these effects. Once you’ve improved your body’s supply of essential nutrients, would you want to do without these benefits in the future? The choice is yours: do you want to spend your money on that chocolate bar, pastry and coffee? Or do you want to get fit and ready for action and stay that way, contributing substantially to your long-term good health in the process. You can decide for yourself whether you’re worth it.

Your advantage: You will already have seen the benefits of the metabolic reset in your own body, so you won’t need take what I say on trust. Experience is the best form of wisdom.

With very best wishes,

Andreas Jopp

INTRODUCTIONThe 10 keys to success in the ultimate metabolic reset

Lose weight without suffering mood swings, hunger or the yo-yo effect – it is possible!

Calories down. Essential nutrients and protein down.

How does the metabolic reset differ from a traditional, common-or-garden diet? Conventional diets reduce calories to tackle the fleshy fat around the dieter’s belly, hips and bum. But if you dial down the calories – even if you only reduce your intake by 500 to 700 calories (2100-2900 kJ) – you will also be reducing the amount of essential nutrients and protein that your body is getting and your metabolism is inevitably going to go out of kilter. You’re going to suffer nutritional deficiencies. And the result will be a bad mood. Irritability. Cravings for sweet foods to give you that quick lift. Hunger pangs. Your biochemical factory – your body – is sending you a signal: “Please replenish my nutrient level.” “Please eat now.” Your metabolism is running out of steam. If, on top of all that, there’s too little protein in your diet, then the yo-yo effect is practically inevitable. And when that kicks in, the whole torturous effort has been for nothing. Dieting means deficiency and abstinence.

Calories down. Essential nutrients and protein up.

The metabolic resets diet does precisely the opposite. Calories down. Essential nutrients up. By adopting the metabolic reset, lots of overweight people begin taking in greater amounts of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, omega-3 fats and proteins for the first time. Their body’s reserves of essential nutrients are replenished. Their metabolisms are re-balanced. They feel fitter and more energetic. And, as a by-product, they also lose weight rapidly. The metabolic reset improves their quality of life, just as other regimes diminish it.

The majority of people are not overweight because they’re getting lots of essential nutrients and taking in plenty of vegetables, fruit and protein. Those who are already eating healthily, but still can’t get rid of their problem spots, are a small minority. They have what I call diet-resistant fat. Many are stuck in a sugar/carbohydrate trap. Highly processed foods contain almost no essential nutrients. People therefore often feel the benefits of the additional essential nutrients provided by the metabolic reset very strongly. They often feel “strangely different”, more lively, more energetic. They feel ready to chop down trees with a single blow. They get on everyone’s nerves with all that energy. And, to be very honest about it, that effect is the very last thing you’d expect from starting a dieting regime.

Overweight, but undernourished

People who are overweight really aren’t getting too much. In fact, they’re getting too little. Overweight people always see themselves as “too much”. We professionals, on the other hand, measure too little in their bloodstream – and, what’s more, studies prove it. Too few essential nutrients. That means having too little protein to get slim and feel full, satisfied and dynamic. Too few vitamins to be able to produce enough slimming hormones and neurotransmitters that make you happy. Too-low levels of vitamin D to keep your mood stable. Too few essential minerals. Excessive acidity (due to mineral deficiencies) makes you tired and vulnerable to stress, and puts a brake on your capacity to lose weight. Too little magnesium in the bloodstream. That makes it impossible to work out in the fitness club or build up your stamina. Too few trace elements like iodine and selenium to produce fat-burning thyroid hormones. Too-low levels of omega-3 in the bloodstream. Omega-3 has an anti-depressive and mood-lifting effect.

All of these nutrients are absolutely essential to the task of losing weight successfully. Only when you have plenty of each of them can you reduce your calorie intake radically. Going on a low-calorie diet will have the effect of making you lose weight rapidly. Now that’s inspiring!

Hunger, mood and the yo-yo effect

If you can deal with each of these critical points effectively, then your diet will be successful. That’s why the topic of hunger, mood and the yo-yo effect is the common thread running through every chapter of this book. For me it’s beyond question that you can use the metabolic reset to get your weight down. Have faith in yourself. Get over your fears. Set yourself a clear goal and a target date for achieving your new weight. Take back the quality of life you deserve.

10 factors for success in the metabolic reset

These 10 pillars are an integral part of the metabolic reset. They work together and reinforce each other.

Pillar 1:Calories down, essential nutrients and protein up.

Pillar 2:Escape the carbohydrate trap.

Pillar 3:Use extra protein to feel full and satisfied, and avoid the yo-yo effect.

Pillar 4:Supplement essential nutrients to feel lively, energetic and stress-resistant.

Pillar 5:Avoid mood swings with omega-3.

Pillar 6:Lost body fat can leave your skin looking saggy. With OPCs that doesn’t have to be that way.

Pillar 7:Use extra fibre to slim more effectively and to cleanse your colon.

Pillar 8:Detox and reduce acidity: The holistic idea behind the metabolic reset.

Pillar 9:Use your photo for motivation

Pillar 10:Eat with pleasure: new recipes, new good habits.

The quick guides

Are you in a hurry to get started now? Then read these quick guides now.

I would recommend that you read factors for success 1 to 10 while you are on your metabolic reset. Only then will you understand how the metabolic reset works, what you need to keep in mind and how to stay slim permanently.

• Brief guide on how to follow the metabolic reset Page 132

• Brief guide to essential nutrients and protein Page 139

• Brief guide to nutrition Page 142

Lose weight, fast or slow

Do you want to get your weight down quickly or slowly? Lots of people are amazed by this question. After a moment to think it over, 90% reply, “Preferably as fast as possible.” Yet then the doubts begin to creep in: “But will that mean that I’ll put it all back on again quickly too?” Both responses express central worries for any dieter.

There are two basic diet designs:

Fast: A low-calorie diet with nutritional supplements

If you are taking in only 800 calories (3 350 kJ) per day, then you’ll burn fat all the faster. It’s a purely mathematical exercise. Women can realistically lose 4 to 6 kg (9 to 13 lb) and men 7 to 10 kg (15 to 22 lb) in a single month. And rapid weight loss is good for your motivation. The results prove the diet’s effectiveness. So you stay with it. You will be proud of yourself.

But, if you reduce your calorie intake to this level, you’ll need to supplement your diet with essential nutrients and protein.

The calculation given here should be understood as no more than indicative. A person’s underlying calorie turnover will differ depending on whether they’re a man or a woman, on their weight, muscle mass and on the amount of exercise they do. On the metabolic reset there’s no need to count calories. The diet reduces your intake to about 600-800 calories (2 800-3 350 kJ).

Slow: A long-term diet involving a modest reduction in calories

“I’d really only like to lose weight by making some changes to my diet.” Well, okay, but that way it’ll take a bit longer. If you eat 300 calories (1 250 kJ) less every day, then you’ll lose about 1 to 2 kg (2 to 4.5 lb) per month. Or a quarter to half a pound every week. Does that sound like a good pace? Really? I’d find it frustrating. Motivation begins to looks very different after a while if you have to make an effort to restrict your behaviour every day. To manage that over the long term you need almost superhuman discipline.

And, to lose 20 kg (44 lb) on a slow diet you’d need to diet for 10 to 20 months. With the metabolic reset you can achieve the same effect in one third of the time.

The slower diet option is often the choice suggested by traditional nutritionists. They tell you: what you need to do is change the way you eat. That way you reduce your intake by a few calories – allegedly without too much stress. And you’ll lose a little weight every month. What you’re really doing is going on a sort of permanent diet. And the result is that you feel constantly guilty over taking even the smallest step backward. But in real life there are always birthdays, Christmas celebrations, meetings with carefree friends and other special occasions. All that can end up pushing the target of losing a substantial amount of weight out of reach. Slow diets simply don’t take human psychology into account, because people want to see quick results.

And our instincts don’t program us to deal with this constant need to eat less. The sabre-tooth tiger generally wanted more to get him through the hard times when there would be nothing at all to eat. His brain rewarded his craving for the sweet and the fatty, because that was the stuff that contained the most calories. And that was what kept him alive. His instinct, like ours, wasn’t programmed for a permanent diet.

Your fat cells

“Going down to 800 calories a day, that’s simply got to be bad for the body.” Well, no, actually! It’s quite normal. Of course, in the age of the refrigerator it is a little unusual, but in the animal world it’s an everyday fact of life. The body has even developed a metabolic program designed especially for it: ketogenesis. Under such conditions, the body switches to pure fat-burning mode. It delivers ketone fat briquettes to all cells to provide them with energy. The process is fuelled by burning fat from the flab zones. How much energy is there in that fat though? About 7 000 calories (29 288 kJ) in every kilo of fat. The upshot of this is that if you reduce your intake by 1 000 calories (4 182 kJ) per day, you’ll lose a kilo of fat per week.

Ketogenesis – the body’s high-power fat-burning engine

Ketogenesis feels great. Your body receives a constant supply of energy. You feel alert, focused and elated. So the best strategy is to bring your calories down fast. With no pasta, no bread and no little pastries.

“Don’t we go into ketogenesis when we drop our intake by 300 calories?” No, I’m afraid we don’t. If you continue to eat carbohydrates, your liver and muscles will continue to store them as glycogen. This forms a sort of intermediate energy tank. Only when the energy in that tank is fully exhausted does the body switch to exclusively burning fat. That process usually takes two to three days.

“I had a slight headache over the first few days of my metabolic reset.” Ketogenesis can feel a little unfamiliar for the first few days. Suddenly the brain is being supplied with ketones instead of sugar. It feels strange because it might be years since a person last went into ketogenesis. Or maybe they have never experienced it before. Some people feel a little woozy, tired or testy in the first two to three days, as the changeover requires some modification in enzyme-based metabolic processes. But soon the brain adjusts and reports, “Don’t worry. I’ve reactivated my old metabolic program. Everything’s working fine again now.”

Lose weight in the right places

Do you have diet-resistant fat? In spite of the scores of kilometres you’ve run on your cross trainer, you simply can’t get those love handles off your hips. The reason for this is that the first 20 minutes is the period in which most glycogen is burnt. Only then does the body slowly switch over to burning fat. And only in ketogenesis does your metabolism switch to fat burning for periods you can count in days. Its first target is the fat on your rump, your upper thighs and, for men, on your belly. Because that fat has been laid down precisely for this purpose. And that’s precisely what metabolic reset dieters report: “I’ve finally managed to lose the fat where I wanted to lose it.” You’ll love it.

The good news for people with stubborn flab zones

I know plenty of people who eat very healthily. And who just want to get rid of one or two problem zones. Is there a woman in the world who doesn’t want to achieve something like that? There are others too who, despite their healthy diet, remain stuck at a constant heavy weight. Maybe they gained weight during a pregnancy or after giving up smoking and haven’t managed to get rid of the extra fat since then. For everyone who suffers such stubborn excess body weight there’s good news: All you have to do is melt down your fat cells once. To come down from a higher weight plateau to a lower one. And once that’s done, you’re done! You can maintain the lower weight level every bit as easily as you maintained the higher plateau.

Those who have to battle with a constant yo-yo effect or with constant weight gain can use this book and the collected experience with the metabolic reset to learn how make things work better.

Your favourite jeans instead of the scales

Try on that pair of jeans that’s just too tight for you as you embark on your metabolic reset. The prospect of getting back into them provides you with a clear and – more importantly – emotionally attractive goal. You’ll see how you’re able to pull the zipper higher and higher after one or two weeks. Your rear will suddenly fit back into them. What a great feeling! One of those moments of pure happiness!

And, by the way, the get-back-into-your-jeans method is a much more effective measure than constantly stepping onto the scales. I’ve seen slim dieters who have managed to reduce their waist size by 9 centimetres. But on the scales that difference was measured as only of couple of kilos. And three centimetres off your hips may not even be detectable on the scales. But your jeans will tell you. The jeans are even better than a measuring tape. After all, what you want to fit into is not a tailor’s tape, is it? It’s your favourite outfit. There’s much more emotional value in that. It’s more real. It’s more inspiring.

Some people like to calculate how much each protein shake costs a dieter. But really, just think of how much wasted money is left hanging there in a wardrobe full of clothes that you simply can’t wear.

What does the ideal diet look like to you?

This a question that I very often ask, because the answer to it shows the wishes and basic requirements that my clients demand of a diet.

“I want results fast.” “No big effort, please. It has to be practical. I don’t have much time.”

“I’m not going to spend hours in the kitchen weighing out ingredients.” “I don’t want to feel hungry all the time.” “I’m really not very sporty.” “I’ll still want a proper hot meal once a day. I enjoy my food.”

So off you go to a nutritionist. What they’ll want to do is to re-educate you. They’ll suggest complicated recipes. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. And they won’t want you to reduce your calorie intake drastically at once. Maybe start of by cutting 300 calories (1 256 kJ), so you can lose weight slowly over a few months. They’ll want you to get out and get active, so you can burn off at least another 200 calories (837 kJ) that way. The only problem is that their instructions don’t look anything like what the vast majority of would-be dieters want. It’s precisely this sort of high-effort program that fails when confronted by everyday life. But why? Because it’s just too complicated. Not adapted to practical needs. Just not simple and not clear enough Or… because it’s badly designed in terms of nutritional needs. I have spent 20 years working intensively on the topic of diets. I’m every bit as critical and mistrustful as you are. That’s my job as a medical journalist. The metabolic reset fulfils precisely the wishes listed above. It’s fast. It’s simple. It leaves you feeling full. It’s tasty. In short, it’s the smart way to slim.

Diet lies: It’s better to lose weight slowly

“Losing weight more slowly is surely more healthy and longer lasting.” This wash-and-repeat argument is used by diet consultants who are constantly trying to talk us into believing that slower equals longer lasting. But the current state of research just doesn’t support that claim.

Here are the facts: A review of 27 studies on closely-observed diet programs published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition1 gave the following results: 14 studies of calorie-reduced diets (down to 1 600 calories, 6 700 kJ) were compared against 13 studies of a low-calorie strategy using shakes (800 calories, 3350 kJ). The latter were referred to as formula diets. After completion of all the diet programs, data was collected over the subsequent five years on how well the weight loss was retained by dieters. The initial weight loss achieved by the shake group was twice as large as the other group. And the results for retaining that weight loss in the longer term showed the low-calorie group still ahead a year later, still twice as good as the others. To put it in figures, the shake group lost an average of 17 kg (37.5 lb) as compared to 6.6 kg (14.5 lb). After five years, the weight loss retained by the faster slimming group was as much as three times more than the dieters following the slower strategy: 7 kg (15.5 lb) instead of 2 kg (4.4 lb).

The metabolic reset is the right strategy

So, losing weight fast with a bigger reduction of calories and using shake supplements is more successful than the slower alternative. The idea of using shakes is becoming ever more popular. Such shakes are designed to replace one or two daily meals. They contain few calories but fill you up and give you all the nutrients that you need. The metabolic reset is just such a shake-based slimming program. Where the metabolic reset differs from other such diets, however, is that the idea of replenishing the body’s reserves of essential nutrients is central to it.

“Ah, okay. Then faster, simpler, longer-lasting weight loss without subjecting my body to nutritional deficiencies – that sort of diet might suit me. The whole idea is a bit exotic, though, isn’t it?” Not at all. Lots of successful studies support the idea of diets using formulas. That’s why they are listed along with the conventional strategy of slimming slowly by changing eating patterns as a second effective strategy in the official guideline for treatment of obesity by the German Obesity Association and the German Society for Nutritional Medicine.

So the metabolic reset using shakes containing essential nutrients certainly isn’t just some obscure dieting fashion. It is one of the most effective and long-lasting slimming programs in existence. Its strategy dovetails precisely with existing scientific knowledge, as its success clearly shows.

The Nutrition Plus Shake Concept – the combined strategy

“But you can only maintain your weight loss if you change your way of eating.” I agree entirely! Because using shakes for a time and then going back to your old eating habits will end up with you putting the pounds back on again in the long term. And precisely for this reason the metabolic reset combines Strategy 1 (changing eating habits through new, practical recipes) with Strategy 2 (taking shakes twice a day.) That’s what we call the Nutrition Plus Shake Concept.

“Isn’t all that a bit of an effort?” Not at all. Drinking shakes twice a day saves you lots of time. You still eat a cooked meal once a day – with lots of protein and no carbohydrates. Tasty! You’ll see for yourself. And it won’t take long. And it matches your priorities precisely. The fact is that 55% of people value foods that are quick and easy to prepare. For those under 29, the percentage rises to 72%.

This combined strategy is perfectly doable – for anyone, from a long-haul trucker to the stressed out office worker or the craftsperson constantly on the move… I’ve advised people from every possible professional group. The metabolic reset is perfectly suited to people’s everyday needs and is easy to put into practice in any lifestyle.

New recipes – more eating pleasure

“Is it really tasty? I really enjoy my food.” Absolutely! There are plenty of delicious recipes in the metabolic reset. The only issue is that lots of people don’t use their imagination in their kitchens. Because they lack practice. Pizza, pasta and that constant stream of cold foods along with bread lands on the dinner table more and more often: 27% of Germans no longer eat a hot meal at all. Another 26% only do so once a week or less.2 So we’re living in an increasingly grey lifestyle of ready-to-be-eaten pies, slap chips and take-away chicken. A snack culture. But real food enjoyment is something else entirely! I don’t believe lots of overweight people when they tell me that they really enjoy their food. They imagine they do, because they don’t want to feel even worse about themselves. And when I see what people put on the conveyor at the supermarket checkout, it seems to me more like a unanimous expression of frustration.

“Yeah, I have no time to cook; I’m really tired when I get home.” Well, I’d love to challenge you to a cook-off. I can guarantee you that in the same time you can boil a few noodles or lay out the cold cuts and meats for your supper, I’ll have conjured up a delicious hot treat. And something else I can guarantee is that your energy levels will feel very different once you’ve properly refuelled and rebooted your metabolism.

“I really hate having to go to the supermarket after work; I prefer to just order pizza.”