Virtual Encounters - Clifford Chatterley - E-Book

Virtual Encounters E-Book

Clifford Chatterley

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What is a virtual encounter? Given the variety of technological possibilities the dawn of the 21st century has created, this question is not easy to answer. But this book does not linger over theory: Instead, it presents six examples in the form of erotic short stories that shed light on various forms and aspects of the topic. Not all of them are technologically elaborated to the last detail. Some scenes may be considered speculative at the time of publication, some are only conceivable in virtual reality. Others are easy to imagine or can already be experienced today. Dieses Buch ist unter dem Titel "Virutelle Begegnungen" auch in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.

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Seitenzahl: 47

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Clifford Chatterley

Virtual Encounters

Six Erotic Short Stories




Dream Come True


Tease and Denial

Pushing Limits




What is a virtual encounter? Given the variety of technological possibilities the dawn of the 21st century has created, this question is not easy to answer.

But this book does not linger over theory: Instead, it presents six examples in the form of erotic short stories that shed light on various forms and aspects of the topic.

Not all of them are technologically elaborated to the last detail. Some scenes may be considered speculative at the time of publication, some are only conceivable in virtual reality. Others are easy to imagine or can already be experienced today.

In any case, I hope you enjoy reading.

Clifford Chatterley


She was gliding calmly and steadily through the air, a few hundred yards above the coastal landscape below in the afternoon sun. An azure blue sea, a white beach that merged into a grassy dune landscape, a range of blueish hills further away. A little way ahead of her, gradually rising cliffs ascended from the sea, forming an imposing breakaway in the distance, much like the white chalk cliffs at the English Channel.

She felt the wind on her skin caused by her leisurely flight, the sun warmed her buttocks and back. It had been a while since her last trip to the Space. So she focused on becoming familiar again with the intuitive steering that controlled all of her movements. You didn't really need to know how it worked, mostly just by concentrating on a wish. She tried to climb a little, flew a gentle curve over the sea, sink a little and accelerate. Soon she gained confidence. She remembered, there were other perspectives, you could also observe yourself from the outside. She liked the naked avatar with the bronze-colored skin, the dark, flowing hair, when she set the viewpoint above and in front of her head, slightly offset to the side. Oops, that was close, she felt the environmental control make her climb a little to avoid hitting the gently sloping meadow leasing up the cliffs. Better slip back into the avatar.

She glided up along the cliffs, just a few feet above the ground, enjoyed the smell of the fresh green grass and the sea; screams of seabirds could be heard in the distance. Once at the top of the cliff, she paused for a moment, peering over the edge down at the blue sea. As she considered, the intuitive motion control seemed to anticipate her request. She slid off the cliff at a slanting angle, accelerating towards the blue sea. A few meters from the surface of the water, she intuitively put her head back and raised her outstretched hands. The fall was intercepted, her belly almost brushed the surface of the water, she caught a few splashes of spray before rising again in an elongated arch, high above the cliffs in an external loop. She spread her arms and legs wide, enjoying the air on her skin, the warm sun on her stomach and thighs. At the apex, she effortlessly turned back to her prone position, softly intercepted the flight, and slid back over a wide arc to the edge of the cliff.


He lay idly in the tall grass near the breakaway, watching the woman who had just pulled an elegant loop from the cliff. With the zoom function, he had been able to easily determine that she was a woman. His avatar was also naked, as was the woman next to him, who had let another young man into her intimate distance. They were here together somehow, but it was not a possessive “together”. The Space in which they were traveling had a few simple rules: nudity obligatory, only their own biological sex, and touching only with mutual consensus. He was still connected to his girlfriend, she replied his short “have fun” with a “good luck”. English was the lingua franca in this international Space, but you didn't have to master more than these little phrases, it wasn't spoken. So he turned to the flying woman who was just approaching the cliff head again. “Cool stunt”, he pinged. Like most of the other participants, he did not understand how the communication worked, it was not acoustic. “Invite.” That was a signal word, he opened his intimate distance for her and waited to see what would happen. “Thanks”, she replied, but the counter invitation did not come yet. As long as it was not given, the space would ensure that there was always a distance of six feet between them.

He stretched out as she slowly hovered over him, inspecting him. “Follow”, she signaled to him. So he brought himself in flight position and followed her when she first made a slow lap across the abyss. He accelerated a little and hovered by her side. They exchanged looks. “Repeat.” She dived, and he followed her plunging to the surface of the water. They caught the fall almost in parallel, their bodies bent in the G-force of the outer loop. At the apex they both almost came to a standstill. Suddenly the “invite” came back. He carefully approached her until his fingertips touched hers. He made a slight curve until they held each other's hands and looked into each other's eyes.

It was an important moment. You could fake almost anything here, you could tighten your face a little, but the expression could not be changed. Here the human behind the avatar shimmered through most openly. He liked her eyes, it seemed mutual, she smiled. They came closer, their foreheads touched briefly. Her eyes flashed, then she let go, pinged a “catch” while she was already scooting