90 Days Cuckold - Clifford Chatterley - E-Book

90 Days Cuckold E-Book

Clifford Chatterley

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A beginning, as has been told many times before: The hero of our story is caught at adultery with two pretty girls. In order to regain his wife's respect, he makes her an unusual offer. She accepts ... However, things are developing differently to what the two had imagined. Will he be able to win her heart again? Dieses Buch ist unter dem Titel "90 Tage Cuckold" auch in deutscher Sprache erschienen.

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Seitenzahl: 56

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90 Days Cuckold

Diary of an Almost Kept Chastity

Prepared and told by Clifford Chatterley

A beginning, as has been told many times before: The hero of our story is caught at adultery with two pretty girls. In order to regain his wife's respect, he makes her an unusual offer. She accepts ...

However, things are developing differently to what the two had imagined. Will he be able to win her heart again?





The Cage

The first Evening

The First Month

Day 4: Two Jokers

Day 7: Washing and Shaving

Day 11: Sloppy Seconds

Day 13: An Outing

Day 16: Everyday Life ...

Day 18: … and Weekend of a Cuckold

Day 23: The First Joker Card

Day 28: A Roman Party

Day 29: Serving again

The Second Month

Day 33: Days are tough

Day 45: Getting used to it

Day 52: The Second Joker Card

Day 59: Defenseless

Day 59: The Wire and the green LED

Day 60: The Morning After

The Third Month

Day 68: Give Up?

Day 73: Unexpected

Day 79: Pride, unaided

Day 87: A Request declined

Day 90: A last Humiliation





This story has no fixed place and no fixed time. It is up to the reader's imagination to fill in these details.

Sexually transmitted diseases do not seem to be an issue in this carefree place and times, nor do unwanted pregnancies.

But enough of a foreword now: Please follow me into the world of cuckolding with all its facets.

Clifford Chatterley



There was no denial: The video that ran on the brand-new large screen in our living room showed me. Unfortunately not just me, but me with two girls. I was quite simply caught in the trap ...

But first things first.

Call me Peter. Yes, I know, but still: let's stick to it. After all, I have the scant remnant of a reputation left to lose. I'm a lawyer. Head of the office in the large law firm owned by my wife Ruth.

Ruth doesn't work there, she's not even a lawyer. She inherited, that's enough. It was actually a coincidence that I even applied there after a few less lucrative jobs. It's not easy as a new lawyer without a good professional record. You have to fight your way through.

Anyway, I was taken. At the end of the trial period, I was invited to the summer festival, where I met Ruth. The devil must have ridden me, or was it the two or three drinks?Spare me the details, six months later I moved in here.

Here, I have to explain. A villa in a posh suburb of the city, with a park around it that is five times as big as the one I used to play in as a child, in the middle of a shabby suburban area.

Since I had moved in, I was driving a Porsche she made available to me. I was wearing bespoke suits that she chose for me. Half a year later, on the occasion of our wedding, she made me head of the office, but at the same time she quit my salary: “What do you need it for, you have all you need here.” So I had been working as a family member ever since then. Sure, I had my cash and credit cards. But not even a bank account of my own.

You may ask why I was accepting all this. Well: very simple: my life was so much hotter than anything I could have accomplished myself. Not just figuratively, but also literally. Ruth was not only a top-class woman herself, she also loved playing with fire, the excess, the ecstasy. And I didn't miss out either – so far. I was having women others can only dream of.

There was only one rule: nothing without Ruth's knowledge and consent. But nothing beats the thrills of little secrets, so I hadn't noticed that the two girls with whom I had spent a night a few weeks ago were probably set on me by Ruth. Or at least she was told about it.

“Well, what do you have to say?” Her voice was calm, almost business. She pressed the remote control's off button. The question wrenched me out of my thoughts into the present. I thought feverishly that my cards were bad.

Should I go, leave this all behind me? I truly loved Ruth, but I also loved all the rest that was offered to me here. You know what I mean. Or stay on parole, as a pariah, without my wife's respect?

I looked over at her, studying her face. Outwardly a poker face, but I knew my wife better. There was no hate, there was no judgment, rather a spark of amusement. On the other hand: that could change quickly, I couldn't disappoint her again now.

“Ruth”. I said, gathering all my courage. “Ruth, you are my wife, and I love you like you did on the first day.” I paused, her face was unmoved. “The circumstances of our marriage do not make it seem necessary for me to apologize for what has happened. But I have to apologize for the fact that it happened without your knowledge. You never shackled me, so this behavior wasn't necessary.” I looked at her again. She listened to me intently. “I don't want to go, but neither do I want to live indebted to you indefinitely, have to live on probation. Therefore, this is what I have to offer you as an atonement for the next month.” So I explained my plan to her.

She nodded. Was there a trace of a smile? “You spoke well, Peter. Yet, there were two girls, and it was not the first time.” – How did she know that now? – “A month would be a small price. Would you be willing to last three months? That would seem appropriate to me.”

I considered. It was tough, but at the same time something excited me about the thought. Why not, I thought to myself, I don't have much left to lose. So I got up, walked over to her, fell to her knees in front of her as if on a stage, and asked: “Ruth, are you ready to accept my three-month atonement?”

She took me under the chin with one hand, lifted my head and forced me to look her in the eye. “Yes”, she said simply, then released me. “Now take a shower and wash and shave your cock clean. Be in my bedroom in 30 minutes.” She got up and left the salon without turning around again.