X Stories - Andre Le Bierre - E-Book

X Stories E-Book

Andre Le Bierre

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  • Herausgeber: BookRix
  • Kategorie: Erotik
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017

During the time, I have published my first stories on Bookrix platform; I began to write some stories in English. I got some remarks and postings from my English readers. Now I have published all my stories with Amazon and Createspace. This book including my english stories is dedicated to my readers from the bookrix.com platform. I hope you enjoy it...

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Andre Le Bierre

X Stories

Erotic Stories

I have to thank for notes by Karolina Peli and Pinball, further thanks to Bookrix and VEG, supporting me the last six years. Special Thanx to my readers all over the world for reading and their remarks!BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich


I started with writing in 2002 as a chat moderator for flirt chats and erotic chats. Later I changed to SMS chats and stopped the whole in 2008. Meanwhile I had written my first stories in blank text files. After my invitation to the storyboard “Romane & Novellen“, I followed my friend and author “Vollstrecker“, where I have published all my stories for reading and correction.


During the time, I started three times the publishing process with Epubli, Bookrix and lulu. After a contract with inter publishers media I had my first publish with “longing for love“, an e-book in English and German. Now I published all my stories in books and gave it to Amazon. X Stories is the last book for the moment. It includes all my english stories. Innocent is the translation of a part from my german story “Die Zicke“. “Lifecolors“ is a piece of my essays. I close the book with a story about the HI-virus and the worldwide promotion for this item.


The Author



I wrote a little story about men,

having sex with each other.

The question is, if they are gay.

Why should I explain the gender

and sexual alignment for every person?

It is not important,

if they are gay or not.

It´s only sex!


When a man is black and a woman is white,

so I am grey.

I don’t live in black or white.

My life is much more colored

as others on mother earth.

When I am feeling like a woman,

why should I be a man in these moments?


Someday my life is black and on other days

my life is pink.

In several times my life is also blue

or turns to red or green.

I live between man and woman,

between black and white.

Nuances are painting my life to a rainbow.


I don’t live in mainstreams.

I like to be grey in plenty of nuances.

Read between the lines and live

between black and white,

So your live will also be a rainbow.

The Tale of being gay


Born as a young man, I did my way in Germany. It was not easy to find myself, but life is one of the hardest, I heard. Therefore, I started to learn many things about sex. In the first few years, I played with myself to know more about my body. At least, I was sick of puberty, wet dreams and these many erections of my penis. It is hard to live with a part of your body that always want to have sex or want to be satisfied.


Elemental I was also interested in girls and of course also in female anatomy. My first intimate encounter with a girl, I had in the age of fourteen years. A young

Vagina was very exciting for me. I got wet fingers by my first touch with a female genital. Someone call it “The Touch of Evil“… My first female sexual partner was young, curios and willed. She had the eyes of a fairy and skin, hot like hell’s fire …


I tasted the smelly taste of a cunt and had my first sex,

where I thought, my warm sperm were drops of pee I left in her pussy. Later, I understood to make girls hot. My first right girlfriend was blonde and had blue eyes …


She was sweet as well, but ever she wanted me to kiss her. My biggest problem was, to kiss a girl. I was shy and afraid of kissing, no matter I had sex with fourteen years. A man showed me how to kiss. He was a friend of my father. I did not understand that it was sexual abuse. He was gay and on fire, when he got the chance...


… To get a young boy. Later he forced me to touch his penis and to do things with him, I never could know … When I think about it, it is like a door, which is closing in front of my eyes. I cannot remember what happened. Maybe it was to fatal, what he had done … what was it? Only the love of an old man belongs to a young boy. Was it only a game?


If there is a door, which closes in front of my eyes, how should I be safe, that he never touch my whole body? If he really loved me, how should I know, that he had not fucked me? I cannot remember things like this. I only know that I laid down naked on his bed … several times. However, I cannot remember, what happened …I think I had to play with his dick until he finished. In addition, perhaps, he coerced me to swallow …


He was a grown up and I was I child … it was not legal, what he had done. He could be my father … I felt ashamed. I had no one to talk about this. However, I was able to kiss from this moment. I knew kisses, wet kisses, kisses with or without tongue and so I surprised my girlfriend with hot softly kisses … I had plenty of girlfriends in the age from eighteen to twenty-five years. In addition, I had a lot of sex in this time … sometimes with virgins.


At this time I had dreamed of having sex with two girls simultaneous, but I never had … I thought, how interesting to feel two girls with lips on my dick and maybe to be ridden while eating muff.


Okay, I like girls, kissing another girl, but …

The only thing, I had a chance for was sex with a girl and another boy. A girlfriend provided me to do …But my head said no to fuck a girl with another boy. That was only one site of my sexual life. The other side began also in the age of fourteen. A had a best friend at this time. On weekends and if we had holiday, I stayed overnight many times. A was nearly a part of his family.


We were normally friends, but he was in puberty too.

One night he submitted to masturbate together. Often we lay down at night, naked under the blanket. My mattress laid on the floor nearly his bed. Then he began to masturbate and let me watch, before I did the same. First, I felt a little bit dirty, but then …


… We did it. In addition, we did it not only one time. We did it every time we wanted. But I have to say, that I never kissed him. I think, we only tested our sexual aptitude ... I touched his dick and he touched mine. Most we did it, until we jerked off. Regular spoken, we satisfied each other.


Sometimes I sprayed my sperm over my whole body. He liked my average cut dick I know that. His Penis was a little bit smaller. He had more prepuces and often his shot was running over his shank and his hand. One day it became boring only to masturbate each other. He asked me, if I want to blow his dick. I felt not certain and hesitated. However, he was curios and began to lick my cock. First he dedicated to my glans and then to the whole shank. At least his mouth filled up and I got horny.


I felt, I was jerking off and shouted: "Attention, it's coming“ Then he took his head away and let me come. I thought that we had finished, but I forgot his little friend. He required that I gave him the same favor and I did.


I ate swallowed his dick and gave him the pleasure. After that, he proposed to do it the French way, laying in 69 positions to each other …


Two years later, I stopped our games, because he wanted to do it with another friend. We tried, but I had not really fun and I think our friend was too young to do dirty games with two other boys. It was the last time I had sex with him. They are two different things, to have sex with a good friend. I know from the playground and to have sex with him and another boy, I had no faith in. With my best friend, I stood naked under the shower and nothing happened. It only happened, if we wanted to …


I think if I were in love with him … under the shower

happened a little bit more than only hygienic …


Meanwhile I was sixteen years old. I had a longtime relationship with my girlfriend and think, I was happy. My homosexual phase disappeared after the weekends with my best friend became rare … Often I laid down in my bed … alone, naked and with a hardy standing like a … I was very sick of masturbating and missed something. I was happy with my girlfriend, but in the night, I felt empty. Sometimes I thought that I should have sat all on one card.

Maybe it could be easier, if the man’s world had caught me quieter. I was confused and lived between gay and mainstream, like heterosexual life … I was looking for friendships. I mean really friendships with no grey zones. Today I know that I looked for real love and I hoped to find it with a boy. A boy to kiss and smooch …