Astrology Compendium for quick horoscope interpretation - Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann - E-Book

Astrology Compendium for quick horoscope interpretation E-Book

Jürgen G.H. Hoppmann



• Planets in the zodiac and earth space houses • Assignments of metals, precious stones, etc. • Deaneries and Dignities of the Planets • The Aspectarium of the Planets/Axes • Transit interpretation with all main and secondary aspects • Enclosed zodiac signs • Fields special analysis with complete ruler system • Fixed star positions of all planets/axes • Conjunction of the planets to inner/outer midpoints • Astromedical analysis, remedies, therapy • Medieval zodiac degree oracle sayings • Sabian symbols of the degrees of the zodiac • Lunar Nodes in Fields, Signs and Aspects • Aspects on the sensitive points • Interpretation of the mirror points • Analysis by element, dynamics, etc. • Stars in the most important place • Radix and Mundane transits • Large synastry partnership comparison Art and Stars Parallel to the respective prevailing faiths, celestian art has existed all over the world, in every country and in all cultures, over thousands of years. The author devotes himself to this fascinating phenomenon in art projects, drama, film, architecture, sculpture, literature and music.

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Birth chart analysis
Polarities, elements and qualities
Earth space emphasis
Maximum importance
Signs and fields
Lunar node
Dispositors and rulers
Sensitive points
Transit forecast
The Cycles of the Sun
The Cycles of the Moon
The Cycles of Mercury
The Cycles of Venus
The Cycles of Mars
The Cycles of Jupiter
The Cycles of Saturn
The Cycles of Uranus
The Cycles of Neptune
The Cycles of Pluto
The Cycles of the Lunar Nodes
The Cycles of Chiron
The Cycles of Lilith
Partner analysis
Individual analysis of the horoscope in terms of relationship desire and ability
Synastry aspects: The inner dynamics of partnership behavior
Sun comparison
Moon comparison
Transsaturnians: Spiritual Perspectives of Partnership
Midpoint Interaspects: Focuses of the partnership
Partner Comparison Analysis

JGH Hoppmann

Astrology Compendium

for quick horoscope interpretation

Astrological learning, teaching and interpretation modules

© 2023 Jürgen GH Hoppmann • ISBN 978-9403694-108 • Publisher: Bookmundo Direct • Typesetting and cover design: ArsAstrologica, using two photos by Jürgen Hoppmann and a painting by Waltraut Geisler, Jauernick-Buschbach • Translated from 2021 German with DeepL Pro: “Astrologie-Kompendium für schnelle Horoskopdeutung” • ISBN978-9403623-900 • Publisher: Bookmundo Direct

The work including its parts is protected by copyright. Any use is not permitted without the consent of the publisher and the author. This applies in particular to electronic or other duplication, translation, distribution and public access. Detailed bibliographic information is available from the German National Library at

Birth chart analysis

Astrology is a study of the quality of time. Horoscope means hour view, which clearly symbolizes the importance of the time factor. According to astrology, everything on earth is defined by space and time. Around 1900, scientists recognized that the three spatial dimensions were not enough to explain certain natural phenomena. A fourth dimension was introduced: time. Astrology attempts to express something four-dimensional, the quality of time, in our three-dimensional conceptual language.

It can therefore not describe any specific events or situations. This is always the result of the interpretation of the astrologer, who lets his own world react with the astrological world of symbols. The freer a person is from behavioral constraints, the less it will be possible to make concrete statements about his future. On the other hand, you can talk to him in pictures and symbols about the quality of time that is current for him and this e.g. B. compare with previous similar qualities.

If the person shows the same behavioral compulsions again, they confirm an astrology that is misunderstood today, but at the same time make it clear that they have learned nothing and may become dependent on the stars (superstition).

Contemporary astrology transforms, makes you aware and thus stimulates personal responsibility. It is the teaching of the archetypal basic principles and also demands learning to see the content and meanings that are attached to the forms, but which exist beyond the forms themselves. Astrology shows how the realities - Plato calls them the ideas, Jung the archetypes - are expressed in the forms. Form becomes an expression and thus the world becomes a parable (esotericism).

In order to find the way from form to content, we have to interpret. Interpretation requires a different way of seeing and thinking that follows the law of analogy (correspondence): vertical thinking. Scientific thinking is linear-causal and moves only within defined levels or layers of formal reality. Therefore one can speak here of horizontal thinking.

Both ways of thinking are polar opposites, complement each other to form the cross and together make reality comprehensible and meaningful.

Ultimately, astrology is not about the stars, but about the people who live on earth, about their embeddedness in cosmic connections. The 30-degree sections of the wheel of the zodiac are not related to the distant constellations, but to the path of the Sun. The sign of the zodiac Aries has nothing to do with the constellation of the same name. Aries refers to the space that the Sun appears to traverse after passing the vernal equinox each year. The earth must be understood as a large living body, the zodiac as a projection of human feeling and thinking for millennia (aura of the earth, etheric body, magnetic field).

Man can continue to project, ie superstition, or withdraw the projection, ie take responsibility. Of course, the existence of projections can also be denied in principle. Man, not the stars, forges his fate, fortune and misfortune in the course of his long involvement and necessary development in collective and individual evolution.

Recognize yourself and you will learn to understand your destiny as perpetrator and victim at the same time. Astrology can be an aid, nothing more. Astrology cannot describe the true, God-given essence.

It is beyond the limitations of time and space. But it claims to name inclinations, tendencies, aptitudes, areas of life, fixations, tasks, burdens.

Sow a thought and you will reap an action.

Sow an act and you will reap habit.

Sow a habit and you will reap a character.

Sow a character and you will reap a destiny.

The deterministic, event-oriented astrology with the danger of dependency. It can also be called the astrology of the body. She accepts people, their destiny and their horoscope as given, just as it is. This results in a deterministic destiny, man becomes predictable.

Psychological astrology: It assumes that everything that we constellatively carry within us, but to which we cannot say yes, will confront us in the form of fellow human beings or as external situations. It can also be called the astrology of the soul. She sees people and their horoscope as a possibility, as the potential of the systems that are to be realized. Man has to grow into his horoscope, he has to realize his talents and possibilities in order to become what he is. Only then can he help shape his destiny.

The philosophical, spiritual or esoteric astrology: It is based on the idea of an evolution which is not limited to this life. She puts her main emphasis on the inner shadows, those that we would prefer not to acknowledge but cannot avoid. Here there is close contact with the idea of reincarnation. They can also be called the astrologers of the spirit. She liberates from the horoscope, that is her purpose. After man has grown into his horoscope and thus his possibilities, has filled them with life, he has to leave them again.

In this sense, liberation from the horoscope is the meaning of astrology. The degree of freedom gained is the degree of free shaping of fate. Consequently, esoteric astrology is also a means of cosmic midwifery: Solve et coagula! (Untie and bind!)

In this context, it is now also understandable why it is completely pointless to evaluate the interpretation texts for one's own horoscope to see whether they correspond to one's own personality - according to the motto "After all, I know myself best". Whoever claims this is usually not wise, but foolish: the goal of all human striving, self-knowledge, can always only be strived for, but never fully achieved.

And astrology, the traditional path of initiation of the Europeans, can only give suggestions via the horoscope, inspire the searching person. It is less suitable as a guessing game or for vain self-reflection...

Polarities, elements and qualities

Character and essence structure

The signs of the zodiac are divided into active and passive signs, starting with Aries (active) via Taurus (passive) etc. Another classification is that of the classic elements fire, earth, air and water, also starting with Aries, via Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc. Furthermore, the qualities cardinal (initiative), fixed (constant) and variable (adapting) divide the zodiac, starting with Aries, continuing through Taurus and Gemini etc. This results in fundamental interpretations, for example about the temperament of the horoscope owner.

Male and female characters evenly distributed

Yin and Yang, active and passive are balanced. You can react diplomatically to people and at the same time take the initiative yourself.

Earth and water signs highlighted

It's better to wait, to swing along, to participate than to take the initiative yourself.

If normal, characterized by a hesitant, reflective, reserved and withdrawn personality that doesn't show itself immediately, shys away from objects, is always somewhat on the defensive and likes to hide behind suspicious observations.

Is outgoing, good-natured, natural, meaningful, practical, humorous, communicative and has greater emotional excitability, but this tends to cause the mood to quickly shift to the opposite of being exuberant, cheerful and then depressed again. Is realistic, sees the world as it is, has an objective perspective. But this realism is not enough. The counterweight in the mystical, mysterious is sought. On the other hand, one can draw one's own advantages from the facts in a quite subjective way of thinking, mostly unconsciously.

Fire and Air signs highlighted

It is easier to take the initiative than to wait, to adapt, to resonate.

An accommodating personality who easily finds his way into any given situation, also forging relationships, and often venturing into unfamiliar situations in a carefree and trusting manner, putting aside any possible misgivings. Takes action in life, is tough, energetic and inflexible. Likes to show off a master's nature and can be idealistic, fanatical, despotic and on the other hand also a diplomatically flexible calculator.

Sees everything but the harsh reality. From the subjective point of view, the world is colorful, a diverse abundance of facts, the core of which is not known, but wants to be recognized through factual thinking.

There is no art without subjective observation, and no science without objective observation.

element fire strong

Dynamic attitude.

Choleric (melancholic) temperament. Concerns the organic level of being. willman. Organic desire to move. Is self sovereign. Focused on others in wanting. Fiery, warm glowing, shiny. Hotter than others. Busy. Higher body temperature. exaggerations. irascible effervescence.

Excited outsider. Power. Swift, irritable nature full of passion and lust for power. hot blooded irascible. Act fast, move fast. Heavy, energetic, powerful. Possesses energy, enterprise, impulse, drive, self-assertion.

Is alert to the outside world with a factually sober mind and a long will, observes clearly, shows an enterprising will, wants to conquer the best place, is practical and realistic, develops clear goals and plans, is calculating about his own advantage, can do his Holding back affects which, in due course, will erupt violently.

Self-doubt and a bad conscience are pushed aside. In intercourse with other people one shows less empathy and pliability, but observes keenly. Competing with others is a special joy. Love wants to be conquered. In terms of ideology, a realist with a creative sense of reality.

motor behavior. Needs exercise and marches. Decides, executes and carries away, undertakes, organizes, explores. Comes at by firmness. Needs insertion.

Initiative, authority, energy, dominance. Invent little, realize much.

bones and joints. Rheumatism. Large temperature changes to warm weather in different seasons cause disease.

Rectangular hand with thick fingers and square pads. Longer limbs. Uniformity of the (lower) facial segments. Rectangular or square face; hard facial expression.

element water strong

Moody attitude.

Phlegmatic (sanguine) temperament. Concerns the mental level of being. temperament mood swing. Motorically passive. effeminate. Suffer through addiction and let it happen. Casualness in the practical. Emotional resonance. The emotionally fluid, detached, soft and changeable. Slightly empathetic. contemplative. High Hypersensitive. Independent through transformations.

Detached inner man. happiness. Restrained disposition, little expenditure of initiative, strives to save as much energy as possible. Dreamy, sensual. Real? Slow acting and slow in movements. Light, weak-willed, comfortable. The thin and cold-blooded, clumsy, slow. People with flexible emotional life, strong mental stress, internalization, social and economic vicissitudes of life.

Lives in himself and for himself, makes no demands on the outside world, directs his work only to the must of necessity or to balancing his inner life, is often dreamy and thoughtful. Is not always up to all demands, is impractical and undecided, is frugal, likes to avoid all friction, tries to bridge differences, tries to understand and empathize with his fellow human beings; his thinking is directed more towards profound reflection, often lives in ideas, loves nature, likes to give in to the mood, tends towards mysticism.

fruits of lucrative nature. Spirit of negation or self-indulgence. passive behavior. Needs water and solitude. Compare, adjust and brake; persists; worded accurately. It is dealt with by clemency; needs drive. Patience, insensitive to the things of the outside world.

indigestion, sadness and depression. Is more exposed to diseases in winter and spring. Massive, masty (thick) hand, soft and unmodulated. Finger phalanges can be strongly curved backwards. longer belly. The lower facial segment (below the nose) predominates. Oval face, soft facial expression.

element earth strong

Serious attitude.

Melancholic (phlegmatic) temperament. Concerns the material plane of being. materialist. material dependency. being bound by material circumstances. Takes himself and things as concrete facts. Material heaviness, hardness, density. Pay attention to specific items. Cool, realistic, doesn't get carried away. Sets other factual barriers. Is reliable, rigid, indifferent.

Excited inner man. reason, personality. Fine agile spirit. Thoughtful, brooding. Tendency to asthenic affects, such as gloom, loneliness. At times wavering in the resolutions. Generally an 'idealist'. Slow acting and with slow movements. Heavy-energetic-gloomy. Heavy-blooded, shy of people.

Characterized by thoroughness, sense of order, work, tenacity, reason, philosophy of life, practical way of life.

Shows an inner life independent of the outside world; the dynamic inner urge demands to form and create, to realize ideas, to bring order to one's imaginary world, to look for connections. Is therefore often shy, embarrassed or often inconsiderate and unsociable towards others, is not willing to act, but tough, inflexible.

fruits of sensitivity. selfishness. sensitive behavior. Needs company and an ideal. Addicted, combines and drives; gets excited, thinks, checks.

If one comes to it by reasons of reason; needs rest, crisis. Consideration. Predisposed to intellectual work. nerve diseases. nervous depression. More sick in the fall. Long, square hand with knotted fingers.

longer head. Predominance of the upper facial segment above the bridge of the nose; triangular face with upper baseline, restless facial expression. Artistic.

The strongest element is air

Intellectual attitude.

Sanguine (choleric) temperament. Concerns the spiritual level of being. idealist. spiritual flooding. Need for clarification of the situation. Be relieved of material heaviness. Don't stick to the specifics. spirituality, transparency and breadth. ideological change. Glides over things easily.

Detached outsider. cheerfulness. Lots of positivity. Cheerful nature, violent nature. Violent but cheerful emotions. Decisive appearance, hasty behavior, thoughtlessness, haste. Funny, pleasing to everyone. Fast acting, fast moving. Light, weak-willed, cheerful, imaginative, easily excitable, cheerful person. Possesses mental abilities and agility. Willingness to travel, tendency to change, adaptability, versatility, artistic gifts.

Appears natural and unaffected, forms a living unit with the environment, adapts to the realities of life, loves sociability and community, likes to ignore difficulties, is optimistic, harmonious, accepts people and things as they really are, ie neither dogmatic nor mystical. fruits of the imagination. illusion or dream. expansive behavior. Needs fresh air and wide space. Invents, discovers and sets in motion; gets carried away improvised. It is approached by feeling; needs measure.

respiratory tract, lymphatic swelling; circulatory system, high blood pressure. More sick in spring. Fleshy hand with strongly developed thumb pad. longer thorax (chest); middle face segment, nose and cheeks predominate. Hexagonal face, lively expression. Artistic.

Emphasis on the elements of fire and earth

Choleric and melancholic at the same time.

Emphasis on the elements of fire and air

Choleric and at the same time sanguine.

Emphasis on the elements of fire and water

Choleric and at the same time phlegmatic.

Emphasis on the elements of earth and air

Melancholic and at the same time sanguine.

Emphasis on the elements of earth and water

Melancholic and at the same time phlegmatic.

Emphasis on the elements of air and water

Sanguine and at the same time phlegmatic.

Hardly any water elements

lack of feeling.

Hardly any air elements

lack of ideas.

Hardly any earth elements

lack of realism.

Hardly any fire elements

lack of initiative.

Variable dynamics highlighted

One's lifestyle can be adapted to environmental conditions, whether they require active or passive behavior.

Overweight, preponderance of the intellectual sphere. Unstable cognitive person with ordinary dynamics (swing, driving force) and the changeable, transforming principle as well as the intellectual emphasis. Thinking, falling, mental.

unstable constitution. Extensive (- expansion); acting outwards. Pragmatic: considering the context of actions. Power that fluctuates evenly, that is supple, that manifests itself in adaptability, diversity, activity, restlessness, restlessness, but also in a tendency to change, changes and indecisiveness.

Satisfied in ordinary or day-to-day occupations. Probably not a great success in life. satisfaction in submission. Lets others take responsibility; Responsible posts are a hindrance to advancement. Inexpensive to serve and promote the general public. Dualism (through communal, dual-corporeal symbol sections).

Rarely takes life's rudder firmly in hand and displays or creates more unstable (weak, vacillating) destinies of insignificant proportions which, when the stars are however dominant (through aspects or as the precise center of corner squares), still await developed personalities with distinct idiosyncrasies let: gifted with activism, but only if dominant stars are in cardinal signs. Unstable, serving, impermanent, impressionable, mobile character:

+ usually smart, intellectual, even witty

- restless until character decay.

Cardinal dynamics highlighted

One's lifestyle, be it active or passive, is enforced in the environment.

Overweight, preponderance of the sphere of will. Distinctive man of action and will with flexible dynamics (momentum, driving force) and creative principle. drive, action. Powerful, leading, striking. Inspiring, striking character, cardinal constitution. Entrepreneurship, initiative, initiation of an enterprise. Agile, dynamic, possessing the power.

Power that pushes energetically toward outward pursuits: ambitious actions, self-awareness, self-confidence. Responsibility and responsible positions with a lot of energy and activity. Many opportunities to succeed or climb steeply in larger endeavors. Feeling of realization that wants to shape.

Striving to somehow appear to be a leader and get to the top.

+ full of harmonious character and with some almost ingenious traits,

- full of loners.

Fixed dynamic highlighted

One's own lifestyle, be it active or passive, is maintained in any case, not changed.

Overweight, predominance of the emotional sphere. Solid emotional people with solid dynamics (= momentum, driving force) and the principle of preservation. Emotional Emotional Emphasis. Feel. Reliable, tough, material. Intense tension; effect in depth. Force that tends toward fixation and rigidity that tends to maintain a certain state. Static, arithmetical: concerning the theory of equilibrium. Pride, dignity, perseverance, diligence, patience, steadfastness, consistency, firmness, reliability, also dogmatism.

Warning of changes. Achievements where conservative strength plays a role. New and original is not beneficial. Staying in one place, position, etc.

Static traits in character and destiny; with dominance of the stars concerned: well-formed, weighty personality. Firm, stable character:

+ the strong-willed,

- the petrified man who thinks he's finished.

Earth space emphasis

The field structure

Even and odd squares evenly spaced

Yin and Yang, active and passive are balanced. You can react diplomatically to people and at the same time take the initiative yourself.

Even fields highlighted

It is better for you to wait, swing and join in than take the initiative yourself.

Odd fields highlighted

You can take the initiative more easily than wait, adapt, resonate.

Occupation of the fire fields strong

Combative basic characteristics, choleric.

Occupation of the water fields strong

Moody attitude, phlegmatic.

Occupation of the earth fields strong

Persistent attitude, melancholic.

Occupation of the air fields strong

Intellectual attitude, sanguine.

Emphasis on the Fire and Earth fields

Choleric and melancholic at the same time.

Emphasis on the Fire and Air fields

Choleric and at the same time sanguine.

Emphasis on the Fire and Water fields

Choleric and at the same time phlegmatic.

Emphasis on the earth and air fields

Melancholic and at the same time sanguine.

Emphasis on the earth and water fields

Melancholic and at the same time phlegmatic.

Emphasis on the air and water fields

Sanguine and at the same time phlegmatic.

Hardly any water fields

lack of feeling.

Hardly any air fields

lack of ideas.

Hardly any earth fields

lack of realism.

Hardly any fire fields

lack of initiative.

End fields highlighted

One's lifestyle can be adapted to environmental conditions, whether they require active or passive behavior. This position seldom gives a firm grip on the rudder of life and shows or creates more unstable (weak, vacillating) destinies of minor proportions. Intellectual, unstable, impressionable. Versatile.

Corner fields highlighted

One's lifestyle, be it active or passive, is enforced in the environment. Palpable, grabs quickly; is active, ambitious, even when placed in passive signs of the zodiac.

Central fields highlighted

One's own lifestyle, be it active or passive, is maintained in any case, not changed.

Balancing the day and night hemispheres

There is a constant exchange between concentration on private life and commitment at work.

Balancing the Eastern and Western Hemispheres

There is a constant exchange between concentrating on your own interests and turning to your fellow human beings.

night hemisphere emphasized

There is a focus on private life.

Quieter natures, for whom inner life and private interests mean more; often mentally and emotionally deeper. The introspective, introspective, subjective, subconscious type. More subconscious. Tendency to live inwardly, to lead a quieter life and not infrequently to turn to the soul and spirit. indoor professions.

diurnal hemisphere emphasized

There is an orientation towards public life.

Cosmopolitan people who get involved in the hustle and bustle of the outside world, who want to get involved, who are attached to external goals or are at least interested in them. Conscious-active interdependence with the processes in the external, social existence, the external world. Is involved in the exchange of mental and material life goods.

Conscious, objective, enterprising, outward-looking type. Outside professions: politicians, artists, performing artists and people with relationships.

Is intellectually outward facing. Can be influenced or addressed by nature, objects, real things and processes themselves; is opinionated and factual. Objectivity.

Eastern Hemisphere emphasized

There is a self-centered approach to the world.

Activity. Active, willing to act, practically oriented and mostly precocious, selfish, self-emphasizing people who come into contact with real life early on. freshness and immediacy. Practical professions that involve action, business, starting and keeping things moving. Active Professions. Activity. early development.

Greater activity in action, with bigger, quicker reactions.

western hemisphere emphasized

There is a you-centric approach to the world.

Passivity. Theorizing, passive, contemplative joy of experience that loses itself in the environment and in you. Distance and reserved type. ›workers of the forehead‹. Prototype: theorizing philosopher, doctor, writer, pharmacist, astrologer.

Negotiating, absorbing, theoretical, reflecting, pondering, studying, teaching people. Passivity. Reflection. contemplation, reflection.

More passive willingness to act with a mostly reflective, somewhat distanced lifestyle.

Emphasis on the first quadrant

physical alignment.

Combination of the night and east half: unconsciously active, introverted. Strong inside and yet active on the outside.

Material destiny tone and level of being. material dependency. Being bound by material circumstances and facts. Takes himself and the circumstances as a concrete thing. material heaviness. Hardness. Density. Pay attention to specific items. Coolly realistic, doesn't get carried away. Sets other factual barriers. Is reliable, rigid, indifferent. materialist. single.

Emphasis on the second quadrant

mental alignment.

Combination of the night and western halves: unconscious-passive, introverted. Emotional Tendency: Mood person.

Concerns the mental level of being. mood swing. Motor-passive. effeminate. Suffering and letting things happen through dependency. Casualness in the practical. Emotional resonance. The mentally fluid, detached, soft, changeable. Slightly empathetic. contemplative. Independent through transformations. mentally. clan.

Emphasis on the third quadrant

spiritual alignment.

Combination of the day and west halves: conscious-passive, extroverted. Outwardly active, but with a certain negative vibe. community.

Concerns the spiritual level of being. spiritual screening. Need for clarification of the situation. Be relieved of material heaviness. Don't stick to the specifics. spirituality, transparency and breadth. ideological shifts. Glides over things easily. idealist.

Emphasis on the fourth quadrant

social orientation.

Combination of the day and the east half: consciously active, extroverted: living outside. Always youthful, ascending, successful (except 12th field). Company.

Concerns the organic level of being. Is a will-driver with an organic desire to move. Is sovereign in itself. Focused on others in wanting. Fiery, warm, heated, luminous, shiny. Busy. exaggerations. irascible effervescence. Personal.

Underemphasis on the first quadrant

Little interest in body and finances.

Underemphasis on the second quadrant

Little interest in emotional life.

Underemphasis on the third quadrant

Little interest in partnerships.

Underemphasis on the fourth quadrant

Little interest in the public.

Maximum importance

Outstanding Positions

Sun in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close conjunction with the Medium Coeli

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn closely conjunct Medium Coeli

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is the source of inspiration, but also creates great shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close conjunction with Medium Coeli

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun closely conjunct the Ascendant

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close conjunction with Ascendant

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close conjunction with the Ascendant

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close conjunction with the Ascendant

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close conjunction with the Ascendant

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close conjunction with the Ascendant

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn closely conjunct the Ascendant

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close conjunction with the Ascendant

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close conjunction with the Ascendant

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is the source of inspiration, but also creates great shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto closely conjunct the Ascendant

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close opposition to Medium Coeli

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close opposition to Medium Coeli

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun in close opposition to Ascendant

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close opposition to Ascendant

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close opposition to the Ascendant

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close opposition to the Ascendant

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close opposition to the Ascendant

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close opposition to the Ascendant

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn in close opposition to the Ascendant

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close opposition to the Ascendant

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close opposition to the Ascendant

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close opposition to the Ascendant

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun closely square Mid Coeli

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon closely square Mid Coeli

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close square to Medium Coeli

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close square to Medium Coeli

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close square to Mid Coeli

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close square to Mid Coeli

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn in close square to Mid Coeli

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close square to Mid Coeli

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close square to Mid Coeli

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close square to Mid Coeli

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun closely squares Ascendant

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon closely squares Ascendant

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close square to Ascendant

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus closely squares the Ascendant

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close square to Ascendant

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter closely squared to Ascendant

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn close square to Ascendant

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close square to Ascendant

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close square to Ascendant

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is the source of inspiration, but also creates great shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto close square to Ascendant

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun in close trine to Mid Coeli

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close trine to Medium Coeli

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close trine to Medium Coeli

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close trine to Medium Coeli

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close trine to Medium Coeli

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close trine to Mid Coeli

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn in close trine to Mid Coeli

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close trine to Mid Coeli

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close trine to Mid Coeli

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close trine to Mid Coeli

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun in close trine to Ascendant

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon in close trine to Ascendant

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury in close trine to Ascendant

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus in close trine to Ascendant

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars in close trine to Ascendant

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter in close trine to Ascendant

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn in close trine to Ascendant

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus in close trine to Ascendant

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune in close trine to Ascendant

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto in close trine to Ascendant

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun close sextile to Medium Coeli

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon close sextile to Medium Coeli

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury close sextile to Medium Coeli

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus close sextile to Medium Coeli

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars close sextile to Medium Coeli

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter close sextile to Medium Coeli

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn close sextile to Medium Coeli

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus close sextile to Medium Coeli

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune close sextile to Medium Coeli

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto close sextile to Medium Coeli

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Sun close sextile to Ascendant

Self-confidence and one's own creativity are central themes in life.

Moon close sextile to Ascendant

Feelings and security are central themes in life.

Mercury close sextile to the Ascendant

Intellect and communication are central themes of life.

Venus close sextile to the Ascendant

Interpersonal harmony and aesthetics are central themes in life.

Mars close sextile to the Ascendant

Struggle and self-assertion are central themes in life.

Jupiter close sextile to Ascendant

Finding meaning and spiritual expansion are central themes in life.

Saturn close sextile to Ascendant

Concentration on the essentials and self-discipline are central themes in life.

Uranus close sextile to the Ascendant

Freedom and intellectual creativity are central themes in life.

Neptune close sextile to the Ascendant

It is paramount to make your dreams come true. A great sensitivity is a source of inspiration, but also creates quite a bit of shyness and subtle fears.

Pluto close sextile to the Ascendant

Dealing with power and powerlessness is a central theme of life. You tend to exaggerate, you go through big changes.

Signs and fields

Imprinting and levels of realization of the cosmogram potential

The zodiac signs of the zodiac divide the ecliptic, the projection of the earth's orbit onto the background of the fixed stars, into twelve areas, combined with a more collective method of interpretation. The earth space fields, on the other hand, divide the range of the earth's rotation around its own axis during a day into twelve ranges, which leads to more individual interpretation methods.


The sign rising on the eastern horizon indicates how one approaches life and how others perceive one.

Ascendant in Aries

One enters the world energetically, the first impulses are set. In search of identity, one surrenders to the energy flow of action and action. Key words: »Here we go, I'm here, resistance is useless«.

Ascendant in Taurus

You enter the world calmly and powerfully, and the first impulses are set. In the search for identity one turns one's interest to all material resources. Key words: »Now, why give up old habits. Can there be a deal with that?”

Ascendant in Gemini

One enters the world mentally active and the first impulses are set. Intellect and analytical spirit are used in the search for identity. Keywords: ›Well, that's interesting! Nothing is worse than boredom. ›

Ascendant in Cancer

One enters the world emotionally and moodily, and the first impulses are set. In the search for identity one invests a great deal of feeling and protective instincts. Keywords: »Well, now I'm bound to get hurt again. Can't anyone be considerate?"

Ascendant in Leo

Impressive, but one enters the world in a self-important manner, and the first impulses are given. In the search for identity, one portrays one's own emotionality, is radiant and egocentric in expression. Keywords: "Look at me, am I not a very special individual?"

Ascendant in Virgo

One enters the world perceptively and meticulously, and the first impulses are set. All reason and the art of healing, ordering and structuring are laid down in the search for identity. Key words: »There must be a fly in the ointment somewhere. I'll take a closer look."

Ascendant in Libra

One enters the world elegantly and hesitantly, the first impulses are set. In the search for identity, all sensuality, all charm is used. Key words: ›Let's think about what the others should do. Just don't act hastily! At the moment, all this is far too rash. ›

Ascendant in Scorpio

One enters the world purposefully and stubbornly, the first impulses are set. In the search for identity, inner images are developed and strong psychological strength is invested. Key words: »Actually, I don't want to stick my nose into everything. But I feel that something important is taboo, is being hidden.«

Ascendant in Sagittarius

You enter the world optimistically and superficially, and the first impulses are given. In the search for identity, spiritual fire flares up, one wants to expand. Key words: »Actually, it's unbearable. But what the heck - I'll be able to tolerate it. I just need to be able to see the connections."

Ascendant in Capricorn

You enter the world with concentration and skepticism, and the first impulses are given. In the search for identity, extra-personal standards want to be presented and realized. Key words: »But you can do without that! Now don't be so childish."

Ascendant in Aquarius

You enter the world in an original and erratic way, and the first impulses are set. In the search for identity, ideals of freedom, independence and a higher perspective can come into play. Key words: »You should look at the whole thing from an abstract point of view. And besides, it's really going too slow for my understanding."

Ascendant in Pisces

You enter the world sensitively and dreamily, and the first impulses are set. In the search for identity one is completely open, letting oneself be guided entirely by intuition. Key words: 'Order is for dilettantes, genius rules chaos. ›

Regent of the Ascendant

Chart Ruler in the first field

Courage, assertiveness and ego strength play a major role in self-assertion struggles, pioneering work and first appearances.

Chart Ruler in the second field

Courage, assertiveness, and ego strength play a major role in defining one's own personality and financial issues, which are also related to self-esteem.

Chart Ruler in the third field

Courage, assertiveness and ego strength play a major role in making contact with the social environment and developing communicative skills.

Chart Ruler in the fourth field

Courage, assertiveness and ego strength play a major role in the search for one's inner and outer homeland and the development of emotions in the family.

Chart Ruler in the fifth field

The courage, the assertiveness, the ego strength play a major role in the experience of creativity and the contact to the inner child, as well as the ability to act emotionally.

Chart Ruler in the sixth field

Courage, assertiveness and ego strength play a major role in shaping working and living conditions, which should correspond to one's own nature.

Chart Ruler in the seventh field

Courage, assertiveness, and ego strength play a major role in the realization of the inner anima in outer partnerships and contracts.

Chart Ruler in the eighth field

Courage, assertiveness, and ego strength play a major role in the shadow projections that can arise when there is too much emotional closeness to the partner.

Chart Ruler in the ninth field

Courage, assertiveness and ego strength play a major role in mental integration attempts, which can strengthen insight and tolerance.

Chart Ruler in the tenth field

Courage, assertiveness, and ego strength play a major role in public work, which apparently demands the role of parent role player and norm setter.

Chart Ruler in the eleventh field

Courage, assertiveness, and ego strength play a major role in joint activities, which can have a leisure character as well as a major emancipatory function.

Chart Ruler in the twelfth field

Courage, assertiveness, ego strength play a major role in the perception of repressed collective consciousness content, which may also correspond to one's own repression.

Aries included in the first field

Aggressive or listless with their own assertiveness and will. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Bull included in first field

Oversaturated or unsure of one's own assertiveness and willpower. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Gemini included in first field

Intellectualization or speechlessness in one's own assertiveness and will. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Cancer included in the first field

Of conventional or no character at all in one's assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Leo included in first field

Excessively self-confident or dependent in their own assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Virgo included in the first field

Intellectualization or speechlessness in one's own assertiveness and will. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Libra included in first box

Oversaturated or unsure of one's own assertiveness and willpower. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Scorpio included in the first field

Overpowered or powerless in their own assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Sagittarius included in the first field

Exaggerated optimism or meaninglessness in assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Capricorn included in the first field

Disciplining or inhibited in assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Aquarius included in the first field

Spreading restlessness or easily irritated with one's own assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Fish included in the first field

Unnerving or self-insecure about one's own assertiveness and self-awareness. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

center of heaven

Highest point of the sun's path over the course of a day. It gives hints about the goal in life, job and vocation.

Medium Coeli in Aries

The contact with the public and the attitude towards work and career is energetic. Totally focused on realization in the outside world, in society, one surrenders to the energy flow of action and action.

Medium Coeli in Taurus

Contact with the public and attitude to work and career is calm and powerful. Completely aimed at realization in the outside world, in society, one directs one's interest in all material resources.

Medium Coeli in Gemini

The contact with the public and the attitude towards work and career are mentally lively. Totally geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, one uses intellect and analytical spirit.

Medium Coeli in Cancer

The contact with the public and the attitude to work and career is sensitive and moody. Completely geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, one invests a great deal of feeling and protective instincts.

Medium Coeli in Leo

The contact with the public and the attitude towards work and career is impressive but self-important. Completely geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, one represents one's own emotionality, is radiant and egocentric in expression.

Medium Coeli in Virgo

The contact with the public and the attitude to work and career is astute and meticulous. Totally aimed at realization in the outside world, in society, all reason and the art of healing, ordering and structuring are laid down.

Medium Coeli in Libra

Contact with the public and attitude to work and career is elegant and hesitant. Totally aimed at realization in the outside world, in society, all sensuality, all charm is used.

Medium Coeli in Scorpio

Targeted and stubborn is the contact with the public and the attitude to work and career. Completely geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, inner images are developed and strong psychic power is invested.

Medium Coeli in Sagittarius

Contact with the public and attitude to work and career is optimistic and superficial. Completely focused on realization in the outside world, in society, spiritual fire flares up, wants to be expanded.

Medium Coeli in Capricorn

Contact with the public and attitude to work and career is concentrated and skeptical. Completely geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, extra-personal standards want to be presented and realized.

Medium Coeli in Aquarius

The contact with the public and the attitude towards work and career is original and erratic. Completely geared towards realization in the outside world, in society, ideals of freedom, independence and a higher perspective can come into play.

Medium Coeli in Pisces

The contact with the public and the attitude to work and career is sensitive and dreamy. Totally focused on realization in the outside world and in society, one is totally open, totally guided by intuition.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the first field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes the theme of struggles for self-assertion, pioneering work and first appearances.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the second field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes an issue in the demarcation of one's own personality and financial matters, which are also associated with self-esteem.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the third field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes an issue when establishing contact with the social environment and developing communicative skills.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the fourth field

The relationship between personal and social standards becomes a theme in the search for one's inner and outer homeland and the development of emotions in the family.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the fifth field

The relationship between one's own and social standards becomes a theme in the experience of creativity and contact with the inner child, as well as the ability to act emotionally.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the sixth field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes an issue in the design of working and living conditions, which should correspond to one's own nature.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the seventh field

The relationship between one's own and social standards becomes a topic in the realization of the inner anima in outer partnerships and contracts.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the eighth field

The relationship between one's own and social standards becomes the subject of shadow projections, as they can arise when there is too much emotional closeness to the partner.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the ninth field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes a topic in attempts at intellectual integration, which can strengthen understanding and tolerance.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the tenth field

The relationship between one's own standards and those of society becomes a topic in works in the public sphere, which apparently demand the position of the parent role player and norm setter.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the eleventh field

The relationship between personal and social standards becomes a topic in joint activities that can have both a leisure character and a major emancipatory function.

Dispositor of the Medium Coeli in the twelfth field

The relationship between personal and social standards becomes an issue in the perception of repressed collective consciousness, which may also correspond to one's own repression.

Trapped characters

Aries included in the tenth field

Aggressive or listless in asserting one's rights and finding one's own goal. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Taurus included in the tenth field

Oversaturated or insecure about asserting one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Gemini included in the tenth field

Intellectualization or speechlessness about showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Cancer included in the tenth field

Of conventional or no quirk at all as to showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Leo included in the tenth field

Overconfident or dependent on asserting one's rights and finding one's own purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Virgo included in the tenth field

Intellectualization or speechlessness about showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Libra included in the tenth box

Oversaturated or insecure about asserting one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Scorpio included in the tenth square

Overpowered or impotent in showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Sagittarius trapped in the tenth field

Exaggerated optimism or futility in asserting one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Capricorn trapped in the tenth field

Disciplining or inhibited in showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Aquarius trapped in the tenth field

Disturbing or easily irritated when demonstrating one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.

Fish included in the tenth cell

Unnerving or self-confident about showing one's rights and finding one's purpose. Only via the detour of developing other personality traits is it possible to become aware of this area of life as well.


With which one identifies oneself directly.

Wherein lies the greatest power.

Where to be most subjective.

Sun in Aries

Exaltation: boosted

The fire of youth - iron - rubies - military, doctors, researchers, explorers, self-employed, technicians, boxers, athletes, butchers, firefighters, hunters, blacksmiths. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, is best realized when it is possible to smoothly surrender to the energy flow of action and action. Strong willed, outward looking, leadership skills, daring, sometimes foolhardy, hasty, passionate. Eager desire. The fiery - the fighter.

(+) The combative will man. The politician, leader, idealist. Courage, willpower, enterprising spirit.

(-) The violent man, daredevil, confused head, fanatic. Destructiveness, arbitrariness. Noise.

impatient, impulsive/belligerent, daring

sentimental, confident / arrogant, conceited

intellectual, sophisticated/condescending, bluffing

Sun in Taurus

The plowed earth - copper - emerald - farmer, cook, restaurateur, interior designer, builder, field worker, weightlifter, baker, goldsmith, banker. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, can be realized if the substance of all life is constantly strengthened and increased. Strong connection to earth, realistic, persevering, concerned about security, stubborn, calm, conservative, steadfast. fuse. The rough one - the patient one.

(+) The natural, nature-loving, instinctive person. The sufferer. Naturalness, realism, vitality.

(-) The down-to-earth materialistic man. The defiant. Dirt, obstinacy, intemperance.

sensual, loyal/greedy, sloppy

sensitive, differentiated /blunt, indifferent

solid, serious / cynical, indifferent

Sun in Gemini

The moving air - mercury - topaz - journalist, manager, translator, dealer, thief, broker, salesman, postman, elementary school teacher, telephone operator, freight forwarder, photographer. The conscious I, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, shows itself in great freedom of movement, which arises when communication, contacts and knowledge of everyday phenomena are the focus of interest. Erratic, agile, quick learner, inquisitive, superficial, connecting, easygoing, restless, intellectual. Diversity. The intellectual - the agile one.

(+) The intellectual man, seeker, rationalist. Agility, persuasion, wit.

(-) The dualistic man. The Skeptic. Unreliability, fragmentation, curiosity. liability.

lively, imaginative / flighty, superficial

artistic, aesthetic/cheesy, trivial

inventive, open / arrogant, conceited

Sun in Cancer

The small pond - silver - moonstones - clerk, masseur, baker, chess player, bargee, hotelier, midwife, florist, waiter, kindergarten teacher, nurse. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, realizes itself in protecting all freshly formed germs of the soul. Emotional, imaginative, moody, familiar, patriarchal, sensitive, in need of support, phlegmatic, resentful. Responsiveness. The maternal - the caring.

(+) The sentimentalist, the humorist. The dreamer and romantic. The Nature Enthusiast. The Wanderer. Domesticity, caring, need for love.

(-) The sentimental man. The Dozen Man. The homeless. Mood, phlegm, egoism.

maternal, sensitive/moody, phlegmatic

passionate, violent / too vulnerable, dark

poetic, hospitable / spinning

Sun in Leo

The fire of the adult - gold - tiger eye - executive positions, conductor, representative, chess player, boss, artist, entrepreneur, organizer, self-employed. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, realizes itself in protecting all freshly formed germs of the soul. Egocentric, expressive, self-confident, charismatic, proud, imposing, vital, vain, in need of recognition, decisive. creative will. self-confidence. The radiant - the generous

(+) The doer. The authoritarian man. The life artist. The optimist. The Sun person. Generosity, Dignity, Honesty, Fairness.

(-) The master man. The bon vivant, the bon vivant, the braggart. Cockiness, pretentiousness, hollowness, luxury.

cordial, charismatic / egocentric, overbearing

witty, meaningful/hollow, bluffing, showy

brave, combative/quarrelsome, destructive

Sun in Virgo

The cultivated earth - mercury - amber - bureaucrats, archivists, naturopaths, nurses, writers, systems analysts, educators, accountants, servants, mechanics. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, is realized in the care, healing and cleansing of the physical in the material world. Thorough, critical, shy, thrifty, economical, petty, hardworking, modest, tends to dissect, ambitious. Diligence, love of order. The virgin - the servant.

(+) The serving man. The scientific man. Housekeeping nature. The organizer and methodologist. The critic. Love of order, observation, cleanliness.

(-) The egoistic man. The nagger. The schoolmaster. Pedantry, craving for criticism.

clever, educated/criticizing, calculating

solid, quality / petty, stingy

discreetly aesthetic, sociable / kitschy

Sun in Libra

The balancing layers of air - copper - turquoise - art collector, diplomat, salesman, perfumer, milliner, marriage counselor, designer, hairdresser, craftsman, advertiser, judge. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, shows itself in the attempt to completely attune to the impulses of another person. Balanced, aesthetic, elegant, indecisive, art-loving, diplomatic, sociable, erotic, sensual. sense of justice. The lovely - the harmonious one.

(+) The artistic, harmonious person. The cheerful person. The diplomat. Commitment, compliance, sense of beauty.

(-) The tepid person. bohemian Flattery. Carelessness. impermanence.

sensual, artistic / conceited, lazy

diplomatic, fair, loyal / teasing, scheming

culturally minded / erratic, nervous

Sun in Scorpio

The Waters of the Deep - Iron - Dark Opal - Psychologists, Surgeons, Detectives, Body Therapists, Spies, Executioners, Butchers, Recyclers, Undertakers. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, is realized in deep processes of change that release new energies and have regenerative power. Tough, goal oriented, passionate, compulsive, manipulative, jealous, fearless, will to survive, compulsive. struggle for self-preservation. The connoisseur - the desiring one.

(+) The struggling, problematic person. The Faustian Man. The Occultist. Spirit of inquiry, depth of mind, willpower.

(-) The demonic human. The violent man. The seducer. Espionage, revenge, insidious. impulsiveness. Ruthlessness.

sensual, passionate / hurtful, goading

intuitive, medial / unstable, influenceable

familiar, protective /quickly closed

Sun in Sagittarius

The fire of age - pewter - lapis lazuli - professor, pastor, globetrotter, guru, wholesaler, gallery owner, confectioner, notary, judge, rider, tour guide, lecturer, teacher. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, can become reality if, trusting in the richness of life, orientation towards visions and ideals has priority. Tolerant, choleric, high-school, educated, elitist, expansive, extravagant, dazzling, optimistic, open-minded. internalization. The sportswoman - the jovial.

(+) Hopeful planning and striving. Urge for action, expansion. The religious man. Athlete. Justice. frankness.

(-) The hypocrite. The False Prophet. Prudery. bigotry. dependent.

far-sighted, tolerant / dogmatic

combative, generous / choleric

cosmopolitan, understanding / overflowing

Sun in Capricorn

The Earth in Winter - Lead - Diamond - Civil Servant, Monk, Constitutional Lawyer, Architect, Techn. Draftsman, politician, historian, magistrate, mathematician, watchmaker. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, can best be realized if you work towards supra-personal goals. Sober, realistic, strict, persevering, concentrated, stingy, conscientious, arrogant, reactionary, examining, distant. Concentration. Sober consideration. The Herbe - the porter.

(+) Indefatigable struggle for self-preservation. sense of reality. Nerd, upstart, lonely. Ambition, thoroughness, design.

(-) The power-hungry, selfish, unscrupulous person, materialist, pessimist, doubter, miser. hard-heartedness, meanness.

level-headed, focused /serious, skeptical

Diplomatic, tactful/biting, dismissive

mentally focused / taciturn, inhibited

Sun in Aquarius

Exile (Strangers): greatly weakened

The air of the heights - zinc - aquamarine - pilot, astrologer, inventor, electrician, demolition expert, dropout, joie de vivre, caricaturist, dancer, comedian. The conscious ego, the ego that shapes and defines the personality, can be realized in a free, unbound community with like-minded people. Intuitive, inventive, unconventional, libertarian, fraternal, revolutionary, edgy, intellectual, free, playful. Change, adaptation, wealth of plans. The sophisticated - the original

(+) philanthropist, future man. Cognitive, magical, cosmically all-connected, transforming, transforming, reforming. Modern.