Beyond Death - Marianne E. Meyer - E-Book

Beyond Death E-Book

Marianne E. Meyer



There is indeed life after our physical death. This little book is an attest to with the power to make us happy. On February 11, 2017, the beloved husband of the author went into the eternal light after nearly 44 years of living together. Six days later she saw him in his new surroundings. Shortly after, a friend like herself psychic consoled by phone and reached Marianne in a desolate state. A few minutes into the conversation she said, I see Peter. She described the milieu and clothes as Marianne had seen it. For twenty minutes they both communicated with Peter. He gave the clear proof when he showed Isabel how Marianne painted something. She saw the colors blue and yellow. In fact, three days earlier the author had done a few embellishments with her brush on the blue-yellow tiled cistern. Since this evidence, Peter has repeatedly shown that he still supports Marianne.

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Some other books by M. E. Meyer:

Family Code – Death is Not the End

How Water Connects our Worlds

Migrant Birds on Wheels

Cranberry Power Fruit

Spirulina, Überlebensnahrung für ein neues Zeitalter

So verbindet Wasser unsere Welten

Psyllium - So bekommen Sie Ihr Fett weg

Wunderwesen Wasser: Clusterwasser stoppt Allergie,

Alzheimer, Krebs...

Marianne E. Meyer, Apartado 320, P-8801 Tavira

Marianne Erika Meyer studied pedagogy in Frankfurt when she got to know and love her husband when buying a car. In the mid-1980s they moved to California for ten years. There, the author studied nutritional science. Her doctoral thesis on immune defense and Spirulina she published in her bestseller Spirulina, das blaugrüne Wunder. She lived alternately in southern Hesse, Morocco and in a farmhouse in Portugal working at times with behavioral adolescents. Now next to writing Marianne cares for wild cats and dogs. The sudden transition of her beloved husband into the spiritual world and his after-death communication directed her focus to spirituality.

Picture Credits

Cover: C.-P. Meyer, E. F. Braun

R. Taylor S. →, E. F. Braun S. → , → , → , → , →, B. Dodge S. →, K. Sten →


Layout and Typography: M. Meyer



Initial shock and first encounter

After-death contacts with significance

Messages via physical phenomena

Relief by consolation

Setbacks and the usual chaos of grief

When we open up, we learn more

Any more physic phenomena?

After death contacts via water, sausage, and teleportation

Do we know when our last time has


Are we creating our disasters by the word?

Still more after-death contacts

Is everything written in the stars?

Telepathy or after-death contact?

What about the number 11?

Longing for reunion

After-death contacts with musicians, old masters and famous surgeons

Near death experiences and aftermath

In memory of Claus-Peter Christian Adolf Meyer

Epilogue of the first (German) edition

A summer month in Germany

Life goes on



For each one of us at some point, the decisive question arises, whether or in what form we will live on after this life. Since in our maternal family most of us are psychics I've always been interested in the connection between life on earth and beyond, especially in the question of the meaning and purpose of our existence on earth. For my extrasensory experiences, I searched and found numerous confirmation in the relevant literature. Therefore I'm convinced death is not the end but a transitional stage to living on the other side. A few months after my father had left his body, my mother reported on her after-death contact (ADC):

"Just before waking up I saw a hedge. I looked through it, swirled upwards in a pull and landed on a green meadow. Everything was as on earth only the colors were more intense. I walked along a path and suddenly there stood our old kitchen cabinet. Ludi was sitting on the recess in the middle. He said I wait for you until you are ready."

I had a similar situation with my late husband, but about that, I'll tell you a little later. Now I'd like to give the doubters a ray of hope and consolation. For, if they someday go on their way to the afterworld, it will help them to find their bearings.

In January 1987, the National Opinion Research Center conducted a survey prepared by Andrew Greeley. This survey of the Catholic priest, well-known in the USA, was published in the February issue of the American Health magazine. According to the results, 42% of adult Americans believe they once before have had contact with a deceased. The respondents to the study of Judy and Bill Guggenheim impressively described the memorable events of their so-called after-death communication which the authors shared in the book “Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research - After-Death Communication Confirms That Life and Love Are Eternal” in twelve main forms. They distinguish contacts with present feeling, hearing, touching and smelling perceptions, visual contacts of different design, visions, after-death contacts in half-sleep and sleep, out-of-body and telephone exchange and finally symbolic contacts and physical phenomena mostly associated with electricity. I would be delighted if my after-death contacts and those of my relatives and friends, especially those with a strength of evidence, can take away the fear of dying and comfort you. The after-death contacts of my family members are of different nature. My grandnephews Moritz and Jonas had contact with deceased relatives in their preschool years. My cousin Karin saw her Hans-Hermann leaning happily on a tree at his funeral. He appeared as a poltergeist for a year, also when Karin had guests. My mother had one of her last after-death contacts with my father, who materialized in the bathroom when she was sitting in the bathtub. He was naked and white from head to toe. I have ghost experiences often on the PC, probably because I spend most of the time on the computer and when writing I'm most relaxed. Like my mother, thirty years before (see page →), I also had after-death contacts without knowledge of the death message, as described in my book on the family code on page 101 ff.

On November 11, just before 11 a. m., I went to the fitness room of our residential complex. The 911 girl was on the treadmill. I said: “Did you have last night's service?” She replied: “Oh my God, what a Wednesday! I did not have a quiet minute. It was not even my shift. I covered for a colleague.” I asked: “Can't you sleep now?” She said:”No, I still have a job at a restaurant in Redondo Beach. I am in a hurry. Can you return the key, please?” “Sure.” A moment later I became restless and was no longer in the mood for the machines. I dropped the key into Sandi's mailbox. In front of our apartment door, I met Peter. Are you leaving? No, I just want to repair my Firebird. Inside, the wall clock from Jerry's garage showed 11:10 a. m. Together with a toaster, popcorn machine, pans, bowls, and plates, it found a more meaningful existence with us.

On my way to the bathroom, I passed by our brand new queen-size bed. Out of the blue, I dead stalled! I couldn't move my extremities and collapsed onto the bed. My body felt like filled up with liquid led. The faint fear of being seriously ill only lasted a second. Following a hunch, I addressed the thin air: Lisa is that you? The eerie episode ended on the spot. Arms and legs were lax again. Was it providence that I'd just read Ambrose Worrall's book? He was a clairvoyant working as a mechanical engineer. One of his co-workers on his way home for lunch was hit by a train without realizing his being dead. Coming back to work, he was upset since his colleagues did not respond. Ambrose saw him grabbing through the tools and did send him back to the railway crossing. So he could see what had happened to him. Through this I learned, when we someday irrevocably leave our material body, it can happen that we do not consciously notice our being out-of-body. As in sudden death when involved in an accident, having a heart attack, or being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. Such deceased are confused because they want to go on with their habits but are not noticed by their relatives, friends or colleagues. Thus leading to spook. (Family Code, p. 90)

I felt odd talking to my mother-in-law's spirit: You've left your bedridden body. You can now travel as fast as you think. As the minutes passed, I wasn't as sure anymore. Was that for real? An hour later the phone rang. Jochen confirmed Lisa's passing. I said it was about an hour ago. Jochen said I don't know. They just called from the hospital. It was 11 minutes past 11 our time when I felt your mother's transition. I called my mother and told her about Lisa's haunting. Isn't it amazing she'd chosen this date? Uh-huh! She knew that Peter has a hard time memorizing dates. He surely won't forget the beginning of carnival. I was paralyzed but only for a sec.

Ma said: When Mamme passed on I had that too. I know. But I was 20 minutes immobile like glued to a chair. My colleagues in the textile factory did not know what to do. (ibidem)

Recently walking the dogs another after-death contact crossed my mind. It was on November 11, 2007. I worked on the PC on my book "Water Code Cracked?" Suddenly two photos turned into XX. Shortly after I realized that it was Lisa's 20th day of death: twice X Roman 10 makes 20. Immediately, I lit a white candle as I mostly do on death-days of friends and relatives. Lately, my late husband has comforted me with even more conclusive interactions.

Initial shock and first encounter

On February 11, 2017, we were in the middle of the preparation of our Morocco tour. The camper was packed, scooter, and bike stowed in the rear garage. Peter wanted to recharge the battery. Since it had rained for a long time, some water had once again entered the bedroom. I was about to wipe the floor when I noticed Peter's exclamation and the sound of his falling in front of the entry door. I thought he had slipped on the wet tiles. I tried to help him up. When I asked him what had happened, he did not answer; saliva bubbled from his mouth. I immediately called Peter's brother, who came with his wife a little later. We carried out attempts at resuscitation. But when I supplied my beloved husband with my breath, it was already clear to me that there was no longer any hope of continuing our nearly 44-year life together. The men of the emergency ambulance could not do anything either. When they took him to the ambulance, his brother cried supported by his daughter. I was just looking at them in shock. All my senses were on strike.

In the morgue of the hospital in Faro, Peter laid there as peacefully sleeping with a smile on his lips. After I had said goodbye with a last kiss, the thought came to me that everything should be like this and that everything is good and Peter will still help and support me. It was only later that I thought it was a thought transfer. For years, we had the experience that one of us expressed something that the other thought.

In an e-mail, Carole wrote I should hold one hand on the heart and one on the solar plexus, looking in the northern direction and call for Peter.

In the early morning of Feb 17, Peter showed me his light-flooded new environment in his faded white-gray bad boy T-shirt and the Bermudas he had worn in California. In the book Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research-After-Death Communication Confirms That Life and Love Are Eternal I became aware that the deceased often wear the clothes which are of importance to the people to whom they appear. The surrounding Peter walked with me uphill reminded me of the dunes of Erg Chebbi in Morocco. Peter loved the desert almost as much as the sea. He was always happy finding desert flowers.

These clothes are very special to me. In this outfit, my bad-boy hubby compensated his nicotine withdrawal with vodka and was almost shot in a balmy Californian summer night almost. As a result of this incisive experience, we almost separated, as can be seen on the water crystal photo on page →.

Everything around us breathed in brightness and light. Peter beamed at me in a happy mood and said: "It's always nice and warm here." I would have liked to stay with him.

This experience lessened the pain of my grave loss a little making the grief more tolerable. But not the despair, the fact that I miss Peter so much. I don't need to worry about him anymore, no more driving too fast or swimming too far out. I just have to cope with my grief and get my life back on track. I'm torn between the hope the book may help me and the fear it moves me too much. But since the telepathic transfer in the morgue, I think Peter wants that too. After all, I hope not only to help me but also to all the other bereaved. For as long as a relationship may last, at any time, the day comes when one has to go. And then it is a consolation to know that our loved ones are nearby for a while and still part of life or waiting for us.

In the morning I turned on the light and read a few lines in Eliot Pattison's book "The Foreign Tibetan" when the light on the nightstand went off suddenly. I put the glasses away and put me aside. I said, "Do we want to spoon or what is it?" When the little owl howled, I said: "Oh Jacob" and Bob's your uncle, the light was on again. It has not been so long since Peter began to call the little owl Jacob. I said, "What makes you think that?" He said, "Karl always says that."

Did Peter realize about his end and considered this as a possibility to contact me. I'd always told him that my mother wanted to make me aware of something with the light. Of course, I now take much more attention to any signs.

In the evening I had a talk show running, but wrote e-mails and did not look at all. Peter did not like talk shows. For work on the PC that is little intellectually demanding, talk shows are ideal, because I do not have to look. Suddenly there was a sound as if something light fell over. About a minute later the TV went off. If I had looked up at the noise, I would have noticed the automatic switch off sign on the TV. A little later I saw what the sound was. The mourning card with Peter's photo leaning diagonally against the urn was tilted forward. But that it should have fallen by itself is technically not possible, because I had closed all windows and doors and there was no draft.

On Saturday, February 18, a week later, the time before and around Peter's last hour was difficult to bear. I was totally tied up in knots and dazed. Fortunately, an e-mail came from a singing mate, who opened the floodgates again. Our choir has about fifty members. So, thankfully, I received a large number of heartwarming devotions, and I now know that it is very comforting for the bereaved to be not alone at certain times or have telephone or email contacts. Peter was always a welcome groupie for the choir. He sometimes filmed us at our shows and shot the photos for our flyers. He's driven me to the choir rehearsal in the Café Zé in Luz de Tavira. In the meanwhile, he read the German newspaper in the library, did some grocery shopping, came back for me, drank a glass of red wine for 50 cents, and chatted with the choir members.

Today it is strange that apart from the e-mails the internet is not working meaning I can not work on any book where I need translation or grammar support. At the moment, there is only the grief book. But is such a thing possible? So far, it has always been that the internet is either working or not at all. Also, the Google boys and girls could not help me on this question. Renate, who had visited me, was also surprised at this phenomenon because that had never happened to her as well. Then the thing with the saw: I saw a thick branch in the morning.