SPIRULINA Survival Food for a New Era - Marianne E. Meyer - E-Book

SPIRULINA Survival Food for a New Era E-Book

Marianne E. Meyer



Who needs Spirulina? We all do! Why? Because of infertile soils we can hardly get any energy from our food. The blue-green microalga is concentrated solar power because it contains all the colors of the spectrum and thus all frequencies of light, just like the water of Lourdes.    M. E. Meyer was able to make the Blue-green Miracle known in German-speaking Europe and Russia through her same-named Spirulina bestseller and an appearance on Prime TV. Since then more and more people supplement their diets with the beneficial protein food. And more and more dentists use it for discharging amalgam and other poisons.    Around the globe sensational studies and reports prove: With Spirulina we can strengthen our immune system as well as stand up to pain, depression, diabetes, MS, cataracts, allergies, anemia, arthritis, liver fibrosis, Parkinson's disease, and even AIDS, cancer, and radium rays. We need the Green Gold now more than ever because it strengthens the heart, makes you fit and slim, provides for healthy eyes, skin and hair and deacidifies and regenerates all organs. Particularly benefiting from Spirulina are the sick, convalescent, heavy workers, athletes, stressed mothers, hyperactive children, the elderly, busy managers and our pets.     In the lovingly illustrated book with delicious recipes, the doctor of nutritionist has covered each chapter in note form and highlighted important parts. So cross-readers can attain a compact knowledge of the #1 superfood (AARP) in 30 minutes.

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The information introduced in this book was carefully researched and imparted in all conscience. However, author and publisher do not take any liability for damages of any nature that could emerge directly or indirectly from the usage or application of the data in this book. The data of this work is for interested parties and education.

Photo credits:

Cover photo: Fa. Cyanotech, Anissa Brauneis

Inner part: R. Taylor →, →,→,→, →,→,→,→,

Earthrise →, Sanatur →,→,→

Görke, J. →,→, M. Zinn →, C.-P. Meyer →,

Cover, typography & typesetting: M. Meyer

Some other books by M. E. Meyer:

How Water Connects our Worlds

Doris Day and my Search for Relatives

Migrant Birds on Wheels

Spirulina, das blaugrüne Wunder

Cranberry Powerfrucht

Psyllium - So bekommen Sie Ihr Fett weg

Spirulina für Kinder

Marianne Meyer, Apartado 320

P-8801 Tavira

Marianne E. Meyer has already passed through many stages of life with the focus on self-help and learned: We are our own best teachers, healers, and spiritual leaders. Formerly a doctor's assistant, she later studied with a focus on family therapy and gerontology in Frankfurt. She then studied food science in the USA. The dissertation case study on immune defense and Spirulina she published in her bestseller Spirulina, das blaugrüne Wunder. The author lived 10 years in the US, intervening in Southern Hesse, Portugal, and Morocco. Until recently, she worked temporarily with maladjusted adolescents in Portugal. She is inspired by a pioneering spirit and a passionate dedication on the well-being of the people.







Health is a matter of equilibrium

Taking Spirulina is especially advisable

Preprogrammed vital nutrient deficiency

Nutritional deficiency in abundance

Food supplements on the increase

Spirulina as AIDS prophylaxis in poor countries

When do we need more Spirulina?

Do we need animal protein?

Synthetic is not natural

Unique light food for our well-being


pirulina - soul balm for the new era

Detox with Spirulina


Spirulina fasting for a basic milieu

Colon and liver cleansing: a guarantee for well-being and healing

Mitochondrial energy medicine

Into a new era of love and light


What is Spirulina?

Scientific classification of the alga

History of the oldest foodstuff

Visions and necessity

Spirulina dreams to come true ASAP

Usage diversity of Spirulina in overview

Micro algae breeding by chance

Bringing in the harvest

Dehydration procedure

The pressing of the tablets

How to take Spirulina

What reactions can occur?

Proper storage protects nutrients and biophotons


Unique active agents of the blue-green micro algae

Phycocyanin strengthens the immune system and detoxifies the body


, the anti-aging Enzyme

Additional leprechauns in action

Spirulina contains active vitamin B12

Beta-carotene as cancer prophylaxis

Chlorophyll detoxifies and cleanses the blood

Polysaccharides help to regulate the blood sugar level

Gamma-linolenic acid inhibits inflammations and regulates hormones

Sulfolipids and glycolipids act against cancer and AIDS

Spirulina's vitamins prevent deficiency diseases

The alga's alkalizing and harmonizing minerals

Spirulina's unique profile of amino acids


Why do we live longer than our ancestors?

Spirulina strengthens your immune system

The alga helps with hypertension, obesity, and diabetes

Spirulina detoxes & protects the nerves

Prompt help for allergic reactions

The blue-green light carrier cures AIDS

Spirulina heals wounds and acts as antibiotic

The micro-organism acts promptly against anemia

Arthritis: with the blue-green algae rapidly free of

The alga protects you from eye diseases

Spirulina prevents acidosis and hair loss

Symptoms of body acidity

Spirulina helps to lower cholesterol

The cyanobacteria has an antidepressant-like effect

Spirulina stops cancer growth after 3 days

The miracle alga helps with gastritis and inflammation of the colon


Green Gold

protects the liver and kidneys

Spirulina protects from radiation damage

Can components of Spirulina help against tinnitus?


Expectant mothers set the course for their kids' welfare

Menstruating women often suffer from iron deficiency

Spirulina: Ritalin ersatz free from side effects

Vegetarians trust Spirulina as a high quality source of protein

Permitted doping: power food for heavy workers and athletes

The elderly living in the fast lane again

Vital animals with Spirulina as a feed supplement


Recipes for self-made algae cosmetic

Refreshing and lifting poultice

Anti-wrinkle plaster

Skin and hair poultice

Tinted Moisturizer for normal skin

Anti-wrinkle coconut creme

Cream for a firm, full bosom

Slender and trim with the microalga

Spirulina helps with Cellulite

Firming gel


Result reports from Germany

Success stories from other countries


Improvements by taking Spirulina

The alga in combination with strong drugs

Spirulina related to nutrition and lifestyle



Flavorful meals

Bean veggie burger

Chicory salad

Pea puree

Scallion salad

Stewed with vegetable rice

Ginger sesame spread

Chickpeas with "peanut” dressing

Chickpea pie with avocado sauce

Coriander ground patties (vegan)

Lentils pasta with mushroom sauce

Spicy porridge

Red lentil spread

Pesto for the respiratory system

Leftover pancakes

Sweets without remorse

Pineapple kiwi cream

Apricot bars

Banana cashew cake

Figs and sesame patties

Lentils granola (gluten-free)

Nougat balls

Sesame pumpkin pie

Sweet carrot casserole

Walnut balls

Walnut plum bar

Citrus almond cake

Healthy drinks: turbo power for body, mind and soul

Drinks for detoxifying your body

Coriander and cucumber juice

Wild herbs shake

Anti-aging goodies to lose weight

Kiwi coconut mush

Anti-inflammatory drinks

Fig baobab smoothie

Cherries papaya Smoothie

Spinach and apple smoothie

Liquid soul comforter

Banana apple shake

B vitamin shake

Chocolate smoothie

Drinks for guts and guns

Avocado papaya drink

Cucumber shake

Blueberry smoothie

Red currant sorbet







General Data Average%





Fat (lipids)


Minerals (Ashes)






Essential amino acids (g/kg)

















Non-essential amino acids (g/kg)





Aspartaic acid




Glutamic acid












Essential fatty acids (mg/kg)

Linoleic acid


Gamma-Linolenic acid


Pigments and Enzymes (mg/kg)

Carotenoids (orange)


Phycocyanin (blau)


Chlorophyll (grün)


Superoxide dismutase (SOD)


Glutathione peroxidase


Nucleic acids (mg/kg)

Ribonucleic acid (RNA)


Desoxyribonucleic acid (DNS)


Minerals (mg/kg)

Magnesium (Mg)


Potassium (K)


Iron (Fe)


Phosphorus (P)


Sodium (Na)


Zinc (Zn)


Calcium (Ca)


Copper (Cu)


Manganese (Mn)


Chromium (Cr)


Selenium (Se)


Germanium (Ge)


Lithium (Li)


Molybdenum (Mo)


Vitamine (mg/kg)

Beta carotene (Provit. A)


Vitamin E (ą-tocopherol)


Vitamin B1 (thiamin)


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)


Vitamin B3 (niacin)


Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)


Vitamin B 12 (cobalamin)


Folic acid






Heavy metals (mg/kg)

Arsenic (As)

Lead (Pb)

< 0,10

Cadmium (Cd)

< 0,29

Mercury (Hg)

< 0.18

< 0,01


Not traceable



< 1000KbE/g


< 100 KbE/g


< 100 kbE/g


nicht nachweisbar (nn)






As a constantly sick child and stuffed with antibiotics I had cataract surgery in both eyes at the age of 13 years. If at the time I would have known that structured water and Spirulina can prevent and cure diseases it would have spared me much suffering. However, it would also have been no motivation to write this book. For, most authors of health books want to help their fellow man not to repeat the own mistakes, but lead a healthy life.

If you trust your inner healer and lead a natural life, you can prevent all suffering and give the doctors and hospitals a wide berth. However, many patients may want to have a greater benefit with rising health insurance costs. Therefore, it would be sensible if we get refunds for not using medical assistance. For this, we could buy Spirulina tablets and psyllium husks powder. With the latter, we can make colon and liver cleansings as shown on page → et seq. Because, if the intestine as the important organ of the immune system with 80 % of all immune cells works well, we can enjoy wellness. And, if you take 6 to 8 Spirulina tablets or a tasty beverage from the recipe part during the day, what else should stand in the way of your radiant health? However, if you or a family member are working in the nuclear or chemical industry or in another related risks job you better triple the Spirulina doses.

Taking the immune system boosting microalga and time-shifted psyllium, nature's best fiber, helps you to stay happy, healthy and slim without a scalpel, chemistry, and negative side effects.

If you eat naturally, have enough exercise, fresh air, water, rest and reflection and if you treat yourself with an appropriate activity, you radiate harmony and peace of mind.

Turning your hobby into a profession would be ideal. A Universal Basic Income (UBI) could fulfill this heart's desire of many people. The German dm drugstore boss Götz Werner, for whom the well-being of the employees is more important than the company's return is a supporter of the unconditional basic income. It would also curb the migration of peoples if globally citizens would receive a basic income depending on the economic situation of each country and would be worth the money because it'd get there where it is needed and not spend for favoritism or end up in the pockets of corrupt or lavish statesmen. The German CDU politician Dieter Althaus thinks the unconditional basic income is financially achievable. Applications can be made by Germans online at the following link, and I advise you to ask your elected representative about it.


Under the application form you can read this justification for the citizen's income:

"Technical progress and rationalization are increasingly replacing human labor.

The basic income allows people to participate free, self-responsible and in dignity in this social change process."

A basic income banks on self-responsibility. With it, you are not authoritative dictated how to behave to be supported by the social policy. It is wiser to give people money so they can decide for themselves instead of doing what they do not want. With a basic income, you can make a career out of your hobby, or you can do more voluntary work. When you enjoy work, you are happy and healthy. We better return to the subject we badly need to stay healthy and healthy. We all need natural food supplements! Because of depleted soils, we are increasingly suffering from nutrient deficiencies.

About 3.6 billion years ago, Spirulina's precursors began to turn the earth into a life-friendly system via photosynthesis. Thus, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria respectively are the mother substance of flora and fauna. Actually, the helical microorganism is not an alga as referred to in the literature. I also use the term algae or microalgae often for the sake of simplicity.

Spirulina contains life-sustaining light particles and countless vital substances, of which probably many have not been discovered yet. Whether as powder or tablets the cyanobacteria help to eliminate pesticides and other pollutants from the body and provide for an enormous vitamin boost. When we eat little meat, we can benefit from Spirulina's high protein content (around 60 %). But before we begin to take the Green Gold it would be advisable to restore the intestine otherwise, the most valuable substances are excreted since they do not even reach the crusty gut walls. Ways and means to clean the intestines and invigorate the body see part II.

During a psychic development seminar in California, I got introduced to Spirulina as a protein food for vegetarians. But only when I was involved in Louise Hay's AIDS-support group and giving Reiki, I realized: Spirulina is more than a dietary supplement. Many of the 300 young men who every Wednesday met in West Hollywood appreciated the light food to strengthen their immune system.

With this book, I would like to show you an alternative to antibiotics and using the bigger guns. Also, I perform ongoing studies with those who have a weak body's defense system. You can find the questionnaire on page →, or on my website: www.marianne-e-meyer.com. Are you suffering from immunodeficiency and have taken 10 g Spirulina for 4 to 6 weeks, I'd like to ask you to disclose your experiences and send the questionnaire to the address provided or to [email protected]. If you complete the questionnaire, you'll receive a book with dedication as a thank you.

The microalgae with the scientific name Spirulina platensis contain everything the body needs. You could live only from Spirulina and water. And how could you live! Without the ballast of indigestible food, which leads to the fullness of a Japanese sumo wrestler. Animal products contain a lot of fat and often ferment more than eight hours in the intestines. Thus, they do more harm than good. Antibiotics are mixed with the feed of slaughter animals so they do not become ill and grow faster. They accumulate in the body and form resistant strains. In the case of illness, they are ineffective. A bean burger with Spirulina (page →) is the healthy alternative to a Big Mac, especially as the filament organism contains three times more protein than meat. Unlike the animal protein, Spirulina's protein is fully digested in about an hour.

Whether you use Spirulina in the kitchen or swallow the pills is up to you. However, I would be pleased if you soon feel better than ever. With Spirulina I have my allergies under control. Colds or cases of flu catch me only very rarely.

The people around me talk about their energy boost, regulated defecation, lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, less appetite for sweets. They have rarely pain or anxiety and are balanced with high spirits. They look hopeful into the future and can finally sleep through the night. Cold sores, calluses, acne, lichen and age spots disappear. The skin is moist, soft, and elastic. They have fewer worries about their weight and were physically and mentally never as fit.


The technical development of the last hundred years, our environment and our way of life changed radically. Not always to the advantage of our planet and all living beings. Every day many plants and animal species die out, and man degenerates rapidly. Therefore, it's about time to set the course or to pull the emergency brake to prevent crueler suffering and more destructive natural disasters. But in this book I make no senseless moral appeals to negligent, oily bilge water bailing captains of rusty oil or chemical tankers that pollute our seas or manufacturers who poison with their waste soil and water. Also, I will sparsely point at the threats of nuclear power plants whose dangerous rest risk could end all our lives. The nuclear disaster at Chernobyl and Fukushima made us terribly aware of this. You will hardly get bored with appeals to human reason to use the bounty of nature to apply environmentally friendly technologies for generating energy. Although these issues are near and dear to me, I concentrate in this compact book on how we can protect ourselves from these and other kinds of dangers with the algae.

As an expert on Spirulina, I want to show you how we all can withstand the stresses of the modern world. With the survival food Spirulina, we can every day anew take the lead. Because the alga is a descendant of the oldest food on earth and therefore it contains all we need. It is capable of eliminating chemical and radioactive substances. It also strengthens the immune system and our inner sewage works.

Our physical and mental environment are overused incessantly by pollutants in the air and the food, addiction, chemical medicines, radio waves, electromagnetic pollution, and stress. Our detox systems run continuously at full speed and can never recover properly. But as we know from experience, if any system can not regenerate, it is eventually prone to interference. In recent years the allergy and cancer rates dramatically increased. This indicates that our body is often pumped up to its neck with poisonous substances. Spirulina platensis, the most researched dietary supplement is an expert to rid the body of toxins. Discover with me what else this miracle of nature can do for your body and mind!

In Part I. you learn how to protect yourself with the detoxifying Spirulina algae from the population-reducing products of the companies Monsanto, Bayer & Co. Further, I explain why nutrient deficiencies are inevitable and when and with which symptoms you need more Spirulina. Also, you can find out why you should prefer the light food over synthetic multivitamins.

In Part II. you learn about the importance of colon and liver cleansing for harmonizing and healing of body, mind, and soul. Because with a crusty gut, the valuable nutrients can hardly reach the blood stream.

Part III provides data on the classification of Spirulina platensis, scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis. But for historical reasons, it is still referred to as Spirulina. Another eye-opener is the history of the oldest food and how native people used it.

Section IV. shows how the vitamins, minerals and unique substances of the alga such as phycocyanin and other pigments, sulfolipids, the anti-aging enzyme SOD and gamma-linolenic acid perform.

Part V. informs how to use the Green Gold effectively for your health. It has proven beneficial for allergies, arthritis, eye disease, depression, diabetes, cancer, and much more.

In section VI., you learn who in particular can benefit from Spirulina.

Part VII. is dedicated to homemade Spirulina cosmetics for the skin and hair.

Part VIII. informs you about the amazing experiences of international consumers.

Section IV. shows you the latest results of my ongoing Spirulina study and offers the opportunity to participate in this research by completing the questionnaire.

And last, but not least, you can test your creativity in the recipe part X. by creating delicious meals and drinks. You can use the Spirulina flour every day as a turbo for the body, mind, and soul.


Every day, we breathe in poisons or absorb them through the skin. But most toxins reach the body through our food. Organic food critics argue that it is irrelevant that organic foods contain fewer pesticides than conventional agricultural products, the maximum limits would hardly exceed. However, many pesticides are still insufficiently researched. Let's not allay our alertness. At least for 12 fruits and vegetables, the dirty dozen, Greenpeace is warning, we should resort to organic products. I also recommend to increase the Spirulina ration for detoxification. To cultivate peppers, farmers use the chemical ethephon to color them faster. This plant growth regulator acts as a neurotoxin. Grapes often contain traces of a poison cocktail with more than 10 different pesticides. Even in kale, there is a repeated warning that the limits of pesticides could be exceeded. Grape leaves often have critical levels of chemicals. Cherries are also often too highly exposed to pesticides. Pears, mainly from Turkey, are enormously pesticide-loaded. Growers wash lettuce heads in greenhouses and fields with a pesticide shampoo. Cucumbers contain a lot of fungicides and insecticides. Conventionally grown strawberries bear an abundance of chemicals and pesticides. Crisp, shiny conventionally grown apples contain loads of pesticides. Conventional spinach contains enormous amounts of the fertilizer nitrate and listeria.


You may also reckon that these bacteria are in packaged finished salads. But not only with the diet, we take in toxins, also via cosmetics and especially with the common prescription drugs in traditional medicine. Too many chemical medicines contaminate our body and via wastewater our most important resource, the groundwater.

With the ominous power network of the chemical pharmaceutical industry and medicine today we have no choice but to assume responsibility for our body, our health and thus also for our planet. There is an immensely amount of money to earn with diseases. Thus prevention is not a primary focus in the disease business of western industrialized nations. The ancient Chinese practice of medicine would, however, be ideal: General practitioners were kind of forced to practice preventive medicine. As long as their patients remained healthy, they received a monthly check from them.

After all, the campaign launched by the National Cancer Institute of the USA to daily eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of cancer by up to 50% was successful.


Other countries followed this recommendation. The British are fighting with heavy artillery and the traffic light colors of red, amber and green on food labels. In Germany, the industry representatives vehemently prevent the traffic light solution for a quick orientation. Politicians in general act against the people's will. On the island, in contrast, since 1.1.2008 are stricter rules on advertising unhealthy foods to children and adolescents in force. The British Heart Foundation (BHF) will reach children with the Food 4 Thought campaign via the Internet, to demonstrate what effect Junk food has on the body and performance:


Often the relationship between diet and disease is negated. For instance, experts continue to discuss the thousands of new breast cancer cases, without ever the word prevention passing their lips. Nutritionists are significantly not invited to these discussions. It would be so easy to prevent breast cancer and other terrible diseases of our questionable civilization with pure water, fresh food, and Spirulina.

If we would compare the diets of nations in relation to their emerging diseases, we could learn a lot in terms of prevention. To stay with breast cancer: In countries with a high milk and meat consumption, women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Japanese women who eat traditionally no dairy, little meat, a lot of rice, vegetables, seaweed and fruit, hardly ever get breast cancer. But every year, for about 60 years, near June 1, the world's population is bombarded from the dairy lobby with the same lies. Milk does a body good! I remember, when we lived in the US, the dairy industry had to change their formerly slogan milk does the body good in does a body good. It is especially alarming that in the equally old diet rules called Codex Alimentarius, an outgrowth of world domination, the war criminal Fritz ter Meer was involved. He was responsible for the Auschwitz-industrial site of IG Farben, and after the prison term, he returned to the Supervisory Board of Bayer AG, the company that is buying Monsanto! Dr. Mathias Rath counts the Codex Alimentarius to the grossest violations of human rights in history.


Can you imagine: This food book was architected by the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and a war criminal, and all countries are committed to it through a trade agreement. This also includes food labeling regulations. E. g., if a country would decide against GM corn or its labeling, it would face an immensely high penalty. There seems to be no true democracy on this planet. The people's will is no GM corn nor its regulation by not labeling. Who wants something on the plate which is known to create tumors and liver and kidney damage? In 2012 Gilles-Eric Séralini and his French colleagues have fed rats for two years with the also in Europe approved corn variety NK 603 from Monsanto and control. They discovered the rodents receiving the GM corn had increased liver and kidney damage. Similarly, these animals developed more tumors and died earlier than the control group.


Better red than dead? Immediately after learning of the study, Russia banned the import of genetically modified corn. In the rest of the world, the study is controversial. GM corn recommending lobbyists accused the researchers but without success. What else are we to expect from the designers of the new world order? Readers of my age may have noticed that half a century ago the problem of overpopulation was ever discussed while today we hear little about it. Is the solution to the problem already in the works? Is the goal of the global elite our physical and mental poisoning and enslavement? Do we have to protect ourselves from Rockefeller, Gates & Co? If so, how is this to be achieved? We better question everything unnatural, and closely check certain studies and the response to them. Such as the one of Arpad Pusztai, who investigated GM potatoes on behalf of the Scottish Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department. The rats his team fed with GM potatoes had significantly smaller organs including the testicles and brains as well as a weak immune system. Blair and Clinton should have called personally to prevent the publication of the study. Why Pusztai was fired along with his team and their results should have been suppressed is left to the reader.


In 2005, the Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (Federation of German Scientists) awarded him the Whistleblower price.

How do we protect us against such malicious power structures? In everything, we are presented with we better listen to our inner voice and ask who benefits from it? Cui bono? Let's not take us for a fool! And we better think seriously about hoarding seeds and protect us with organic fruits, vegetables, and Spirulina, the power food in its purest form. The microorganism needs little acreage and resources. Jean-Paul Jourdan shows you how you can grow the blue-green microalgae.


You need for the production in addition to the cultures a food-safe plastic wrap, a few solar panels and a starter from a scrap car. With this and a lot of sunshine you can make environmentally friendly and energy saving the best food in the world. Even near my university city Frankfurt people grow Spirulina.

Since the algae remove toxins, heavy metals, and even radioactive substances from the body, you have some protection with daily consumption. The health condition of Japanese seems to prove this statement. They consume 10-15 % and have the longest life expectancy in spite of the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. But when researching for the Cranberry book, I noticed that most of the Methuselah, people who are more than 100 years old, live in countries where people drink traditionally cranberry juice and eat cranberries.

Health is a matter of equilibrium