Water Crystals, Messages of the Souls - Marianne E. Meyer - E-Book

Water Crystals, Messages of the Souls E-Book

Marianne E. Meyer



Japanese water scientist Masaru Emoto discovered that water molecules change according to the exposed sounds. M. Meyer, in cooperation with the water artist Ernst F. Braun, found out who realizes water art. The author has explained her research results with the help of many water crystal photos clearly in various works. And for clarity, we should make a special effort in today's time, carried by anxiety and confusion. The book leads us into the depth of our lives and shows us the secret in our genes. In doing so, we realize that the infinite human task of shadow work makes us joyful and free. The excursus "Free energy for free people" is about the paradigm shift in energy generation crucial for the survival of humanity. Established physics, with its skepticism and blinkered thinking, must not continue to close itself off to modern physics. It is high time for a paradigm change in energy systems!

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Some other books by M. E. Meyer:

Spirulina – Survival Food for a New Era Survival Aid for All Viral Infections Cranberry Power Fruit Family Code Beyond Death Migrant Birds on Wheels

The soul of man is like water:

It comes from heaven.

It rises to heaven

and must come down to earth again,

eternally changing.

Soul of man, how like you are to water!

Destiny of man, how like you are to wind!"

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)



Is this the path to enlightenment?



Quarks or baloney?

It's the vibration that counts

On of Samuel Hahnemann's tracks

How is water informed?

Soul of man, how like the water you are!



Emoto's icy miracles

How can we structure our body water?

What makes us so unique?

Water as medium and truth detector

What helps us become empty and see clearly?

Initiation by my own experience

How do we use wisdom in the unconscious?



Soul stars - crystallized energy

The water artist on a journey

How I came to soul communication

Compassion from deceased loved ones

To each his soul star

Testing group dynamics

The creation of a soul star by Ernst F. Braun



Moonhopper, operations and High Priestess

Unio Mystica and near-separation

Stars of the feline soul

Can water crystals photos replace the crystal ball?

Birth trauma and other emotional shocks

Prophecies through photos of water crystals

Cocoon and stone face: signs of future depression

Is water sovereign or the canvas of spiritual painters?

Searching for the written work

Caught up with karma

Do we foresee our fleshly end?

Fairy tale scenes

Who collects so many clovers?

Pandora's box



Fields of consciousness - bridges to the beyond

Water and the resurrection of life

Vibrations and resonance - we are what we think

Making optimal decisions with vibrational harmony

Can we shape the soul?

What can we learn from children?

Water - mediator between the worlds



The story behind the tests and the book

Sad News

High-voltage disaster and dog connection - 1



Peter's four soul stars of the second experiment

How do the water artists see the new home in France?

The Beekeeper in France



Repressed memories

What can the gene keys do for us?



Communication with the deceased

After-effects of post-mortem contacts

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgements

Water crystals and da Vinci's prophecy


Excursus: Free energy for free people

Paradigm shift in energy production


A few days before my husband moved into the higher-frequency sphere of existence, he said, "This is no longer my world." To which I replied, "Mine neither." He said, "Oh no, you still will have a lot to go through." It seems that just before we give up earthly existence, we can have a look into the future. Then what came next? I nearly coughed my guts out and lost my sense of smell for over a year. Whether, it was corona, I don't know because at that time, this virus, which later held humanity hostage, was not making many headlines.

Anyhow, the condition of the world today is interpreted even more apocalyptically than at the turn of the millennium when the apocalypse was already the order of the day. And as if virulent microorganisms, water pollution, climate, and environmental disasters combined with the extinction of animal and plant life were not frightening enough, Putin's war threatens nuclear catastrophe.

But are we in fact facing the greatest crisis that has ever come our way - the destruction of the world and humanity? Despite all the depressing news, in some ways, we have changed for the better from before. We have become more open to our fellow human beings. We talk more freely about our preferences, problems, and our dark sides even. We are less and less using the defense mechanism of repression and instead searching deep within our souls for collective solutions that serve us. The recent refugee crisis has made this clear again. We are well on our way to changing the prevailing cult of materialism, prejudice, and greed in our world because other things are more important in the long run. More and more people are calling for a global basic income without conditions. Since we all belong to the same family with 99.9% identical DNA, we should feel the need to ensure that all our relatives can live a dignified life without starving, freezing, or having to leave their homes. A global land income adapted to economic circumstances would make it easier for people to follow their vocation and work according to their desire and love. Too many people pursue jobs that may make them enough money but do not match their talents and do not make them happy.

When we discover our true potential, we can make the world a better place because we work in it. We are also learning more and more about the grand economic secret: the more we give, the more we get. After all, it is a heartfelt gift of love when we give our talent to our fellow human beings.

The message of the water crystals also proclaims unity and love to inspire people to live a life full of the goodness of heart and harmony.

In this book you can learn something about the miracle of the soul. But whether my concept of the soul seems plausible to you is, naturally, entirely up to you. Perhaps you will just be enchanted by the beautiful water crystals or have your own soul stars descend from heaven by the water artists Ernst F. Braun & Sarah Steinmann. If you do your own research, perhaps you will see that we cannot destroy ourselves at all, even if a change of times is upon us. Over the past six years, my late husband has shown me in no uncertain terms that death is by no means the end. I have written three books about our communication. I also became aware we are merely change our frequency when our cat Max lay breathing quietly and deeply in my arms. At the moment of death, his whole body trembled. I was so grateful that Max came to me when he knew he was dying and gave me the opportunity to witness his change of vibration up close. Under VI. WATER TEST WITH MY LATE HUSBAND you will find further evidence of the continued presence of the soul.

The water crystals generated according to Masaru Emoto's method by the above Swiss water artists as so-called soul stars also testify that we live on in the afterlife.

Fifteen years ago, I published the book "Wasser Code Geknackt?" In it, as well as in "How Water Connects Our Worlds" and in my autobiographical novel "Family Code," I introduced you to water crystal pictures as the visual language of souls. My first experiment with neutral water, which informed Ernst Braun with my signature, astonished the latter. Because of his usual 22 frozen water drops, usually only four, rarely eight, can be photographed microscopically. Of my signature 15 pictures succeeded! Only later did I understand the reason for this: Edmond Dembinski, my childhood sweetheart, whom I had the privilege of introducing to art more than half a century ago, died a famous painter. Two paternal friends, Joachim Gestering and Hellmut Hoffmann, Adolph Meyer, my husband's uncle, and Edmond's mother, Wanda von Dembinski, were all gifted painters who are now in the afterlife. That may be one of the reasons why it was easy for me to interpret my water crystals. But also Ernst Braun's water crystal photos, which he generated by informing distilled water with the word "birth trauma" (see page → ff.), I could interpret correctly, as well as those of my friends and the cat Max. Therefore, Ernst Braun thought I could also interpret the water crystal photos of his clients. But then the fear of not being good enough crept through all my bones. Maybe you know this too, that you don't trust yourself enough. But since my husband suddenly and unexpectedly said goodbye to me in the afterlife and has already contacted me several times, this might strengthen my self-confidence. Especially for my psychic friend Isabel Bannier-Groß was contacted shortly after by my husband's friend, who had died five years earlier and had proofread my book "Spirulina, Wundernahrung der Zukunft" many years ago. Bolko showed her how I sat at a table and signed the book “Sad News” for my readers.

In the latest experiment in Part V., I informed neutral water with my signature and the photo of my late husband. It would please me if the ingenious crystals could open many windows of enlightenment and bring you into complete vibrational resonance with your heart.

Emoto proved that water responds to sound, writing and language. Brightening thoughts and uplifting music form beautiful crystal structures. With swearing and heavy metal, water crystal pictures show distorted structures. We can better study ourselves with body water and delight ourselves and our neighbors with soft, loving words hence, with heavenly body water crystals. For:

Now is the time for the realization of what is within us. The cosmic experience of religion is the most powerful and noblest motive for scientific research. The most profound and lofty feeling of which we are capable is experiencing the mystical. Only from this does truly science grow. He to whom this feeling is foreign, who can no longer marvel and loses himself completely in awe, is already spiritually dead. The knowledge that the unfathomable actually exists and that it reveals itself as the highest truth and the most radiant beauty of which we can have only a vague idea - this knowledge and foreboding are at the heart of all religiosity.

(Albert Einstein)

Is this the path to enlightenment?

About sixteen years ago, I began to conduct water crystal photography experiments with Ernst F. Braun and, through the interpretation of the water crystals, to draw attention to the fact that the spiritual world communicates with us through the water. Whenever something decisive happens, such as buying a house in France three years ago (see p. →), I ask the spiritual water artists for their input. I probably won't live to see my insight revolutionize science. It will take some time because the ruling class is more interested in spreading fear than in revealing the liberating truth. Free people are less likely to be exploited or forced to pay. Individuals with insight are not easily manipulated. But I am convinced that one day people will realize who we genuinely are.

In my book “How Water Connects Our Worlds”, I have already pointed out the secret of water's mutability and storage capacity. Inge Schneider, the director of Jupiter Publishing, found my insight that water is the "interface between physical and metaphysical reality" "particularly appealing" in her book review in NET Journal. Through the water crystal photography experiments with Ernst Braun and Sarah Steinmann (www.wasserkristall.ch), I realized that the consciousness that initiates everything also shapes water. The "Atelier für KUNST und Mystik" calls the water crystals with our energy signatures soul stars. I think of them as soul contacts. They often show signs of life or imprinted messages from deceased loved ones. It is a service of love when they communicate with us through each drop of water. But they don't just draw attention to themselves through water crystal photography. They also help us through homeopathy, water refining scalar waves, telepathy, reiki, pendulums and many other projects passed on to me at a higher level of consciousness almost forty years ago. I reported on some of these in "Family Code".

These few lines will hardly suffice to initiate cognitive processes in you. But perhaps the beautiful water crystal pictures in the book will help. In any way, we will find out at the end of our lives what awaits us after our change in the afterlife. That's how I predicted it for my father. He usually just smiled smugly at the Second Face of his loved ones, showing up on my mother's side through all generations. I then asked him to give me a sign. And he did it from the first day of his life in the hereafter, as I will show you below.

I want us all to grasp quickly that soul life, reincarnation, and karma are not esoteric blah blah blah, but the universal law of cause and effect that Paul expresses thus: what a man sows, that he will also reap. Today we say: Karma strikes back. According to this view, there would be no blame of another, no luck or coincidence, but cause and effect, which can be many centuries and embodiments apart. Luck, bad luck, and coincidence merely refer to the law that has not yet been recognized. Every experience, word, and deed, even the smallest detail, is stored in our genes. More specifically, in the junk DNA that makes up more than 90 percent of our genome. I will report on this in Part VII. THE HIDDEN LIGHT IN OUR DNA.

Loosely based on Goethe, I would add that nature makes no mistakes. Errors are always ours. People who are incapable of appreciating creation despise it. Only to the skillful, dedicated, pure, and true does she devote herself and reveal her secrets.

Please pray with me for awareness of this truth will spread quickly and eventually bring world peace. Killing ourselves by hook or crook with weapons of mass destruction, destructive energies, and production is not in our true nature.


The question of the meaning and purpose of life occasionally gives us food for thought. Who turns the wheel of the big picture? Above all, we think about our existence. We possibly want to work with our talents in a pleasant life for the good of our community. Through our thoughts and gifts, we transform the invisible into the visible. When we open ourselves, we give room to chances, which fall upon us easily. This book is also about such coincidences.

How the various shapes and appearances on the frozen drops of water come about is a mystery for most people. Not to me. If you have already admired the water crystal photographs (WCP) by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto and his team, you may also have wondered: What is water trying to tell us? In this work, you will discover that the question should be: Who is speaking through the heavenly wet? The answer may please or frighten you. How comfortable would you be with the thought that we could continue to work as celestial artist painters in the higher dimensions after we shed our physical shells? Children often still have contact with the spiritual world (see page → f.). But these spiritual connections are usually lost in the course of their development. When family members who have died find they are confusing the child's environment, they commonly terminate contact.

Quarks or guff?

Was water for you no more than a liquid for brushing your teeth? Then I hope you enjoy admiring the beautiful works of art in the frozen water drops. For me, water crystal photos are no longer a miracle. The metamorphosis of the beautiful red caterpillar willow borer into the nondescript nocturnal flutterer could rival it. Some others, however, will regard the following comments as utter nonsense. But who would have thought years ago that quarks, the tiniest units of matter, could be energy? But whether you want to admire quarks as mediators between the third dimension of objectivity and the fourth dimension of thought and spirit is up to you: physicists and mystics today agree: consciousness initiates all things. Yet many seem to have little to do with the mediating elements. But we know from experience: what we mock today is common knowledge tomorrow. Today we mock the people of the Middle Ages for believing that the sun revolved around the Earth's disk. But when Galileo taught the Copernican system, he almost fell victim to the Inquisition.

The clerics would also have little interest in deciphering the riddle of the formation of water crystals. Especially since neither general chemistry nor physics can answer the question with the resources available: What is water? Half a century of intensive water research and fascinating, sometimes telling working hypotheses leaves the question of the nature of water unanswered. Why? Because science is not comprehensive in its inquiries. Blinkers seem to hinder the search for truth: Why else do only the laws of gravitational force and their consequences apply in today's purely technical approach? Why does established science relentlessly invoke them?

Only a few years ago, I considered the incalculable wet as the most capricious being in the universe: it moves in all directions and overcomes gravity. Solid, liquid or gaseous, it is everywhere. Emoto proved this with his water crystal photography: H2O responds to sound, pictures, writing and speaking.

Our brains are mainly composed of water. Even we modern humans sometimes still respond to these fine, unconscious vibrations. In my experience, our loved ones in the afterlife often still want to influence us when we receive supersensory perceptions, premonitions and similar spiritual messages.

Multiple studies with interviews of widows, doctors, police officers, and firefighters confirm such contacts after death. Hello from heaven: A new field of research - communication after death confirms that life and love are eternal". At times our loved ones in the afterlife also help us find crucial papers. S. p. →, →.

It's the vibration that counts

Peter Groß, whose GIE water activator won the gold medal at the world's major invention fair in Geneva in 2007, called me to inform me of his success. I had owned his invention for several years. Today, the original Groß devices are sold only under as Aqua-Lyros at aqua-lyros.de. Peter Groß also emailed me two water crystal photos of water from his pipe, the first before and the second after it had gone through his activator. The photos taken before it went through seemed like a hopeless mess. They showed no crystallization. After activation, all of the WCPs were clear with crystallization and seemed separated. Do they tell the sad story of the engineer who supposedly was robbed of his genius? It will not excite him now. Peter Groß left his mortal shell on 9/11/2017, seven months after my husband. Now they don't have to talk on the phone for so long. By the way, most of my deceased relatives and friends died on the 11th, or the cross sum of the day of death is 11. My mother on 1/1/11, my father on 10/1/1998, Peter's mother on 11/11/1987, and my friend Marita on 9/11/01.

I asked the genius engineer who took microscopic photographs of the frozen water droplets, and he gave me Ernst Braun's phone number. I immediately called the water artist in Switzerland. After a stimulating hour-long conversation, Ernst F. Braun offered to inform pure water through my signature and to shine a series of soul stars for me. See pages → and →ff.

We are learning more and more about conscious and unconscious vibrations. Everything that exists is animated and vibrates. Unconsciously, we all communicate with each other, including animals and plants. The latter is the case when we cut leaves from neighboring plants. So soul energy also works between plants and animals.

In one study, researchers connected a measuring device to a plant. When they threw living crabs into a pot of boiling water, the cell system of the plant showed agitation. Using the fly swatter also has consequences: many flies gather to mourn. Everyone suffers when something happens to a member of the community. We also unconsciously communicate with our fellow humans through our soul radar network. Vibrations operate in this soul field. Faraday used the term field and talked about the electromagnetic field. Sheldrake sees morphogenetic fields as a collective astral memory of a non-physical nature. According to him, there is a field pattern behind every structure that first forms, whether it is a thought, an action, or a material object. The more often this structure is formed, the stronger the morphic resonance. These energy fields or grids transmit information beyond time and space. The more sensitive we are or higher our vibrational frequency is, the more data we can receive. It is also possible that a given place has a particularly striking morphogenetic field. Hermosa Beach, for example, could have such a universal consciousness field, for I did "download" an enormous amount of past and future information there. See also p. → ff., and Family Code, p. → ff. But my 60th gene key may also have played a role, supposedly enabling me to travel through time and space. (Rudd, p. 651)