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The whole set up of the illusion - awareness, experience, unfulfilment and seeking - is illusory. It is as real and unreal as anything else. Sitting on a chair happens. Well, it apparently happens. No one is doing it. No one needs to do it. Same with everything else: breathing, thinking, feeling, the room, the atmosphere. It is all apparently happening. This book contains a series of e-mails that happened between D. Justine Jeyaraj and Andreas Müller throughout the year 2023.
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Seitenzahl: 85
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
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About D. Justine Jeyaraj
About Andreas Müller
Justine & Andreas No. 1
Justine's notes on Andreas
Justine & Andreas No. 2
Finals No. 1
Finals No. 2
D. Justine Jeyaraj was born in 1951 into a Catholic Christian family at Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. Graduate in B.A.Sociology.
“I entered into Government of India service as Stenographer, with M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli.
For two years after joining duty, I lived a normal young man's life of music, movies and friends.
In 1972, suddenly I found life was not as it seemed to be. I became acutely aware of the suffering of Humanity.
I first read the book, 'Thought Power' of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, Himalayas, India. Then I had a meeting with Fr. Bede Griffiths, of Shantivanam, Kulittalai, Tamilnadu, India. His meeting promised me safety in spiritual life. In the mean time, I devoured thousands of spiritual books available on this earth. But I was growing more and more panic stricken.
And I found a great spiritual asylum in a magnificent Guru Sri La Sri Pandrimalai Swamikal. He initiated me into a powerful Mantra towards worshipping god Murugan, the Deity of Tamilians.
It was a successful pursuit that benefited me with material and spiritual benefits, along with rare siddhies, psychic powers like telepathy, precognition, and healing powers. I was happily married to my wife Bella. We were blessed with a rare and highly gifted girl child, who is now a Dentist abroad.
I got spiritual ENLIGHTENMENT on 30-4-1984. I resigned my lucrative government job, which was a shock to many. But my wife who also worked for the Government took it all cool and supported and sustained me.
For few years I managed to live my Enlightened state, though all along I felt it to be a limitation. I started feeling uncomfortable in it.
On 19-2-2007, by 12-15 pm I stumbled upon the website Actual Freedom of Richard. Then I never turned back. I became actually free in 3 years.”
But soon I found that Actual Freedom too was not real freedom because there was still a PERSON in me, who was trying to enjoy freedom. And that freedom was elusive. I remained still bound and suffered anxiety and restlessness. I suffered this agony for more than a decade.
One day in late 2022, while scrolling in my iPad, I came across a website called, created by a young man called Andreas Muller. Whatever I read in that website gave me literally goose bumps. I knew that at last I have arrived at something I longed for more than 50 years, as I’m now in my seventies.”
The fundamental message of Andreas was just this:
It was a shock to me!
It didn’t take much time. May be a month or two.
I just died. But I did not do that either. That’s what apparently happened. For no one.
I realized “Who cares for freedom or no freedom?”.
I got in touch with Andreas by E-mails almost for the whole year of 2023.
I asked questions. And Andreas always answered them with loving concern.
What transpired between Justine and Andreas correspondences is verbatim reported in this book called “FREEDOM FOR NO ONE”.
Good Luck and prosperity for all who read this book!
E-mail: [email protected]
Andreas was born in 1979 in Ludwigsburg in Southern Germany. After years of seeking in spirituality, he met Tony Parsons in 2009. “First, I was shocked. Though I had already known and experienced a lot, this was something new and unexpected. Suddenly, for no reason, I heard what Tony was saying, and soon it was undeniable: There is no one.” Since 2011, Andreas has been holding talks and intensives throughout the world.
You reading these lines does not have to make sense. In fact, it cannot make sense. Reading these lines is all there is. THAT IS IT. THAT IS WHOLENESS. So what should it make sense for? It simply cannot because there is nothing else it could make sense for. Nothing in this book has meaning. YOU READING THESE LINES IS NO-THING. THAT IS ‘IT’.
The following conversations were made via e-mail thoughout the year 2023.
It was due to D Justine Jeyaraj's initiative that this book was happening.
What do you teach?
Nothing. It’s all perfect already. So, there is nothing to teach.
How can I see that?
Well, you will never really see that. You refer to an additional state of seeing. Perfection can’t and doesn’t have to be seen. It just is.
There is no truth?
No, there isn’t. There isn’t a real happening in the first place, so, yes, there is no truth.
What happened to you then?
Nothing happened to me. I just died. But I did not do that either. That’s what apparently happened, again for no one.
‘What is’ doesn’t recognize itself?
No, it doesn’t. ‘What is’ doesn’t recognize itself to be something. It just is what it is, without any need for recognition.
Does it know itself?
Not really. It just is itself. You know (laughs), ‘sitting In this room’ just is perfectly itself – there is no real knowing of any kind in that. It just is what it is. No one knows what it is, no one knows how it is and no one even knows if something is at all.
Is there a ‘me’ now or not?
No, of course not. It’s not there.
Is ‘what is’ real or unreal?
There is no such thing as “what is”. That’s why I say ‘no-thing’. ‘What is’ even isn’t an ‘it’. Try to know ‘no-thing’ and it will not work. It doesn’t say anything.
What is it?
There is not anything. There is no one there to know. This – what seems to be happening - is timelessly no-thing. It is naturally whole and complete. However, there is no experiencer of 'what seems to be happening'.
When I hear you speak about there not being any experience, this sounds rather dead and boring.
It’s empty but not dead. In fact, it’s pretty alive. Yet there is no one experiencing anything, and there isn’t some-thing that’s experienced. Insofar, the end of experiencing doesn’t look attractive to the 'I'. ‘Me’ doesn’t want to die.
Why are there no answers?
There is no answer, because there is no real happening in the first place.
How can you say there’s no happening?
That’s the answer that comes out. I died. Answers seem to come out of that apparent death.
Is there something like absolute awareness?
No, there isn’t something like absolute awareness, but there is no-thing as apparent awareness.
What about all these spiritual paths and teachings?
They all refer to a person, which doesn’t exist, in order to heal a separation that isn’t there either.
Ramana said, “Be what you are”. What do you think?
Well, the question is who should do that, who needs to do that? There is no one. You can’t “do” being who you are. You already are what you are.
Do you never get stressed?
I do get stressed - apparently, effortlessly, of course.
Nisargadatta Maharaj suggested staying in the ‘I am’.
It’s not working. There is no one. ‘I am’ is an illusion. To stay in the ‘I am’, to go beyond the ‘I am’, is just futile.
Who am I? Can’t I ‘self-enquire’?
No. Who wants to inquire? Who wants to come to conclusions and know? There is no one. It’s all the ‘me’, which has no reality at all.
With my death it’s all over?
Well, yes and no. Nothing can be known really. Who would know whether something ends or whether something goes on?
It’s better to stop seeking?
Who could do so? There is no one there. There is no seeker in seeking, and there is no finder in liberation.
Have you reached “Perfect liberation”?
All there is, is perfect liberation. But ‘you’ can’t have it. When “perfect liberation” happens, nothing happens. It never went away, so you can’t gain it. Liberation is not personal. It’s not a state. It’s not even an ‘it’. All there is is this apparent happening, which is natural, simple and perfectly itself.
Wow, it’s really simple - but also very intense.
Yes, it’s very simple. It simply is. And yes, seen from the apparent perspective of ‘me’, it’s intense.
So, is it always that intense?
Well, it’s total, but also empty. It’s totally itself, however, it’s free from reality and meaning.
Do you think that we have to resolve issues?
No, I don’t think so. However, it’s not about the issues. There just is no one who needs to do so. Leave the issues alone, or leave yourself alone, and everything will take care of itself.
What if there are any traumas or heavy stuff going on?
Then that’s what apparently happens. Seen by the ‘me’, the whole existence is an unresolved issue. Which can’t be answered at all. Same with traumas too.
Can this be life changing?
Yes, of course. Falling off of traumas may change the behaviour of the apparent body. Everything just seems to level out a bit. For no one of course.
And when there are still traumas left over time?
Then that’s what apparently happens. Look, this whole thing doesn’t contain any real value. Being traumatized is as much wholeness as anything else. The whole idea - and the experience - of being someone who is on a path is nothing but a dream. Healing - or no healing - is what apparently happens. Life apparently happens. It already is free. As it is. As you are. As I am. Even if there seems to be an Andreas who wants this or that, there is no person behind it. The person is an illusion. It doesn’t exist.
Oh, wow, that’s wonderful.
Yes, it is. For no one.