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This booklet contains a small collection of Andreas Müller's introductions to his talks from 2016 to 2023.
Das E-Book No Approach, No Arriving wird angeboten von Books on Demand und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Nonduality, Liberation, Enlightenment, Andreas Müller, Advaita
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Seitenzahl: 41
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023
Amsterdam October 2016
Totnes March 2017
Paris April 2018
Helsinki November 2018
New York City March 2019
Toulouse June 2019
Brighton April 2022
Germany October 2022
Verona October 2022
Asheville March 2023
Saint Martin Vésubie May 2023
About the author
About Saint Martin Vésubie
This is not about anything, so this event doesn’t have a goal, it’s not for anything, there isn’t a real outcome. In that sense it really doesn’t matter, that’s the thing in advance. One could say there can’t be a goal, it can’t be for anything because that what happens is everything that is, and it’s a part of the dream that there is something else. Or that there is another possibility, that there is a future, another level of something other than this. So, this is all there is, but this ‘what is’, can also appear as the sense of being someone. The sense of being a subject, something that is living here, in ‘separation to the outside’, or to something else outside. Concerning this message this is like a dream, it’s not real. The sense of being a person isn’t as real as it is experienced. This experience of being someone is based on the experience of reality and the experience of separation. So, within this setup it’s absolutely real that I am real. That I am something ‘in here’, some instance, and that everything else is separate from me that is also real. So, there is a subject - object reality. And part of this dream ‘I am’ is the sense of time and space, of cause and effect, of good and bad, of meaning, of being a doer and of victimhood. ‘I do things while other things happen to me’, I am the experiencer. And part of that dream of being someone is the sense of being on a path, ‘I am on my path in the future’, and actually in a hopefully better future. If it works out very well in the moment the future can also remain like it is, but the idea is that the future is better. What also seems to be part of that setup of ‘I am’, is an unfulfillment. The sense that something is missing, that this ‘what is’, isn’t whole. The sense is that somehow, something is missing. So, the ‘me’ begins to seek, that’s the beginning of the seeking, and ‘me’ wants to find a way this can be whole for ‘me’. Or, what can I do to experience this as whole, as absolutely whole without doubt. And it invents conditions, it has ideas about what should happen in order for this to be whole for me. So, I need more money, I need a better job, I need a partner, I need a better partner, I need different feelings, I need healing, I need insights, I need wisdom, I need enlightenment, I need the end of ‘me’, I need something. That’s how me lives. Something should still happen in order for this to be whole. And then the apparent me starts working on its goal. So, it starts to be aware, it starts to heal, it goes on a career. And the sense is that I am personally responsible for my future luck, or enlightenment or goal of fulfilling. The dilemma is that the sense of ‘I am’, only consist of this. So, within this setup of ‘I am’ there is no finding. ‘Me’ only consists of being apparently separate, being unfulfilled, and seeking for oneness. It will not find, because within this setup there is no finding. Respectively one could say everything that me believes to find, like an insight, like more money, like the right partner, turns out to be unfulfilling as well. In the end one could say, it’s