Human Rights and Obligations - Revised - Wolfgang Fries - E-Book

Human Rights and Obligations - Revised E-Book

Wolfgang Fries

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Human Rights The assurance of human rights in an orderly environment is the foundation for a peaceful existence and a thriving civilization. In a hostile environment with fighting and destruction, there is no peaceful existence, and a civilization cannot prosper through achievements in medicine, technology and science, all of which contribute to the welfare of humanity. But what distinguishes human rights, so that there can be a peaceful coexistence that contributes to the welfare of humans? First, humans need the basic attitude followed by the corresponding knowledge and a code to achieve this, thus, making it something that everyone must work on.

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Seitenzahl: 49

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018

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This book is dedicated to those who read it, in the hope that man recognizes his rights and stands up for them.


I want to thank

My sister,

Dr. Diana Pengitore, ND, freelance translator, and American Translator Association (ATA) member, for her expert translation from German to English, which was long overdue.

My brother-in-law,

Dr. Frank Pengitore, Ed. D., for his editorial expertise in bringing this publication forth.

Another excellent publication is My Philosophy. My Philosophy is the first book in a five-part series from the book Philosophy of Life - The Book of Basics. This complete series is available in German. The remaining four books (Learning how to Learn, Learning How to Understand; A Happy Relationship; To Endure Life - The Bible of the 21st Century; and, Past Life Regression - Introduction and Brief Guide) will be published in English in the future.

Important note to the reader:

Take great care in reading this text in order not to skip words that you do not understand. If you do not understand a sentence or text, there is a word or there are words that you did not understand, or you have a false definition for a word.

In this text, words marked with an asterisk (*) are explained in the glossary on page 27; however, they are just the definitions of the words as they are used in the corresponding sentence. Words often have many definitions and to reach a complete understanding of a word, it is recommended that you consult a good dictionary.

Table of Contents


Human Rights and Obligations - Revised

The Right to Physical Integrity and Physical Welfare

The Right to Mental Integrity and Mental Welfare

The Right to Education

The Right to Truth and Transparency

The Right to a Civilized Life

The Right to a Mentally Sane Government

The Right to a Mentally Sane Humanity

The Right to an Affordable Life

The Right to Have a Place to Live

The Right to Work

The Right to Happiness

The Right to Have a Family

The Right to a Group

The Right to Humanity

The Right to Have Animals and Plants

The Right to a Clean Environment

The Right to Beauty

The Right to Have Order

The Right to Competently Executed Work

The Right to Have Rights

The Right to Safety

The Right to a Fair Trial

The Right to Have Property

The Right to Have Freedom, Privacy and Individuality

The Right to Defense

The Right to Receive Aid

The Right to Religion

The Obligation

Closing remarks



About the Author

Other literature


The word law finds its roots in the Indo-Germanic, reg-, meaning “to erect, to straighten.” Therefore, the law should serve to help human beings in taking the right action. It should lead human beings to getting along with one another and should regulate the authorities from state to citizen and from citizen to state, or even from state to state. Human rights are intended that people can live!

In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations issued the “General Assembly of Declaration of Human Rights.” Well, I did not entirely agree with that decree and as we have a right to freedom of speech, I wrote my views about it down.

Any information one receives and puts into his construct of thought leads to the expansion of one’s point of view. Even if the information is not quite as good, or exact, or even wrong, one can still strengthen his own point of view by recognizing the wrong information and by improving things. Through a lively exchange of ideas, one can contribute in finding better principles that lead to a better existence.

Any system of state, law, or religion that disregards reason and the freedom of choice of the people and tries to enforce rules and laws under coercion, violence or manipulation, without appealing to reason and people’s ability to learn, shall be damned! Life itself has its laws, and if people violate these laws, then they are punishing themselves. Forcing human beings to do anything that violates the laws of life degrades their reason and encourages people to do things secretly, even to evade responsibility, thus escaping punishment from the law. It does not lead individuals to admit to their act and to work on themselves, resulting in a different mindset.

If the human being knows the laws of existence, then he would stand up for the laws and make sure that others would stand up for them as well. Not to act will result in laws and penalties in a world where people will have a hard time being happy. No law of the world has ever made Man to be a better Man, but his ability to learn and his reason made it! Any system of education that does not promote reason and a human being’s ability to learn and does not teach the laws of life shall be damned! For human beings’ reason and their ability to learn, as well as the laws of life, are the only guarantor that people can live with human dignity!

Human Rights and Obligations - Revised*

Now, of what consciousness, of what level of knowledge, of what zeitgeist* does one write? When one writes about something, one should know about it, one should have experience and have experienced for themselves how things are. It is of no use if one throws old theories that have never worked into a pot with newer, different theories that have not yet worked, cooking them and thinking afterwards, that one has created a healing miracle.