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Philosophy should give the human being a mental basis that will allow man to lead a happy life and solve the problems of the now. Philosophy does not consist of making things complicated and incomprehensible like today's degenerate philosophies do. In this book, no philosophical phrases are discussed in order to play mental soccer. This book gives basics about life, which one can apply to lead to a fulfilled, happy existence. Basic questions about life itself are solved. What is life? What is man? Is it that a creature arose from mud by chance as science tells you? Or is it that matter is motivated by a soul as the priest makes you believe. Why does man think the way he thinks? What is the goal of existence?
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“Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.”
Dale Carnegie
Hope - what is hope? It is the thought that things get better!
I want to thank
My sister,
Dr. Diana Pengitore, ND, freelance translator, and American Translator Association (ATA) member, for her expert translation from German to English, which was long overdue.
My brother-in-law,
Dr. Frank Pengitore, Ed. D., for his editorial expertise in bringing this publication forth.
I would like to thank all those who supported me; as things turned out, the parental home was the last place of refuge.
First, I wish to thank Kerstin, who was there for me during trying times. She was strong willed and steadfast in her support. Her organizational skills made it possible that I had a home after my long hospitalization. She was my right hand and scheduled upcoming events successfully when I was unable to do anything.
Furthermore, I wish to thank my brother Michael Fries and Stefan Keller, owners of the company Fries & Keller, for their support and Ralf Hauprich and Thomas Pirali who showed a great deal of support and who deserve to be called friends.
Thanks to those others who offered their help as well.
Furthermore, I dedicate this book to those who read it and hope that I can leave a lasting impression on some individuals and encourage them to think and do something for themselves and the world in which they live.
Life is a coming and going. This should help people in the future to make many things a lot easier!
I tried to keep the wording of the book as simple as possible, except for a couple of difficult words, only because they are not commonly used, or because they are specific terms and must be used to have a proper understanding.
A word about the level of education and reading the book. Education has become completely artificial. Today, it is sufficient if one articulates in a well-sounding manner. In the educational institutions, understanding is not really emphasized. It only seems to matter that the learner can parrot the teacher’s words that later on are presented in a quiz show called class work - complete automatism, without true reason!
Reading means to perceive with the eyes and the mind*. Because the human being does not know much about the mind and its capabilities, he fails to perceive to a large extend with the mind. Take note: The mind is not the brain; there is a difference. Unfortunately, books are not written on the basis of understanding and for this reason cannot be understood.
A word is just a substitute for the thing. Wanting to understand the thing that is described in words, one needs to know the definition of the word or it becomes necessary to take a closer look at the thing itself, e.g. if you don’t understand plectrum, go and get one for inspection. It is a significant undertaking to represent reality in words, as it is always the interpretation of the writer, as well as the interpretation of the reader that remains.
Because the thing itself is often not available for direct observation, one uses words or pictures to get an impression of the thing, meaning an immediate impression in the form of a picture that one imagines in one’s head.
Starting on page 599 in the glossary*, an overview of the definitions of the words listed in the book marked by an asterisk* can be found. These definitions deviate in part or entirely from conventional definitions. In order to have a complete understanding of a word, it should be looked up in a good dictionary, including its origin. Sources are listed starting on page 669.
Please note: This book cannot be fully understood if the words are not looked up and researched, be it words of common use or the specific definition mentioned here in the book.
Note: First read the glossary, then the book from the very beginning!
In the beginning, as a child, the world is still in order. Then over time you begin to doubt humanity. Later on, doubts will solidify by experience: Now you know that all are crazy and you’re going to be very cautious when dealing with others.
My Philosophy
Lerning How to Learn - Learning How to Understand
A Happy Relationship
Understanding - The Volume of Individual Works
Human Rights and Obligations - Revised
Conducting a Regression - Introduction and Quick Reference Guide
About the Author
Further Literature
To go through life.
Going this route largely depends on your knowledge and ability. Information is not a problem; you almost drown under the flood of information today. Only there is very little information that is truly beneficial. It is not the mass of data, but the “know-how” that counts!
Information through the media is merely for commercial use. They want only your best: your money!
It is similar with your education: The knowledge that applies each day you do not forget. But what do you remember from your school education?
Life can be simple, not expensive, and filled with success and health. What kind of information is important in life? It is the type of information that will help you solve life’s problems. Each thought, each word, each book is valuable for it will help to solve the problems of your existence. Recognize and determine which sources of knowledge have helped you in life and consider them valuable – throw all else overboard!
Imagine all knowledge as a pyramid. Now, turn the pyramid upside down. The result is a spectrum with a range of very much to very little. On the top, we have inconsequential things like sports, holidays and village gossip. You will reach areas that are important in life the more you descend. You advance in the direction of truth and wisdom, with wisdom being defined as insightful knowingness.
What you are reading here comes from the lowest third of the upside-down pyramid. “When one door closes, another opens.” It’s a saying that represents hope and faith. It is the information that changes the mindset.
Being together in our society is often not easy. If you want agreement and understanding, use what I have written and pass it on for reading. “One can change one’s mind for as long as one can talk to him!” What I have written comes from pure observation. Mankind in general is blinded by his “mind” and is therefore prevented from seeing things. So, if you are reading this, you should take a look around to see if it is so and dismiss everything you have heard or have read. “See for yourself, with your own eyes and not through the eyes of others!”
I write because I think I can help.
Why am I doing what I’m doing? Why do I write and talk to others? With words, I convey information to let others think different thoughts and to pursue other viewpoints. Why? Ideas and thoughts are responsible for making this world chaotic. Ideas and thoughts are also the way out.
Let’s take a child. Now, a child is more or less a blank canvas with unsteady legs that walks around the world and collects information that influences its behavior. Over the years, it realizes what is important or not, what information is right or wrong and who or what is trustworthy. But all too often, information is accepted as correct without further examination. It is not questioned. There is no effort made to fully understand the exact meaning or to conclude what one thing has to do with the other. Why bother? This information is from a trustworthy source! From parents, friends, teachers, radio and television. And often, it isn’t possible to investigate things exactly given the fact that one does not have the time. Life seems interesting, and one pursues his interests. Also, it is often so that many things do not really fit into one’s personal lifestyle, and they don’t really seem bothersome.
The average person is too content with the way things are. He knows that his type of diet and how he lives are not quite right, but he likes it, so why change? Is it necessary to know more? Could one have disruptions in one’s pleasure? Well, if you know better, you can prevent disaster in an emergency. But in the end, I will die anyway, so why should I do something? At least I want to have some fun in life!
One can have fun in life as long as one can do what he wants: Money and health make it possible to do it and have fun. So great care is taken to earn money; in case of illness, one goes to the doctor. However, the state always digs deeper into one’s pocket, the doctors poison you over time, and school education is not a real preparation for life. One could say that we owe it to our children to look after the affairs in order for them to have it better, but eventually you owe it to yourself!
If the teacher had real insight into what he teaches, the physician real insight into what he is doing, the politician real insight into the realization that too many of his kind will ruin the state, they all would take responsibility for ensuring that things take a positive course and that the future will be better designed then it looks now! Chances would be better to live a happy life.
So, people like me encounter opposition because mankind seems to enjoy moving with the current. If one then tries to make them think, tries to wake them up, one encounters discontent. Should one just let them die? They don’t want it any other way. Well, the future is my future as well. I cannot succeed all by myself and, therefore, I have no other choice but to work on the other person, to guide him in his thinking, to encourage him to take actions in doing something because he also will be part of the future. Either it will be a better future, or we all will perish.
In regard to education, there is an interesting thing to consider: working with references. Usually, it is so that when one says something the other person has to listen. This is followed by a debate because the addressed justifies his actions, trying to be right (not: within his rights). However, if you give the person you wish to tell something an explanatory reference, you won’t have a disagreement at first. That may happen later when he will have the next explanatory reference available (instead of ready). If the person is arguing with a piece of paper, he cannot take out his emotions on you. This reference contains a resolution or an explanation in such a format that one can agree with what is written. This should be accepted as basic behavior for both parties.
Your behavior toward your fellow man is based upon rules. People in general behave in a civilized way that is based on their customs and traditions. However, the Germans have a book called the Knigge that describes this topic. I haven’t read it. Therefore, one is often in disagreement with his fellow man because the basis for his behavior varies.
In “the club” of open-minded individuals, working with references is reinforced. If one notices misconduct / ignorance with someone, one directs that person to the corresponding reference. There is a provision in the system whereby specially trained people are responsible for this type of activity, known as department qualification. Even among these individuals, other references are referred to since the founder wrote something for any situation in life. In short, there is a lot of reading; people cooperate, and all pull together.
Of course, you will notice that you can never write exactly in a way that will clarify the current situation. Also, similar situations presented themselves in the past, and man in the last few thousand years did not further develop mentally. In fact, he regressed. Thus, it can be noted that the literature provides sufficient information to meet the facets of life and offers enough valid basics for working out functional solutions. A mechanic’s ability to work on a car is a matter of knowing his tools. For the best tool is useless if the mechanic cannot use it!
Well, I haven’t written much in regard to my work, but I usually refer to it when I start to realize that the information is relevant in order to convey a particular aspect to someone, to give him an impulse, to motivate him to think and to agree, to have agreement and to live together in harmony.
Agreement exists when both have the same idea about something. My literature is designed to make it possible. Yet, it is useless if only one knows about it!
Life itself wants to live. All knowledge could be packed into a pyramid, where at the tip, only one word is present: life.
The word “life” by itself does not have enough meaning, and its definition does not give all the necessary information about its various types of existence.
Humanity has an abundance of knowledge, and yet we can detect that any doing or thinking can, in the end, be reduced to “life.” Therefore, we have a hierarchy of importance.
Life will probably only be completely understood once all information has been collected, then evaluated, and associated – an impossible task, due to continuous creation of new knowledge and discoveries, and changes in perspectives, which require information to be evaluated and associated again. Perhaps a few main points will suffice to have orientation in life, and any knowledge regarding these main points can be expanded or replaced without changing the quality in understanding life significantly.
My Philosophy provides a few main points that are listed in the pyramid of knowledge directly below “life.” The brief corollaries in My Philosophy may not be understood right away, and are the basis for the book Philosophy of Life, where life is addressed in more detail. It is like life itself, which can only be understood by having accumulated large amounts of information and personal experiences. The reader of My Philosophy will probably gain a deeper insight after having read Philosophy of Life and will therefore be able to compare and evaluate his personal experiences.
My Philosophy; 28 pages, 2018
ISBN: 978-3752892345
I dedicate this book to those individuals who perceive and think, in order that they may continue to observe and share their conclusions with others. Only the individual who observes in detail will reach exact conclusions when he has an uncluttered mind.
It was always the ideas that determined the advancement and welfare of the human being, never raw violence or war.
(Preface to the Study)
The stupid one only learns words, the noble one understands them, and acts accordingly. Of what use is the language, when one cannot understand the word!
(The student) Zi-lu said to Confucius, “If the ruler of the state of Wei entrusted the government to you, what would you do first?”
The master replied, “Absolutely set the words right.”
To which Zi-lu replied, “You would start with that? That is absurd. Why such a correction of the words?”
The master replied, “How ignorant you are, Zi-lu! The noble person is cautious and reserved when it comes to things he does not know. If the words and concepts are not correct, the language is confused. If the language is confused, there will be disorder and failure. If there is disorder and failure, decency and good manners will fall into disrepair. If decency and good morals are called into question, there is no longer any just punishments. If there are no more just punishments, the people do not know what to do and what not to do. Therefore, the noble person must be able to use the terms and names correctly and act according to them. He is never careless with his words.”0
The Entity
Survival – The Way of Humankind
Getting Along
The Ability to Observe
The Cycle of Nature
The Game of the Universe
From God to Man
To Walk the Path
Something to Think About
Closing Remarks
1. Humankind is a product of its actions.
2. It does what it thinks. If it thinks not to do it, it does not do it.
3. Humankind tries not to do wrong.
4. There are strange actions; henceforth, there are strange thoughts1.
5. Humankind tries not to do wrong, but does it anyway, because thoughts exist that appear stronger than free will.
6. Therefore, thought governs humankind.
7. Therefore, it is not always the cause of its thoughts.
8. Therefore, there is a part of humanity that tells it to do wrong.
9. This part confuses it, making it small, weak and sick.
10. Being sick means to do wrong – this is what the thought instructs. Millions of years of engineering work resulted in an organism that can heal itself, and yet it gets sick.
11. Therefore, the thought organizes matter.
12. The thought is the thought of the entity.
13. All thoughts are made of the same substance, whether they are good or bad.
14. The bad thought can be eliminated. It comes from the bad experiences that the person previously accumulated - first he caused it, then he got the effect of it. (What goes around, comes around.)
15. Therefore, humankind again will get big, strong and healthy.
16. Therefore, humankind must no longer be human.
Corollary2: Humanity will change when it changes its thoughts. One can change humanity, when one helps to change its thoughts.
1. The entity is not the human being.
2. The entity is the person himself, who is aware of himself.
3. The entity creates energy and transforms this energy into images that are known as thoughts.
4. The accumulation of these images is known as the mind.
5. Intelligence is the utilization of energy. We take images out of the mind and arrange them into new images; therefore, we can solve perceived problems.
6. Strange thoughts hinder intelligence.
7. The entity does not lose intelligence but reduces it.
8. Death is a means by which we rid ourselves of the useless body that it has become.
9. The entity does not disappear. It supplies the new body with energy that it requires for development, being able to send it through the nerve channels, and the muscles resulting in movement.
10. The entity takes the mind along but “forgets” about it.
11. Knowledge does not get lost.
12. The entity has all capabilities, though these are blocked by thoughts!
In honor of my master, who made me realize that I am and will be.
In this world, there are the “educated, the “blind” and the “sighted.”
The sighted see things as they are.
The “blind” think what they should see.
The “educated” look back at the education that they received, neither looking nor thinking for themselves.
Therefore, life among the “blind” is degraded to a discipline of thinking, since it is lived in such a way as they think – except for the worker, who is below the level of the “blind” and functions just like a machine.
What is left for humankind, since it knows nothing about life and cannot see it? Even the sighted cannot see it, because life cannot be seen, although the sighted knows what it is and for this reason does not have to dream about it.
1. Survival means to support oneself.
2. To live, it is necessary to acquire the things needed for living, e.g. food, clothes, money, etc.
3. One must be able to produce a product, something that can be exchanged. Even a teacher has a product: an educated student who can take on life.
4. An idea is required prior to producing a product: The more precise the idea, the more precise the product, or the more specific the idea; the more specific the product.
5. An idea contains information. This information can be learned or acquired.
6. One becomes more competitive and increases the potential for survival by constantly improving oneself.
7. The more one can do, the higher the potential of survival.
In fact, three components for the best survival are necessary: education, intelligence and reason. Intelligence and education allow the development of an all-destructive weapon – meaning non-survival – and only reason prevents its action!
And above all only one thing is left: intention. Without intention nothing happens!
How do we socialize with someone? There are traditions and customs, hence, a certain behavior that consists of certain rules – these can be in writing or not. In fact, these are the moral rules that should provide orientation about right and wrong.
A short note in passing, the Germans have a sophisticated clause in § 1 of their traffic rules and regulations. Indeed, there is social traffic to which these can be applied, as well.
(1) Participation in society requires constant attention and mutual regard.
(2) Every citizen must behave in such a way so that no one gets injured, endangered, or, depending on the circumstances, inevitably hindered or harassed.
We must remember to treat our fellow Man4 as a friend, as he is not yet an enemy!
Meet all human beings with a friendly disposition and friendly intentions.
Recognize if their actions are helpful or a burden.
If their intentions are good, help them to recognize their mistakes for a better time to come.
Once the real mistake is found, and the goal still cannot be achieved, give them a task that they can do.
If they are unable to fulfill any task, we should let them go, so that they will not bring us bad luck.
A common intention lets individuals build groups, and each group has one leader. This leader should have superior intellectual qualities above all others, and, through reason, be able to lead the group to a common goal in the best way possible.
If the leader’s reason fails, then the leader fails, as well as the group. From this, all can learn, especially the leader.
All group members have the right to appeal the leader’s reason.
1. An emotion desired by everyone.
2. Nobody knows where it comes from.
3. It can give Man great happiness or great suffering.
4. The emotion does not originate from the being itself, but from that which makes him into a human being.
5. If Man would recognize what he is made of, he could recognize himself and walk the way of life with love, which would bring him great happiness.
6. The emotion is a thought and it says: “Be together!”
7. It is one’s own doing that destroys the emotion.
8. To part means to save another person from one’s own bad actions because the person no longer wants to hurt another.
9. A relationship is a decision.
10. This decision is to be for someone. Note: A person can be for or against someone.
11. The decision is carried out by taking action. If one stops taking action, the decision fades.
12. Jealousy is supported by fear to decide differently. It may also indicate what the other person is thinking of doing.
13. The weak tend to be jealous.
14. The decision of the strong will persist. It is carried by reason.
15. Reason is the survival of the person in the direction of pleasure.
16. Pain means to succumb and, in the long run, not to survive.
17. Communication is the glue in a relationship; secrets lead to separation.
To fall in love is quite easy, but it requires understanding to maintain that love. If there is no mutual understanding, love falls apart. It is the messed-up mind of humanity that ends understanding.
1. It is humanity’s highest goal.
2. To be happy, humanity sacrifices freedom because being happy means to have what one desires, but “to have” ends the state of freedom.
3. Thus, humanity became a victim of matter and emotion and created its own prison.
4. Matter and emotion can invert5 and humanity will only be happy when it no longer has matter and emotion.
5. Thus, it can be concluded that when happiness is connected with matter and emotion, happiness fades, as well.
6. However, there is another form of happiness.
7. Through matter and emotion, humanity is in an effect position, as matter or emotion affects it.
8. Humanity can be a cause - responsible for how things develop!
9. When humanity has a task that fulfills it, it beautifies the world or cultivates6 the virtue of humanity, generally improving its existence, or it allows that care is taken for things to work and are of use, or that bring joy to humanity. With those actions, humanity will experience satisfaction and happiness.
10. Thus, we conclude that humanity creates its own luck by doing.
11. Even the person, who still has a bit of hope to succeed in something, carries a bit of luck within. As hope dissipates, the person completely gives up and, therefore, has given up on luck.
12. Humanity will fall ill if suppression or counter-intentions have become too big for it to reach its happiness, and it will depart from life – in ways that may be obvious or concealed – only to escape misfortune.
13. Humanity can be happy if it is strong and recognizes the fundamentals of symbiosis7 and reason and abides by them; therefore, there can be happiness for everyone.
The inability to understand, ignorance, indiscipline, clumsiness and cowardice are the main factors that stand in the way of happiness.
Happiness means to set something in motion, either toward or away from someone. Humanity wants to have or to get rid of things!
How can it achieve this when it is defeated by one of the properties mentioned above?
1. Work is there to be done.
2. When it gets done, humanity prospers.
3. To recognize the work and to do it will ensure the survival of humanity
4. Things of complexity should be divided, so that they become transparent and predictable.
5. Finish one thing after the other.
6. Develop a strategy before every action. Minutes of reflection can save hours of work.
7. Stay up-to-date.
8. Every mistake is the door for an attack.
9. Professionalism means to be perfect.
10. Work is enjoyable when it is really understood.
11. Give energy8 from where it comes – mistreatment of employees or low wages will result in not having any more employees.
12. Work methods and experiences should be recorded, so they remain.
13. “You reap what you sow.”
To perceive the work
It starts with people recognizing what is in front of them. They see it, and ask themselves: “Does this belong there?” and “Is it in the right condition/order?” Well, fix it, or put it away, whatever the case may be.
This also applies, to anything that goes wrong, whether at home, at work, or in any social matter. To perceive the work also means to notice a deficiency: Something is missing that can optimize a procedure and can help people to continue in a situation.
To be or not to be?
Each time people decide not to do the work, it is a step in the direction of “not to be.” See what will happen in the long run when the work does not get done!
1. Humankind uses words or symbols to convey information.
2. This information is about a concept and not about the word. The purpose of the word should be to understand the concept.
3. Every word contains a concept. Assembling words into a sentence results in a larger or more precise concept. Assembling sentences into books results in a general concept.
4. A general concept consists of things, persons and intentions. With a general concept, people expound about what happens to things.
5. Understanding, by means of the concept, is expressed with the word, as words are only a substitute for concepts.
6. Humankind will not understand if it only has letters or symbols with which to work. It will only understand when it has a visual image of the transferred concept. Therefore, it can understand through direct observation. Words and symbols have leeway, direct observations do not.
7. Beginning to recognize the purpose and the intent of a general concept is the basis of understanding.
8. Strength, free will and logic are the main points of understanding a physical universe.
9. Understanding is superior to things. People must decide whether they support or neglect them.
10. Humankind then can distinguish right from wrong, only when it understands.
11. Humankind will have a better chance for survival, only when it can differentiate right from wrong, as the sum of the right decisions determines its existence.
When people try to understand, they ask for logic – another word for logic is logical consistency. They do this by trying to recognize a sequential concatenation9 of events. Therefore, the individual things of the universe have their logic, be it physics with its correlation of force and matter, mathematics and languages with their rules, human laws, mechanics with levers, shafts and cogwheels, electronics with capacitors, shunts, resistors, and electrical energy, or music with harmonic sounds, etc. and, of course, people with their free will and oddities.
People often may not seem logical with their actions, but they act based on their free will, ideas and convictions.
When they do not know the will, ideas and convictions of the acting person, they will not recognize a logical consistency. Regarding humankind, logic works in two directions: good or bad, or right or wrong, depending how it is perceived. It is a personal point of view.
People can know about something when they are familiar with it.
1. People are aware of something when they know about it. Awareness increases with knowledge.
2. Knowledge is information.
3. Information is obtained from oneself or others by reading books or from personal experiences.
4. Information is valuable as it is:
Brings about a result.
5. An opinion is a personal evaluation of data10.
6. An opinion does not change things as they are, but it can change their value.
7. The value of a matter determines its promotion.
8. Things will be of value when they fulfill the definition of symbiosis.
9. Symbiosis is co-existing for a mutual use.
10. Morality is the opinion of Man.
11. Morality changes as time goes on.
12. Morality’s influence often leads to a wrong evaluation of data and; therefore, it results in the corresponding behavior.
13. Ethics is the teaching about survival – right and wrong.
14. The fundamentals of ethics are always the same.
15. Currently ethics are poorly understood by people; therefore, people are mostly moral rather than ethical. They make more mistakes, as they are not very sensible.
1. Observing is not just looking.
2. Observing means to perceive things and to recognize differences.
3. The recognized differences are used to evaluate data.
4. New data is evaluated by comparing it with familiar data.
5. People tend to think, rather than to observe.
6. Observing means to see exactly what is present, not what is being thought about it, or how it came to be.
7. Proper observing leads to logical thinking.
8. Orient on what is present and disregard any thoughts about it, including the thoughts of others.
9. Observing is the source of knowledge!
Learn to observe and to conclude logically, rather than just to think!
The truth tells us what happened. The future is uncertain and starts in the present.
1. The truth is as it is.
2. It includes place, time, form and event.
3. Strong people are capable of the truth because they can take responsibility.
4. Truth and wisdom are sown sparingly and not often encountered. Truth and knowledge are weakened when an individual seeks an unfair advantage over another.
5. What is true for you is true. (LRH)
Even the lie will enlighten, but only if it is recognized as such when compared with the truth – thus, the lie will strengthen the truth, letting one know with whom one is dealing.
Freedom means to be free of something; it means not to have it.
Freedom of choice and self-determination? Freedom does not mean people can do all they want to do. It is against the basic laws of the community, and this would be anti-social.
Individuals will only be attacked by what they resist. When they give all by their own free will, and agree with everything, what could happen to them? They will lose everything and NOTHING11 will be left, only freedom!
Microorganisms organize themselves into complex organisms to allow life to conquer the material universe. Smaller organisms are vital for the survival of larger organisms. Fungi, microorganisms and bacteria convert organic matter into humus, so plants can grow.
Plants are a food source for animals, and plants and animals are the food for people. Due to their intellectual ability, people recognize life and should serve life.
Life itself cannot pass away, even when the organism continuously undergoes the cycle of creation, survival and decay.
It is the lie that keeps things in existence because the truth was the solution of the riddle; and therefore, the mission was forgotten!
Things should be; that is important!
What happens to things when people change their mind? Were they ever that important? When it is agreed to play a game, importance is assigned to things, otherwise, the game would fall apart.
1. At the beginning the NOTHING created the SOMETHING.
2. With the SOMETHING, time began.
3. The NOTHING breathed life into the SOMETHING, and there was Man.
4. The NOTHING is exactly what it is: NOTHING, but it can create everything.
5. Just as the NOTHING can create everything from nothing, so it again can make everything back into nothing; therefore, the end can be the beginning.
6. Therefore, there is no value, neither good or bad, nor right or wrong.
7. However, Man gives things value because he thinks that he is SOMETHING, and yet he is only a part of the NOTHING.
8. Man set barriers on his past that he describes as oblivion.
9. The barriers are protected by pain because Man tries to avoid pain that he is unable to confront.
10. Pain was caused first before Man could experience it.
11. Then, the pain was assigned to another source, and the entire game got out of control.
12. Man then arrived exactly where he is now!
13. Therefore, when Man confronts and eliminates the pain and deals with his past, he himself can be the beginning.
14. Then, the NOTHING can be put together with all its parts into a whole.
Note: Why this formulation of NOTHING and SOMETHING? Man is always searching for a SOMETHING, i.e. matter that is supposed to serve as scientific proof. He never searches for the NOTHING, and that is why he will never find it – whereas the NOTHING moves the SOMETHING!
First there was force then matter, as force forms, and assembles matter.
First there was order, then chaos.
1. The pages I have written are few; however, there are the hundred thousand that let one recognize the truth.
2. People will be accompanied by others on the way.
3. People are seized by utter stupidity. Rather than to experience and to measure, they start to think, giving more importance to their own thoughts and to the words of others, as to what is going on.
4. The path requires dedication and perseverance.
5. Currently, people cannot comprehend the goal at the end, for it is so grand.
6. The goal is infinity.
The human being is always looking to solve the mystery of life. The Bible gives some good hints in this regard. Here are some quotations from the Gospel of John in the “Holy Book” (KJV12).
1:1-3: “The Word became flesh. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and God was the Word. All things are made through the same, and without the same nothing is made, that is made.”
13:16: “The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.”
6:63: “It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail.”
Psalm 82:6: “I have said, ye are Gods.”
A concluding question to the quotations above would be:
“If man has ever been a God, why did he cease to be a God?”
So, it seems to be true that if one’s heart is without sin, all requests will be fulfilled.
Religion was meant to make us believe and not to reflect upon. It did not provide us with a clear way, a road map and tools to accomplish things.
But the time is over! The road map is drawn, and the tools are available to walk the path and to achieve the goal.
The quotations from the Bible may not make sense right now, but during the study, by stepping onto the path and by applying the learned tools, the words will come to prove themselves.
We must only open our eyes.
The time of lies and oppression has ended.
Get up and walk the path, the path to freedom!
So, even if we bear a grudge towards the things that have happened to us, or about what is going on in this world, remember, we are a part of it, it is our world!
No God will take hate away from any person. It is one’s personal belief, and, in the end, the individual is the one who believes in something. It is just a thought!
1Thought (a) A memory recording as a copy of the physical universe with all perceptions. (b) Thinking means that one creates new memory records or parts of it. One cannot think about something3 when one has no record of it.
2Corollary A deduction from a proposition already true.
3Something Matter, emotion, thought.
4Man Mankind, humans, human beings, people, persons, beings, individuals.
5Invert To reverse in position, order, or relationship (from good to bad, from functional to broken, etc.)
6Cultivate To improve by labor, care, or study.
7Symbiosis A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.
8Energy Makes things move; energy is needed to survive; consider symbiosis.
9Concatenation To link together in a series or chain.
10Data Facts or figures to be processed; evidence, records, statistics, etc. from which conclusions can be inferred; information.
11Nothing (a) An indeterminate potential for creation and movement. (b) The person himself, not the body or the mind. The awareness of awareness unit (Scientology Technical Dictionary). It is not matter and cannot die. It has no space, no time, no wavelength, and no energy, but it can create energy.
12KJV King James Version of the Bible.
Learning How to Learn, Learning How to Understand
Well, I was sent to school and I was told to learn. But nobody ever took the time to tell me how to learn ... and worse, nobody explained to me how understanding worked. So it was up to me to find out what learning was all about and to find out how understanding worked. Indeed, there are tools with which this work can be done, a thinking grid of how to understand. No matter how you may choose to apply this knowledge, I wish you success in whatever you hope to achieve.
ISBN: 978-3-7519-0005-8
This book is dedicated to those who read it in the hope that more reason and understanding is brought to humanity.
There are countless books for teachers on how to teach and for students on how to learn, but Learning How to Learn stands alone in the clear, practical approach it takes in providing teachers, students, parents, administrators, and government officials the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s diverse educational settings. It is more than just a philosophy of education. It is a guide of incomparable value for students of all ages who aspire to be autonomous learners and for others, experienced or novice, who may be charged with planning, programming, and executing educational curricula and programs. The many illustrative examples add to its exceptional readability, and the book can be read in its entirety or used as a desk reference for specific topics.
Francis C. Pengitore, Ed. D.
The Theory of the Superior Datum
The Communication Formula
The Complete Communication Cycle
When Does the Child Know That the Sky is Blue?
Important!!! The Definition of Definition
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Breakdown of an Entry Word in the Dictionary
Language and Concept
Understanding - The Final Solution
Not - Understanding
Understanding - What Force in What Direction
Education, Understanding, Logic, Intelligence, etc
Being “Klug”
Establishing Values
The Value of a Datum
Intellect and Education
Differences and Similarities
Look, Don't Think!
Not Knowing!
Truth and Stability – An Instruction About Thinking
True Knowledge
Knowledge, Understanding and Cause, Function
Seeing Through Knowledge or Blinded?
Caution and Speed
To See the World as It Is
A World Full of Theory
The Electronic of Thinking
Theory and Its Background
Concrete - Abstract
The Importance of and Current School Education
Education and Social Behavior
The Concept – Short and Sweet
The Learning Method
The Three Learning Barriers
Repetitio est Mater Studiorum!
Learning for Life
The Fields of Knowledge and Their Valuable End Product
On Size Does Not Fit All
A Raw Concept for Education
A Code for the Teacher
A Code for the Student
My Letter to the Landtag
Understanding is one of life‘s inherent abilities, especially for the human being as a living entity that tries to get along with his environment through understanding – thus, understanding can become an extensive matter.
The manufacturer of cars must know not only about the engine, the body and the wheel suspension, but also about human anatomy* and human preference. These may include such things as: the size of the seats, the distance to the steering wheel and the height of the windshield, as they are located in a particular area of the car. They also should be esthetically pleasing, otherwise it will not be purchased.
The same concept applies to understanding and learning as specialty areas. It includes the basics of the mind, dictionaries, proper observation, personal attitude, and knowledge about maintaining the body’s health in order to be efficient when working mentally.
In this book, a bit of extensive work will be done not only to obtain a concept* about learning and understanding but also to develop a specific attitude. Therefore, there is a section on specialized fields and philosophy. The text of the philosophical section was taken from my book, Philosophy of Life – The Book of Basics. This book encompasses life itself with a variety of aspects and insights. It is a philosophy* for life.
In Learning How to Learn, Learning How to Understand, I try to convey a thought pattern to provide the reader with the tools needed for learning and understanding. It is of no use to know about the complexities of the brain, such as the storage capacity of brain cells and synapses*, for this is mere knowledge and must be learned. Rather, it is about introducing a technology* to humankind, meaning knowledge that can be applied.
Thus, the following is neither written a professorial* style, nor does it meet a classical writing technique. It happens to be written by me, open and frank, straight to the point, to see what there is to see and not to think what others think of what to think!
The essays* in the book serve as a metaphor* and should give the reader the possibility to apply the herein described experiences to one’s own life.
The professional part actually begins with some philosophy*. If one wishes to understand something, it requires an assignment, meaning an explanation of what is to be achieved with something. A superior datum is a datum to which all subordinate data are aligned. The name of a specialized field usually is the datum to which data of the specialized field is aligned.
Example: Frank wants to build a house. First, he goes to the bank to find out about his financial status. Then he goes to city hall to inquire about a lot. He already has a rough idea of what his future home should look like and, thus, goes to the architect. This now continues step by step from the contractor to the furniture to the finished house.
The superior datum as mentioned in the example above is building a house. All other data will be assigned to the superior datum to fulfill the purpose of the superior datum. The sequence would be the idea, the planning, the action and the product. The building of a house is divided into several phases, and each area consists of an idea, the planning, the action and the product. For example, what plasterer do we hire, how much are the costs associated with his work, how much does he charge, is he reliable, and is his work of good quality?
Learning as a superior datum is defined as follows: “The recording of data resulting in a valid final behavior.“ It is about that information is recorded, stored and understood to be retrieved in a certain behavior. Consider the elementary school student who is supposed to learn the multiplication table that he can use after elementary school. Thus, he has taken up data, stored and understood them and is able to recall them for calculation – as a result, he has learned.
The content in this book is structured in such a way that learning is geared toward the superior datum. This requires a certain sequence to get a functional whole, starting with the most important foundation, which is developed and again advanced. Imagine a specialized field as a pyramid. The tip represents the goal, which was designated by a word and represented by its definition. There are different levels in this pyramid, each having equal importance. However, before ascending to the next level, the current level must be completed, otherwise the structure will no longer work.
The same applies to the procedure in this book: First the most important things are addressed so that the mind is oriented towards understanding. In regard to pyramid and pyramid levels: At the beginning of his life, the human being starts at the bottom of the pyramid and works his way up to find the superior datum at the next level. When he has found the superior datum at that level, he advances to the next level, the exception being the one who remains on one level. Interestingly enough, he truly then starts to understand when he has found the superior datum. Thus, the human being understands more and more, from level to level, from one superior datum to the next.
Remember, a pyramid is three-dimensional* and at its tip becomes one dimensional to its origin itself. In fact, at the tip of the pyramid is only one word: SURVIVAL!
Thus, the most important part of learning is communication. The human being perceives his environment through the senses. It is a very specific process which is described below.
First one has to perceive things in order to learn them!
Duplicate: To have the same concept in the head as the sender. The recipient duplicates the statement of the sender. A duplicate is an exact copy of the original.
Therefore, after communicating, the recipient has a duplicate in his mind of what was expressed by the sender. The end result: the recipient is duplicated. Here it is again in all clarity: The imprint of the rubber stamp on the sheet of paper is the recipient, and the rubber stamp is the sender.
Naturally, one must know the words of the language, as well as the meaning of the symbols. I mean, of what use is a word or symbol if one cannot understand it and does not have a precise definition for it? One must be able to define the symbols and words precisely, regarding what is being expressed about the situation, the thing and the purpose.
For this purpose, an unabridged dictionary, e.g., Merriam Webster’s, is very helpful, but keep in mind, the lexicographers* are human beings, and they see things from their own point of view. When the definition of a word from a dictionary is inadequate for one’s purpose, then it is helpful to define it differently or to invent a new word to bypass associations with common words.
As Voltaire* said: “Define your language.“ ... THAT IS IMPORTANT!!!
In order to avoid being misunderstood in a conversation, it is very helpful to clarify the topic; therefore, one should portray the topic figuratively or define it. Usually words are not looked up in a dictionary (important where they look it up!), and the individual does not have an exact idea of its meaning. This is why one should make it clear to others what the topic is about, or ask someone what he understands about “thingamabob.”
Trying to put into someone’s head to 100% the exact, same idea by means of words or symbols? Here is a quotation from the movie Robin Hood with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman: “There are only perfect* intentions!“ The material world around you has been created with very specific intentions; however, it is difficult to find something perfect, as there are almost always deviations from the result and the intention.
Words have limited ability that is subject to a scale of 0% - 100%. If someone says red to you, what does he mean, light red, dark red? Being pregnant? One is always 100% pregnant. However, there are different stages of pregnancy. Also with a disease: Does being 100% ill mean being 100% limited? Being pregnant is not an illness, but one is rather limited during the end stages of pregnancy.
One can bypass explanations through words by showing pictures. Pictures give no room for error to interpret something differently. They are unequivocal. As far as the human being is concerned, regarding the essential more important part of the thing, a picture does not show the motive why one does what he does. Is he friend or foe? When two individuals fight each other, is it a dispute or a competition? When the other says, “I love you,“ is it for purely selfish, sexual interest, or does he want to be there for the other?
Communication and understanding? True communication results in assured understanding. The human being tends to demand traceability from the communication; he wants to understand things, and he wants an explanation. See for yourself. When someone tells you something, a reason is given, or the listener will ask for a reason if he does not understand the context.
Communication and agreement? To understand something is the basis for a decision: Agreed or not agreed. Even if one understood and does not agree, one can still negotiate to reach an agreement that both parties can accept (compromise)– even if both sides are not truly satisfied. Maybe the circumstances do not allow it. Not willing to give in? What have wars* brought forth up to now?
Let us make communication to mean a precise matter. There are still other terms like conversation or talk methods of intellectual exchange where accuracy is not that important.
Communication not precise? Now, what is usually the cause of most misunderstandings and mistakes?
“Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point.”2
The complete communication cycle takes place between two individuals. It starts, changes, stops and turns around: The communicator perceives, understands and acts, and then the other perceives, understands and acts.
If there is no answer in this cycle, the communicator will become hungry for an answer, and he will be dissatisfied and displeased after a while.
Here are some examples of a complete communication cycle:
Mother: “Do you want milk?”
Child: “Yes.”
Mother: “Ok.“
Also in baseball: The pitcher throws the ball, and the batter tries to hit the ball with his bat.
Thus, there is intention and attention - cause, distance and effect.
There it is now, the new life. It sees the light of the world for the first time in the United States of America. But when does the child know that the sky is blue? For instance, in France it is completely different, there they say: Le ciel est bleu. It is strange, in the USA: The sky is blue; in France: Le ciel est bleu. Same statement different language!
When the child opens his eyes, it sees what it sees. The adult in the USA points up and says: “Blue sky.“ The child, without any knowledge of the language, must now figure out what blue and sky mean. A car passes by, and the adult says, “Blue car.“ Aha! a difference: blue sky and blue car. An airplane flies by, and the adult says, “An airplane in the sky.“
In this way, the child learns the language when the adult points to something and gives it a name. Over time, the child will start to note differences and similarities and start to develop his language. The language is something that we all have agreed to, and it only works because we say that it is so. A language does not only consist of words that refer to something that can be experienced through the five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. Things perceived through the senses are referred to as concrete, for they are easily recognized in the actual event one speaks of defining.
In the human world, there are things which cannot be perceived through the senses, such as loyalty, virtue, strength, spirit, thinking, etc. These are referred to as abstract. It is something that does not exist as matter, but is available in the human world. One could say: “ It exists only in the mind.“
The human being uses words to express all of this, but few have ever looked up words in order to have certainty about whether they have the exact meaning that is generally agreed upon. The general agreement often determines what is right and wrong, in some cases ignoring the truth.
So when the adult points to a house and says, “house,” the child duplicates this process, creating a duplicate in his mind. A duplicate is an image in the mind of the individual, a likeness of the experienced, a mental impression or image of the physical universe, called facsimile.
Often it takes a while until something is duplicated. As the saying goes: “Number of times over the material equals certainty and results.“3 This reminds me of my schoolmate Jörg. The French teacher was upset at him because he did not know the French word for “now.” He “punished” him by making him write “mainte-nant” (now) 100 times. Jörg’s schooldays have long passed and, never having used French, forgot it, except for “maintenant!” One duplicates faster and another slower. This has to do with the ability to create energy because a picture in the mind is a picture composed of energy that can be measured with sensitive instruments.
During the training it is often misunderstood that a house has a foundation and consists of separate parts. The same applies to learning. The foundation is the ability to create energy, what the human being does compulsively. However, the individual parts of the building are often presented in such a way that the human being finds it difficult to build a house.
The basic part of a word is the letter. Thus, one must first know the ABCs. The basic part of the language is also the letter, in this case the pronunciation of it, which, for learning purposes, is presented in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).