Money Magic for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Money Magic for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Money spells don't necessarily have the best reputation - quite wrongly. Why not live in abundance? There are a lot of classical methods to get money - from Jupiter talisman to sigil magic. This also works reasonably well. However, you can also be more thorough and explore why you have had too little money so far - for this you can use the horoscope, knowledge of the chakras and some other things. If by improved self-knowledge regarding money there are no more "Yes, but ..." wishes, but instead "Yes, gladly!" wishes, one's own money magic will also become more effective. But one can do it still another step more thoroughly: One can look at the own relationship to the abundance altogether and see whether something in one's own life is no longer in the center: Has the fire become polarized to power and powerlessness? The water to renunciation and gluttony? The air to lies and bossiness? The earth to poverty and gluttony? If one can dissolve these polarized extremes, truth, power, love and flourishing will again come into one's life. But even this is not the real foundation of the money theme: There is the possibility to live in trust to the world and in responsibility for the world and to connect with the world through a constantly working magic, so that abundance can flow at any time. Would you like to join us on this journey of discovery?

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Table of Contents

The Essence of Money

Classical Forms of Money Magic

Earth Talisman

Jupiter Talisman


Invocation of the gods


Sigil magic


Dream journeys

An Eye-opening Money Game

An Alternative

Money Magic and Astrology



Money Magic and Chakra System

Money … is tha t all?


Do what you want

Magic instead of Market Economy










A Ritual for Abundance

Dream journey to the elements

Cabbalistic cross

Lesser Pentagram Ritual

First ritual: ideal and shadow

Second ritual: the archangels

Third Ritual: the continuum

Heart of the Ritual



Book List

I The Essence of Money

In magic it is like everywhere else in life: Clarity about what is important to oneself is beneficial. Therefore, even if you are short of money (which is probably the reason for buying this book), you should first take a closer look at what money actually is. That, what one knows, is easier to obtain – and against an enemy, whom one knows, one can fight more easily. Well – it will become clear whether money is a friend or an enemy … or something completely different …

So far, five epochs can be distinguished in relation to money, although the fifth epoch has just begun – so only the first four epochs are really known.

Paleolithic Age

(until 10,500 B.C.)

In the Paleolithic people lived together in clans of 12-30 people. Everyone in this clan was dependent on everyone else – just like in today's families. This means that everyone contributed what they could for the prosperity of the clan, and in turn got what they needed from the clan. One had what one had hunted, gathered, built or created together. The clan had to do and obtain everything they needed to survive. The clan was a "communal self-provider."

Neolithic Age

(10,500-3,250 B.C.)

In the Neolithic period, people began farming and raising livestock, which was so effective that 500 times more people could now live together than before. This led, among other things, to specializations in activities and to the first professions. This necessitated bartering – the farmer gave the stonemason a sack of flour for a well-sharpened axe of stone.

It was also at this time that the first traders emerged who brought coveted goods from specialists to distant places – these could be, for example, the particularly sharp stone tools that stonemasons had made in a place where Obisidian was found.


(3250 B.C. - 1500 A.D.)

Through kingship, the work of the people in very large areas was centrally controlled and coordinated, making the work of the people much more effective. This coordination was most important in irrigation.

Due to the once again significantly increased number of people living together at that time, due to the more and more differentiated professions, as well as due to the "abstract work" of the administration, the army, the scribes, the artisans, the temple builders, etc., who did not directly produce consumer goods, barter was no longer sufficient to coordinate the activities in a kingdom.

It was therefore necessary to value the individual activities. To do this, one first used a widely used commodity such as bread and the like as a yardstick in which to express the value of all products and activities. A hoe was worth five loaves, a chicken seven loaves, an egg a quarter of bread, etc.

Widely available but perishable products could be used to value other products but they could not be stored as value – such as a warehouse full of stone tools. For this reason one chose other more permanent things such as hides or shells, which became eventually the standard of valuation.

Since a skin also has a value in itself, but a shell does not, there was the problem that everyone could look for shells on the beach and exchange them for something else – so the first inflation was born … Therefore, people looked for something durable but rare that could be used as a measure of value and unit of exchange. That's how they finally came up with gold.

Since it was tedious to have to weigh and possibly cut a gold piece for each trade, because it was too big, one went over to casting the gold pieces in certain sizes, with which one could then count the price (value) of the commodity. This is how the first coins were created.

It was also at this time that the markets were founded, that is, the central places where everyone came together who had made something and wanted to exchange it for something else. In the simple bartering in the Neolithic period there was no market – at that time you went to the man in the village who had chickens, for example, and asked him what he would exchange one of his chickens for.


(1500-1950 AD)

Due to research, inventions, and industrialization, materialism had many more goods than ever before. However, new, large structures also emerged: for example, the factory took the place of the craftsman.

These large structures made the money system more susceptible to fluctuations of all kinds: goods could be made more expensive (if you had the best ones); wages could be lowered (if there were more workers than labor); the introduction of paper money meant that the state could print money to finance a war (this also led to inflation), and so on.

Moreover, activities began to be oriented more and more towards money instead of goods: Inferior goods were produced; short-lived products were manufactured so that customers would soon have to buy new ones; tenements were built in which their owners would not have wanted to live; etc.

Furthermore, people began to trade in property rights, i.e. shares, securities, government bonds, and the like. People no longer bought goods, but shares in the access to the profit created by the production of goods. These money transactions increased more and more, so that they finally made up more than 80% of all transactions that existed in a national economy. So 80% of all contracts were only about money and no longer about goods. Money had developed a life of its own …


(since 1950 AD)

Since the end of the Second World War it became obvious to the people that the development dynamics generally existing at that time could not continue in such a way: World wars, atomic bomb, overpopulation, limited raw materials, environmental pollution, extinction of species, etc.

Since then, a new way of dealing with each other and with the earth as a whole has been sought. A stable system is needed, which prevents that humans on earth exterminate themselves. There is little point in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of globalization – because the atomic bomb, overpopulation, climate change, environmental destruction, etc. have led to a interdependence, which is very real. The question is how to deal with it.

A necessary innovation here is that until now the individual and also a culture or a people defined itself by its border – which no longer works in a globalized overall culture. The individual and the people must find their own identity in their own quality instead of in their border. So a concept is needed that takes into account both globalization and the individuality of the individual or a culture.

Globalization also leads to the fact that it becomes necessary for the individual to be carried in trust by the whole and in turn to carry the whole in responsibility. Thus, a continuum, a large family of individuals, is emerging.

What does this mean for money?

If money is what everyone strives for, there can be no peaceful globalization, because then the struggle for money blocks the view of the thing itself. It is therefore necessary that the economic mode and the money change in such a way that it is again obvious that money in itself has no value, but that it is a tool, a means to an end, a standard of valuation.

- - -

This small overview should show above all that in life it is never primarily about money, but about needs, which one wants to fulfill – and for this one tries nowadays first of all to procure sufficiently money. This money fixation leads to the problems just described.

The design of a meaningful money-magic, which takes into account the present situation of us humans on earth, is therefore somewhat more complex and multi-layered than the simple question "How do I get a lot of money?"

II Classical Forms of Money Magic