Movies in kids eyes - Nicolas Rutschmann - E-Book

Movies in kids eyes E-Book

Nicolas Rutschmann



Since the age of seven, Liv has been painting the heroines and heroes of the movies she watches together with her family with a lot of imagination but also with a high degree of recognisability. A selection of these works is presented in this book. The selection of films that play the main roles is as colourful as the drawings: From current animated films to classic live-action films that already gave Mum, Dad and even the Grandparents a great time when they were still children themselves. It makes this book an exciting and amusing read for all generations.

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Created by Nicolas Rutschmann | Illustrations by Liv Rutschmann

© 2022 Nicolas Rutschmann

First edition 2022

Illustrations: Liv Rutschmann

Text: Magdalena Weinle

Proofreading: Robert Lee

Concept & design: Nicolas Rutschmann

Printing and distribution on behalf of the author:

tredition GmbH, An der Strusbek 10, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-77412-4

ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-347-77413-1

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-77414-8

This work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the contents. Any exploitation is prohibited without his consent. The publication and distribution are carried out order of the author, to be reached at:

tredition GmbH, Abteilung „Impressumservice“,

An der Strusbek 10, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany.

The Artist

My name is Liv and I am nine years old. I love to paint and I also love to play the violin. I love watching films because I can always draw a picture of them afterwards. I like superhero films best because there is a lot of action and they are exciting.

Movie nights with my parents are fun because we can watch funny scenes together and the whole family is laughing. I look forward to these evenings, they are always different and I always get to see new things.

My dad shows mostly newer animated films and my mum shows me more of the old films, which are still very interesting.

I think it‘s very nice that a book has now been made from my pictures. Maybe I become famous with it and I think it is amazing that my pictures are shown in public. I wish everyone who reads this book a good time and maybe they want to repaint my pictures.

Her Dad

Friday night is movie night and the rule for the next morning is: don‘t wake the parents before 9 o‘clock! Since our daughter wakes up earlier than we do, she has made it a habit to put her impressions of the previous evening down on paper until breakfast, then entering the parents‘ bedroom with her work in hand.

The illustrations were created between 2020 and 2022, during which time the artist was between just seven and almost ten years old. This also explains the sometimes rather amusing spelling of the film titles or role names, which - as children like to do - is often done according to phonetic criteria. The illustrative style has also developed a lot during this time. The movies in this book are not in chronological order, and also the selection is rather arbitrary.

However, from my point of view as an author, director and film connoisseur, it represents a good and, above all, entertaining selection of animated films suitable for children and live-action films from the recent years.

» Unlike his friends, the young Viking Hiccup is not a dragon hunter and even makes friends with a dragon. Eventually he discovers that these creatures are much nicer than he thought. «

How to Train Your Dragon

USA - 2010

98 min.

Animation, Action, Adventure


IMDb: 8.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes: Critic reviews 99% / Audience score 91%

Written by: Will Davies, Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders

Directed by: Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois

Music by: John Powell

Production company: DreamWorks

Voice cast: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler,

Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

» To start a show in the entertainment capital of the world, the koala Buster Moon and his stars must find the world‘s most reclusive rock star and convince him to join them. «

Sing 2

USA - 2021 110 min.

Animation, Adventure, Comedy


IMDb: 7.4/10