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Silicon conducts electrically charged particles. It attracts and gives off. In a healthy body it transports potassium, calcium and sodium. In the stressed body, its properties have a fantastic different effect. Silicon absorbs pollutants, environmental toxins, plastic microparticles and plasticizers. They are excreted through the intestinal metabolism. Nothing better can happen to a damaged organism. However, deficiencies that are almost unavoidable are a threat to health. Sufficient intake with food alone is seriously endangered by industrial processing. With increasing age, less is absorbed and more is needed. The salvation: ultra-fine silicon particles are particularly effective.
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Seitenzahl: 175
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021
Risks of plasticizers & co
Redeem your blood from plastic
Super mineral Silicon: The forgotten healing miracle
By Imre Kusztrich
This book is an updated and expanded edition of "We channel plastic from the blood. Ultrafine silicon against the enemy within us" (igk-verlag.com, 2020). All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or distributed in any form (in particular by electronic or mechanical means, photocopying, microfilming or storage and processing in electronic systems) without the written permission of the publisher. Exceptions to this are short text citations in reviews.
Disclaimer. The following publication is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. A medical expert should be consulted before taking any health action. The combined use of dietary supplements or herbal substances and prescribed medications without the consent of your health care professional is not recommended. The authors, publisher, distributor, and all those named in this publication assume no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage incurred or alleged to have been incurred as a result of the information conveyed in this publication.
IGK-Verlag. 22393 Hamburg
Redeem your blood from plastic
Super mineral Silicon: The forgotten healing miracle
Author: Imre Kusztrich
ISBN: 9783985513994
Copyright © 2021
Fotos: © Alexstar-depositphoto.com, lightsource-depositphoto.com, EngelFotolia.com
Life essence silicon
In connection with silicon five important messages instead of a preface
Harmful substances out, vital substances in ... the silicon principle
Mega risks from microplastics and plasticizers
A hormone chemical becomes a permanent blood component
Plasticizers worsen weight
Microplastics harm the organism in eight ways
The healing miracle silicon in a new role
Mega sponge for pollutants
Findings from the Jenke experiment
Mineral deficiency has various causes and late consequences
A natural antibiotic now even against microplastics
Fortunately for us, plants also need silicon
Exchange is drive
Tens of millions of new cells every second
Health is preserved in the connective tissue
Silicon, an elixir of health
Prevention and curative treatment
Also reassess magnesium and calcium
Sucking pebbles and long life in the Hunza Valley
Build on nature
Silicon in our food
Detox, growth, healing
In a nutshell
Microplastic hormone disorder
Healing inflammation, harmful inflammation
Insidious: chronic inflammation
Inflammation hormones
Eicosanoids, insulin, cortisol
Microplastic pollution is becoming a new widespread disease
"Silicon is set to revolutionize our therapeutic approach".
Dr. Louis Pasteur, biologist, chemist, pioneer of biomedicine, "Les Secrets Bien Gardés du Silicium organique".1878.
"During the last decade, silicon has been recognized as an essential trace element participating in the normal metabolism of higher animals. Silicon also forms important interrelationships with other elements".
Professor Dr. Edith Muriel Carlisle, nutritionist, University of California, Los Angeles, "The Nutritional Essentiality of Silicon," July 1982.
Warning. In the following minutes you will be informed with dramatically important facts about an indispensable natural substance, which you have probably never given a thought to in your whole life. You will become aware of the fact that even your family doctor has never somehow mentioned silicon - that's what it's all about, of course - nor any specialist in internal medicine, heart health, neurology or endocrinology, the study of hormonal systems.
How is that possible? Of the two main explanations in question, it is difficult to find one more sympathetic than the other. Is the medical staff simply completely clueless about silicon? Or are we encountering an example of the principle of silence because health care systems need millions of sick people to do good on them?
Well-known heads and leading media could claim that no scientific voice has expressed admiration for the trace element silicon since the biomedical scientist Louis Pasteur in the 1870s. This impression may impose itself, however, it is wrong! Silent by the Main Stream Media, trivialized by health politics, more than 30 scientists of different disciplines have recognized, researched and described great properties of this consumable substance in the last decades.
Perhaps the most important finding: dementia probably results from a silicon deficiency. A group of researchers from the gerontology clinic at the Casselardit Hospital in Toulouse had calculated the intake of silicon from drinking water over the course of several decades for more than 7,500 women over the age of 75 and then established a correlation with their mental performance for seven years. A difference of just ten percent in silicon intake decided between poorer or better cognitive functions.
This was most clearly seen in the frequency of Alzheimer's disease.
Science found an explanation in observations of older rats, from whose feed silicon was almost completely eliminated. In them, brain cells became more enriched with the toxic heavy metal aluminum, which unfortunately is often found in drinking water as well.
Biomedical scientist Dr. Klaus Kaufmann drew this conclusion: silicon combines with the harmful aluminum in the brain and breaks it down. In 1997, he therefore recommended that patients with Alzheimer's disease in particular take additional silicon. And how does silicon get into drinking water?
Groundwater is in constant neighborhood of silicon, because it is the most important substance in the earth's crust in terms of quantity. Almost all geological minerals contain salts with the origin of silicon, for example, silica, quartz, granite, agate, opal, rock crystal, clay, loess, clay ... and also in concrete, brick, ceramics and glass such silicates occur.
It's unimaginable, but it's true: special bacteria have the ability to break down these minerals and absorb the silicon stored in them. The darkening silicone grout in the bathroom is evidence that bacteria are attracted.
In a comparable way, silicon has a favorable effect on the composition of the intestinal microbiome already in the digestive tract after consumption. But crucial silicon effects happen directly in the various body tissues after absorption. What happens after that is becoming increasingly clear. Numerous researchers believe in the existence of some kind of magnetic sensors in cells of the brain and most other tissues. Biochemical processes among themselves are classified as impulses of magnetic field energies. They occur rhythmically and are the driving force for growth and healing.
Chinese physicians already supported such processes with magnetic stones 2,000 years ago. The Greek physician Hippocrates of Kros also believed in them, and the ancient Egyptians wore magnetic jewelry to strengthen health. Dr. William Ross Adey, a neurology professor from Australia, was able to prove these assumptions: In healthy tissue, cells communicate electromagnetically with each other in a finely tuned language. He called this form of communication cell whispering.
The connection occurs via nerve cells because they are capable of electromagnetically transmitting excitations. Scientists do not yet know all the answers. However, they are so far as to assume that it is more than speculation that silicon has a major role here as a clock.
They are based on facts. Silicon is a chemical element and metal at the same time, with high ability to transmit electrical impulses. This energy can not only be switched on and off, but apparently also amplified or weakened. That is why silicon is classified as a semiconductor. Researchers refer to the much-used drive principle in quartz watches. Silicon is the origin of a unique cellular energy. Modern computer technology is based on silicon, which is reflected in the name Silicon Valley.
Silica, silicum and silicon are scientific and English names for silicon. But the knowledge that has created billionaires in California is being challenged by classical orthodox medicine. A rethink is overdue. Silicon is the conductor that activates very important other minerals. This does not happen if there is a deficiency of this trace element.
The most important minerals for our health, which may not be effective without silicon, are calcium and magnesium. At the same time, numerous factors in our everyday lives disrupt or interrupt the electromagnetic flow of information for growth control, wound healing and many other tasks between cells. First and foremost, wild oxygen radicals, chemical environmental toxins, harmful consumable substances and carcinogenic substances should be mentioned here. In the worst case, the result is that malignant cells can multiply and cancer develops.
Silicon could be an effective savior. As our inner quartz clock, it not only has variable electrical conductivity. It also has a chemical antioxidant effect and can neutralize free oxygen radicals.
Let's take a brief look back at magnesium: numerous people swallow this mineral as a dietary supplement because it is needed in more than 300 tasks. These include nerve activity, blood sugar control, muscle control, sleep regulation, stress management and blood pressure. Probably seven out of ten adults consume too little magnesium, and even the official daily consumption recommendations seem far too low. Completely lost from sight is the fact that magnesium needs silicon to be ignited.
Until his death in 2004, Dr. William Ross Adey was one of the leading neuroscientists who unlocked many a mystery about the human brain. In 1965 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 1977 he became a professor of biochemistry at the University of California at Riverside. He advised the White House and Congress, he authored more than 400 scientific papers, and he received numerous honors, including the Hans Selye Award, named for the creator of the stress theory that is still valid today. A VHS videocassette with a 20-minute introduction to the thesis of Dr. William Ross Adey is in the libraries of all 19 leading universities in the field of neurology between Hamburg and Basel ... but the great public is denied such explanations.
The idea that a trace element can have a role in defeating one of the greatest threats to any aging society did not find much support. Silicon is still classified by classical health policy only as a substance like dozens of others, mainly as a building material of connective tissue, fingernails and hair. A dramatic underestimation! Silicon is possibly the salvation from the consequences of devastating internal diseases such as arteriosclerosis, diabetes, permanent inflammation and Alzheimer's disease. Silicon increases physical and mental health. It has longevity effect.
However, this cannot be achieved with silicon as it occurs in nature, not even as in rock crystal, which is pure silicon. Consumed silicon molecules are too oversized to make the transition through the intestinal mucosa into the blood like other micronutrients. This is almost impossible to accomplish in the limited time of the digestive process. In addition, our food can only contain a tiny amount of silicon anyway.
As a reminder, the human body is largely composed of fluids, blood, urine, digestive juices, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, lacrimal fluid, bile and other liquid substances. Minerals, simply put, must be refined like fluids to be well absorbed. For these reasons, adequate supply of real useful silicon through food alone is almost impossible to achieve. It is too coarse. In addition, as we age, our absorption capacity decreases. Wrinkled skin is a reminder that a deficiency has occurred.
It is almost unbelievable how little silicon we need, experts talk about 15 to 45 milligrams per day! And not even that can supply us with food. Modern technology has been ingeniously solving this problem for us for a few years now. In order to be able to act bioactively in the metabolism and in the tissues, the individual silicon molecules are broken down into hundreds to several thousands of nanoparticles in special mills by processing procedures. This is almost impossible for the body to accomplish on its own in the limited time available for digestion. In the end, micronized silicon is so unimaginably tiny that it is not subject to the Earth's gravitational pull. If the particles were blown into the air, they could float for hours ...
In the end, silicon particles retain their special electrical conductivity, and they possess their own water chemistry for handling and in liquids. Because these nanoparticles have almost no substance and consist almost only of surface, they achieve an unimaginable binding ability due to their - relatively speaking - oversized absorption surface. At the same time, they succeed in penetrating the individual cells of the body with incomparable ease.
This property adds up to unique properties among all minerals and trace elements. Silicon facilitates at their substances such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus the penetration of the intestinal walls and the entrance into the body cells. The end result is a particularly high bioactivity of all these substances. Conversely, silicon particles electromagnetically attract pollutants, toxic substances and waste products of metabolism and bind them until their own removal from the body.
Here could follow an enumeration of all health problems that can be eliminated by a sufficient supply of bioactive silicon. The authors of this EBook limit themselves at this point to this short formula: Silicon can delay biological aging. Silicon enables other substances to develop to their full potential. Silicon can prevent the dreaded vascular disease arteriosclerosis. The resistance against physical and mental diseases is generally increased1.
1(Sources: "The essential trace element silicon and the silicon content in the blood of elderly people after long-term intake of clinoptilinolite zeolite and montmorillonite". OM & Nutrition. Orthomolecular Medicine Health Forum. 2014, number 148; "The nutritional essentiality of silcon." E. M. Carlisle. Nutr. Rev. 40; "Silicon - healing through primordial substance." Dr. Klaus Kaufmann, Helfer-Verlag 1998).
You have plastic in your blood.
An urgent warning must be addressed to about 90 percent of adults in Germany and likewise in Austria, Switzerland and around the world. A flood of invisible molecules made of plastic is floating in their blood. And not only that. On August 18, 2020, American scientists at Arizona State University reported the first-ever detection of nanoplastic particles in human tissue, even in the brain. Until then, it was known that these substances enter the vessels from the digestive tract, but nothing more. They are of unimaginable tininess. While the term microplastic is used for remnants of plastic products up to a size of five millimeters, nanoplastic particles have a diameter of 0.001 millimeters.
Indeed, plastic is assembled and glued together from precisely such components. In nature, in the air, in water, in the soil, these chemical compounds dissolve again. The Arizona researchers took tissue samples from the lungs, liver, kidneys and gallbladder of 47 volunteers. They discovered polycarbonates, such as from refillable beverage bottles, polyethylene terephthalates from food packaging and polyethylenes from plastic bags.
This is cause for concern. That's because plastic ingredients have been linked to chronic persistent inflammation, infertility and even cancer in animals. The controversial chemical bisphenol A also manages to enter human cells this way. We eat nanoplastic particles, drink them and even breathe them in. Every tiny shred of microplastic is loaded with up to 5,000 plasticizer molecules. Foreign chemical substances could not be described as microplastic more harmless. They have the ability to change existing structures. They do this in our bodies, too.
For example, they can disrupt our hormone system and cause children's teeth to literally crumble. In plastics, they reduce the bonding of individual molecules. Around 5,000 such substances work as plasticizer and make products more flexible, elastic and pliable. Not only in the plastics industry: they keep concrete soft with less water.
In cling film, in the packaging of foodstuffs and in the inner lining of food cans, we allow these chemical agents to come into direct contact with our food. No one protects us from the so-called migration of plasticizers, from their slow elimination from plastic packaging, and from their migration into the food that is inside them. Some act like female sex hormones, accelerate puberty, promote breast development and control fat distribution in the body. Even coated tablets contain plasticizers.
Similar to microplastics, pesticides, solvents and growth hormones also burden us directly. Because there are such different numbers, a general statement about the true impact of plasticizers is not possible ... nor an effective restriction that would be appropriate for our protection.
European Union member states classify some as toxic to reproduction. Others cause diabetes. However, it is always said: maybe. Nevertheless, there is hardly a horror word that goes unmentioned in the scientific literature in connection with plasticizers: Cancer, birth defects, stomach ulcers, bronchitis, deafness, impaired vision, digestive problems, liver dysfunction, asthma, infertility, weakening of the immune system, headaches, breathing problems, obesity, overweight, irritation of the eyes, skin problems, dizziness, unconsciousness.
Plastic is everywhere. For example, the medical journal of additives and chemicals in food, Food Additives and Contaminants, quoted from studies of plastic bottle use. Notable amounts of five different plasticizer groups were found in vegetable oils and drinking water.
Plasticizers are also often used to chemically slow down the degradation of molecules by atmospheric oxygen, known as oxidation. This applies to food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
A large proportion of such chemically active plastic components can be released by abrasion from car tires, for example, or by leaching from textiles. With wastewater, they end up in sewage treatment plants, and with sewage sludge they end up in the fields, in the air, and in the food chain. Everywhere they combine with other problematic environmental substances.
Plastics also make it into the body in liquid form. As tiny microspheres with an exfoliating effect in shower gel, toothpaste and other cosmetics, we voluntarily brought them into our personal world.
What may sound harmless has devastating consequences. When foreign chemical molecules reach our organism, the effects go beyond pollution. Certain plasticizers have been banned for small children's toys since 1999, but this decision is only ever valid for three months at a time because harmful migration of the chemicals cannot be measured reliably enough.
Thousands of plasticizers have not yet been evaluated. This is alarming. Because they are basically all suspected of affecting the action of hormones in the human body. This risk is associated with behavioral disorders, liver damage and infertility. Environmental chemicals found in microplastics can also trigger stress conditions and weaken our immune systems. Some pose additional dangers through their own toxicity.
But it doesn't stop there. Like a sponge, microplastics attract and store pollutants. Plastics are compound chemicals, primarily made from petroleum. Under certain conditions, the composite of their individual parts breaks apart. This is how microplastics are created. For example, almost two grams with each wash cycle of an acrylic jacket.
In the plastics industry and in the production of cosmetics, medicines, dyes, cleaning agents and pesticides, a total of around 800,000 substances are used that can affect us with chemical effects. The body cannot stop this invisible enemy and cannot dissolve and get rid of it by its own power. Threats arise that are generally not present to people.
Millions do not estimate their personal risks from a constant toxicological load to be nearly real. Once in the body, plastic particles and other chemical substances act like false hormones. They inhibit effects of the real ones or amplify them. Millions blindly rely on receptors to determine safe limits and adequately protect them.
Doubts are warranted. Even highly alarming study results are not recognized as really important by mass media - or are downplayed or deliberately suppressed.
For example, this news item deserved to make it into the German TV news "Tagesthemen": The percentage of nonsmokers with lung cancer has more than doubled in six years. Among patients in the U.K., the percentage rose from 13 to 28, and in the U.S. from nine to 18. Two-thirds are women, many around the age of 60.
This was previously discussed at the World Conference on Lung Cancer in Denver, USA, in September 2015. A spokesperson said, "What this could be due to is still very, very speculative. We're also thinking about tiny particles and carcinogens in the air."
Even an easy-to read headline such as "The link between pesticides and disease is getting stronger" (Source: The Healthier Life, September 2015) should have been enough of a warning. Reactions from the public? Practically zero. For example, the news from Oxford University in England experienced something similar: "Pesticides are involved in diabetes development" (Source: Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 2015).
The treatment of diabetes will soon become unaffordable. It is a severe metabolic disorder and one of the most important widespread diseases of our time. In 2019, the Berlin-based Robert Koch Institute estimated the number of people affected in Germany for the first time at nine million.
Maybe also plastic has a role in it.
In the human organism, hormones are the core material of the internal communication of our billions and billions of cells. They control all biological functions within narrow limits. Some of their effects stimulate, others weaken. They continuously report information from the body to the central nervous system: temperature, blood pressure, hormone levels, blood sugar. The most important messenger substances are produced in nine groupings of internal glands.
This highly intelligent system is significantly disturbed from the outside. Specifically, certain compounds foreign to the body negatively affect the breakdown of hormones, their binding to designated receptors, or their action.