The prophecies of Bavarian clairvoyants in comparison -   The prophecies of German clairvoyants Mühlhiasl, Alois Irlmaier, Sepp Wudy and Andreas Rill and their common consensus - Daniel Perl - E-Book

The prophecies of Bavarian clairvoyants in comparison - The prophecies of German clairvoyants Mühlhiasl, Alois Irlmaier, Sepp Wudy and Andreas Rill and their common consensus E-Book

Daniel Perl

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There are some really fascinating clairvoyants from Bavaria, especially from the mystical Bavarian Forest, whose prophecies are shockingly precise and more current than ever. These are the clairvoyants this book is about. The aim of this book is to compare the prophecies of the most famous Bavarian clairvoyants , which have not happened yet, in order to work out similarities between them and to be able to find out what will await us in the future. We will compare the prophecies of Alois Irlmaier, the Mühlhiasl, Sepp Wudy, Prokop The Forest Shepherd and Andreas Rill. This book itself consists of three parts. All prophecies of the Bavarian clairvoyants will be presented in the first part. Then, in part two, the prophecies will be compared, because they often resemble each other in a shockingly way. In part three, we will take a closer look at the prophecies which have not happened yet.

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Seitenzahl: 48

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Text and design: Copyright by Daniel Perl


Daniel Perl

c/o Gustav Perl

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Table of Contents

Preface.........................................................................................1 The Prophecies of Sepp Wudy...............................................3 The Prophecies of Prokop the Forest Shepherd...........................6 The Prophecies of the Mühlhiasl.................................................8 The Prophecies of Alois Irlmaier...............................................17 The field post letters of Andreas Rill..........................................26 Agreements of the prophecies....................................................29 Reasons and signs for the outbreak of the third world war..... 45

The Prophecies of Bavarian clairvoyants in comparison

The prophecies of German clairvoyants Mühlhiasl, Alois Irlmaier, Sepp Wudy and Andreas Rill and their common consensus

Daniel Perl


Since the beginning of mankind there have always been clairvoyants and prophets who could foresee catastrophies or even the end of the entire world. Apart from worldwide known clairvoyants like Nostradamus or Baba Wanga there are some really fascinating clairvoyants from Bavaria, especially from the mystical Bavarian Forest, whose prophecies are shockingly precise and current. These are the clairvoyants this book is about. The aim of this book is to compare the prophecies of the most famous Bavarian clairvoyants , which have not happened yet, in order to work out similarities between them and to be able to find out what will await us in the future. We will compare the prophecies of Alois Irlmaier, the Mühlhiasl, Sepp Wudy, Prokop The Forest Shepherd and Andreas Rill.

Alois Irlmaier was a well builder and from the Bavarian city Freilassing and is quite famous as a clairvoyant in Bavaria and entire Germany. His predictions were published in 1950 for the first time in the newspaper.

The Mühlhiasl, the most famous clairvoyant of the Bavarian Forest, made very precise and shocking predictions as well, which already partly occured during the last 200 years.

Sepp Wudy was a farmhand who worked on farms in Bohemia and Bavaria. He had horrifying visions of mankind`s future and even foresaw his own death during world war one.

Prokop The Forest Shepherd was a quiet man who spent half of this life alone in a forest in Bavaria. He had visions of the destruction of our planet and mankind.

The last one in the league ist Andreas Rill. He was a carpenter from Bavaria and a soldier during world war one. Although he did not have visions and did not prophesy anything, he sent two letters, so-called field post letters, to his family in which he told them about a French clairvoyant, whose prophecies fascinated him.  These letters were published in 1953 for the first time in German newspapers.

This book itself consists of three parts. All prophecies of the Bavarian clairvoyants will be presented in the first part.  Then, in part two, the prophecies will be compared, because they often resemble each other in a shockingly way. In part three, we will take a closer look at the prophecies which have not happened yet.

The prophecies of Sepp Wudy (1870 - 1915)

When Sepp Wudy had to go to war, he said that he will not return because he has to die in ice and snow. Actually, he died during world war one in the Dolomites.

This is not the last war. There will be a second war soon and  only after this war will be the last one. The wars will increase in terror and pain one by another.

If you would still live, you could talk to your cousin when standing in your living room and if you need him immediately, he could arrive within one hour at your home.

The Bohemian Forest will be burned down like a tuft of straw, but do not run away. When the grey birds are flying, it will be even worse somewhere else.

It will end soon, it has already startet. Life will be like one hundred years ago. This is what mankind will get due to its cockiness. It will be so horrible that the people, who will be born after the war, have to learn reading and writing from the beginning.

You are not allowed to eat the food in front of you because it will be your death and you are not allowed to drink the water in your container because it will be your death.

There will be one source of water at the mountain Osser from which you can drink.

Do not drink milk for eight weeks.

If no eagle owl is yelling any longer and the rabbits arrive at the houses and die in front of it, then do not drink water from ponds or rivers and do not mow grass.

There will be no Bavarian borders any longer.

The air will eat into your skin like poison. Put on all your clothes and cover yourself completely, even the tip of your nose. Take a seat in a hole and wait there until it is over, it will not take very long,

or look for a cave in a mountain.

If you lose your hair, it got you.

Take a juniper berry bush in your mouth, that will help.

The trigger for all that will be that people do not recognize the devil any longer because he is dressed very well and promises them everything.

But why do I tell you that? You will not experience it, but your children and grandchildren will. They have to deal with it and will have to experience the entire story.

I cannot understand people that they do not have any modesty and become more and more immoral and godless. So it is inevitable that it has to happen what will happen and people will live like one hundred years ago afterwards.

The faith in god declines and everything will be confusing. People from the upper class do not believe in anything and ordinary people will be misled.