Three-level Centers of Vocational Excellence: Qualification, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Green Economy - Jürgen Hogeforster - E-Book

Three-level Centers of Vocational Excellence: Qualification, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Green Economy E-Book

Jürgen Hogeforster

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Meeting the challenges in the fields of energy, climate and environmental protection requires comprehensive reorientation and forward-looking innovations. These tasks must be mastered by SMEs against the background of the following problems: - blatant & growing shortage of skilled workers - large qualification deficits, especially in the Green Economy - loss of attractiveness & low qualification of school-based VET - low rates of further training & insufficient orientation of offers to SME needs - ageing of entrepreneurs & high, growing shortage of young people (demographic change) - failure of business transfers & low rates of business start-ups - low innovation rates & insufficient productivity - not enough cooperation between universities and SMEs & a lack of teaching geared to SME needs - comparably low internationalization of SMEs & many vocational training providers To meet these challenges, 22 project partners from 7 countries and 70 associated partners from 13 countries have developed, operated and ensured the long-term continuation of eight centres of vocational excellence for the green economy. The centres introduce dual education and implement a wide range of measures in vocational training, further education and higher education, which are developed, tested and evaluated in the project. The eight center developed and implemented 7 Train the Trainer programs, 59 vocational trainings, further education and study programs, 5 tools and support programs and 10 concepts and political strategy programs. The educational measures cover Green Economy, Digitalization and Entrepreneurship. Vocational and educational counselling and innovation support for SMEs were developed and implemented.

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1 The 3LOE Project

2 Summary of the Project

3 Overview of the results of the project

Center of vocational Excellence

1 Design and Structure of three-level Centers

1.1 Challenges and objectives

1.2 Tasks, structure and organization

2 Compliance with the EU vocational education and training priorities

3 Summary of the Implementation and Development of the COVE

4 Results of the international Cooperation

5 Vocational training strategies and EU funding opportunities

5.1 Strategy program for vocational training

5.11 Strategy: Improved general education

5.12 Strategy: Realization of competent professional advice

5.13 Strategy: Dual Vocational Education

5.41 Strategy: Differentiation in Vocational Training

5.15 Strategy: Preparation and strengthening of Enterprises

5.16 Strategy: Further Vocational Education

5.17 Strategy: Dual Studies

5.18 Strategy: More Women and Elderly

5.19 Unbureaucratic integration of foreigners

5.10 Strategy: Development of Innovation and Education Center of Excellence

5.2 Analysis of EU funding opportunities

First center level "Vocational training"

1. Overview Concept, Tools and Curricula

2. Recommendations for the transfer and implementation of dual VET

2.1 Introduction

2.2 How to inform companies and qualify them for dual systems

2.3 How to involve self-regulatory bodies and qualify them for dual systems

2.4 How to prepare and qualify vocational schools for dual systems

2.5 How to transfer, implement and design dual systems

3. Political concepts for the training and integration of young people with learning difficulties

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Target Group and policy Background

3.3 Vocational Education

3.4 Legislation Framework

3.5 Suggestions for Provision of Support in Vocational Education

3.6 Good Practice Examples from Partner Countries

3.61 Austria

3.62 Germany

3.63 Italy

3.64 Latvia

3.65 Lithuania

3.66 Poland

3.67 Spain

3.7 Conclusions

4 Training programs for strong learners in initial vocational Training

Second center level "Continuing vocational training"

1. Overview Concept, Tools and Curricula

2 Training Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Green Economy

2.1 Curriculum

2.11 Introduction

2.12 Course Specifications

2.13 Study form and learning methods

2.14 Employer engagement

2.2 Implementations

2.3 Evaluation Concept

2.31 Introduction

2.32 Main terms of the evaluation

2.33 The evaluation procedure

2.34 Content of the final evaluation report

2.35 Annex

3 Integration Program for the unemployed

3.1 Background

3.2 Objectives

3.3 The Coaching Process

3.4 Integration and training program

3.5 Fields of activity after the training

3.6 Trainers

3.7 Identification of existing competences and aptitudes

3.8 Model examples for the course of the integration program

4. Guidelines for the development and creation of new NQF5 qualification profiles

4.1 Creating optimal framework conditions

4.11 Survey and Clarifications of the legal regulations

4.12 Own structured project management

4.13 Tips & Tricks

4.2 Guide – the individual steps

4.21 Concretize contents

4.22 Developing qualification standards

4.23 Developing examination regulations

4.24 Course content and examination tasks

4.3 Outlook

Third center level "Higher education"

1 Overview Concept, Tools and Curricula

2 Business Administration and Sustainable Management for SMEs

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Objectives and didactic concept

2.21 Program Objectives

2.22 Didactic Concept

2.3 Structure and Sequence of Studies

2.4 Curriculum Overview: Module List

3 Technology transfer process and manageable R & D tasks in SMEs

3.1 Promoting innovation and SME needs

3.2 Promotion of innovation in conjunction with trainings and dual study programs

3.21 Innovation promotion combined with continuing vocational training

3.22 Innovation promotion combined with dual Bachelor study programs

3.3 Evaluation Concept

Train the Trainer Programs

1 Overview

2 KAIN Method and Train the Trainer Program

2.1 Description of the KAIN method and application instructions

2.11 Part 1: Classroom Teaching

2.12 Part 2: Self-study in own company/organization with the support of trainers

2.13 Part 3: Individual project presentation and reflection

2.14 Time-organizational setup and competencies of participants

2.15 Instructions for trainers/consultants on planning and using KAIN

2.2 Training and Coaching Process

2.21 Principles of effective Teaching

2.22 Effective Training Techniques

2.23 Digital Training and Learning Tools

2.24 Coaching Process

2.3 Concept and Curriculum Train the Trainer Program

2.31 Program and Content

2.32 Time schedule

2.4 Evaluation Concept Train the Trainer program

2.41 Introduction

2.42 Evaluation concept

2.43 Schedule of the evaluation

2.44 Questionnaires

2.5 Implementation and Evaluation Report

2.51 Implementation

2.52 Evaluation

Other Publications by the Baltic Sea Academy

Members of the Hanse-Parlament


1 The 3LOE Project

In many EU countries SMEs have a shortage of skilled workers and young entrepreneurs, which will increase for demographic reasons in the future. These factors will have the largest impact on the limitation of SME further development.

At the same time, some of the participating countries have a high level of youth unemployment, especially in countries with school-based vocational education and to a much lower extent in countries with dual vocational training. In order to achieve close coordination and to meet the demands of working life, work-based learning must be provided so that all young people are integrated into vocational training. Reducing the high levels of exclusion among youth requires new paths in vocational training and integration.

In addition, there are striking qualitative deficits. In the face of a dynamic technological and economic change, the qualifications of specialists and managers, as well as entrepreneurs, must be raised significantly and become more future-oriented.

Due to aging of current entrepreneurs, a large and growing number of companies must be handed over to the next generation. At present, more jobs in the EU are lost as a result of failed business transfers rather than new ones are created by business start-ups.

The high number of university graduates means that SMEs can only attract a limited number of young entrepreneurs, since they are well-qualified in theory, but lack practical knowledge, skills and abilities that are crucial for SMEs. For this reason, VET reforms must also involve higher education, and should implement dual bachelor's degree programs that combine a bachelor's degree with vocational training or work in companies.

In order to ensure an effective transfer of business ownership and a high number of new enterprises, promotion of entrepreneurship must be given a particular priority.

Strengthening and improving VET at all levels (EQF levels 3 - 6) characterize the most important promotion tasks for SMEs in order to overcome the existing quantitative and qualitative bottlenecks, to integrate all staff and to encourage innovation and competitiveness in SMEs.

In order to tackle major challenges in the fields of energy, climate and environmental protection, SMEs can employ solution-oriented approaches. However, in these are-as, the shortage of skilled workers and deficits in their competences are particularly striking in SMEs. For example, the national reports "Build up skills" have shown that to reach the EU energy targets in individual countries in the energy sector, the number of skilled workers must be doubled and at the same time skill levels must be raised significantly.

In view of the urgent nature of the tasks and existing shortcomings in the areas of energy, climate and environmental protection, strong improvements and innovative developments in VET in the Green Economy are of paramount importance.

To overcome these challenges, the project "Three-level Centres of Vocational Excellence: Qualification, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Green Economy" (3LOE) was carried out from 2020 to 2024 under the leadership of the Hanseatic Parliament with partners from seven EU countries. The project involved 70 associated partners (chambers, SME associations, vocational training institutions, colleges and universities) from 14 countries, who participated as transfer recipients and implementation partners.

The composition of the project consortium, the great commitment of all partners and a smooth cooperation ensured the outstanding success of the 3LOE project. We sincerely thank all partners and the persons involved for the excellent cooperation.

Hanse-Parlament, Germany

Handwerkskammer Dresden, Germany

Berufsakademie Hamburg, Germany

Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg, Germany

Izba Rzemieslnicza Malej i Sredniej Przedsiebiorczosci, Poland

Zespol Szkol Mechanicznych i Logistycznych im. inz. Tadeusza T, Poland

Akademia Pomorska W Slupsku, Poland

Verslo ir svetingumo profesinės karjeros centras, Lithuania

Panevezio Prekybos Pramones Ir Amatu Rumai, Lithuania

Panevezio kolegija, Lithuania

Latvijas Amatniecibas kamera, Latvia

Rigas Stradina Universitate, Latvia

Valsts izglitibas satura centrs, Latvia

Profesionālās izglītības kompetences centrs “Liepājas Valsts tehnikums”, Latvia

Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Austria

Wirtschafts-Förderungsinstitut der Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Austria

Campus 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft GMBH, Austria

T2I - Trasferimento Tecnologico e Innovazione Scarl, Italy

Sistemi Formativi Confindustria SCPA, Italy

ITA Emilio Sereni, Italy

Departament D'educació- Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain

Institut Pere Martell, Spain

Sociedad General De Aguas De Barcelona S.A., Spain

2 Summary of the Project

Around 99% of all EU businesses are SMEs, creating up to 70% of all jobs. In general, SMEs have good growth prospects for the future and are particularly well equipped to solve environmental problems and to enhance the green economy. However, in most of the project countries, SMEs are confronted with a shortage of skilled workers and young entrepreneurs. This shortage of skilled workers is even more alarming taking into account that due to aging of current entrepreneurs, a large and growing number of companies will have to be handed over to the next genera-tion. Furthermore, young specialists and entrepreneurs often lack the qualifications and skills needed in order to respond to contemporary developments in the fields of energy, climate and environmental protection. The following problems have been identified in SMEs working in the fields of green economy, energy and environmental protection:

Blatant and growing shortage of skilled workers.

Large qualification deficits, especially in the Green Economy.

Loss of attractiveness and low qualification of school-based VET.

Low rates of further training and insufficient orientation of offers to SME needs.

Ageing of entrepreneurs and increasing shortage of young people (demographic change).

Failure of business transfers and low rates of business start-ups.

Low innovation rates and insufficient productivity.

Not enough cooperation between universities and SMEs and a lack of teaching geared to SME needs.

Comparably low internationalization of SMEs and vocational training providers.

Lack of national level support for SMEs.

To meet these challenges, work-based learning and new paths in vocational training must be provided through cooperation between educational institutions, economic chambers and SMEs. University graduates are often well-qualified in theory, but lack practical knowledge, skills and abilities that are crucial for SMEs. For this reason, VET reforms must also involve higher education, and should implement dual bachelor's degree programs that combine a bachelor's degree with vocational training and on-sight work in companies.

In the 3LOE project, an innovative and complex project structure with 22 project partners from 7 countries as well as 70 associated partners from 14 countries was designed. In each country, centers of vocational excellence (COVEs) in Green Economy were established, managed and their permanent continuation ensured. A transnational cooperation of the centers was developed, extended to 70 education stakeholders from 14 countries and operated permanently in an institutionalized form. The centers offer a wide range of dual education measures in vocational training, further education and higher education, that are being developed, tested and evaluated in the project. These educational measures on EQF levels 3 -7 focus on Green Economy, Digitalization and Entrepreneurship. Furthermore, vocational and educational consulting and innovation support for SMEs were be developed and implemented. In total, seven Train-the-Trainer programs were developed and implemented permanently by the project partners. All results were transferred to the 70 associated partners together with implementation advice.

Overarching objectives are:

Sustainable improvement of qualifications, securing the next generation of skilled workers/managers and entrepreneurs and strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs in the green economy.

Realization of energy savings, use of renewable energies and environmental and climate protection by qualified, innovative SMEs.

The action objectives and aimed outcomes of the 3LOE project can be summarized as following:

1. Foundation of a three-level Center in each project country

1.1 Building the "Green Economy" skills alliance for qualifications in SMEs with educational and economic actors from the 7 project countries; development of information and cooperation tools.

1.2 Realization of intensive transnational cooperation and expansion of the skills alliance to the 70 associated partners from 14 countries, comprising chambers of commerce, SME associations, as well as universities of ap-plied sciences/colleges.

1.3 Development, testing and evaluation of a curriculum and teaching materials for Train the Trainer courses for personnel and center management (vocational schoolteachers, trainers in SMEs and lecturers in further and higher education institutions).

1.4 Evaluation of the construction and operation of the eight centers of Excellence and of the transnational cooperation.

1.5 Development of business and financing plans and ensuring the long-term continuation of the seven centres and transnational cooperation.

1.6 Development, consulting and introduction of political strategy program.

2. Implementation and realization vocational training

2.1 Development and implementation of a tool for vocational and qualification counselling as well as a training for consultants and teachers to use the tool.

2.2 Implementation of the dual system, so that work-based learning is put into practice in the project countries.

Preparation and transfer of curricula and examination regulations for dual vocational training for different professions and implementations in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Spain. Development, test and implementation Trainings for teachers to conduct dual vocational training as well as Training of trainers in SMEs.

2.3 Development political concept for the training and integration of young people with learning difficulties for young people with learning difficulties (EQF level 3). Development, test and implementation of a dual vocational training "Specialist for Building Insulation”.

2.4 Development, testing and evaluation of education program, teaching materials and examination regulations for the provision of sector-specific qualifications already during the initial vocational training for stronger learners. Implementation in the dual system, so that work-based learning is put into practice in the project countries.

2.5 Development and implementation five-year technician training „Ecologic Solutions in Logistics”.

3. Implementation and realization of further vocational training

3.1 Development and implementation of concepts and instruments for the management of continuing vocational training.

3.2 Development, test and implementation of a Train-the-Trainer program for teachers to conduct further training.

3.3 Development and implementation of a concept "SME-fair digitalization” as well as development, test and implementation of two train the trainer programs “Basic and advanced digital skills”.

3.4 Transfer and implementation of four further trainings Energy Saving and Renewable Energies.

3.5 Preparation, transfer and implementation of six further trainings in the Green Economy.

3.6 Development, testing and evaluation of different training programs and teaching material for owners, managers and qualified workers of SMEs (EQF level 5 and 6). The trainings are specifically tailored to SME needs and different qualification levels and combine the transfer of technical, professional and management know-how.

Training Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Green Economy

Training Energy Service Manager

Trainings vocational Master Carpenter and Electric

Training Construction Technician

Training Service Technician

Training Sustainability in foodservice industry

3.7 Development of regulations for new continuing education occupational profiles with a focus on the green economy.

3.8 Development of an integration program for the unemployed (EQF level 4) in order to be able to place the unemployed in permanent jobs through further training seminars and a further training qualification.

4. Implementation and realization of higher education

4.1 Preparation, transfer and implementation of curricula, evaluation and examination regulations for two existing dual Bachelor’s degree programs "Management of Renewable Building Energy Technology” and "Business Administration for SMEs”.

4.2 Development and beginning of implementation of new dual bachelor’s degree programs

Business Administration & Sustainable Management of SMEs

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Green Economy

Logistics - Green Supply Chains

Electrical and Automatic Equipment

Sustainable Building System Technology

Tutorial “Sustainable management Climate neutrality for companies”

4.3 Development, test and implementation of four study modules (EQF level 6) on SME management in the Green Economy sector, which will be carried out in the dual study system and integrated into existing Bachelor’s degree programs.

4.4 Development and implementation of concept for innovation promotion solutions for manageable R&D tasks of SMEs and conducting manageable R&D projects for SMEs-

4.5 Development, testing and implementation of Training program for university lecturers and SME advisors.

For each of the three levels of educational measures there will be:

Target-group-specific educational programs.

Curricula, teaching materials, etc. developed in a leading role by the educational institutions of the respective level, whereby the educational institutions of the other levels (in particular universities) participate in an advisory and supportive manner.

Representatives of the participant target groups involved in the development work.

All educational measures will be tested with the respective target groups under different national conditions in the countries, evaluated and completed on the basis of the evaluation results with application notes.

5. Dissemination, transfer and use of the project results

5.1 Development of a concept and summary evaluation of the dissemination results of all partners

5.2 Transfer of all educational measures to 70 educational institutions in 14 countries and needs-oriented implementation consultations as well as realization of a bundle of measures for further dissemination of the project results.

5.3 Further dissemination activities such as presentations online, at third-party events, press releases and conferences.

5.4 Book with all results of the project and distribution via book trade.

6. Quality Management

6.1 Development and implementation of quality assurance system of the project consisting of the four quality plans

educational measures

Transfer and implementation

Centres of professional excellence and cooperation

Project implementation

6.2 Analyses and creation of a result report of all evaluations and assessments

a summary of all the results of evaluations of all training activities

a summary evaluation of all the results of the quality assurance measures

a comparison of the objectives and results planned and those achieved

an assessment of the results and their sustainable use.

3 Overview of the results of the project

Work Package 1 Management, Workshops & Conferences

The project was realized by 22 partners (vocational schools, business chambers / SME associations, universities and public administrations) from 7 countries (Austria, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Poland and Spain). Involved in the project work and international co-operation were 70 associated partners (business chambers, SME associations, vocational training institutions, colleges and universities) from 14 countries. The lead partner was the Hanse-Parlament, Germany.

As part of the project, 13 workshops with all project partners and 4 international conferences with project and associated partners and other stakeholders were organized.

In the 3LOE project were developed and implemented:

7 Train the Trainer programs

59 vocational training, further education and study programs (EQF Level 3 - 7)

5 tools and support programs

10 concepts and political strategy programs

The 3LOE project has established eight COVEs that have developed, tested, evaluated and implemented numerous support and education programs. The following took part in the implementation of the programs during the project period:

Teachers & Trainers


Learners & Students




Participants in workshops & conferences




Results 1.1 - 1.4 Interim and final reports of the project with final accounts were not published.

Work Package 2 Development and operation of regional centers

In the 3 LOE project, eight COVEs in Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Spain were set up and developed with great success by the project partners in the respective countries. Co-operation in the COVEs is based on binding co-operation agreements and, in one case (COVE DE Hamburg), on a national law. Numerous other regional and national educational institutions and organizations are involved as partners in all COVEs. All 8 COVEs work intensively with companies, especially SMEs, which contribute their needs through direct contact, help shape funding and training programs, participate in trials and carry out R&D projects with universities.

The COVEs in the individual countries have been organized in such a way that all educational tasks can be carried out at EQF level 3 - 7, namely:

Vocational schools that provide initial vocational training in the dual system with companies, are involved in continuing vocational training and participate as educational partners in dual bachelor’s degree programs.

Chambers of Industry, Commerce and Crafts, which ensure the involvement of companies in all COVE activities, encourage companies to participate in dual vocational training and dual study programs, are particularly active in continuing vocational training and provide ongoing advice to companies.

Colleges and universities that contribute to the development of curricula and teaching materials for initial and further vocational education and training and provide teaching staff for their implementation where necessary, as well as developing and implementation dual bachelor’s degree programs in particular and providing innovation support for companies in connection with this.

The additional involvement of ministries in the COVE of two countries (Latvia and Spain) has had a very positive effect on the work of all COVE. They have clarified legal regulations and administrative matters, played a key role in the development and implementation of legal regulations (e.g. creating state-recognized continuing education qualifications), helped develop political strategy programs and carried out evaluations.

Cooperation within the individual COVEs and internationally between all COVEs is promoted through biannual workshops, four international conferences, seven train-the-trainer seminars, the provision of cooperation tools and models, online meetings and an ongoing exchange of experience. This support is essential, but even more effective for the development of regional and international cooperation was the simultaneous implementation of joint concrete work. Various tools and advisory programs, over 40 vocational training programs at EQF level 3 - 6 and R&D projects with and for SMEs were jointly developed and implemented.

The work was carried out in international cooperation between vocational schools, chambers with their educational institutions and universities. Partners from individual countries jointly developed tools, curricula, teaching materials, examination regulations, etc., which were trialled and evaluated in several countries in order to record different national conditions. After revision and finalization based on the evaluation results and adaptation to national conditions, the tools, curricula etc. were transferred to all eight COVEs, which received implementation advice. In this way, 36 comprehensive results were produced in the 3LOE project.

Each of the eight COVEs takes into account the respective national and regional development strategies. Based on local and regional needs and challenges, the COVEs make a decisive contribution to achieving the specific objectives and strategies for regional development, innovation and smart specialization. To this end, the individual COVEs have held numerous events, conferences, workshops and direct dialogues with the relevant regional stakeholders. Through the needs-oriented development and implementation of funding and education programs, strong effects were achieved for regional developments in accordance with the respective regional strengths and needs.

70 associated partners (chambers, associations, vocational schools and universities from 14 countries) were involved in the international cooperation of the 8 COVEs, contributing their experience and knowledge from the start of the project, taking part in workshops and conferences, advising on results and planning their own implementations. The associated partners received all results and individual implementation advice as required.

All 8 COVEs will be continued in the long term and funding has been secured. The 8 COVEs will continue to implement the education and advisory programs and develop new education programs, which have already been planned by the individual COVEs.

International cooperation between the 8 COVEs and with the 70 associated partners will also be continued in the long term; funding has also been secured for this and the Hanse-Parlament will take on coordination tasks.

Result 2.1 Analyses and recommendations

In the project 3LOE the data analysis was carried out under the two following aspects:

a) Geographical aspects: the analysis refers to the seven countries of the project, all of them EU members: Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Italy, and Spain.

b) Aspects of the project 3LOE:

Analysis of the current socio-economic situation in the countries, covering the demographic and economic aspects of the seven European countries.

Comprehensive overview of education markets and national education systems in the project partner countries.

Qualification requirements in the Green Economy sector.

The results of these analyses provide country-specific information and needs for the development of the respective centre of vocational excellence as well as standard-ized basic data for all partners for all development and implementation work.

Result 2.2 Three-level centres of professional excellence "Green Economy for SMEs" and transnational platform Part A Concept: Development and Implementation

Part A comprises standardized principles and concepts for the structure of the COVEs. Based on bottlenecks and possible solutions for the development of SMEs and vocational education and training, challenges and objectives as well as tasks and structure for the development of the COVE are presented. Particular attention is paid to the third stage "higher education". The concept is then evaluated with regard to the European Union level vocational education and training priorities. The report concludes with a memorandum that the partners of each COVE conclude with binding effect for the development of their centre.

Result 2.2 Three-level centres of professional excellence "Green Economy for SMEs" and transnational platform Part B Development and Implementation of Information & Cooperation Tools and transnational Cooperation

As the 7 COVEs are primarily dedicated to the promotion of SMEs, Report B first presents the cooperation and promotion needs of SMEs. In order to meet these needs, the individual COVEs carry out a variety of promotional and educational tasks. Tools and models have been developed for the important cooperation between the partners of a COVE and for the international cooperation of all 7 COVEs. The report concludes with the expansion of international cooperation to include 70 asso-ciated partners from 13 countries.

Result 2.2 Three-level centres of professional excellence "Green Economy for SMEs" and transnational platform Part C Results and Business Models

Following a summary of the results of the development of the 7 COVEs, Report C presents the realized international cooperation, and the implementation reports for each COVE. This is followed by a concept for evaluating the 7 COVEs and evaluation reports. Report C concludes with the binding plans for the long-term continuation of the COVEs established in the project and the international cooperation.

Result 2.3 Training program for personnel and center management

In order to prepare the management of the COVEs and promote international cooperation between all COVEs, a special training program for staff and centre management was developed, tested and evaluated as part of the 3LoE project. The developed curriculum, the implementation report and the evaluation are summarized as result 2.3 Training program for personnel and centre management.

Result 2.4 Political strategy and action program

EU funding options were analysed in order to determine the future funding options for the long-term continuation of the eight COVEs and to develop a basis for the development of a political strategy program.

In particular, vocational education and training must also meet the requirements of the world of work and the needs of companies. For this reason, the development of a strategy and action program for vocational education and training is preceded by a consideration of the world of work of tomorrow. Based on this, objectives for a European education policy and strategies for the organization of future vocational education and training are formulated. Strategies for the COVE in the individual partner countries are developed on the basis of these comprehensive results.

Work Package 3 First center level "Vocational training"

Result 3.1 Tool for vocational guidance and training for teachers

In order to provide guidance to pupil and students on their vocational path, a tool for vocational guidance and qualification counselling has been developed together with a training for teachers and consultants on how to use this tool. The tool and the training have been tested and evaluated. As Result 3.1 Tool for vocational guidance and training for teachers and consultants, the tool, the implementation reports of testing the tool as well as the curriculum for the teacher and consultant training, implementation and evaluation are summarized.

Result 3.2 Training program for teachers to conduct DVT

Within the framework of the 3 LOE project, vocational training was designed according to the dual system in all participating countries. The basis for this is the German dual system, which were transferred and adapted to the national conditions and specifically designed in the individual countries. The introduction of dual vocational training requires extensive preparations by the vocational schools and their teachers as well as by the companies and their trainers. For this purpose, appropriate-ate train-the-trainer programs have been developed and implemented.

Result 3.3 Curricula for specific dual vocational training. Part A Preparation and transfer of the German dual vocational training systems

As part of the 3LOE project, dual vocational training was implemented in all seven partner countries. The basis for this was the German dual system, which was adapted to the respective national conditions and implemented.

The German dual system was analysed and described in detail. Strategies were developed for the organization of vocational education and training as well as recommendations for transfer and implementation in countries where school-based vocational education and training has been predominant to date. Com-prehensive presentations were also developed to enable the partners to independently present, communicate and explain the dual system in their countries. The results of this works are summarized as result 3.3 Part A Preparation and transfer of the German dual vocational training systems.

Result 3.3 Curricula for specific dual vocational training. Part B Implementation and Evaluation

Curricula for dual training in four different occupations were developed, implemented and evaluated in the COVEs Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Spain on the basis of the prepared German dual system of vocational education and training and the transferred German training regulations and framework curricula in accordance with the most urgent regional needs.

Poland: Electrician

Poland: Fitter of fixtures and fittings in building industry

Lithuania: Cook

Latvia: Motor vehicle mechanic/Car mechanic

Spain: Electromecanico

The implementation reports as well as an evaluation concept and evaluation reports are summarized as Result 3.3 Part B Implementation and Evaluation.

Result 3.4 Dual vocational training for people with special learning needs

The high number of young people who are not integrated and who drop out of training must be significantly reduced. Vocational training must take appropriate account of individual abilities and skills and requires extensive differentiation. By introducing different levels, young people with different educational backgrounds, different pre-requisites and learning progress can be given the opportunity to receive training that corresponds to their specific abilities. The project uses a specific dual training program for young people with learning difficulties. Based on the experience gained in the process and including experiences and solutions other partner countries a political concept for the training and integration of young people with learning difficulties were developed.

Result 3.5 Training programs for strong learners in initial vocational training

Dual training has proven to be particularly effective, however, attention should be paid to observe individual abilities and possibilities and better adapt to youth with different educational backgrounds, competencies, skills and learning progress. The project created a three to three-and-a-half-year training program for young people with strong learning skills, which includes the acquisition of additional qualifications and ends with a recognized qualification above the examination level of skilled work-er/journeyman (EQF level 5). Six training programs were developed, tested, evaluated and implemented in the Geen Economy to provide additional qualifications.

Result 3.6 Training programs for the training of trainers in SMEs

For the training in companies, which comprises 70 to 80% of the total training time, the companies must be won over, informed and comprehensively prepared. To this end, the project developed, practically tested, evaluated and implemented various programs of training trainers in companies. An official examination regulation was developed, which leads to a state-recognized qualification "Certified Instructor".

Result 3.7 Two-year Training “Sustainable restaurant worker"

Sustainable restaurants offer a new perspective on what gastronomy means, offering healthy cuisine that also takes care of the planet. Different research show that small and medium-sized businesses are limited in their capacity to be innovative in terms of increasing sustainability scores. At the same time, they often have a knowledge deficit as well as the shortage of appropriately trained staff. Accordingly, a two-year "Sustainable restaurant worker" training course was developed, trialled with 15 students and implemented in Lithuania in line with national conditions and needs.

Result 3.8 Five-year technician training „Ecologic Solutions in Logistics”

COVE Poland implements a five-year dual technician training “Ecologic Solutions in Logistics”, realizing a fundamental element of further vocational training (second stage). It is assumed that after the completion of the training, trainees will take up further education, enrolling in, for ex-ample, dual Bachelor studies “Logistics – Green Supply Chains” at Pomeranian University in Słupsk. A five-year "Ecologic Solutions in Logistics" technician training program was developed, evaluated and implemented in line with national conditions and specific needs.

Result 3.9 Business Ideas Challenges Green Economy

"Latuaideadiimpresa" (LTIDI) is an annual program of business game aimed at students aged 16-18, with the participation of schools and companies active at local level. LTIDI is a meaningful experience for nurturing students’ transversal skills, business culture, enabling them to learn about the basic elements of an entrepreneurial idea, supporting them both in the conceiving (training on the new business model, innovation and market, etc.) and in the creating phases (training on business plan, searching for funding, etc.).

Work Package 4 Second center level "Continuing vocational training"

Result 4.1 Concepts & Instruments for Management & implementation qualifications

In the 3LOE project were developed and implemented:

6 Train the Trainer programs

59 vocational training, further education and study programs (EQF Level 3 - 7)

tools and support programs

In order to implement this very extensive program to a high standard and on time, implementation concepts, tools and guidelines were developed, discussed and harmonized with the partners of the eight COVEs for all tasks relating to the development and implementation of all training measures at EQF levels 3 - 7. The result contains a summarized description.

Result 4.2 KAIN Method & Train the Trainer Program

The result was developed for the implementation of continuing professional education measures. It includes:

Description of the KAIN method and application instructions.

Concept and Curriculum for a Train the Trainer Program for teachers to conduct further training.

Concept for the evaluation of the Train the Trainer Program

Implementation and Evaluation report.

Result 4.3 Green Economy training programs

Six different advanced training courses in green technologies were developed and offered to trainees with vocational training and several years of professional experience, to acquire skills in water, wastewater, waste and circular economy. The courses are specifically tailored to the needs of the target groups “SME-owners and managers” and “SME professionals”. The imparted learning content is cross-occupational, experts and interested companies from all lines of trades will be ad-dressed. The learning results are rated at EQF level 5.

Result 4.4 Training Energy Service Manager

An important task in energy-efficient building refurbishment concerns the comprehensive assessment of the buildings, the development of all necessary measures, the preparation of renovation plans, the determination of costs and refinancing options through energy savings and the comprehensive advice to investors. In order to impart the necessary skills, the 3LOE project developed, tested under various national conditions, evaluated and implemented the professional training program "Energy Service Manager".

Result 4.5 Training Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Green Economy

A training program for SME owners and employees "Training Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Green Economy" was developed, tested under various national conditions, evaluated, finalized and implemented. Since the consulting of the customers is of great importance, the result includes a curriculum "Reliable, systematic consulting environmentally oriented solutions" as an additional elective module. Result 4.5 com-prises the two curricula, implementation reports and the evaluation concept and re-port.

Result 4.6 Trainings Vocational Master & Trainings Technician

The 3LOE project is aimed to train company successors, entrepreneurs and managers, based on a relatively high-level qualification system. Developed, tested, trialled under various national conditions, evaluated, finalized and implemented:

a) Two curricula for the vocational master craftsman training for electricians and carpenters.

b) Two curricula for the technician training for construction technicians and service technicians.

The profession was chosen because there was a particularly great need for them among the implementation partners. The master craftsman and technician training courses end with a stately recognized qualification at EQF Level 6. The four curricula and examination regulations for the Vocational Master and Technician trainings were published on the project website for free download for future ongoing use. In this result implementation reports as well as evaluation concepts and reports are presented.

Result 4.7 Integration program for the unemployed

The eight Centers of Vocational Excellence established in the 3LOE project must also take on the tasks of integrating the unemployed into working life through qualifications as well as counselling and coaching programs or via retraining. An integration program for the unemployed was therefore developed, which was advised and agreed upon by the eight centres for vocational excellence in each country as well as in the project consortium. The program offers the opportunity to acquire qualifications at EQF levels 4 and 5 and to study for a bachelor’s degree. It also provides counsel-ling support, which is of paramount importance for integration programs.

Result 4.8 „SME-fair digitalization" & Trainings teacher digital Skills

The development and implementation of vocational training, continuing education and higher education measures will also need to comprehensively incorporate digital technology and solutions. In this context, there is a fundamental risk that digital technologies will simply be transferred from the large-scale economy that do not justice to the specific conditions of SMEs. For this reason, a brief concept on SME-fair digitalization is presented.

Likewise, digital teaching and learning methods will have to be used in the implementation of educational measures. Since many teachers have no or insufficient skills in this regard, two train-the-trainer programs were developed, practically tested, evaluated, finalized and implemented.

Result 4.9 Trainings Energy Saving and Renewable Energies

A central theme of the green economy concerns the Energy sector. There is a very high demand for qualification and information in this regard among owners and employees as well as homeowners. Accordingly, five existing training programs were prepared and transferred. In line with regional needs, COVE Germany and Poland developed and implemented three further specific training programs. Result 4.9 includes curricula, teaching materials and implementation reports for these eight training programs.

Result 4.10 Specific trainings in the Green Economy

The outstanding goal of the 3LOE project is that the eight centres of vocational excellence founded in the course of the project dedicate themselves to qualifications in the green economy at a high-quality level. Once the COVEs had started their work, they increasingly received information and reports from public administrations, business and innovation promoters, educational institutions and companies on urgent needs for additional further training measures for which there was a particularly high demand in the respective region. In order to meet these needs, the COVEs Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Italy and Poland have developed and implemented curricula and teaching materials for corresponding training programs and transferred them to all other COVEs, which are summarized as Result 4.10 Specific Trainings in the Green Economy.

Result 4.11 Regulations for new continuing education occupational profiles

The 3LOE project emphatically pursues the goal of strengthening and intensifying continuing vocational training. A very important aspect of this is the creation of nationally and internationally recognized official further education qualifications at EQF Level 5. Of the participating countries, only Germany has such qualifications. For this reason, the 3LOE project worked on:

a) The development of a concept for the realization of officially recognized further education qualifications in Austria.

b) The realization of first official further education qualifications with national recognition.

c) For corresponding realizations in other countries, development of a guide for the creation of official further education qualifications.

The results were transferred to the other COVEs in order to realize official, nationally and internationally recognized further education qualifications in all participating countries.

Work Package 5 Third center level "Higher education"

Result 5.1 Dual Bachelor Degree Programs

Small and medium-sized enterprises need highly qualified entrepreneurs, managers and specialists who have comprehensive theoretical knowledge and equally practical skills and experience. For this reason, dual Bachelor's degree programs are to be implemented in all eight Centers of vocational Excellence as part of the project, combining vocational training and several years of work with a recognized Bachelor's degree. To this end, dual Bachelor's degree programs were developed, transferred to all seven COVEs and implementation advice was provided here.

a) Business Administration and Sustainable Management for SMEs

b) Management of Renewable Building Energy

c) Business Administration for SMEs

COVE Lithuania has carried out implementations. Comprehensive piloting was carried out by COVE Austria with all regional chambers of commerce for the introduction and implementation of dual study programs.

Result 5.2 Green Economy study modules

Students of technical and business study programs are expected to be trained in SME-related green technologies and skills in technologies and management in the fields of water/sewage/waste treatment and in Circular Economy. Relevant study modules were developed, tested and evaluated, which are integrated into existing Bachelor's degree programs or offered as continuing education courses.

Result 5.3 Innovation support and R&D projects for SMEs

In direct connection with the implementation of further trainings and dual Bachelor programs, innovation support for companies were realized. For this specific support of enterprises, a concept is presented which were applied and evaluated during the project period in connection with the testing of the education programs. The result includes an SME-specific funding concept, implementation reports and an evaluation concept and report.

Result 5.4 Train the Trainer Program for university lecturers and SME consultants

A train-the-trainer program for teaching staff from universities and SME consultants was developed, implemented, evaluated and finalized on the basis of the evaluation results. This educational program is characterized by the interlocking of vocational training (representing practice in the broadest sense) and academic training (representing theory and science in the broadest sense). At the same time, competences for the cooperation with SMEs and for the promotion of innovations are imparted.

Result 5.5 Dual Bachelor “Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Green Economy”

Two dual Bachelor's degree programs in the Green Economy have been developed. The study program "Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Green Economy" from COVE Latvia. COVE Lithuania developed the "Electrical and Automatic Equipment" study program, which was implemented during the project period.

Result 5.6 Dual Bachelor program “Logistics - Green Supply Chains”

COVE Poland developed and implemented a dual Bachelor's degree program in "Logistics - Green Supply Chains". The result contains a concept and curriculum, an implementation report and an evaluation concept and report. The dual program in the field of Logistics in the field of Green Supply Chains is designed to educate candidates for positions in management and task teams in enterprises of the broadly understood logistics sector.

Result 5.7 Dual Bachelor program “Sustainable Building System Technology”

COVE Austria developed and implemented a dual Bachelor's degree program in "Sustainable Building System Technology". The training program provides a completed vocational training in relevant professions as well as comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical work experience in sustainable building system technology. Graduates are highly valued as highly qualified managers and specialists in companies. The result includes a concept and curriculum, an implementation report and an evaluation concept and report.

Result 5.8 Tutorial and dual Bachelor Program “Sustainable management Cli-mate neutrality for companies”