Dual Bachelor'a study courses with integral attainment of a Bachelor's degree and vocational Master qualification - Jürgen Hogeforster - E-Book

Dual Bachelor'a study courses with integral attainment of a Bachelor's degree and vocational Master qualification E-Book

Jürgen Hogeforster

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There is a strong and growing shortage of qualified entrepreneurs and managers in the SME sector, and this is the main factor hampering further development in all European countries. To meet these challenges, there is an urgent need to raise the qualification level of master craftsman training (German Meisterausbildung) as effective entrepreneurship training according to the needs of entrepreneurial activity and to introduce entrepreneurship education at academic level. The aim of the "Bachelor & Meister" project, which ran from September 2017 to August 2020, was to develop an innovative learning approach in the form of a dual integrated degree programme combining the advantages of master craftsman training and university studies. During the 3-year project duration, 2 different models of the dual integral study courses were developed: the dual integral study course "Civil Engineering" and "Electrical Engineering". The testing of the dual integral study course "Civil Engineering" in Germany was initiated. This publication contains the relevant information like curricula, examination regulations or experiences as results of the project Bachelor & Meister with the following partners: Hanse Parlament (DE), hochschule 21 (DE), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (FI), Poznan University of Life Sciences (PL), Wielkopolska Crafts Chamber in Poznan (PL) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT).

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