Alpha's Domain: A BBW Paranormal Romance - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Alpha's Domain: A BBW Paranormal Romance E-Book

AJ Tipton

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A billionaire bear shifter haunted by his past. A hyper-organized hotel manager on the cusp of a life-changing realization. Will they save each other from the past, and make their future together?Sally is the curvy and brilliant manager of the Wondernasium Ice Hotel who thinks she has everything handled. A whole hodgepodge of supernaturals shooting fireballs in the lobby? Handled. Guests who try to eat the other guests? No problem. But there's one thing Sally can't manage: her desire for her boss. When a steamy encounter in Ben's office turns her entire world upside down, Sally has to choose if she can embrace the magic within, or flee from her true self. Billionaire shifter Ben Broyles inherited his fortune after his clan was brutally slaughtered. He built his magical ice hotel as a sanctuary for supernaturals in a dangerous world. But when the evil goblins responsible for his family's murder check in, Ben must stop them from destroying all he’s created. With his hotel--and his life--on the line, Ben is forced to risk everything before it's too late. Alpha’s Domain is a BBW paranormal romance novella in the “Bear Shifter Billionaire” series, a set of stand-alone stories that sizzle and satisfy. If you like sexy shifters, explosive magic, and journeys for justice, then you’ll love this breathtaking book. Buy Alpha’s Domain to feel the magic today!

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Alpha’s Domain

A BBW Paranormal Romance

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byPadrón

Sally scrolled through her tablet’s listing of tomorrow's reservations with a wide smile on her face. Hundreds of guests were checking in for the large conference taking place at her hotel, and the group was beyond eccentric. It was one of the really challenging conferences with a million tiny details to keep track of. She double checked her list outlining the guests' unusual dietary restrictions and requests for atypical accommodations. There was more than enough to keep her and the staff running around for a few days. Sally smiled.

My favorite.

Managing the Wondernasium Ice Hotel was the best job Sally ever had. It wasn't just the novelty of working in a building made entirely of ice in the height of summer, it was everything: the outlandish guests, the amazing location right next to the Winter Wondernasium theme park, and she certainly couldn't complain about the boss.

Ben Broyles was bright, visionary, and so hot she was almost surprised the walls didn't melt around him. He was completely out of her league, of course, and her boss, but a little harmless fantasizing never hurt anyone.

"Sally!" One of the new bartenders, Lola, jogged up. Lola's uniform was a little tight around the chest area and her hair--braided into a hundred black loops snaking out from her head--frustrated Sally's inner sense of tidiness. Lola was on loan from the bar down the street specifically for the big conference. The bartender's breasts heaved and nearly spilled out of her top as she grabbed hold of Sally's shoulder.

"The, um, gentlemen in the honeymoon suite are roaring that their meal is all wrong. I can hear them from the bar."

Sally quickly pulled out the tablet tucked under her arm and clicked through her database of the guests. The entry on the Mr.s Nosferatu--clearly an alias--showed they suffered from some rare disorder which limited their meal options to extremely raw meat. This medical issue required blood transfusions done in house and blackout curtains due to their strong sensitivity to sunlight.

Sally shuddered. What a terrible way to live. She clicked through her various cross-referenced tabs for their past stays at the hotel and felt the blood drain from her face. She clicked on the headset surrounding her ear.

"Security, come to the honeymoon suite immediately." Sally turned to Lola. "Get back to the bar, do what you can to keep everyone in there and away from the honeymoon suite."

Lola's mischievous smile in response was a little terrifying. "Got it."

The closer Sally got to the honeymoon suite, the more clearly she could hear the shouting.

"--you call this? This outrage will not be borne! This is an affront to my master, my people, and our entire immortal community!"

Really? Immortal community? These strange diets sure make people cranky, Sally thought as she kept a firm, professional smile on her face.

She rounded a corner and found the source of the screaming. One of Mr. Nosferatu's entourage--a hulking brute at least seven feet tall and built like a refrigerator--was pacing back and forth in front of the room like he was about to break through the frozen walls. Mr. and Mr. Nosferatu, meanwhile, stood silently on either side of the honeymoon suite door, dressed in black--black bespoke suits, black buttoned shirts, black narrow ties--with their arms crossed in identical poses, standing so still they looked like statues flanking the archway.

The hulking member of the Nosferatu entourage towered over Ned, the new bellhop, who was huddled against the opposite wall with his arms protecting his head.

"How dare you bring this indignity before your betters?" the enormous man bellowed, loud enough to shake the crystal in the chandelier on the frozen ceiling. Sally was close enough now to see he held a T-bone steak, so raw it was almost bleeding, but with bits of brown around the edges. Ned curled in a tighter ball against the wall, hiding his face.

"That's quite enough," Sally said. The winter boots she always wore at work to ward off the chill gave a satisfyingly loud stomp as she strode toward them. "Sirs, I am the manager here, Sally Witherkins. I apologize on behalf of the hotel if your meal was not satisfactory. Ned, wait for me in my office."

Ned darted away so fast he practically left a trail behind him. Of course, that left Sally alone, face-to-face with a giant so mad little flakes of spit were still flying from his mouth. She stood up a little straighter, wearing her professionalism like armor and turned to face the two lurkers in formal wear.

"Please allow me to comp your meal, and send over a replacement. I can also offer you each a free drink at our bar. Our new bartender is a miracle worker."

"So you are the manager," the Mr. Nosferatu from the left side of the door sneered. For a second, Sally thought she saw long teeth protrude from his top jaw, but that had to be a trick of the light. "I have heard of you."

The Mr. Nosferatu from the right side of the door nodded. "Yes, the one who cannot see." Sally looked back and forth between them. If it wasn't for the different eyebrows, they would have been identical.

"I’ll make sure your meal gets sent up immediately. My hope is that your stay is as pleasant as possible."

Where is security?

"Oh, we know how to make it pleasant. Minion, bring her."

Sally wasn't sure which Mr. Nosferatu spoke, but the ground disappeared beneath her as huge arms clasped her around her shoulders, lifted her up, and carried her through the suite's door.

Panic shot through her. With her arms squeezed in tight against her body, there was no way she could hit the button for her headset. Her trusty tablet dropped to the ground and out of reach. So she used the only option left to her.

Sally screamed bloody murder.

A second later, a roar echoed from down the hallway, far louder than the minion's bellow. Cracks radiated through the frozen walls on either side of them and bits of crystal from the chandelier shook loose and bounced off the hallway floor.

"Put her down if you plan to keep your arms, minion."

The voice was so cold and low it made Sally shiver. She tried to twist to see who spoke, but the minion's enormous body blocked her view of everything except the frozen honeymoon suite with its fur-covered bed in front of her.

"Ben Broyles, our meal was unsatisfactory. We demand a replacement," one of the Mr. Nosferatus said.

"Not her. Never her." Ben stepped forward and Sally couldn't stop herself from smiling, even as her chest ached from the minion's constriction.

Ben looked marvelous, as usual. His amazing musculature couldn't be hidden by the hideous, bulky sweaters he always wore, and his craggy Scandinavian features gave his face a dashing strength.

"If you don't pack up your coffins and get the fuck out of my hotel in the next two minutes, you'll be exiting in pieces."

The minion dropped Sally so fast she would have fallen if Ben hadn't stepped forward to catch her before she hit the icy floor. The Nosferatus disappeared into the suite a second later, the door closing firmly behind them. Sally could hear the sounds of furious packing even through the thick wooden door.