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BEAST is the abbreviation for "Best and extraordinary animal security Team". It is of course secret. They are brave, adventurous animals who save the world anew every day. In this adventure little Emily Duck, the daughter of the king, is played by the mysterious Dr. Omedar kidnapped. Charlie, a pingiun and head of Team 1 at BEAST, and his team are faced with the task of saving them ...
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Seitenzahl: 49
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021
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Dennis Weiß
B.E.A.S.T.- Best and extraordinary animal security Team- The Kidnapping by Dr. Omedary
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B.E.A.S.T.- Best and Extraordinary B.E.A.S.T. Security Team
Impressum neobooks
Part 1- The Kidnapping by Dr. Omedary
Idea: Dennis Weiß
Text: Dennis Weiß
Pictures: Vinzent Weiß, Dennis Weiß
Star- Logo: freepik
© by Dennis Weiß 2014, 2015, 2021
B.E.A.S.T. stands for „Best and Extraordinary B.E.A.S.T. Security Team“ and is a secret force, which is committed to saving the world from evil.
Nobody knows more advice, so they are switched on to help where it is helpless. To save where it has seen no more salvation.
B.E.A.S.T. is divided into several teams, which consist of about six to seven specialists. They usually receive their orders by the secret headquarters of B.E.A.S.T.
This story is about 1 team, which is, you can think it you who is in a secret secret location (and will not reveal here).
Here is a short presentation of the team 1 of B.E.A.S.T.:
Charlie is the leader of the troop. He can swim through the excellent skills of a penguin, of course. He is the most experienced of the team.
Oskar is Charlie's best friend, because the two have known each other from childhood on. Oskar can disguise themselves well and is good through secret tunnels.
Bobby is responsible for the coarse matters. He has next to his hunger and his passion for cooking and a huge heart.
According to the reputation of her species, the vixen is very clever, but unfortunately also very conceited. HONKE
Honke is the technician and a champion for all kinds of vehicles on land, at sea and in the air. He is more in the background and usually anxious.
As a chameleon, adapting itself to their environment, which brings several advantages.
Mr. Mysterious
He is an informer and the client B.E.A.S.T- Troop. For security reasons, it must not be shown here - it is visible to the team.
"Everything Roger," stated Charlie when he had retrieved the treasure that was in the sea.
You have received the order to rescue it for a stranger from the Mediterranean, because he had lost it when it was shipwrecked.
Charlie had agreed to look for the treasure on the ground with a wet suit and oxygen device. By using special equipment, which by the way is not commercially available, they managed to dive so far down, because normal mortals would probably not be able to do it.
When Charlie was back on board the ship, he checked the treasure. He wanted to be sure that everything was still there, although there was no exact list, he had a few things on a memo, (Memo stands for memorandum, a reminder note that can be left electronically or on paper. In in this case it is an electronic memo) which he now went through in sequence.
"Then let's see," Charlie said to himself and pointed to the individual items on his list.
"Picture of the family in the gold frame ... Check, the woman's necklace ... Check and .... Teddy bear ... ", Charlie looked again at the list," Teddy bear, well, each one his ... check. "
Then he closed the treasure chest again and wanted to bring it below deck. On the way there he met Oskar.
"We can go back to the base - job done," he informed Oskar briefly before going below deck to stow the box there. Oskar understood immediately and made his way to the control deck.
“Our commandant gave the order to go home,” Oskar passed on.
"Is he sure?" Asked Honke anxiously, because he always assumes that an accident could happen. He couldn't say which one exactly.
"Yes," confirmed Oskar, who reacted a little annoyed to his comrade's fears.
After a brief hesitation, Honke started the engine and the ship drove back to the base in a hurry. Where? That must not be revealed here either.
Shortly before arrival, the ship was transformed into a submarine using high-tech technology, as they used the underwater entrance. It jerked and made noises like someone was drilling loudly. The entire ship was moving and there was a cracking here and there - then it was done - the ship was now a submarine.
Arrived in the basin of the base, the three adventurers were greeted by the rest of the team, because they had stayed here because they were not needed for this simple mission. The experts spoke of a C mission (the difficulty of a mission is divided into three categories. C for easy, B for normal or medium and A for difficult).
"Very well done, Team 1", Mr. Nebulos expressed his thanks, "As always - and that's why I have a very special assignment for you."
Charlie and his team got closer because they were curious about what this new assignment could be.
Oskar rolled his eyes and rumbled off "If this is another procurement mission like the one with the treasure chest, then forget it."
"Quiet," Charlie interrupted, "let's first listen to what Mr. Mysterious tells us."
The others supported their leader with a nod and an affirmative "Mh".
"It is a Category A + assignment," revealed Mr. Nebulos, "an extremely important mission."
The team was startled because none of them had heard of an A + order. First of all, nobody gave a peep.