The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force - Dennis Weiß - E-Book

The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force E-Book

Dennis Weiß



Tjalf is a typical eight-year-old who has to move to a castle in Brachenfeld with his parents. This castle is haunted. One night he hears noises that lead him to Peter, a ghost boy who is held captive in a mirror. What Tjalf does not suspect is that he is to blame for the liberation of a poltergeist, who then goes about mischief ...

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Seitenzahl: 171

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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Dennis Weiß

The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force




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Special words


Night noises

Peter‘s Story

Professor Lux

The gift

The Gang


The gateway to the spirit world


Impressum neobooks

Special words

The Ghostgang

and the mysterious Force

Part 1

Idea: Dennis Weiß

Text: Dennis Weiß, google translator

©Dennis Weiß 2015- 2017, 2021

I've been publishing books of various genres since 2013, from fantasy books for adults to children's books, and I still enjoy it as much as I did when I started. Readers will know that I'm not flawless, but my primary concern is to tell stories, not to write perfect texts.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to my son Vincent, who has read all of my books so far and even wrote reviews. Then I thank my family for their patience with me.

This book was initially published in German and was translated into English for my daughter to practice.


I've been publishing books of various genres since 2013, from fantasy books for adults to children's books, and I still enjoy it as much as I did when I started. Readers will know that I'm not flawless, but my primary concern is to tell stories, not to write perfect texts.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to my son Vincent, who has read all of my books so far and even wrote reviews. Then I thank my family for their patience with me.

Night noises

Everyone knows the castle of the world-famous vampire prince Dracula in Transylvania. But who knows the old castle in Brachenfeld? Although, it is more of a castle.


I used to feel that way too. By the way, my name is Tjalf and I'll tell you my story.

In the beginning everything was nice. I went to the second grade and had just got my certificate and what can I say, I'm just a model student- Mr. Einstein and of course I achieved the class goal? Does that sound conceited? Why do I do that? Well, because I can do it ...

So it was the last day of school and the best holidays ever were just around the corner when my mother and father informed me that we were going to move.

"Why is that?" I asked in the hope that they feel emotionally obliged to take back the idea of ​​moving, "Do you want to ruin my life for me?"

Mine certainly didn't want that, but of course I didn't know that at the time.

"But Tjalf," replied my father, "we have already discussed this with you a thousand times."


My father is always exaggerating. I still remember when they texted me with it for the first time. It was about three months ago. If my father had actually told me this a thousand times, it would have been about ten to eleven a day (!) And I would have remembered that. but that is not the point.

My parents just don't want to understand that I simply didn't want to go away. They could have explained it on me ten thousand or even a million times. When I got to know where we were going to move, I really didn't want to.

"We're moving to Neumonster," reveals Mama, "a small town in the heart of Schleswig-Holstein."

“With two seas,” added Dad, but I had already switched to pull-through.

I googled it, surely not mom and dad. Maybe they were too old, they probably had already been alive when the Tyrannosaurus Rex existed and didn't know Google.

Highest crime rate!

Highest unemployment rate!

Hence the highest density of unemployed people!

And the secret capital of neo-Nazis!

I mean, it just doesn't get any worse! I thought, but we'll get to that later.

“And when do you want to move there?” I asked and actually didn't want to hear “Tomorrow, Tjalf”, but my parents said exactly that! Oh no!

"But I don't want to," I made my position on the whole topic clear with crossed arms, "you just have to drive without me!"

"Tjalf, that doesn't help," said my mom and she always had such a calm, understanding and warm voice, "we have already transferred you to another school."

"Then get back to you", I groaned, "it's very easy."

“Honey”, my father said to my mother, “it is no use arguing with the boy. We have to come up with tougher means. It's over now! "

And when my dad used the "H-word" then it usually ended.

"My dear son, it is time", my dear father began and my mother sat by silently, "that we can create facts: We are going to Neumonster and Basta!"

Before I could reply, he put something on the table. Out of spite, I didn't look at it at first, but when my eyes spotted it with a brief blink, I knew immediately what it was and I felt like I was in seventh heaven!

I just say Cavegame!

You don't know what Cavegame is?


No, seriously, either you are very old or from another planet or blind, deaf and cannot read - then I could understand.

For all newbies. It's a game for the Spintendo 3DS. What do I say ... it's THE game ... oh yes!

"And can we go to Neumonster?" Mama wanted to know from me, "You can play during the entire journey."

What? You think now that I gave in and had someone buy me for 40 € because of a game? Do you think I have given up my principles?

What? I am for sale! Only the stupid have principles when it comes to cavegame. Let's go to Neumonster, I'll continue my fight from there and we'll retire soon. They'll see.

I'll be out first, play Cavegame and I'll get back to you soon.

The moving day! I got up this morning and found that it was the last time I slept in the town where I was born. The last time in my part of town, in my street, in our house and in my room!

To be on the safe side, I looked at the cavegame again to see my price for the whole thing.

Since the move was so difficult for me emotionally, I didn't need any help, of course, and could gamble all day. We did not set out until the afternoon. Mama had to cry. Why is she only moving when she really doesn't want to? Yes, I know, Dad has a new job or he was transferred - he is a history and art professor at a university and wanted to go to Neumonster because of his career, as one of the oldest universities in the country was in the small town - you notice , I knew this song.

The actual journey to Neumonster began with a traffic jam on the highway. And what a! I mean, we could have seen it coming because it was the start of the holidays and that was also in the summer!

So the battery of my Spintendo 3DS was glowing and Cavegame could be gambled until the end of the trip, but the unthinkable happened! The game suddenly ended! What was going on? At first I thought that I had accidentally hit the reset button, but the certainty came with 130 km / h, unlike us in our car on the highway.

What should I do without Cavegame?

"Well, are you finished with games and have enough?" Asked my attentive mother.

NO! I was just too stupid not to recharge the battery before the trip, since I had been playing all day, the probability of the battery giving up was very high, but my gambling addiction and my fear of having to help made me overlook it.

I didn't answer my mother, but looked out the window.

"We can also play another game," she tried to cheer me up, because like every mother she had her famous intuition and of course smelled the roast.

"How about -I see what you don't see-?" Asked Mama from me.

"Nope!" I replied briefly and concisely and actually imagined that she would give in, but I have known my mother all my life and I should have known that she had staying power.

"Maybe license plate guesswork?" She asked then.

If you don't know the game of the century: Either you guess the origin of the abbreviation on the license plate of a car or you add up the numerical value (my mother's choice of words). Whoever has the most points loses!

Again I didn't answer anything. That was just too stupid for me. Sitting here in the car driving to a place I don't like and can't play cavegame - it was almost like hell. The car was moving again. Somehow I was happy, even if I didn't really want to go to Neumonster.

“We're stopping at a rest stop again,” announced Dad, “I have to urgently for small drivers. We can get something warm and then we go on. "

I also used the time to relieve myself. My father had already finished and told me that he would go first.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.

In a hurry, I replied quickly.

"French fries."

“Only fries?” My father wanted to know more precisely.


"I'm just asking," he let me know.

I didn't say anything, but went about my business. Only then did I notice that I was completely alone in the rest area toilet. I was thinking about moving and I missed my friends! Benny first and foremost. He was my best friend. We have known each other since kindergarten. We were personable from day one and have been inseparable ever since. And now? Well, now we've been separated. Like a reverse reunion. What actually belongs together was separated.

Only now, lost in thought, did I notice that someone was standing behind me. At first it ran down my spine because I hadn't noticed how the toilet door had opened. On the other hand, I was daydreaming right now. I finished my peeing session and headed for the sink. I could see out of the corner of my eye that it was a boy. A little younger than me, maybe five years old. I washed my hands and let them blow dry.

When I turned around, the boy was gone. Again I did not hear that he had left the room. Still, I was busy thinking the whole time. Maybe that's why I hadn't noticed.

"There you are at last," mum greeted me when I came into the restaurant to take my fries.

"What did you do? Got a big business done, huh? ”Joked my father.

I laughed along a little, even though he had actually made that joke a thousand times. The fries tasted very tasty, which you wouldn't expect from service station fries. My mother had got herself a salad that she obviously didn't like because she had left half of it. My father got himself the “best burger with french fries special” and really pecked it like there was no tomorrow.

As a reward, my mother was allowed to drive the rest of the way to Neumünster, because dad fell into a soup coma. Perhaps the term “soup” is irritating here - it should mean “fries and burger coma”.

We left the bar and I got back in the car. It immediately reminded me that I still couldn't play a cavegame, So far from a charging station! My mother set the car on her own, adjusted the mirror and seat and we drove off. When we wanted to get back on the autobahn, we had to stand because no one let us into the stop and go.

"Look," said my mother, "some drive like idiots."

She pointed to a wooden cross that was on the side of the road to my left. Among them were many fresh bouquets of flowers. On the cross it said:

“God took you away from us too soon. We'll keep you in our hearts forever."

I saw the photo that was placed directly on the cross and it made me shudder! Wasn't that the boy from the toilet ?! I looked at the date of birth and death and did the math. He would have been six years old. Can this be?

My mother used the next gap and we kept moving. It was about a quarter of an hour before we could move on the freeway at a reasonable speed. But I couldn't get the boy out of my head. Again and again I compared the photo with the meeting in the toilet and every time it seemed even more similar to me. And every time I got queasier at the feeling that it might be right. So the thought crept into me that it could all just be a coincidence. We're not here on “Sixth Sense”.

We arrived in Neumonster in the middle of the night. An ugly city. Even at night. Or maybe it was just because I was tired and I just didn't want to be here.

We drove to an area that was a bit isolated, to a part of the city called Brachenfeld. As we drove past the gate, I could see the illuminated castle from afar. All around were trees that had no leaves in the middle of July! The whole area didn't seem to have a breeding ground. It looked scary in the dark, but I wasn't afraid because I was too tired.

Why did it have to be a lock? And how do mere mortals get hold of such possessions, you ask yourself? Well, my parents were always alternative, well before the nineties. My mother is a veterinarian and my father is on the board of directors of an electronics retail giant. You earn a lot there and when they read on the internet that they wanted to tear down the old castle, they bought it and modernized it.

As simple as that!

I wasn't in the mood for such a decadent alternative life, but I had no choice. I saw a man dressed like a butler and a woman who looked like a maid waiting for us.

"Who are they?" I asked with a slightly annoyed tone, because I didn't want any slaves to work for me.

"These are Heinrich and Isabell," revealed Mama, "he is our servant and she is the housekeeper."

"Why is that?" I wanted to know and was already more upset.

"The Lord Mayor, Mr. Taunus, asked for it, because you had already served for the family that used to live here," answered my mother.

Only now did I see how old they were - I hadn't even noticed from a distance. Strange. I decided to treat them both like humans and say hello to them first.

"Hello," I said, and to be honest, I couldn't think of anything else.

"Moin", Heinrich replied to me.

"It's night, not morning," I corrected but didn't want to be rude and lowered my head because I was a little ashamed, because I wanted to treat the man like a human and then I improve him as a second act.

"Dat heest och net Morgn, sunnern Moin", laughed Heinrich, "dat is Plattdütsch."

“Heinrich, don't confuse the boy,” Isabell reprimanded Heinrich, “please excuse me,” she said to me and curtsied, “he sometimes forgets his manners and talks like this. It’s an old german dialect. By the way, I'm isabella. At your service."

I didn't even know what to do with it, I wasn't one with blue blood. So I gave her my hand. This in turn irritated her, but she shook my hand. Heinrich took our suitcases and the other things we had brought with us.

"Is the castle ready for occupancy?" Asked my father and you could hear astonishment in his voice.

"Certainly, sir," confirmed Heinrich and bowed.

"Leave these noble practices," demanded Papa, waving his hand as if to remove the behavior.

"As you wish," said Heinrich, "but we are obliged to serve and must submit to the rules of the servants, please understand."

“Good,” said my father, “is alright. Can we go to our home now? "

Heinrich nodded and of course led the two of them and me to the entrance. Isabell opened the large doors decorated with flowers and dragons and we went inside.

"It's unbelievable," said Mama enthusiastically and stormed into the hall, which was equipped with chandeliers, old pictures of landscapes, a number of decorations, a red carpet and other bells and whistles.

My father was speechless, which equated to astonishment. He couldn't share his joy with the outside world, however.

"Well, young man," said my mother suddenly, "you are getting ready for bed now and then we will sleep."

Suddenly I remembered Cavegame and I had a plan. I would wash myself, brush my teeth, and secretly plug the Spintendo into an outlet to charge it so I can continue to gamble tonight.

I washed myself particularly thoroughly and my teeth would sparkle even in the dark when I tried, so Mom had no objection to sending me to get ready for bed again.

“That was careful,” my mother praised me before kissing me on the cheek.

"Night", my father said shortly and succinctly, but that was fine - men do it that way to each other.

Actually, I wouldn't let my mother smack me off anymore, but Dad once said that otherwise she would be sad and of course I didn't want that. And as long as none of my friends noticed, it was okay.

I stormed upstairs and wanted to go to my room. I met Isabell in the hallway. She smiled.

"Good night, young man," she said.

"Good night," I replied, but my mind was already on Cavegame.

My room looked like something out of a museum from the 17th or 18th centuries. I entered it briefly when I wanted to charge the Spintendo, but didn't pay any attention. It was only important to me that there was a socket - nothing more.

I threw myself on the bed and reached down to where I suspected the socket was, but there was nothing. Well, the socket does, but no Spintendo! I checked to make sure, but still nothing. Now looked under the bed - nothing! How can that be?

The door of my room opened and I was a little startled. I looked under the bed and a person was moving towards me with slow steps on the creaking floor. When I turned around I saw her:

"Mom?" My God, I was relieved.

In the next moment it turned into a heavy loo in my throat, because my mother had the Spintendo in her hand!

"What were you going to do with it?" She asked with a slightly angry undertone.

"Uh, nothing," I answered in a shaky voice that was accompanied by relief, because it was just my mother and not a monster!

"I'll take it to me first," she told me, came over and reluctantly pressed a good night kiss on my forehead.

She used to always want someone on the mouth, so the forehead is already a success.

“Good night, Tjalf,” she said, “have a nice dream. Did you know that the first dream in a new home will come true? "

"Mom," I moaned, because I didn't like it when she always pretended to be a little boy, "Santa Claus doesn't exist either, let alone the Easter bunny or this dream come true."

"I just wanted to have said it," she replied and closed the door.

I changed and went to bed. It had become pretty quiet and, although I felt tired, I could not fall asleep. I would like a Spintendo XXL! It occurred to me as I was thinking about Mommy's words that came to mind, funny enough. Who would have thought that I would think about what my mom was telling me. Of course, I still didn't believe in it. But if it came to a dream come true through the first night, then I wanted to cover myself! A quasi-dream-wish-fulfillment. Spintendo XXL. It was bigger, the battery lasted a lot longer, because we could probably have driven the Neumonster route twice with it.

Now I was thinking of home. Maybe I should wish for something else, something I actually wanted much more than the Spintendo XXL. I wanted to go back home! In my room and in my bed!

My thoughts were interrupted by a tripping noise. At first I couldn't locate it and listened more closely. It had to come from the attic or a floor above me. A voice inside of me called out that I should lie down, since it would probably be a Mader. But there was another voice that said I should look. It was the curiosity that should prevail at the end of my inner dialogue.

I got up and slipped into my slippers. Slowly and carefully I walked towards the room door. I didn't want to make a creaking noise and thus scare away the Mader. In my old home there weren't any maders, not even mice!

I found it kind of exciting and it took my mind off my homesickness. I opened the door and peeked out. It was dark and somehow strange. The hallway, which was just huge, inspired me with respect, because on the one hand I was impressed by the building and on the other hand it was in the middle of the night and twelve-year-olds are a little scared when they walk through the dark, even when they are are curious.