Energy Energy industry Future energies, the fast track to the energy transition with hydrogen - Dieter Mende - E-Book

Energy Energy industry Future energies, the fast track to the energy transition with hydrogen E-Book

Dieter Mende

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The book helps you to recognize the real connections with hydrogen in the energy markets with a quick introduction and helps you to counter the often deliberately triggered uncertainty by the fossil fuel lobby. Power-to-X demonstrates that the energy sectors of electricity, heat, gas products and fuel products can be coupled with hydrogen, giving the energy markets unprecedented flexibility and dynamism. With hydrogen, the energy transition not only offers a sustainable energy infrastructure, the energy transition with hydrogen is a booming global job engine with technological know-how and infrastructure expertise. Let yourself be inspired by the fact that change opens up many opportunities, that change is very exciting without exaggeration and that change can trigger a great deal of enthusiasm for the future. Please do not allow yourself to be unsettled by the deliberately created irritation on the part of conspiracy theorists, with deliberately incomplete or deliberately false impulses. The energy transition is much more than just the increasing use of renewable energies! The energy transition is also the basis for action to reduce the impact of climate change.

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The fast track to the energy transition with hydrogen.

The rebound effect and the more conscious use of resources.

Human capital.

Environmental protection with hydrogen to avoid the increasing effects of climate change.

"There's a tsunami coming our way" says Sven Plöger, the qualified meteorologist and TV weather presenter.

The invitation to the Energy Dialogue with the hydrogen user center h2herten.

If someone tells you that they can explain the energy transition to you within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

Thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally is not a contradiction, but rather a dynamic energy policy.

Dieter Mende

Table of contents


A quick start to the energy transition with hydrogen

Environmental protection with hydrogen to prevent the increasing effects of climate change

"There's a tsunami coming our way," says Sven Plöger, meteorologist and TV weather presenter

The invitation to the Energy Dialogue with the hydrogen user center h2herten

The rebound effect and the more conscious use of resources

Human capital

Author and contact


The book is aimed at anyone who wants to find out more about the opportunities and possibilities offered by hydrogen in the energy transition.

I was born in 1964 and have known since I was born that the light switch reliably turns on the light, that high-quality drinking water comes out of the tap when you open the tap, that petrol and diesel could be reliably filled up at petrol stations, with one temporary exception in 1971, and that we could rely on the energy infrastructure.

Allegedly, the energy transition is at risk; with thorough research into the origin of these reports, the pro-fossil fuel lobby becomes recognizable with the aim of slowing down the energy transition through the resulting uncertainty.

With the first energy turnaround, from burning wood to burning coal, the German economy was predicted to be doomed because, for static reasons, not enough volume could be extracted from the subsoil for coal production to be sufficient for the German economy. Fears were even triggered by the claim that the tunnels and seams created by mining would trigger the most severe earthquakes and even affect the earth's plate tectonics.

With the second energy transition, from burning coal to burning natural gas, the German economy was again predicted to be doomed because, for technical reasons, it is not possible to build up so much even pressure for such a large volume of gas so that the natural gas can be supplied to the German economy without interruption.

With the first change in mobility, from riding in a horse-drawn carriage to driving a motorized vehicle, it was claimed that from a speed of around 30 kilometers per hour, people would faint because the air would then pass by their noses so quickly that breathing would hardly be possible.

The current energy turnaround is another prediction of doom for the German economy. Well, anyone who takes a constructive look at the entire value chain of the energy transition will recognize a great deal of potential and open up sustainable business fields with the energy transition as a job engine.

The quick introduction to the energy transition with hydrogen will give you an initial overview of what is possible, and the recommendations from page NN onwards will help you to decide which area particularly affects and interests you.

Environmental protection with hydrogen is also the key to reducing the increasing impact of climate change.

An invitation to the energy dialog with the hydrogen user center h2herten is also the course of the book with a view to companies, service providers, regions and municipalities, but also to interest groups such as business groups, church associations, schools and many more.

The founding of the Energy Dialogue EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien on July 5, 1995 was based on the guiding principle of what an energy infrastructure could look like when oil, natural gas and coal become economically unattractive, or when oil, natural gas and coal have reached their limits, because by then the technical and structural alternatives must already be in place.

As early as the millennium year 2000, the EEZ Energy Dialogue also addressed the necessity of the energy transition due to the impending climate change in its reports and media contributions.

The course of the book shows that there is no contradiction between thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally, but rather that this is the basis of an innovative and dynamic energy transition.

Picture: The cover image of my book "Patient Deutschland: ein Fall für die Psychiatrie? No! Releasing the handbrake, the hedgehog attitude after Corona. People's reticence to the point of hysteria with conspiracy theories in the energy transition.", page 70, depicts the confusion and lack of orientation and is created photographically with the temporal release extension and with a rotating movement of the camera on the forest path; Dieter Mende, EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien

A quick start to the energy transition with hydrogen

Thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally is not a contradiction, but rather a dynamic energy policy. If someone tells you that they can explain the energy transition to you within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien was founded by me on July 5, 1995 and celebrated its 25th anniversary in July 2020. Only with the interdisciplinary view of the energy markets in Germany, the EU and globally, the very dynamic developments can be seen with hydrogen. EEZ Energie Energiewirtschaft Zukunftsenergien always acts and shapes with a view to:

+ the energy transition with sustainable energy infrastructure,

+ project acquisition and company acquisition,

+ as a senior manager, networker and author,

+ with reports and event moderation, change communication and energy photography.

We are now embarking on a quick start so that hydrogen can be fundamentally recognized with its numerous potentials at the tangents of the energy transition, at the numerous tangents of the energy markets.