Her Christmas Viking: Holiday Magic - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Her Christmas Viking: Holiday Magic E-Book

AJ Tipton

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ATTENTION READERS: This is a sexy SHORT novella. Bite sized for your reading pleasure. Christmas is hotter than ever: the Viking brothers are back! Over a thousand years ago, four Viking brothers led by their tyrannical father invaded an island under the protection of a powerful witch. Cursed for their crimes, the brothers suffered for their wrongdoing for over a thousand years. With the help of the women they loved, they became worthy of redemption and broke their curses.Now it's Christmas, and--with the help of a little magic--the entire family is reunited at the magical AUDREY’s bar to celebrate. But when the yuletide spell bringing them together also summons their bloodthirsty father back from the veil, these men and their lovers must band together to save the holidays. Her Christmas Viking is a short, hot paranormal romance novella. If you like smoldering love stories you can read in a day, then you’ll love this final installment from the Her Viking's Desire series. Buy Her Christmas Viking to start the scorching hot romance today!And don’t miss out on each Viking romance!Her Fiery VikingHer Steamy VikingHer Winged VikingHer Rock Hard Viking

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Her Christmas Viking

Holiday Magic

AJ Tipton

Copyright © AJ Tipton 2015-2017 The right of AJ Tipton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (or other similar law, depending on your country). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in reviews or articles. It may not be edited, amended, lent, resold, hired out, distributed or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s written permission. Permission can be obtained from [email protected]

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

Cover art photos provided by BigStock.com, Morgue Files, Flickr.com, and Upsplash.com. Graphic Design by Chameleonstudio74.

Over a thousand years ago, a family of Viking brothers led by their tyrannical father invaded a small island. This island was under the protection of a powerful witch. The Viking invaders were punished for their crimes with curses connected to the elements. For over a thousand years, the Vikings suffered for their wrongdoing until they proved worthy of redemption. Each believed the rest of their family was gone.

Until one year after breaking their curses. At Christmas.

Audrey placed a comforting hand on Bram’s shoulder. “I have something to tell you, love. Your brothers are alive. All of them.”

“They’re what?” Bram’s voice echoed off the tinsel-decorated walls of AUDREY’S bar. He could barely believe it. “But, that witch, she--”

“You weren’t the only one she cursed.” Audrey stroked the taut muscles in shoulder. “And yours wasn’t the only curse that broke.”

Bram’s heart raced with joy. This is perfect! he thought. Bram had been cursed to live as a disembodied puddle in a Scottish loch for a thousand years until Audrey freed him. Of course he hadn’t been the only one the witch cursed. Now that his brothers were free, they could all be together again.

Bram’s smile stretched past what he thought his face would allow. Christmas hadn’t been a holiday back when he was pillaging villages with his Viking raiding party, but so far it was proving to be a time for miracles.

“They’re uncursed, alive, out and about.” Audrey smiled. “Lola said so.”

“That’s incredible!” Bram lifted Audrey by the waist and swung her around in a circle, grinning at her. “How does she even know?” he asked as he set Audrey back down on the stained hardwood floor of her bar.

“Because, Lola,” they said together with a laugh.

The last time Bram saw Lola, the bar’s most infamous bartender had been bench pressing a minotaur. The surly, surprised look on the minotaur’s face as the small brunette with the purple eyes lifted him over and over again had been utterly priceless.

“How are they? I mean, back in the old days, my brothers were a bit--” He tried to find the right word. “Murdery.”

“Lola says your brothers have become much better people since then. Like you, their curses changed them.” Audrey snapped her fingers and a few pint glasses floated out of the soapy depths of the sink and began to shake themselves off like wet dogs. “Lola told me, ‘They’re as normal as that weirdo boyfriend of yours’,” She nudged him with his elbow, the glint in her emerald eyes dancing with so much love he couldn’t help smiling back.

“High praise from Lola,” he said.

Audrey pulled Bram towards her for a quick kiss, and Bram didn’t want to let her go. After so many years alone in a loch atoning for his mistakes, having Audrey as the light of his life felt wondrous. With her, he could start a new life free of his haunted past. He ran his fingers through her hair, wondering at its softness. The first step towards his new life was to marry the woman who rescued him. He just had to ask her in the right way, and knowing his brothers were alive gave him an idea.

“Audrey, I think we’re running out of cherries.” He gestured at the plastic containers of garnishes on the bar.

Her eyebrows raised at his abrupt change of topic, but eyed the empty slot for cherries and nodded. “You’re right. I’ll go grab some from the basement.” Audrey twisted a bottle of whiskey on the wall and the entire display of top-shelf liquor swung open to reveal a staircase going down into the basement.

“Why don’t you just magic yourself downstairs like you do at home?” Bram asked. He’d gotten so used to seeing her zap around that seeing her actually walking down the stairs was like watching a bird hop rather than fly.

“This place has got a mind of its own,” she said. “The last time I got lazy and tried to zap myself up to the attic, I ended up in the boiler room and nearly roasted.”

Bram looked around, feeling slightly concerned.

“Are you saying this place is alive?”