Her Delicious Dragon - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Her Delicious Dragon E-Book

AJ Tipton

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A woman defiant of her clan’s traditions. A man trying to live up to his peers. Can these two step up against a powerful enemy?Ned is tired of being underestimated. He's a motorcycle-riding dragon shifter who kicks ass and bakes a mean cheesecake. When a mission for his biker club, the Iron Claws, leads Ned to the famously promiscuous tiger shifter clan, he finds much more than he bargained for.Maya's a cunning tiger shifter and her clan's head of security. She has always defied her clan’s sex-obsessed ways, but meeting handsome, sensitive Ned makes her question her cynical views. When Ned's family is attacked, Maya and Ned are thrown into a battle with deadly stakes.Will Maya and Ned have what it takes to save each other?Her Delicious Dragon is an adult paranormal romance novella. If you like daring rescues, drool-worthy desserts, and love that can’t be whisked away, then you’ll love the second installment of the sizzling Her Biker Dragon series.Buy Her Delicious Dragon to be part of the adventure today!The HER BIKER DRAGON books may each be read as standalones. However, you may find they are best enjoyed in the following order:1 Her Valiant Dragon2 Her Delicious Dragon3 Her Rock Star Dragon4 Her Hacker Dragon5 Her Alpha Dragon

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Her Delicious Dragon

A Tiger & Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byZamajK

Copyright © 2017 by AJ Tipton

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Created with Vellum

Don’t fuck this up. Ned fumbled with two plastic containers of cream puffs, each the size of a microwave, as he waited outside the intimidating mansion. He almost dropped the precious cargo twice on his way up the tiger shifters’ long driveway lined with stone statues of naked couples and threesomes mid-thrust. Tigers had a reputation for extreme sexual appetites and—if the decor of their alpha’s mansion was any indication—they earned it.

Ned gulped, staring up at the mansion’s large wooden doors, each taller than two Neds standing atop one another. He floundered with the boxes for a second before successfully striking the doorbell with his elbow. Nailed it. He smiled.

Ned waited for someone to answer, tapping his foot impatiently. He told himself there were worse things than being the Iron Claws’ errand boy, always being sent out for jobs that didn’t require physical strength, technical skills, or pure cunning. Each member of the motorcycle club was a clanless dragon shifter, but they all brought really useful, unique skills to the table.

All but me.

“Yes?” A suspicious voice made him focus on the job at hand.

Ned looked up into the most gorgeous brown eyes he’d ever seen. The woman glared at him expectantly, dressed simply in a tight black tank top and jeans with a taser on her hip. She was breathtaking. Her stunning amber-colored skin, fierce eyes, and the shining red bindi between her eyebrows almost made Ned forget why he was there. The woman tossed her long hair, twisted into a complicated braid, over her shoulder and Ned realized she was awaiting his response.

“Hi, I’m Ned.” He fumbled to try and shake her hand while still holding the large parcels of desserts. He finally gave up after the cream puffs slid in the box at extreme angles and settled for what he hoped looked like a cool nod. “From the Iron Claws? They sent me to drop these off for Gita?” A droplet of sweat worked its way down the side of Ned’s face. “Am I at the right place?”

“You’re with the Iron Claws?” The woman smiled, stepping close to Ned. “I thought you would be...”

“Bigger?” Ned guessed. He heard it all the time. He wasn’t exactly short—Ned stood just shy of six feet tall—but his fellow Claws dwarfed him in comparison.

“I was going to say dirtier. For a motorcycle guy, you clean up nice.” The woman took the containers from Ned’s hands and set them down. “Now spread ‘em.”


“I’m Maya Bethi, head of security for Alpha Raj. I need to check you for weapons and the like.”

“S-sure, I guess?” Ned willed his body not to react as Maya’s hands slid down his outstretched arms, over his shoulders, and all along the muscles of his chest. He tried to think of anything other than how wonderful her touch felt as she knelt to the ground before him, sliding her hands from his ankles up to his calves, his thighs, his...

“Okay you’re good.” She smiled, now eyeing the desserts she had set aside. “So what’s with the pastries?”

“The box with the sticker is for Gita. We heard your alpha's favorite…” Ned felt his face turn hot as he blushed furiously “...consort was sick, so I baked some of our Puff into these chocolate ganache cream puffs so she can get better.”

“I heard you crazy kids were distributing Puff to humans.” Maya smiled approvingly. “Bold.”

She thinks I’m tough! “It’s a dangerous job. The High Dragon Council strictly forbids it, so we’re in constant danger, getting into fights and shootouts. We don’t really care about the Council and their hitmen and their rules,” Ned bragged. Puff, a powder of ground-up dragon scales, had miraculous healing effects on humans. Just a few doses could heal or even bring a human back from the brink of death. The High Council forbade distribution of Puff, paranoid that humans would return to hunting dragons for their scales like they had centuries before.

“Okay, killer," Maya said dryly. "Gita’s room is up the stairs to the left.” She stopped Ned before he crossed the threshold. “You mentioned Gita’s medicine is in one of the boxes. What’s in the other?”

Ned shuffled the boxes so the unlabeled one was on top. He popped open the lid and grinned widely. “These are chocolate ganache cream puffs with no Puff in them. I thought some of your clan might like them.”

Maya delicately dipped her hand into the box, removing a wax paper-wrapped pastry while bearing an unreadable expression on her face. “Thanks. Now get in there.” She nodded her head towards the main stairwell leading from the foyer.

Ned walked up the stairs, careful not to jostle the cream puffs as he moved. The stairs wound gently to the second floor and Ned paused at the bend to see if Maya would take a bite. She slowly unwrapped the dessert.

Is she a squinter? He loved trying to guess how people would react to his food. Some gave little gasps, others just crinkled their eyes and sighed. Maya popped the cream puff into her mouth and Ned held his breath. A small moan escaped Mona's lips and she closed her eyes, chewing slowly and deliberately.

This is why I cook. Ned smiled.

Ned hurried on before Maya caught him staring. His feet sank deeply into the plush carpeting as he moved down the hall. Did she say left or right? He looked around for some hint of where Gita’s room was.

As he wound through the long hallways, Ned handed out the non-Puff laced pastries to the tiger shifters bustling about their business. He noted their reactions with glee, his feet feeling lighter as he walked. Gasper, squinter, gobbler. No other moaners, but one was enough for one day. Even the more subtle reactions made Ned happy.

The corridors all blended together after a while. The only difference in the hallways was the artwork dotting the walls, all depicting their subjects in various states of lovemaking. Ned stopped to stare at one particularly striking photo of a woman in the throes of joy being serviced by two men and another woman.

“You! Are you the Claws’ boy?” a smoky voice asked. “I’m Gita’s healer.”