Her Rock Star Dragon - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Her Rock Star Dragon E-Book

AJ Tipton

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A dashing musician on the edge of his big break. A brilliant computer programmer returning to the rock star she never forgot. Will this shifter choose his music, or fight for a second chance at love?Punk rocker Caesar de la Vega is a dragon shifter on the cusp of fame. While performing, he unexpectedly spots Nina, a one-night-stand from five years ago he’s never been able to forget. But everything changes when a record label offers him everything he’s ever dreamed of. With his motorcycle club in constant peril from the Dragon High Council, Caesar must choose between stardom, and those he loves.Nina Alvarez is a successful freelance programmer who loves the freedom of her nomadic life. When Nina notices her old flame is back in town, she can't resist checking out the sexy rock star from her past. When he shows he still cares about her after so many years apart, Nina believes they may have something special. But with danger closing in on the Iron Claws, can Nina still be a part of Caesar's world?Her Rock Star Dragon is an adult paranormal romance novella. If you like power ballads, slippery assassins, and a romance that rocks, then you’ll love the third installment of the sizzling Her Biker Dragon series.Buy Her Rock Star Dragon to follow your heart today!The HER BIKER DRAGON books may each be read as standalones. However, you may find they are best enjoyed in the following order:1 Her Valiant Dragon2 Her Delicious Dragon3 Her Rock Star Dragon4 Her Hacker Dragon5 Her Alpha Dragon

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Her Rock Star Dragon

A BBW Paranormal Romance

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byZamajK

Copyright © 2017 by AJ Tipton

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Created with Vellum

The roar of the crowd still rang in Caesar’s ears as he tried to relax backstage. The bar out front was packed to the rafters, and fans were still singing along to his songs now being played out of the bar speakers.

Caesar perched on the edge of his seat, post-concert adrenaline still surging through him. He strummed a chord on his guitar and winced. The melody was pretty solid, a catchy tune about life on the road, but the bridge just wasn’t working. He hummed a couple of bars and tried a different chord. The tune shifted to something sadder, almost mournful. Caesar grimaced and strummed out the “Low Rider” base line to clear his head. He paced around the room.

“Don’t suppose you have any advice?” Caesar said to his club brother, Alec, who was lounging on the ratty couch across from him. The rest of the Iron Claws motorcycle club had already left, but Alec had decided to stay backstage with Caesar.

“About doing a cover of “Low Rider”?” Alec said as he read a tech magazine while simultaneously playing a civilization-building game on his tablet. “It’ll be a crowd pleaser, but don’t you have more of a punk rock sound?” He grinned and turned the page of his magazine with one hand while the other prepared his digital village for a nuclear launch.

Caesar smiled. He had stopped being surprised by Alec’s feats of multitasking long ago, but it never stopped being impressive.

“No, I mean advice about this.” Caesar dropped back into his chair and played the new bridge again. It sounded even sadder this time.

Alec paused his game, frowning a little. “It sounds really lonely. Was that what you’re going for?” He tapped his game and a digital mushroom cloud appeared on screen. “I thought you were trying to be more upbeat since that music blog called your latest album ‘emo.’”

Caesar tried ending the phrase on a high note. The result sounded more upbeat, but didn’t feel as true as the earlier chord sequence. He got up and started to pace again, walking the five feet of the small green room back and forth like a six-foot metronome.

“Fuck emo,” Caesar said. “This song is supposed to be about how life on the road isn’t lonely when you’ve got somebody you love with you.” He hummed the new sequence again. Definitely too cheerful. Maybe a lonely bridge with an upbeat chorus would be better?

Alec rose an eyebrow at him. “That’s sweet. Something you want to tell me?” For a second, Alec looked anxious. Alec was transgender; had a female body, but was a man through and through. The Claws didn’t care—Alec was Alec—but Caesar knew his brother worried sometimes if his fellow male Claws paid too much attention to his female shell.

“Dude, chill,” Caesar said. “It’s just easier to write a song about a single romantic interest, but it’s about all of us.” He started pacing again, his guitar still in his hands. “I mean, the Iron Claws, we’re like a family—not related, obviously—but we’re still a family of a sort. I mean, we all left our clans for different reasons, but we ride together and live together and—”

Alec laughed. “I’m just giving you shit. Of course we’re family. Even Ned, although he doesn’t ride with us anymore.” He raised a fist to his heart quickly, then returned to playing his game. “Once an Iron Claw, always an Iron Claw.”

“Poor Ned, stuck in the suburbs.” Caesar strummed out a few bars of “House of the Rising Sun”. “I’d go insane.”

“Insane would be just fine if I was also super rich and married to a sexy tiger shifter,” Alec said.

Caesar chuckled and shifted the tune to “If I Were a Rich Man” in mid-refrain. “Genius bastard, figuring out how to use magic in his gluten-free desserts so that they actually taste good. Did you hear his bakery brings in six figures a quarter? Makes me almost wish I could cook.”

“Rich and famous could still be in the cards for you, though. But don’t sweat it. If you leave us some day and become a big, fancy rock star someplace, you’ll still be an Iron Claw too.” Alec smirked as he tapped out a complex sequence on his tablet that diverted an incoming comet from his village smashing into another player’s village instead. “You can’t get rid of us that easily.”

“Hmm,” Caesar said, trying out the new bridge again. He could picture it too easily: an agent appearing at one of his gigs, signing him with a major label. It was a familiar fantasy. There would be fancy recording studios and air-conditioned tour buses; adoring fans who wrote fan fiction about his love life, and buffets overflowing with gourmet food in his spotless dressing room backstage. He’d ride his bike only on nice days when he wanted some air, rather than through rain and storms to get to the next town. He’d have to hide he was a dragon shifter from humans, obviously, but there were plenty of successful shifters who were able to keep their identities secret without too much hassle.

He started to play “Homeward Bound” without really thinking about it. If he became really successful, he could call into the weekly video-chats with Ned and the rest of the team. Maybe by then more members of the club would have split away to do their own thing. Dylan, the club’s second in command, and Marie, the club’s medic, were married and still riding with the club, but they might want to start a family some time. And if Big Joe and Emma finally got their heads out of their asses enough to admit how much they loved each other, then they might split off too. It was hard to imagine Alec not riding with the Claws, but if he found somebody who could look past Alec’s female body to see the true man under his skin—and who was smart enough to keep up with him when he started talking tech—Alec might stop his wandering ways as well.

Picturing the members of the Iron Claws scattered across the country, Caesar played the mournful bridge again. A couple of tweaks, and it might be perfect.

“What do you think you’d do if you didn’t ride with the Claws anymore?” Caesar asked Alec.