Her Valiant Dragon - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Her Valiant Dragon E-Book

AJ Tipton

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She’s on the run. He’s looking for more. Together, they’ll heal the world… and each other.Sexy dragon shifter Dylan Masters has lost all faith in his leaders. He goes against the Dragon Council to join the Iron Claws, a clan of motorcycle-driving outcasts. He risks everything to help those in need -- dragon and human alike.Marie serves as a go-between for the Iron Claws and the humans who need their help. The curvaceous Latina keeps her guard up to shield her shadowy past, but Dylan’s arrival arouses a different kind of defense.Is their passion possible or will a world at war cut their happiness short?Her Valiant Dragon is an adult paranormal romance novella. If you like red-hot passion, heart-pumping drama, and satisfying love stories, then you’ll love the first installment of AJ Tipton’s sizzling Her Biker Dragon series.Buy Her Valiant Dragon to bring the heat today!

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Her Valiant Dragon

A BBW Interracial Paranormal Romance

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byZamajK

Copyright © 2017 by AJ Tipton

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Created with Vellum

Dylan Masters took another swig of beer and slammed the mug down on the bar top's stained surface. He wasn't a large man, just well built, with Asiatic features and long dreadlocks, but there was enough force behind his blow to chip the mug's edge.

“The Dragon High Counsel denied my plea. By the time I got home, my wife was dead.” Dylan tilted the mug back to capture the last inch of beer, now slightly warm and watery with backwash. He coughed and slid the mug across the counter for a refill.

He wasn't sure how the AUDREY'S bartender, Lola, had gotten him to talk about what happened to his late wife three years ago. He hated to talk about it. His inner dragon was curled in a tight ball under his skin, quiet and still like it had been for the past few years since that horrible night. Dylan remembered walking into the house after flying the week-long journey home in dragon form, practicing how to tell her about the Counsel's rejection, when he realized the house was too still, too quiet to be inhabited. He tore through each room calling out her name. He found her in his favorite chair, wearing his sweatshirt and curled up with a book. She had been dead for days.

“Would you have gone against the Counsel's decree and given her your scales to cure her?” Lola asked, refilling his beer and sliding it back to him. The bartender was beautiful in a way that was alarming rather than alluring. Her mass of small braids stood out from her head like a sea of swaying snakes moving in different directions around her face. Her purple eyes had an ageless wisdom Dylan was only used to seeing in the most ancient of dragon clan leaders. The wicked curve of her smile matched the red rose tattoo curling across her chest and down into her ample décolletage. Dylan couldn't shake the feeling she already knew everything he was about to say.

“Of course I would have saved her. She was the love of my life. The doctors told us she still had months. If I knew just how little time we actually had, I would’ve--” His voice broke, thinking back to those dark days. Knowing what he knew now, he wouldn't have bothered to beg the Dragon High Counsel for permission; he would have shed a few scales, ground them into a powder, and fed them to her. It was a carefully guarded secret among dragon shifters--Dylan couldn't fathom how Lola knew--but dragon scales, ground to a powder called Puff, could cure humans of most illnesses. Back then, Dylan had still believed in the clan rules that forbade giving Puff to humans. He believed in the system. He'd thought the Counsel would protect and care for him and his family because that was what they were supposed to do. Now he knew the truth.

A scuffling sound came from behind him, and Dylan's body was turning to address the threat before his brain caught up. A fireball was halfway up his already-shifted throat, ready to be unleashed in a furious blaze that would probably raze the bar to the ground.

A pixie stared at him with enormous blue eyes, flowers growing from her head, and bright green vines curling in her blond hair. Her dress was overlapping pink and blue petals and her dainty mouth had dropped open in warning, a swarm of bees waiting right in front of her mouth to retaliate if he attacked.

Dylan held up his hands and deliberately sat back in his seat, shifting his face back to human, feeling foolish.

“Sorry about that,” he said to the pixie. “It's been a rough few years.”

The pixie made a little chirping sound, ordered her drink, and went back to her table. Dylan's eyes widened as he looked at the pixie's companions: a tiger shifter in a leather bodysuit, a ten-foot tall troll with so many warts his green skin was barely visible, and a red-haired witch juggling balls of ice and fire, giggling when she dropped them to the scorched floor. A couple of vampires nursed blood cocktails in the corner, and two leprechauns made out enthusiastically, stumbling and giggling as they made their way to a door labeled “Back Room”.

“Is this, um, normal around here?” Dylan asked, tying back his long dreadlocks.

“This is AUDREY'S, sweetie,” Lola smiled, showing a few too many teeth. “We don't do normal.”

Dylan sipped his beer, thinking. The last few years had felt like an unending series of dive bars and unanswered questions. After his wife's death, he'd spent the first year mourning and trying to carry on despite the enormous hole in his life where she used to be. He'd sold their house, quit his job as an investigator, told the clan leaders exactly where they could shove it, bought a motorcycle, and hit the road. It was in the middle of the second year after her death that he started to hear the rumors. The stories were almost too good to be true, but the possibility the Iron Claws might be real kept him moving, hunting for the elusive outlaw motorcycle club. Looking around at AUDREY'S, Dylan figured this bar seemed like exactly the kind of place where he might get some answers.

“Maybe you can help me,” he said, trying to keep his face a mask of nonchalance. “I heard a rumor about a biker club, the Iron Claws. Apparently they’re a group of outcast dragons who distribute Puff.”

“That sounds admirable of them,” Lola said, her hair waving around her head in extra agitation like a cat's thrashing tail.

“I've been searching for them for the last couple of years, but I've always been a step behind. They keep moving so fast after each distribution that by the time I find where they've been, they've already gone.”

“What are you going to do if you find them?” Lola said, her voice disinterested as she mixed something bright green and glowing for the troll.

Dylan's dragon rolled and stretched inside him, roused by the rare feeling of hope beginning to stir in Dylan's chest. Could they really be close? Lola obviously knew about them. The careful way she stood, the way she avoided his eyes for the first time since he walked in the door…she knew something. And if his deductions were correct, she was deciding if she could trust him with this information.