Hunting Red: An Adult Red Riding Hood Retelling - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Hunting Red: An Adult Red Riding Hood Retelling E-Book

AJ Tipton

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Captain Red will do anything for a damsel in distress--even when she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 

In a magical kingdom far away, there lived cursed princes, warrior women, and mighty magic. Hunting Red is a sexy gender swapped Little Red Riding Hood retelling where the heroes have become heroines, the heroines have become heroes, and nothing is as it seems. 

Heroic Captain Red Hardison is trekking through a dangerous forest to visit his eccentric Grandpappy when he comes across a lady in distress: the seductive Anya Rolf. After he is left naked and robbed by the beautiful grifter, he learns Anya’s true target: his wealthy grandfather. With time and a dangerous journey working against him, can Cap save his beloved Grandpappy in time? 

Olivia Hunter is on a mission for revenge against the woman who poisoned her father. Olivia believes she may have finally found the key to stopping Anya: Cap. Olivia must find her revenge before Anya strikes again, but Cap may prove...distracting. 

This mature romance involves valiant swashbuckling, stormy love-making, and a villain you'll want to sink your teeth into. 

This STANDALONE novella is part of the "Sexy Gender Swapped Fairy Tale" series which can be read in any order. There are no cliffhangers, and each short ends as it should: happily ever after.

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Hunting Red

An Adult Red Riding Hood Retelling

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byLydiaChai

Copyright © AJ Tipton 2015 The right of AJ Tipton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (or other similar law, depending on your country). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in reviews or articles. It may not be edited, amended, lent, resold, hired out, distributed or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s written permission. Permission can be obtained from [email protected]

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

Cover art photos provided by, Morgue Files,, and

Created with Vellum

Clumps of mud bounced off the hard lid of the coffin with tiny thuds of finality. Olivia Hunter emptied another shovel of dirt into the dark ground, grateful the funeral well-wishers were long gone. She'd dismissed the gravediggers too, preferring to finish the task on her own.

She could already hear the old biddy neighbors tsking about her unladylike behavior--poor dear, they were probably saying, not the same since her lovely stepmother left--but Olivia gave absolutely zero fucks anymore about what they thought.

Her father was dead and the only thing that mattered was vengeance against the heartless bitch who killed him: Olivia's oh-so-lovely stepmother.

Her eyes were out of tears, so dry they felt bruised around the edges. Before her stepmother, the beautiful and spoiled Anya Rolf (technically now Anya Rolf-Hunter-Lovell-Randolph if the woman was still keeping track) showed up, Olivia and her father had been a team against the narrow, stilted expectations of the world. Her father had been determined to raise his daughter as a self-sufficient individual and stole her away from her embroidery lessons to teach her to hunt and fight. When Olivia saw her peers being forced to cook and genuflect, she thanked every lucky star for her remarkable father. When she worked her way up to the highly-coveted position of Royal Yeoman at the palace, she'd been so sure her small family would be set for life.

All that changed when Anya showed up, her face as innocent as a cherub’s, her eyes as dead as a cat's. The oval emerald pendant resting on Anya’s ample cleavage and the tailored animal pelt on her back wove a curious spell promising wealth and beauty. Olivia's father--who had never before fallen prey to such things--couldn't resist.

"I'm so sorry, Dad. I should have bashed her head in when I had the chance." Olivia told the grave as she dumped another load of dirt into the hole. Anya Rolf was a cruel woman happy to steal and kill for whatever she wanted. The world would be a better place without her. "Don't worry. I won't make the same mistake again."

It was another swell day, the weather finally turning warm after so many cold winter nights. Cap whistled a jaunty tune to himself as he sauntered through the woods, looking forward to a grand weekend with his favorite Grandpappy. The sun shone brightly. Woodland creatures scurried about in their daily activities, their tiny noises reassuring Cap all was right with the world.

The hike through the woods to the rental coach junction which would take him to his Grandpappy’s house was only a short way--barely a day’s walk--and Cap already smiled in anticipation.

Cap’s Grandpappy was a vibrant old gentleman: kind, generous, and quick with a joke. Grandpappy also had a bad habit of getting into more mischief than the old man could handle. Cap found him trapped up a tree or down a well on more than one occasion, not to mention that one time with the monkey.

I can’t wait to see what Grandpappy is up to this time, Cap grinned to himself.

Cap didn’t mind the trek; he'd done his share of strenuous physical activity in his military days. His journeys then, though, were fraught with peril, ending in screams and blood. Now, he took pleasure in his leisurely walks, finding joy in the beauty of the woods and creatures all around him. He adjusted the collar on his bright red army coat to let the sun warm his neck.

Birds sang and squirrels chattered and...Cap heard something out of place. The hairs on the back of his neck stood upright as he unsheathed his sword and approached the source of the unnatural sound. He rounded a bend in the path and quickly re-sheathed his sword, embarrassed at his paranoia. Rather than the unnatural beastie of nightmares he'd imagined, the sound was from a young maiden. She sprawled across the ground in a state of distress, her moan like the haunting wail of a banshee.

Cap’s stopped mid-step as her green eyes locked with his own. Holy cow, she's gorgeous.

The woman fell silent as soon as he came into view. She fiddled with her long brown hair with one hand as she stroked her slender calf with the other. Her clothes and manner were like the fine ladies he'd only seen from afar ensconced in carriages and castles. Fine embroidery covered her green dress and sparkling beads accented her ample bosom. The weather was too warm for the elegant fur coat lying on the ground next to her and a slit in the side of her skirt ran high to her thigh, showing quite a lot of pale skin.

The woman’s face, even twisted in pain, was as perfect as a painting. Cap had a hard time looking away from her twinkling eyes, her flushed cheeks, her plump red lips just waiting to be kissed senseless...

“Hello there, good sir.” Her voice broke Cap from his reverie. Even her voice is beautiful. Her every word enchanted, soft as a prayer and laced with laughter, despite her distress. "I seem to have twisted my ankle. I’m terribly embarrassed to be found in such a state, I must admit.” She smiled quickly, and then averted her gaze as a rosy blush overwhelmed her face.

Does that mean she likes me? He'd seen that same look from bar maids, but did such an expression imply the same interest from a noblewoman? Cap’s heart raced as he gazed upon the gorgeous vision on the ground. Don't mess this up, man. Game face.

“Fear not, madam, for I mean you no harm.” Cap was acutely aware of the fears a woman may have in the woods alone with a strange man--Don't be a creep, he told himself--and tried to school his expression to be as unthreatening as possible. “Please, allow me to assist you.” He stooped down low, crouching to make a closer inspection of her wounded ankle. “It doesn’t look like it’s started to swell up, which is a great sign. Do you think you can stand?”

Cap stood and offered his hand to the woman, slightly ashamed of how his dirty and calloused his palm was. This was clearly a well-bred lady, who would have little experience with a soldier's rough touch. He helped her up gently. She heavily favored her good ankle and Cap could tell she was hesitant to put weight on her sprain. She shifted slightly and let out a cry, stumbling before crashing into the broad expanse of Cap’s chest.

“Caught you.” Cap couldn’t help but wink. Stupid! Don’t be a creep! But it was too late, the wink was done. He tried smiling at her, hoping she would overlook his boldness.

The woman pushed a l [...]