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In today's interconnected world, no country can afford to be isolated or to ignore the challenges and opportunities presented by international politics. Issues such as climate change, trade agreements, global security threats, and humanitarian crises all require coordinated efforts and cooperation between nations. Ignoring these issues or pursuing short-sighted policies can have dire consequences for a country's future viability. It is therefore crucial for citizens to be well-informed about international affairs and to support political leaders who prioritize diplomacy, collaboration, and long-term planning. By voting for candidates and parties that advocate for responsible and forward-thinking policies on the global stage, citizens can play a vital role in shaping their country's future trajectory and ensuring its success in a rapidly changing world.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
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A system analysis of international politics a comprehensive view in a practice-oriented perspective.
1. What's going on in the world?
2. Open society
3. How does Europe present itself?
4. European Macro-Regions
5. Future aspects of the European Union
6. Vigilance in case of imminent danger
7. Free world versus an authoritary and dictatorial world
8. What is Internationality and Globality?
9. Communication in international politics
10. Governance of internationa politics
11. Transformation Master Plan
12. The sum of the dangers and security policy
13. Ethics In Global Politics
14. How can international decision-making be assessed?
15. World conflicts and sports organizations
16. Economic stability
17. Political Management
18. How does politics respond to international crises?
19. Historical anchor points
20. Philosophical focus on politics
21. Political Management versus abuse of power
22. Evaluating the situations
23. Beyond the hotspots
24. Specifications in international practice
Role of governments
Voter behavior
Political communication
Political bailouts
Democracy and globalization
Facing ideologies
The scourge of terrorism
Nationalism – terrorist states –terrorist organiszations
Nuclear threat
Complexity of international politics
Security and defense capability
What needs to be done in Europe?
Revitalization of the global economy
Smart robotics and AI
Dealing with culture
Psychology of evaluation
The psycho-social homo-politicus
25. Global diplomacy
26. Accents of strategic alliances in a multipolar order
27. Being consciously informed
about the author
books of the author
global world - international–institutions - Europe – worldeconomy - innovation - world trade - political management - humanity - environment - rationality - evaluation - assessment - ethics - psyche - crisis management - freedom - prosperity - progress - resilience - transformation - philosophical dynamics - think tanks and practice - the poison of disinformation - values and excellence - capacity and resources - aesthetics and behavior - sports associations and political attractiveness - policy-making and public opinion - engagement and elections - evidence and efficiency - effective governance
Monopolies of power and dictatorships damage the worldview. How do power struggles end? How do they shape the trend of political dispute? If there are no value frames, one cannot expect differentiated approaches. How power struggles shape the political trend, depends on the political culture, the power of civil society, the behavior of political actors, and the reaction of the international community.
These configurations are rarely present in their pure form and change or merge over time. From this, it can be concluded that international politics is a complex process full of dynamics. Without an interpretative framework that provides orientation, political dispute becomes more complicated and society becomes unsettled and fragmented. If there are no values or guidelines that are shared by the majority, it is difficult to find consensus on the best approaches and develop united solutions for complex problems. This also leads to polarization and conflicts.
The question of how political action is justified is part of the concept of an adapted world order, since the diversity of opinions alone is overwhelming. These opinions are shaped by philosophical, ideological, and cultural differences. In a globalized world, political decisions can no longer be viewed in isolation. They are always evaluated in relation to the other partners in society. Interests and value conflicts come together. The aim is always to achieve positive benefits. Any negative consequence must also be taken into account. A sterile style of politics is completely unsatisfying. Improvisation and the freedom to shape are in demand. However, this also requires the necessary knowledge and skills.
If politics does not participate in the pulse of society, it will be driven into stagnation and in a decline of societal well-being. As societies are constantly changing, be it through technological advances, demographic shifts, or global challenges, they need agile policies that offer solutions. Interests and value conflicts come together. When striving for benefits, any negative consequences must also be taken into account.
The practical effectiveness of political leadership requires an idealism based on active experience. It drives the solutions that are founded on both, theoretical considerations and practical considerations. In contrast, ideologies with their rigidity disrupt the diversity of the real world. Only orderly flexibility can adapt to changing circumstances. It recognizes that people's needs evolve over time and thus lead to dynamic effects.
Nevertheless, human rights, social justice, equality, and well-being remain constants in the respective views. Ideas and ideals, not ideologies, act as a strengthening tool in the political process. Ideas that are implemented in real political measures offer concrete solutions to real problems. They are the drivers that address urgent challenges. The commitment and seriousness of politics towards voters are unambiguous. When people realize that similarities are stronger than differences, the way is clear for a positive political climate. The interpretation of the offers is important.
How are international politics related to the values and beliefs of people? Or is there a belief that nothing will change? Nevertheless, global trends have an impact even on the smallest local communities. Local issues are sometimes unexpectedly linked to international politics. Trade, environment, security all influence daily life.
Individuals' opportunities are improved through access to global knowledge. One must actively seek it. Some people may feel comfortable in isolation. Access to information depends on the interest in acquiring it. In autocracies and dictatorships, the population is sedated to the point of indifference. If one withdraws too much into privacy, this type of suppression is not a good sign for communication or for a supposedly open society.
From two normative perspectives, world trade raises the question of what impact it has on the global distribution of wealth. The question is increasingly about whether there are certain basic criteria of justice or fairness. The latter approach will have a greater impact on meeting the basic needs of the majority of people. The results depend on political decisions, economic conditions and social responsibility. Despite all the potential benefits of global trade, there are also risks if trade increases inequality and certain regions benefit more than others. However, it must also be recognized that global trade has facilitated the spread of technologies and innovations to regions which they would not otherwise have achieved.
The fairness of global trade will be measured by whether it pays attention to the autonomy and equality of all market participants. As it has the potential to facilitate access to resources and goods, it can also improve the lives of many people. However, this occurs gradually. First and foremost, the supply for satisfying basic needs such as food, healthcare, and education must be secured and not deteriorate. Regulated trade will not endorse the exploitation of natural resources or environmental pollution. It must be transparent to prevent abuse and negative practices. On the path towards prosperity, which will change the political, economic, and military architecture of the world, we cannot make the future constitutive, but we can shape it.
A modern political image represents not only integrity in political management, but also effectiveness, which is demonstrated through rational behavior. This awareness will be equally important to the general public as well as to the elites. International politics is not something detached that one does not need to care about. Cooperation in politics and economics does not endorse a top-down approach.
In cybernetic functions, political life even goes beyond borders. We find ourselves in the world of political control processes, where the inputs continually alternate with the outputs. The inputs in the political processes, such as voter opinions, political demands or information from international relations, are processed by political institutions and actors and returned in the form of output services. These are political decisions, laws, programs or even international agreements. The attractiveness of the entire system lies in observing the results of the small and large units in a coherent whole.
The understanding of knowledge, skills, and achievements is not isolated from the course of events. The fear of an apocalyptic collapse is justified when the philosophical framework breaks. It becomes unpleasant when a fatigue of change spreads. This virus lurks in all possible corners and ends of political action. Thus, the status of the common European house and also of the world should concern Europeans to some extent, as they are dependent on these issues in many aspects of their lives.
What does politics mean to the individual, the "zoon politicon," the social being? As a whole, humans react quickly, sometimes even to the needs and developments of an entire society. If one of these conditions is missing, it could lead to a decline in social well-being. Some call it stagnation, others recognize it as an expression of frustration. We do not lose touch if we navigate through the multifaceted field of politics, which deals with the decisions and activities of society.
Essentially, politics revolves around the interaction of people and groups with different perspectives and interests. Let us not forget that it is not limited to formal structures but influenced by the opinions behind them. It will depend on their articulation. The result will then show whether we live in a free society or in dictatorial suppression. This, and not geography, is the difference between waking up in Europe, China, Russia, or Africa. The highest level of decision-making diversity is reached in international politics. While most people are not directly involved in diplomatic activities, they still feel the resonances in their daily lives. International politics influences what we seem to overlook, our economy as well as our security, it is present in the environment, in our personal rights, in short, in our quality of life.
Thus, the public should be the first recipient of information about political events or decisions. An informed audience can form the basis for objective discussions and informed opinion formation. If it is rational and conscientious, it will urge for political processes to be kept transparent. By questioning decisions, the public has the task of demanding accountability. Its opinions compel politics to be flexible and adapt to societal changes. We can all educate ourselves to form our opinions based on facts. Through active reflection and communicative exchange, individual opinions are shaped. They may seem small, but when collectively articulated in elections, they shape politics. Then politics can no longer hide and continue to act without follow-up activities.
In the context of internationality, it is not unimportant to inform oneself about global issues and geopolitical developments, in order to develop an understanding of the complexity of international relations. This knowledge is not limited to the profession of politicians and diplomats; it does not pass us by without a sound. Individuals who do not participate in such discussions gradually feel that their voice does not matter. This in turn fuels political apathy, which is reflected in a real loss of influence on decisions. Ignoring global perspectives and failing to advocate for rights and values ultimately impairs the freedom of social participation. Neglecting human rights on an international level only exacerbates situations of injustice. Neglecting international cooperation results in skyrocketing global dangers.
We glide through the scenarios of political justifications and global ideas like through the snow of the highest mountains or the waves of the sea, without even realizing what is happening to us. Suddenly, we are offended when we fall on our faces because there is no money and no room for maneuver left. Perhaps we find ourselves coming together in a collective move. Experts or satirists, clowns or activists, politicians or decision-makers may accompany us. Some justify themselves with special techniques, others shout out their opinions, while others whirl around with incomprehension - they all glide and swing along.
At the end of the day, we experience international politics as a huge, world-encompassing puzzle of an open society. Sometimes we find the pieces that fit together, and sometimes we come across a pile of unsorted puzzle pieces. The challenge is to find what fits together and create a picture that many can appreciate.
The concept of an "open society", "open universe" was first coined by the philosopher Sir Karl Popper. He saw it as one of humanity's greatest achievements and as a form of society based on freedom, democratic governance, and the rule of law. He also viewed it as a perpetual work in progress that must constantly be improved and developed. He emphasized critical thinking, dialogue, and the principle of falsification, where theories are disproven through empirical evidence. By constantly testing and correcting, errors are recognized and refuted. Society has the capacity to evolve.
In an open society, politics refers to the way decisions are made, discussed, and implemented. It shapes the coexistence and development of a society. If a society is open, it will prioritize pluralism, freedom of speech, and the rule of law. Political participation should always be of central importance for its citizens. They have the right to freely express their opinions and interests and to participate in the political process. At the same time, a society should have mechanisms in place to prevent abuse of power, combat corruption, and ensure transparency. This enables the guarantee of social justice, equal opportunities, and the protection of its population.
An open society challenges individuals to stay informed about political matters at all levels, be it on a national, regional, or international level. Understanding current issues and political functioning is a part of general education and the political responsibility of citizens. Continuous learning is based on the principle that one already knows something and does not necessarily start from scratch. One of the most fundamental elements of political interest is participation in elections. By supporting those, whose visions and arguments convince us, we shape the political landscape. We are all responsible when political chaos emerges across the political party landscapes. The bridge between the tangible perspective of actions and the scope of foresighted thinking is what we see as a vision.
An open society is endangered when authoritarian regimes come to power that suppress freedom of speech. They restrict political participation and disregard the rule of law. They weaken the institutions that are crucial for protecting fundamental rights and ensuring freedoms. Such a state becomes vulnerable to manipulation and abuse of power. Furthermore, populist and extremist movements jeopardize the cohesion of an open society. The challenge lies in finding a balanced approach between freedom of speech and protection against harmful behavior.
While tolerance is often regarded as the minimum level of acceptance, respect goes beyond that. Respect involves recognizing the equality and fundamental rights of all people, while tolerance simply means tolerating differences without truly respecting or acknowledging them. It gives the impression that one reluctantly accepts the existence of differences, but not necessarily respects them.
Attitude and mindset are not only relevant in politics, but they are also sought after worldwide at the grassroots level. Decision-makers are held accountable so that they work for the greater good. If the base is strong, it can counteract the effects of power monopolies and authoritarian regimes. When people question their attitudes and mindsets, they also recognize their responsibility. Education and dialogue are tools that contribute to shaping society..
Why do the major issues of globalization often not reach the grass-roots level? Is it due to education, selfishness, or ineffective communication? Extremism takes advantage of this situation. If international politics does not penetrate the minds of the general public, it may be because opinions are inherently national and partisan. One must continue to engage and allow for the flow of understanding.
Activating attention and interests means driving the dynamics of relationships in order to address global issues. How do we tackle the difficulties of globalization, world order, and the world economy? Dealing with these issues requires continuous efforts from governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society. The functions lie in cooperation, knowledge-based policies, and civil engagement. Crucial to this process is raising awareness among the general public through effective communication. Comprehensive education and intercultural understanding of global interconnections are necessary for feedback. However, the provision of financial resources is needed to expand capacities on a broad scale.
Modern politics, which aims to be consistently up-to-date, cannot continue as before, otherwise it would not be modern. What is contemporary? Being contemporary means adapting politics to the respective era, otherwise it will not have an impact in the immediate future. To have an impact, politics must be present. Adapted to the circumstances and influenced by the spirit of the time, it must constantly be focused on the future and oriented towards finding solutions. It must not appear inflexible and therefore must always be open to change and innovation. The spirit of the time refers to the prevailing opinions, values, and ideas of a certain period. By including different interests in the underlying insights, politics becomes more contemporary and adaptable.
To what extent does modern politics concern all of us? When does politics become an internal matter of the individual? It affects all of us in many ways. It influences our quality of life, our rights and freedoms, as well as our economic and social situation. Politics becomes an internal matter of the individual when political decisions directly affect our personal lives. For example, when it comes to individual rights such as freedom of speech, healthcare policy, social security, economic opportunities, or tax policy.
If political leadership is visionary and decisive at the same time, it drives change. Lobbyism hinders change, especially when interests differ from each other. What is desired and what is not yet visible on the horizon? If people do not know what is happening, they distance themselves from their own future. If they are not informed, they will be overwhelmed.
It is important to be able to anticipate what is foreseeable and not pass by as an uninvolved spectator. Those who want to stay out of it can quickly fall into their own existential sidelines. Then it could happen that individual worth is dissolved in the bubble of ignorance. Therefore, emphasis should always be placed on thinking and acting participation. Whether a society's communicative share is large or small speaks for or against it.
Some political goals are already clearly defined and present in political discourse, while others may not be fully recognizable yet and will only gain importance in the future. Modern politics influences our living conditions, individual freedom, security, and prosperity; it affects all of us. As it consists of complex decisions, it is not surprising that it soon extends to the goals and interests of the global environment.
The international world is politically sorting itself out in many ways and changing over time. In the past, wars were fought to regulate territories. Today, the number of states varies, sometimes leading to mergers and sometimes to secessions. The global aspect is shaped by economic or military power. Inevitably, the relative power of each entity, which joins together in alliances in many regions of the world, changes. Globalization clearly describes the growing interconnectedness of societies around the globe.
This process follows the interdependence of individual units and shapes new structures. The boundaries between national and international affairs are becoming blurred. Not only does the exchange of goods, services, or information create previously unknown flows, but also transnational tasks and the associated difficulties traverse new channels. Supranational organizations, multinational companies, non-governmental organizations, criminal networks, or terrorist groups join the state authorities. The rigid hierarchies are outdated, and they are being replaced by a shift of interests and cooperation. This dynamics determines the international political landscape and may be shaped by further new patterns.
Geopolitical, economic, and cultural factors all play a role in this structure. Global events, their crises, and a constant cycle of recovery are the pivots around which the decisionmaking carousel spins. The function of international politics is responsible for keeping it in balance and preventing it from tipping over. Much depends on the virtuosity of the political actors. If skillful action is meant by this, the connotation remains recognizable to everyone. The situation becomes sensitive to explosive when the main actors reveal themselves as manipulative or powerhungry puppet masters, prioritizing their own interests over the common good. Although the individual contribution from the population may seem small, it plays a significant role in shaping international politics through its collective impact. However, it is constantly being suppressed.
By participating in elections and referendums, society determines those who represent a certain international agenda. In this way, society shapes the political landscape through its voice. Indirectly, it also influences international decisions and relationships. In today's digital world, social media and online platforms offer the opportunity to express opinions and draw attention to international issues. Unfortunately, negative operating influencers often use these tools to incite and spread fake news. It is up to the users to resist this rationally. It is educated individuals who gain access to research sources and current information about global affairs.
Through self-directed learning, people develop intercultural skills that inspire them to understand different cultures and perspectives and broaden their knowledge horizon. This promotes the ability to critically question information and think objectively. When many people combine their interests and potentials, it has a considerable collective effect. Therefore, seemingly modest actions, such as informed purchasing decisions or participating in discussions, also have their underestimated influence. Utilizing every potential is a driving force for developing a better understanding of complex international issues.
As a continent with a long history and diverse population, Europe must assert its sovereignty in order to protect its interests and values. With the rise of global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and economic instability, Europe must have the ability to make decisions that are in its best interests without outside interference. Moreover, Europe's sovereignty is essential for upholding principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Without sovereignty, European countries risk losing their ability to protect these fundamental values that are the foundation of the European Union. In an increasingly interconnected world, Europe must also be able to forge partnerships and alliances with other countries based on mutual respect and equality. By asserting its sovereignty, Europe can engage with the rest of the world on an equal footing and work towards solving common challenges together.
One should not have to struggle to maintain cohesion in Europe, especially between the core c ountries. So why does it take so long for a shift and the implementation of creative ideas in politics? Mechanisms that aim to equalize structures are best controlled centrally. From this perspective, European elections become immensely important. They will either strengthen or weaken the legitimacy of the European Union. It is therefore up to the citizens to vote. They have the power to influence the political direction in Europe and increase the effectiveness of European representatives in Parliament.
One can want a lot, but one must also be able to do it. No country in Europe has the power alone to build economic strength. The European Union would have to take the lead. By working together, European countries can pool resources, knowledge, and expertise to achieve common goals and tackle common problems and they would be better equipped to address international challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and economic issues. a unified Europe would also be more resilient to external threats and pressures, such as those posed by aggressive or authoritarian regimes. By standing together, European countries can better defend their shared values and interests, and ensure that their voices are heard and respected in the international community.
The European Union, with its shared values and objectives, is uniquely positioned to lead this effort. By aligning policies, regulations, and market initiatives, member states can ensure a more integrated and interconnected economic landscape that benefits all parties involved. Furthermore, the EU provides a platform for negotiating trade agreements, resolving disputes, and coordinating financial policies to promote economic growth and development. By leveraging the collective power of its member states, the EU can drive innovation, investment, and job creation across the continent.
How can people be involved in international politics? The more people demand the strengthening of the European social contract, the faster the effectiveness of Europe will grow. Those European citizens who understand this can approach the topic with sobriety. The difference between imposing and participating out of a deep interest is clear. Active and informed participation of European society is the key to further developing the European Union and strengthening its democratic foundations. If Europe can take a strong position and confidently represent its interests on a global level through a coherent foreign policy, it will also be able to play a decisive role in solving international challenges.
Who would bear the cost of a European collapse? A hypothetical crash of Europe would have far-reaching economic, political, and social consequences. The costs would have to be borne by the countries of Europe and many other regions in the world. Economic turmoil, currency crises, and political instability would be the consequences for Europeans. The economic costs would manifest in the form of political fragmentation, lost trade opportunities, and a setback in the quality of life. Since global trade flows would be disrupted, this could even lead to an international economic crisis. Instability in neighboring countries, a new kind of migration flows, and geopolitical uncertainties would spread. Banks and financial institutions operating in Europe would suffer significant losses, and financial markets would be affected. However, these costs would also spill over to international investors and creditors.
The collapse of the investment bank Lehman in 2008 and the subsequent banking, financial, and economic crisis, with its atmosphere of financial doomsday, would be merely a slight slap in comparison to a collapse of Europe. Starting from economic uncertainties to political changes, it would hit the residents of Europe the hardest. Social unrest, job insecurity, and uncertainty about future prospects are possible consequences. Hopefully, it remains only a hypothetical doomsday scenario. Over many decades, the European integration process has grown and has a broad socio-political foundation. Most countries have a strong interest in maintaining stability. However, what can happen is unpredictable. European citizens will make assumptions about how things will develop based on information and experiences. Then, hopefully, they will take the reins into their own hands through confident voting behavior.
Not too long ago, weak Europe was on the verge of an economic crash. It was due to the fact that the EU had too few competences. When American politics and the Goldman Sachs investment bank triggered a global financial crisis with their products, the bankruptcy of the American "Lehman Brothers" investment bank and a whole series of other financial institutions began in 2008. As a result, countries in Europe such as Ireland, Spain, or Greece, and entire economies collapsed with them. Even some healthcare systems collapsed, social security systems deteriorated, and the education system suffered. Interestingly, extremist movements immediately took the opportunity to emerge throughout Europe, such as "Podemos" in Spain, "Fratelli d’Italia" in Italy, or "UKIP" in the UK. The latter managed to enforce the "Brexit," the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, through years of manipulation, effective from 2020.
This running away caused an absolute downturn in the British economy. Previously stable, the situation in England was injected with a good dose of uncertainty and volatility. Customs fees and trade barriers were introduced, as if the economy didn't already have enough juggling to deal with. The freedom of movement for people was abruptly ended, as Britons who had previously enjoyed settling in different countries were now transported back to seemingly bygone times when visas and residency permits were annoying topics of conversation. Furthermore, the imagined closer cooperation with the USA, who unexpectedly showed restraint, did not bring the hoped-for benefits. The irony lies in the fact that Brexit has been such a big fuss that it will almost go down in history like a Shakespearean tragedy, a drama full of promises, intrigue and unexpected turns. The young new generation is now striving not to run away from Europe, but to run towards it.
When uncertain partners and major powers distance themselves from international obligations, Europe must recognize and adapt to these changes in a timely manner. In defense matters, Europe is urged by recent events to revive a new awareness of self-responsibility. It will have to invest a considerable amount in order to maintain its sovereignty and take an independent and resilient position in global affairs.
What is easily overlooked is the ethical impact that the EU could have on international politics. It refers to the effects of actions on the ethical principles of a society. It can be positive or negative. What is deemed ethically acceptable in terms of fairness, justice, respect for human dignity and accountability naturally varies from culture to culture, but also from government system to government system.
Therefore, politics should carefully consider how it makes responsible and morally justifiable decisions. The analysis of ethical impact is an important part of reflection and decision-making in various areas of public life. This includes the impact of environmentally harmful production methods on the environment and future generations, compliance with human rights standards in production and supply chains, and access to and quality of education. One of the central questions of international politics relates to the respect for human rights and its aspects such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, protection against discrimination, the right to life and freedom. Decisions regarding arms sales, trade agreements and international interventions raise profound human rights issues in their context.
Intensifying existing alliances is not a renunciation. Additional ways for collaboration need to be identified. If Europe continues to become more independent, it will be less susceptible to dependencies. This intention applies not only to the development of technologies or resources in the economy, but also to one's own defense strength.This makes it necessary to reconsider previous assumptions and approaches. The call from global reality cannot be ignored.
Thus, the EU elections become a responsibility for the citizens while also being a duty for European institutions. A concentrated observation leads to an intensification of the collective. It becomes the task of schools and educational institutions to convey political aesthetics, sustainability, and peace as important topics. The younger generation will question how the decisions and actions of international politics affect society and the environment. They are the ones who, through enlightenment on global issues and consciousness-building, establish a deeper connection to these questions.
Modern Europe has the potential to serve as an example in international cooperation. The continent and its politics must not miss this opportunity. Following centuries of turbulence, Europe has established democratic institutions that advocate for political participation, freedom of speech, and the rule of law. After the traumatic experiences of two world wars, Europe has made every effort to create peace and stability. It worked to transcend the barriers of nationality in order to pursue political, economic, and security policy goals. Not a single Hungary, Poland or any other nation state of this millimeter size could achieve this on the world stage.
What comes to mind is what unites Europe: common values, traditions, and history. In order to ensure cooperation, the foundations must first be enhanced and established in a European constitution. This will also manifest that Europe is a serious player in science, technology, and innovation. If European politics wants to present itself as modern, it will involve citizens in the political process. It is not the failures of direct democracy, but the participation based on transparency of the contents of representative events that revive the trust of the people. The exchange between the strategic centers in regions and municipalities promises to be promising through the use of digital technology. This interaction will impact the implementation of political measures by promoting regional development while maintaining the principles of subsidiarity. With this mechanism, synergies will be optimally utilized and resources more efficiently allocated. The European model corresponds to a modern political agenda that must manage the complexity of current situations.
The attractiveness lies in the societal cohesion of freedom, security, and prosperity. European politics, guided by competent EU management, offers everything needed for a socially and economically stable society. Citizens will show their gratitude for opportunities to lead fulfilling lives and participate in society through their efforts. The duty roster includes the headings of social responsibility, sustainability, and security.
When the peoples of Europe are doing well, their productivity increases and societal potential grows. A thriving large economy enables investment in infrastructure, research, and innovation. The economy is interconnected with every segment of common European policy. Creating a positively balanced environment in all these areas is crucial for the well-being and future of Europe. A coherent policy under one roof is the key to advancing European countries as a whole. The major seemingly unsolvable problems can never be unraveled through separatist sole execution, but rather best addressed in absolute togetherness. Without this support, the small units are powerless in most respects, whether it be the power of self-preservation, decision-making ability, utilization of potentials, or resources.
Security and prosperity attract investors, businesses, and potential migrants as qualified workers. This includes not only safeguarding the environment, but also protecting citizens from violence, terrorism, organized gang crime, illegal immigration, or attacks from the outside.
Harmonization in the areas of justice and European internal politics aims to guarantee the security of people in the European Union. Common policy must also be able to take a clear stance. Internal security requires a holistic approach that cannot be limited to a single country.
The different sectors of administration, law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, educational institutions, and civil society unfold most effectively in a collective European construction. Networking promises efficiency improvements, fast communication, and better control of infrastructures such as energy supply, telecommunications, water, and food availability.
Just as maintaining public order contributes to the internal security of the continent through the consequence of criminal prosecution, controlling the external borders is crucial to curb illegal activities such as smuggling, human trafficking, and drug trafficking. Tools must be ready to prevent radicalization and timely detect terrorism. The internal market realizes the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor, which contributes to the continent's maximum competitiveness. As a result, Europe has become one of the largest and strongest economic areas in the world. No geographic area is neglected, and economic disparities are balanced through structural funds and various financial instruments. The protection of workers' rights, access to education and healthcare, and the expansion of social justice are upheld in communities and secured from above. These principles form the guidelines for political decisions, legislation, and long-term sustainable prosperity for Europe as a whole.
The outward perspective must not be blurred. Europe has positioned itself as a champion of multilateral relations. In international collaborations, particularly in the areas of sustainable development and climate change, European politics also stand out technologically. The members of the European Union have developed comprehensive social systems aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and social justice. These models are also inspiring for other regions where multiple peoples are grouped together in a community of benefits.
Disinterest in European politics would not be a good guide. However, the sense of participation in global events is not insignificant either. By informing ourselves about the structures of our European house, we gain a better overview of what is happening beyond our borders. Because that also affects our daily lives. Once we have recognized the connection to the economy and trade agreements, security, the protection of human rights and the environment, it may be easier for us to participate in the changes.
When summarizing the significant strategies and preplanning on the European continent, we must be aware that European autonomy and sovereignty are constantly under attack, both from within and from outside. The source of unrest within is the ongoing disinformation and disruptive maneuvers of extremist minorities that question the common Europe, just like the aggressive powers that occasionally ignite conflicts from the outside.
Europeskepticism, which is rampant in incomprehension, is best countered through performance and persuasive efforts. If the European Union wants to become more effective and responsive, it will be self-critical enough to not simply dismiss constructive criticism from within and from outside. Public consultations or the use of digital platforms for participation in discussions can help the united Europe. Only with concrete showcase results and positive changes will the European Union build trust among people. The intensive involvement of an informed citizen base is crucial for countering misinformation from constantly rebellious troublemakers.
Separating nationalisms continuously endanger the future of Europe and its regions. Fragmentation in internationalism leads to political instability. Dealing with such trends requires a combination of political, social, and communicative efforts. People all over the world believe they can find dominance in their nationalist uprisings and tend to be skeptical of transnational cooperation. When national narrow-mindedness hinders the development of the whole, even more work must be done in global cooperation to activate free growth through futureoriented projects.
Dealing with such trends requires patience and long-term strategies because backwardness is often deeply ingrained and cannot be quickly switched off. It requires a sensitive approach to address fears and concerns while working towards an optimistic vision for a shared future. Excessive bureaucracy hinders progress and obstructs political developments. If there are too many rules, procedures, and bureaucratic hurdles, every social and political innovation will be hindered. In such cases, moments of resistance fall back on nationalism to feel more comfortable. Nationalism and populism provide simple answers to complex demands. They may appear deceptively attractive but only lead to worsened problems. The transition from nationalism to dictatorship is seamless. Bridging the ultranationalists in Poland or Hungary to a regime like in Belarus, where freedoms are brutally suppressed, is only a small step.
In the context of political ideologies and dictatorships, the recognition of the dignity of the individual becomes a controversial topic. Ideologies have nothing to do with ideals; they lie and they murder. It is not the nation but the individual who is the center of ambitions and determines the significance of each individual, which is actually a fundamental Christian dogma. It has various interpretations in ethical traditions and is therefore interpreted differently. Nevertheless, the recognition of the dignity of the individual remains an important principle in many parts of the world.
The implementation and behavior of bureaucratic administration strongly depend on political decisions, legal frameworks, and the culture of a society. An effectively functioning administration is important for enforcing rules and protecting the rights of citizens. At the same time, room should be made for creative thinking and political innovation. Transparency and accountability are desired in global politics as well as in regional and local practices. Useless bureaucracies and unnecessary regulations will resolve themselves. Only the final result of political performance matters.
National thinking forces you to hold on to outdated structures and approaches and to remain stuck in limited patterns of thinking. The lack of looking beyond one's own nose results in pursuing short-term effects instead of overarching goals. When political or societal structures fail to keep up with the changing times, it leads to frustration and dissatisfaction. People feel that their needs and concerns are not being taken into account.
Such separatism usually relies on outdated ideologies and completely overlooks the commonalities such as stability and prosperity. Values and interests that have been sown can only be harvested through collective creativity. Emphasizing the benefits of joint efforts and creating an inclusive framework helps to minimize the negative aspects of unproductive separatism and maximize the potential for progress and stability.
Once the prerequisites for the well-being of the community are established, these challenges can also be addressed and solutions can be found. What does the European special case feel like? In the European Union, the essential structures are fundamentally defined in terms of their importance. Only detailed legitimation is still missing for the transfer of functions. This is a complex process in which EU institutions receive certain competencies from member states and vice versa.
Concerns about a possible increase in bureaucracy are avoided by constantly evaluating quality, efficiency, and meaningfulness. The principle of subsidiarity guarantees the efficiency of the community. Responsibilities must be clearly defined and divided. The management of the European Commission should focus only on what it can create value in and where the measures of the member states are insufficient.
Societal self-perception needs an economic and security policy foundation. Lack of consistency seems to be the weakest element in current politics. This shortcoming can be attributed to insufficient attention given to long-term strategic thinking. The program also includes the abstraction of the impossible, unexpected surprises, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Where do the challenges come from? Not recognizing them in time would be extremely problematic in the global political arena.
For decades after World War II, transatlantic thinking was at the center of European paralysis. It referred to the close partnership between European countries and the United States of America in political and economic matters. The preeminence of the United States was particularly evident in the field of security policy. Especially during the Cold War, the transatlantic alliance was a decisive factor for European security. However, the disadvantages soon became apparent. The alliance made Europe continuously more dependent on the United States. European politics forgot about its own security interests. Now, the United States is apparently willing to pursue its own geopolitical goals without Europe.
New power despotisms developed with China and Russia, while the United States, under the Trump administration, took a skeptical stance towards international agreements. This necessitates a reassessment of the importance of transatlantic thinking in European politics, which can no longer rely on the unconditional reliability of the United States. Canada, a partner that is almost more valueconscious and reliable, could become more involved. The South American continent also gains interest in considerations. Trade agreements with Chile, Colombia, and Peru, as well as with the South American economic bloc consisting of Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, are intended to facilitate integration between the regions. However, the EU also has a global responsibility in its trade agreements when it comes to protecting the environment and social standards. And it will not be possible without combating the drug trade, which is a fertile ground for corruption. The EU can use its economic power to encourage partner countries to comply with international norms.
Europe and South America actually have a long history of cooperation and thus cultural ties. Diversifying European economic relations could multiply cooperation between the two continents and create new opportunities for growth and prosperity on both sides, while reducing uncomfortable dependencies at the same time. European companies would expand their sales opportunities and reduce forced ties to existing trading partners by accessing new markets. South America has a variety of natural resources that are of interest to European industries. Intensifying political and economic cooperation would facilitate access to these resources and improve supply security for European companies. Joint development and research projects would benefit innovation and technology transfer, from which both sides would profit. Collaborative cooperation would accelerate sustainable development goals in many regions.
Through trade agreements, the European Union can expand access to international markets for countries in the Global South and promote economic development. Financial support for development projects to expand infrastructure, healthcare, and local structures would benefit both sides, especially if cooperation in technology, research, and renewable energies is also concluded.
The European Union has gained significant advantages through its integration in trade, economy, and politics. It has contributed to promoting economic prosperity, peace, and stability on the continent. For European cooperation and economic policy, multinational isolation is as inconceivable as bowing to any major power. Instead of silly neutrality on all sides, the commitment to shared responsibility must be emphasized. The aim is to find the necessary balance between independence and cooperation in order to safeguard Europe's interests and contribute to stability and prosperity. Europe cannot afford to be neutral and indecisive. It should be allowed to reflect on its unity and where it belongs. Neutrality is interpreted as a form of strategylessness because it implies a lack of clear direction or a fixed position. This leads to ineffective or unproductive measures.
Will Europe itself manage to change and move forward? It needs to strengthen its institutions or is it waiting for others to force it, who only want to exploit the benefits for themselves? Will the other jealous powers outside or the right-wing populists inside weaken Europe to the point that it becomes a secondary annex of another world power? The great failure in the political sphere cannot be easily overlooked. Will the European ideals be simultaneously destroyed from within or from outside?
The vision of a progressive society in Europe is achievable and urgently needed in order to hope for a sustainable and livable future for many people.However, it requires a profound change in both thinking and action. The existing political and economic structures need to be modernized in order to enable this change. If Europe allows conflicts to affect it instead of actively steering them, it is on the path to losing its identity. It is doomed to fail if it divides too much into national advantages and fails to recognize the rational and objective justifications that the European peoples actually see as a unity. However, they are also not being informed enough about what is at stake. By focusing on shared European values such as democracy, human rights and peace, we can expose nationalism as a destructive ideology and promote the necessary cooperation and understanding between European countries.
_____________ Bibliographical note European Thinking, G. Matuszek ISBN 9783738625592 European Acting, G. Matuszek ISBN 9783750414501
Attractive models need to be promoted. European politics has greatly missed this art in recent decades. But how can the door to modern European politics be opened? It is therefore crucial for the EU that the member states more intensively pursue common goals in order to maintain a stable and prosperous continent. This requires efficiency in communication and a willingness to integrate diverse interests into the larger context of the European community. Unity aims to promote common values, goals, and interests in order to increase the level of prosperity and security of the peoples on the continent.
The establishment of large regions on the European political map can bring various advantages, which vary depending on the context and implementation, but have fixed points in their further development. Large regions can aim to simplify governance and administration in Europe. The efficiency of political management is fundamentally important in meeting the interests and needs of European citizens. In votes, large regions are better able to address cross-border issues such as economic development, security, or environmental issues, as they can bundle resources and expertise in a secured unity. Within these regions, cohesion and identity would be deepened. Larger administrative units can optimize the planning and development of infrastructure, research, healthcare, and other services at the regional level.
When acting as backward autocrats, it is recognized that a return to Bismarckian backwardness strains the relationships between European countries. The policy of Chancellor Bismarck was exclusively characterized by power politics and strengthening of one's own position at the expense of other countries. Transferring such an approach to the present circumstances would lead to tensions and conflicts that would ultimately result in political and economic instability in Europe. A return to Bismarckian ideals would mean that nationalism resurfaces and that countries prioritize their own interests over common European goals. This would result in the disintegration of the European Union and undermine cooperation and solidarity in Europe. It would be extremely regrettable if the achievements of recent decades, such as European integration and the common market, were jeopardized by nationalist policies.
Citizens want to ensure that their representation is adequately secured. They all must be involved in the shaping process so that decisions are made in the best interest of all for each other and not against each other. Credibility problems lead to huge consequences of political tsunamis. It is the duty of European politics to establish itself as its own system. How do the member states behave?
As the populations have an influence on the happenings, European elections are no longer a trivial matter. They create the foundations for realizing Europe's common actions. It is the responsibility of the electorate whether work on the realization of a common Europe continues. The consequences lie in deepened European integration. If every country in Europe plays its own game, it weakens unity and progress. Although many structures are flawed, turning away from the European idea would be detrimental for the continent. When authoritarian political anarchists block the Union's development through veto declarations or foreign powers extend their tentacles into Europe, the trap closes into dependence on violent usurpers.
The idea is floating around that one day the political projects in the European Parliament will no longer be discussed by representatives of jealous nations, but rather by large regions. Accordingly, the Council of Europe would also slim down to the newly formed geographical clusters that are in direct contact with the municipalities. On the political map, the groups can be easily identified, compared to the countless small dots they are composed of. They interact with each other and shape the whole of the continent. On a different scale and in different contexts, the global map could also be drawn in circles of large regions influencing each other.
Political tensions between the individual entities often result in economic and social disputes. When national interests are at the forefront, countries are less motivated to work together on major global challenges that affect everyone. Disagreement jeopardizes the status of the entire political organism and thus also the safety of the people. In the worst-case scenario of escalated situations and far-reaching conflicts, humanitarian crises cannot be avoided. Political instability encompasses the entire continent. Europe would lose international political influence and its own protection.
Applied to the Balkans, a multi-region cluster could offer an interesting alternative to the currently complex state solution. Instead of favoring only separate countries that exist alongside each other, several countries could be brought together into a closer political and economic region. Such a cluster promotes economic integration and boosts regional economy. Closer cooperation in trade, investments, and infrastructure projects maximizes mutual benefit and ensures economic prosperity for all participating units.