The europe code - J-G Matuszek - E-Book

The europe code E-Book


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who feels addressed Conclusion from the book POLITICS @ GLOBAL-WORLD Discover the future of international politics! A paradigm shift is taking place, opening up new paths and innovative solutions to global challenges. Hope for global oriented politics grows, while world clusters are emerging that jointly determine the course of world politics. Europe is consolidating its role on the global stage as a leading player in diplomacy and climate protection. Guidelines for excellence in politics set new standards for ethical and effective governance. Be there when creativity shapes new developments and redesigns world politics!

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Seitenzahl: 278

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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A. Paradigm Shift

B. Hope for global-oriented politics

C. Political world clusters

D. Europe in the worldwide political scene

E. Change Maker in International Politics

F. Excellence guidelines for politics

G. Creativity in new developments


Paradigm Shift - World Clusters - International Policy Excellence - Political Creativity - Global Challenges - Narrow Nationalism - Key Technologies - Toxic Politics - International Policy Co-Creation - Evidence-Based Approach - Advisory Agencies - Global Alliances - Skills Development - EU Weaknesses - Extremisms - Unqualified Political Leaders - European Axes - The Weimar Triangle - Global Governance - Deterrence - Authoritarian Regimes - False Political Information - Disinformation - Information Warfare - Sovereignty - Personnel Assessments in Politics - Historical Connections - Effective Communication - International Decisions - Political Charisma - Influencing World Politics - Professional Judgment - Culture of Responsibility - Informed Citizens - Humanistic European Values - European Macro-Regions - Populism and Nationalism - Defending the Free World - Clown Parties - Europe's Inner Unity - The European Project - Rational Management in Politics - International Congresses - Cognition and Decision-Making - International Sport - Economic Resilience - Cyberwarfare


We work a lot with emotions and that's a good thing, but if we overdo it, the whole structure would collapse on us. International politics is often complex and dynamic. Is it too much for the civil society? With so many different events and topics, it can be difficult to keep track. This can cause people to lose interest in politics. We all face never-ending tasks. Turning away from what is happening, tuning out and isolating oneself is neither a political nor a personal solution. We are simply a part of the overall development and cannot separate ourselves from it. Being consciously informed, this makes politics interesting in terms of current events and relevance. Both the past and present are moving, exhilarating and full of effects.

Who is responsible? The responsibility of society is as great as we are all part of society. Why do we not prevent obvious negative developments together? Power structures, conflicts of interest, indifference, fear of consequences, lack of awareness of the issues, as well as insufficient resources and capacities are behind it. These challenges require a paradigm shift. There is a need for a collective commitment to deal with international and national political developments in an informed, committed and proactive manner. Only in this way can we better manage the complexities of our time and prevent negative outcomes in order to create an informed and more resilient society.

We’ll just wing it! After all, why bother with the tedious task of understanding complex international issues when one can simply rely on sheer optimism and a dash of overconfidence? What could possibly go wrong when leaders choose to dismiss the intricacies of international relations? Perhaps they believe that global conflicts will resolve themselves, if only ignored long enough, or that economic sanctions are just friendly nudges rather than serious diplomatic tools.

It's almost touching how some people think that international politics is as easy as ordering a cup of coffee - just choose your favorite blend and hope for the best! One could almost admire the audacity of such an approach, if it weren’t for the minor detail that reality has a pesky way of intruding. The complex web of alliances, historical grievances and economic interdependencies simply refuses to untangle itself on command. It seems that, despite the best efforts to sidestep reality, success in international politics stubbornly requires an understanding of and engagement with its inherent challenges.

International relations are essential when it comes to addressing issues of security, health, prosperity and social justice particularly on a global scale. It radiates to the smaller units above the globe. In an increasingly interconnected world, the actions of one country can have far-reaching consequences that impact the entire international community. This is why cooperation and collaboration among nations are essential in addressing these pressing challenges. In an era of heightened global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear proliferation, countries must work together to combat these threats and ensure the safety and security of their citizens. If the brutality of elbow strikes is the focus, something has gone wrong in social engagement.

How to escape the dilemma? With the existing potential, it should be possible to find answers. If war suddenly reappears on the doorstep of Europe's finally achieved peace, something in the prophylaxis must change. Above all, resistance must be offered. There is a constant showdown of the naughtiness of the political mind. Who or what is the enemy? Society is increasingly experiencing the effects of deliberately caused electrical power outages, blocking of infrastructure or paralysis of telecommunications. Psychological warfare is carried out in denial and cover-up. Politics must look closely and look ahead. Simulations of blatant defense have the disadvantage that they always lag behind. Forward-looking security policy will rely on designing deterrence proactively. The wrong lessons will inevitably lead to disaster. There is movement in the paralysis of fear. Health is another area in which international politics is needed. As health becomes more intertwined with foreign policy, security, development and trade, new diplomatic skills are needed to negotiate health priorities alongside other interests. Global pandemics have highlighted the need for countries to work together to address health emergencies and ensure access to healthcare for all. An intensive cooperation supports sustainable development by framing health as a social, economic and political issue.

Furthermore, international politics is essential in promoting economic prosperity and social justice. Issues such as trade agreements, development aid and climate change require coordinated action from countries around the world to ensure sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty and inequality. By facilitating coordinated action among countries, international politics addresses key issues that transcend national boundaries and require collective efforts to achieve sustainable development and equitable outcomes. Well-designed trade agreements can promote economic growth by opening up new markets, encouraging specialization, and fostering competition.

However, trade agreements must also consider the potential impact on vulnerable sectors and ensure that the benefits of trade are distributed fairly among all stakeholders. International development aid, provided by wealthier nations and multilateral organizations, aims to support economic and social progress in developing countries. This aid can take various forms, such as financial assistance, technical expertise, and capacity building.

Effective development aid helps to reduce poverty, improve access to education and healthcare, and promote sustainable development practices. The effectiveness of future events of international cooperation depends on the willingness of states to look beyond national self-interest and pursue common goals. The rise of populism and the retreat of many countries into isolationist policies pose a serious threat to international cooperation. It is closely linked to the ability of states to adapt flexibly to new challenges and developments.

While the idea of ignoring difficulties in international politics is an entertaining fantasy, it is perhaps best left to the realm of satire. For those tasked with navigating turbulent waters and clearly identifying challenges, this remains an indispensable part of the job - much to the chagrin of those who don't realize it. International politics is inherently complex and full of multi-layered issues. Balancing the competing interests requires negotiation and international cooperation. Ignoring or failing to recognize these challenges leads to ineffective decisions and strategies. Political decision-makers should therefore understand their own capabilities and limitations.

Overestimation of abilities due to lack of recognition of difficulties leads to poor outcomes. This implies that successful political action depends on a realistic and comprehensive understanding of the international landscape. To be successful in international politics the players have to understand the intricacies and difficulties of their profession. And the civil society has to control it. This understanding enables the development of effective strategies that address the real problems. Essentially, success in international politics depends on a realistic evaluation of the challenges and the ability to address them effectively. The explosive cause of global problems today lies in the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community. Local events can quickly have a global impact while maintaining the ability to be effective.

The concept of sovereignty and the role of society in shaping political developments stays at the center of events. Society, as a collective entity, holds the power to influence political decisions and outcomes. By joining interest groups and engaging in constructive dialogue, politicians work towards common goals and overcome divisive nationalist tendencies. This is especially important in a globalized world where cooperation and inclusivity are key to addressing common challenges. Nationalist thinking, by its very nature, promotes an "us versus them" mentality. This perspective raisess suspicion and mistrust towards other nations or groups perceived as different or external. The consequences of this mindset can be wide-spread and damaging, both externally and internally. Nationalist thinking often leads to strained international relationships. Policies and rhetoric driven by nationalism result in conflicts, trade wars and a general breakdown in diplomatic relations. This isolates a country on the global stage and significantly limits opportunities for cooperation and mutual benefit. Nationalist ideologies fuel xenophobia and racism, as they tend to emphasize the superiority of one nation or group over others. This leads to discriminatory policies and social unrest. We know this from so-called Trumpism, Qannon or the egalitarian groups.

The tendencies in the politics of Trump or Putin share some commonalities, such as the emphasis on national sovereignty, criticism of the global elite and the promotion of nationalist and patriotic sentiments. They are often associated with more authoritarian and populist approaches, which ignore facts and truths in favor of emotions and narratives. Trump's foreign policy is based on the principle of "America First", which means that the national interests of the United States are put ahead of global interests and the liberal world order. This approach is nationalist and isolationist. QAnon supporters in turn believe that Trump is fighting against the satanist elite that controls the USA. This elite is referred to as the “Deep State” and is portrayed by QAnon as a threat to national sovereignty and people’s freedom. Putin's politics are not much different as they are characterized by a strongly nationalistic and brutally authoritarian orientation, which emphasizes only the importance of the own culture and the need to protect national sovereignty.

If mistakes made in Europe appear, the same can be said on the other side of the Atlantic. If Donald Trump, the star of the american ultra-rights, propagates that all evil comes from Europe, China or the Middle East, it can be expected that Europe will have to react in its own interest and join his forces. The European continent must be confident that it can maintain equal distance from all sides to avoid being overwhelmed. For the rest of a long time, the incompetence and moral dubiousness of an American polit-clan influenced the world stage. Clintonomics plunged not only the American but also the international economy into a deep abyss. A late consequence was the unexpected election victory of Donald Trump 2016, largely seen as a reckoning with the dubious political clan, the Clintons. A tougher and, above all, fickle mentality is unexpectedly spreading on both the right and the left political flank of the USA, which can hopefully be stopped, but at least remains present in people's thoughts.

Within a nation, the emphasis on the narrow national thinking creates divisions between different groups. Ethnic, religious or cultural minorities may be viewed with suspicion or hostility, leading to social fragmentation and conflict. Nationalist rhetoric deepens political divisions. This suppresses political debate and leads to authoritarian tendencies. Because nationalist thinking fosters a climate of mistrust, it undermines the trust of citizens in each other. Encouraging people to look at others with suspicion undermines social cohesion and the sense of community.

Nationalist thinking leads generally to strict provincialism in politics. It is on the way to restricting international cooperation. This limits the exchange of ideas, talents and resources and hinders innovation and progress. The mere focus on preserving national identity leads to cultural stagnation. It's part of the false beauty of political divisions. The argument is: „Who needs democracy and a strong debate when you can have a good old authoritarian regime? Nothing makes the social fabric stronger than mistrust and paranoia. Imagine the strong sense of community, that comes from people constantly watching each other. Who needs innovation and progress when cultural stagnation can prevail?“ A society that wants to avoid different perspectives and ideas, desperately merges into its own little bubble of outdated practices.

The negative impact of malicious nationalism on politics cannot be overlooked. It is politically irresponsible and unforgivable, when functioning systems collapse. The impact of such a collapse is wide-ranging, affecting not only the immediate socio-political environment, but also the long-term viability and prosperity of transnational communities. When forward-looking ideas fail, the momentum of progress is lost. This leads to stagnation in critical areas, such as technology, healthcare and education. Their collapse suppresses creativity and progress, prevents the development of new solutions. Conversely, forward-looking systems form the basis for innovations.

Identifying critical technologies means to determine the key technology sectors that are crucial for Europe's prosperity, security and global competitiveness. This should include not just commercial and dual-use technologies, but also those concerning critical raw materials, advanced materials, AI, biotechnology, quantum computing and other strategic areas. The European Union's policy approach must go beyond the traditional framework and become a "grand strategy" to create technological and industrial advantages.

Coordinated action in alliances creates an approach that is capable to countering external pressure. That aligns security, trade and research policies to create technological and industrial advantages. Functioning single systems under a common umbrella are crucial for supporting industries and jobs. Their collapse would lead to job losses and greater economic hardship for many people. It woud reduce confidence in the market, discourage investment and exacerbate economic downturns. The economic cooperation in a united Europe is an important pillar, but cannot stand alone. All aspects must be linked to other key areas such as collective security, finance and foreign policy. Joint research efforts drive innovation, increase competitiveness and technological progress.

Investing in research creates a knowledge-based economy that promotes long-term growth and prosperity. Ensuring collective security promotes stability across Europe and creates a secure environment for the economic activites and investments. A well-regulated financial sector boosts investor confidence and facilitates the cross-border movement of capital. Sound financial systems must ensure economic stability and resilience to external shocks. They promote diplomatic efforts and reduce geopolitical risks that could affect economic stability.

A unified foreign policy makes it possible to strengthen Europe’s influence on the world stage and enables strategic partnerships and trade agreements. Efficient infrastructure and connectivity facilitate trade, commerce and the movement of goods and services. The use of digital connectivity increases productivity and competitiveness in the digital economy.

A collapse disproportionately affects usually the most vulnerable populations, exacerbating social inequality and leading to increased poverty. Essential public services, such as healthcare and education, could become disrupted, severely impacting the quality of life and future opportunities for citizens. This distrust can lead to social unrest and a lack of faith in political leaders. Future-oriented systems are increasingly designed with sustainability in mind. Their collapse can halt environmental progress and worsen climate change impacts. Effective resource management systems, which are crucial for a sustainable development, are being undermined, leading to waste and depletion of natural resources.

Nationalist parties tend to pursue toxic policies characterized by hostility, division and irrationality that hinder progress and cooperation. „Party-apparatus democracy" is a form of democracy in which the closed party apparatus takes precedence over individual opinions. This form of democracy is characterized by abuse of power and authoritarian structures, which makes it difficult to find a rational solution in parliaments. It is no longer important which party says what or not, it is much more about what is important for the addressees. The specific needs of voters are becoming the focus.

How can governments function, if multiple groups debate decision-making? Because in the future it will be difficult to achieve absolute or even effective relative majorities. In the absence of a one-party majority, multiple factions can work together to reach decisions in government. These decisions are typically based on negotiated agreements that establish common policy objectives and governance principles. This involves seeking broad agreement across the different groups on key issues, rather than relying solely on simple majority votes. Consensus politics can help avoid extreme polarization and foster stability. In situations where consensus is difficult to achieve, decentralization of power to regional or local governments can help. This allows different regions to implement policies that reflect their unique needs and preferences while maintaining overall unity.Rather than forming a full coalition, political groups may form issue-based alliances, where they agree to cooperate on specific policies while maintaining independence on other matters. This allows for flexibility in governance and can lead to innovative solutions. Independent institutions, such as constitutional courts, electoral commissions and ombudsman offices can play a central role in maintaining the rule of law and ensuring that the government functions smoothly, even in a fragmented political environment. In deeply divided parliaments, professional mediators or facilitators can be brought in to help manage negotiations between the groups, ensuring that dialogue remains constructive and that agreements are reached.

Ideological debates fade into the background, while the immediate concerns and challenges are addressed. The individual credibility and trust in the personality of politicians are becoming more important than the party program to which they belong. Practical political discussions are increasingly focusing on specific issues rather than relying on broad ideological concepts. Instead of parties, new formats will take over the role and fight for the voters' favor.

Society plays a distinctive role in shaping political developments and promoting cooperation. Overcoming nationalistic tendencies, showing openness for cooperation, it is easier to work towards a more prosperous and sustainable world for all. Paradigm shifts can have unexpected consequences that are difficult to predict. These consequences can be positive or negative and require thorough analysis and monitoring. A paradigm shift usually means that political decisions and strategies are reconsidered and changed. This can lead to uncertainty about how governments will act in the future. When political decisions and measures are changed, economic conditions and the business environment will also change. This in turn has an impact on companies, investors, jobs and society as a whole.

It is extremely worrying when wealthy magnates like in the USA, in connection with dictatorial-infected politicians, influence politics and put their own interests before the welfare of society. In such cases, it is crucial to raise awareness and encourage actors and civil society to take action against this form of economic and political despotism. Through targeted public relations and international cooperation, competitors could inform the public about the negative effects of such activities. The role of the civil society should not be underestimated in taking action through their consumer behavior against companies that engage in vicious practices. By engaging in conscious consumption and supporting ethical businesses, consumers are called to contribute sending a message against the power and influence of despots in business and politics.

When policymakers focus solely on short-term gains or narrow national interests, they may overlook the broader impacts of their decisions on a global scale. This can lead to missed opportunities for collective actions and shared solutions, that could benefit all countries and communities. Furthermore, the lack of cooperation and solidarity in global politics can exacerbate existing inequalities and injustices, as resources and opportunities may not be distributed fairly. Without a common approach to addressing challenges, vulnerable populations are often left behind, deepening poverty, exacerbating environmental degradation and perpetuating conflict. If the decisions are not taken correctly at the content level, this is also to the detriment of all countries in all geographical areas.

The relevance of focusing on social welfare lies in a more sustainable and inclusive political design. When policy decisions aim to improve the well-being of the entire population, measures will be taken that promote longterm social stability and prosperity, rather than maximize short-term economic gains. This is particularly important in a globalised world where social inequalities and environmental problems are transnational.

The struggle for co-creation in international politics refers to various aspects of collaboration and interaction between citizens, scientists and policymakers. This can help to prevent resistance to change, increase the likelihood of successful implementation and ultimately improve the overall quality of governance. The most important strategies for effective stakeholder management in politics include regular contacts with stakeholders through various communication channels, such as public consultations and open round-table discussions. It also involves relationships based on trust and mutual respect, as well as being open and transparent about decision-making processes. Structural solutions emerge through a systematic process of evaluation, analysis, and decision-making. Initially, the respective current state is carefully evaluated and analyzed. This involves identifying relevant factors, that impact the existing system. A thorough analysis forms the foundation for understanding the current structures, their weaknesses and their strengths. Based on this analysis, various solution options are subsequently developed. Each option is gauged in terms of feasibility, efficiency and potential impact. This weighing process is crucial to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the different alternatives for making an informed decision. It is important to consider both short-term and long-term perspectives to develop sustainable solutions.

In order to effectively evaluate the current state of a system using empirical formulas, a structured approach is required. The aim is to determine key parameters that influence the system. This may include statistical models, linear programming or other techniques. Key metrics provide insight into data trends and variability. Tools like regression analysis and control charts help uncover underlying problems and their causes. This often involves comparing current performance with benchmarks or standards. They are the basis for recommendations to improving systems, optimizing processes, redesigning work processes or other implementations. All considerations on the way to the decision are there to create the conviction that society is able to live self-determined and freely.

Only after a thorough analysis of the different options, priorities emerge, that lead to a decision for the most appropriate solution. This means that decisions are not based on assumptions or insufficient data but on solid analysis and clear evidence. Through this methodical approach, it can be ensured that the chosen solution is not only effective but also efficient and sustainable. This ultimately leads to improved outcomes and a more stable, high-performing system.

One of the biggest problems in the current shaping of European politics is the power dynamics between the different actors. Traditional hierarchies often hinder effective collaboration, as decision-making is often concentrated in the hands of a few individuals. This can lead to a lack of diverse perspectives and innovative solutions being considered in policy-making processes. The complexity of global issues such as climate change, migration and conflict require a multidisciplinary approach that includes input from various stakeholders. However, differences in values, interests, and priorities among different actors can create tensions and hinder effective co-creation.

To overcome these difficulties it is essential to prioritize inclusivity, diversity and transparency in decision-making processes. This can be achieved through mechanisms such as participatory democracy, citizen assemblies, and the inclusion of diverse voices in policy-making forums. Transparency, accountability, and open communication are essential for building consensus and ensuring that co-created policies are grounded in the needs and priorities of all stakeholders.

Consulting agencies are the ones that deal with presentation and political communication. However, if they become too one-sided in their techniques, their capacity for problem solving decreases. A paradigm shift in politics should always lead to positive changes and opportunities for progress. For example, a shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly policies can lead to the growth of green industries and new job opportunities in renewable energy, conservation and sustainable agriculture. This is not only to the advantage of the environment but also creates economic growth and improves living standards. In order to achieve general progress, several factors are important: future orientation means a clear vision and the willingness to pursue risky strategies.

Semantic strategy is a guiding principle that rewards the future for what happens in the present, regardless of specific events. Progress as a collective singularity means the universalization of progress in various fields, such as science, art, law, morality, politics and economics, all of which strive for a similar goal. Knowledge and application are necessary to solve problems and make progress. It is not good for the belief in political progress, if people do not understand the facts or do not want to understand them.

It is important for governments, companies and individuals to adapt to the paradigm shifts and actively shape the future. Th success is additionally forged by a perfect communication in implementing new policies and regulations, investing in new technologies and changing behaviors and practices. Collaboration and cooperation between different stakeholders are the key to navigating these changes successfully and maximizing the positive outcomes. In particular, greater consideration should be given to the complex network structures and other factors that influence the design of decision-making. The aim is to examine how political management affects the development and what factors influence its effectiveness.

Both, top-down and bottom-up approaches in policy implementation are necessary to capture the complexities of engagement at global, national and local levels. Higher-level goals and strategies are specified top-down in order to coordinate their implementation. Decisions are made at an overview and then implemented at broader levels. At the same time, the needs and realities are integrated bottom-up at the base and thus adapted to local circumstances.

Paradigm shifts bring new perspectives and uncertainties and offer opportunities for positive change and progress. By predicting possible consequences and observing developments, the future is not defenceless. The work must be done to respect international norms and human rights and oppose all forms of aggression, discrimination and oppression. Pragmatic approaches in international politics emphasize the need to find realistic and practical solutions. They take into account the actual circumstances and interests of smaller or larger entities in order to develop effective strategies. Constructivism, on the other hand, means that social structures and institutions in international relations are artificially constructed. Essential principles of international law are based on rules, that are repeatedly relativized, changed or disregarded in the practice. Pragmatic approaches emphasize the need to find realistic solutions that take account of actual interests and circumstances.

Through dialogue, alliances can effectively address global challenges and conflicts rather than resort to confrontational and power-driven methods. Reforming international institutions and partnerships can improve cooperation and strengthen collective responses to common threats. A too one-sided focus on diplomacy does not lead to positive results. In dealing with countries or actors that pose a threat to global security and stability, it is important to strike a balance between peaceful negotiations and determination, sometimes backed by sanctions. If only single countries impose sanctions, the sanctioned country can find ways to circumvent them by doing business with non-sanctioning countries. Global coordination minimizes such loopholes.

A coordinated international response requires a strong, united front against misconduct by diverse dictatorships. If sanctions are circumvented, secondary sanctions promise additional success. This penalizes third parties who continue to do business with sanctioned countries. For instance in the Ukraine conflict, the continued exploitation of loopholes is having a serious impact, leading to the loss of countless lives and the continuation of violence. Not a day since the attack on Ukraine, ordered by Putin, goes without bombs on the civilian population and without violent deaths. Who supports these conditions? The blame lies with companies interested in their own profits and with provocative supporters on the extremist flanks of the inner-European spectrum. Sanctions violators or extremist politicians who support dictators in their war attacks should, like the criminal dictators themselves, be held accountable. Stronger international action, improved enforcement and enhanced cooperation should curb aggression and increase the prospects for a peaceful solution. History offers numerous examples of the convincing effects of sanctions: the dismantling of the Iron Curtain in 1989, which occurred due to military and economic pressure on the Soviet Union as an indirect form of sanction politics; Spain's transition to democracy after the death of dictator Franco or the end of apartheid policies in South Africa, all demonstrate how sanctions can lead to significant political changes.

The idea that absolute security can be achieved is an illusion. In reality, there is always some degree of uncertainty and risk. There are always unforeseeable events that cannot be fully controlled or prevented. However, this does not mean that caution and prevention should be neglected. Despite the impossibility of eliminating all risks, it is essential to take preventive measures and prepare for possible crisis situations. This can be achieved through various security measures. An alert and well-prepared community can better respond to threats and minimize their impact. Because threats and risks are constantly evolving, security measures must also be continually reviewed and adjusted. This requires flexibility and the willingness to learn from experience and adapt to new challenges.

Preventive diplomacy in the early stages of a conflict are crucial to prevent escalation, provided it is conducted preemptively and harshly. But there is often a lack of political will and resources to implement such preventative measures. Governments tend to respond only after violence has already escalated, making the situation even worse. Another problem is the insufficient coordination between different leaders, which makes prevention measures ineffective.

The consequences of delayed conflict prevention are catastrophic: massive outbreaks of violence, armed conflicts, humanitarian crises, refugee flows, regional destabilization and long-term traumatization of entire societies. The costs of peacekeeping and reconstruction far exceed the investments in prevention. In order to avoid such disasters, early warning systems and conflict analyzes must be optimized. Human rights violations must be punished consistently from the outset. Only through early and decisive action by the international community escalation of violence and humanitarian disasters can be prevented. Prevention must therefore be the top priority in international politics. Unfortunately, governments tend to only respond after violence has already escalated, which often makes the situation worse.

Newly emerging economies should ideally focus on promoting education, skills development and entrepreneurship among their populations in order to fully exploit their economic potential. By investing in human capital and creating opportunities for all individuals to participate in the economy, countries can reduce poverty and inequality and ultimately achieve sustainable economic growth. It is important that all stakeholders - governments, international organizations and companies - work together to tackle the causes of poverty and promote economic development. By implementing comprehensive and inclusive strategies, a more prosperous and fairer development for all can be projected.

New busines models offer advantages such as the simplification of regulatory structures and the improvement of operational efficiency. If crises have already reached the immediate environment, it is necessary to prepare for the impending changes, be it financially or economically or to restrict lifestyle habits. This applies in particular to wealthy and pampered structures. Everything can be trained. By proactively adjusting to challenges, building resilience, and supporting one another, individuals and communities can navigate crises effectively and emerge stronger, more resilient and better prepared for future challenges. Adaptation and resilience are essential for overcoming uncertainties and building a more sustainable and prosperous future.

A nationalistic economic policy, which often goes hand in hand with protectionist measures ignores the realities of a globalized economy. In an interconnected world, economies are increasingly interdependent. The idea that a nation can successfully manage its economy through purely nationalistic reasoning and local practices, is a dangerous illusion. The global economy today is so interdependent that nationalism and isolationism inevitably lead to significant economic damage. Numerous historical and current events in world politics and economics prove that countries that rely on nationalistic strategies always fail. A nationalistic economic policy hinders in the end a country's ability to innovate. Global supply chains, international financial markets and technological progress make it almost impossible to view or control economic developments in isolation. Subsidies for uncompetitive industries often only delay the necessary structural change. In addition, currency manipulation has unintended negative consequences for domestic economies.

However, the relationship between a European industrial policy and strict competition supervision also reveals tensions. Both pursue different, but not necessarily contradictory objectives. While industrial policy aims to promote strategic sectors and strengthen economic competitiveness, competition supervision focuses on ensuring fair market conditions and preventing monopolies. The EU Commission is committed to ensuring that all member states adhere to the same competition rules in order to guarantee uniform market conditions.

Nevertheless, a national protectionist industrial policy could destabilize the internal market. In the face of intense international competition and rapid technological developments, European industrial policy aims to strengthen key industries, drive technological innovation and promote sustainable economic growth. This strategy is crucial to positioning Europe as a global innovation leader and securing the EU's economic future. By investing in clean energy technologies and expanding its energy infrastructure, Europe aims to play a leading role in the global fight against climate change. At the same time, the competitiveness of European industry will be strengthened through a stable and sustainable energy supply.

Infrastructure is another area in which the EU is focusing its industrial policy. The expansion of modern transport and communication networks is essential to strengthening the single market, facilitating cross-border trade and driving forward the digital transformation. An equally important cornerstone of European industrial policy is the promotion of research and development. Programs such as “Horizon Europe” support research institutions, universities and companies to develop ground-breaking technologies and gain new scientific knowledge. The promotion of R&D is additionally an important factor in the creation of high-quality jobs.. These jobs not only contribute to economic stability, but also promote social and economic inclusion by creating well-paid employment opportunities across Europe.