Snow Truer Love: An Adult Gender Swapped Snow White Retelling - AJ Tipton - E-Book

Snow Truer Love: An Adult Gender Swapped Snow White Retelling E-Book

AJ Tipton

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  • Herausgeber: AJ Tipton
  • Kategorie: Erotik
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017

Thrilling conquests for the fairest of them all. 

In a magical kingdom far away, there lived cursed princes, warrior women, and mighty magic. Snow Truer Love is a sexy gender swapped retelling of Snow White where the heroes have become heroines, the heroines have become heroes, and nothing is as it seems. 

The handsome Prince Snow can’t seem to catch a break. When Snow’s jealous stepfather, Victor, learns that the people want Snow to be king, he decides Snow must die. With his life and kingdom on the line, Snow flees the palace. He must team up with the alluring woman he secretly loves, Mirror, to end his stepfather's tyranny, whatever the cost. 

The beautiful Mirror came to Snow’s kingdom looking for an adventure, and ended up advisor to a megalomaniac. Mirror was happy to stand by the King Regent Victor’s side and tell him he is the fairest of them all, until she recognized the cruelty of his reign. When Victor's decrees threaten Snow’s life, Mirror knows she must risk everything to help Snow safe and help him regain control of the kingdom. 

This gender swapped fairy tale for adults features sexy FFM threesomes, feisty dwarves, and the fairest love of them all. 

This STANDALONE novella is part of the "Sexy Gender Swapped Fairy Tale" series which can be read in any order. There are no cliffhangers, and each short ends as it should: happily ever after.

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Snow Truer Love

An Adult Gender Swapped Snow White Retelling

AJ Tipton

Illustrated byLydiaChai

Copyright © AJ Tipton 2015 The right of AJ Tipton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (or other similar law, depending on your country). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in reviews or articles. It may not be edited, amended, lent, resold, hired out, distributed or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s written permission. Permission can be obtained from [email protected]

This book is for sale to adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental.

All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

Cover art photos provided by, Morgue Files,, and

Created with Vellum

Mirror strode down the ornate halls of the palace, cursing the day she accepted this job. It seemed so simple at the time: advise the King Regent Victor--a contradiction of terms everyone recognized except the King Regent--by telling him exactly what he wanted to hear. When he wanted to hear his new hairstyle made him look like a silver fox and that all the ladies in the kingdom were swooning for his chiseled jaw, then that's what Mirror said. When he wanted to hear everyone thought he was a just and kind ruler, the fairest that they'd ever seen, then that's what she told him.

Mirror touched the outline of the paper hidden inside her jacket pocket as her heels clicked against the palace's tiled floors. It was becoming increasingly difficult to tell the King Regent he was "fair" with a straight face; Victor's actions were getting darker by the day. The business with the dwarves was the last straw.

The King Regent had been appointed to hold the throne until his stepson, Prince Snow, turned twenty-five and became eligible to take the throne. But Snow was nearing twenty-six, and the King Regent showed no intention of stepping down.

The paper felt like a brand against Mirror's side, and she was terrified that the sound of it crinkling as she walked would give her away. A guard passed her in the hallway, and Mirror kept her face carefully schooled to not show any excitement. Mirror had grown up in a castle owned by a woman cursed to become a beast every few hours, and with servants perpetually trapped in the same arguments with each other. And yet, the nobles and servants in Victor's palace were even more miserable. Mirror pressed her lips into a tight line; smiling would immediately reveal to the guard she had something to hide. At least Mirror wasn't the only one who realized the King Regent had crossed the line.

The letter, signed by representatives of the five largest villages, formally declared they would follow Prince Snow now that he was over twenty-five. The Captain of the Guard had said he wouldn't support a coup until he knew he had the support of the people; with this letter, the resistance would be one major step closer to taking back the kingdom. She just needed to get the letter to him before it fell into the wrong hands.

Mirror sighed softly. If only Snow would realize he was supposed to be crowned king a full year ago and step up. Instead, Snow had used his time to become an expert horseman and musician, learn almost every language in the kingdom, and explore the entire sprawling castle. Mirror had no doubt Snow would be able to be a good king to his people as soon as he managed to focus on the task at hand. In fact, she thought, picturing his smiling face and feeling a glow in her stomach, some day he could be the best of them all.

The sharp smell of perfume hit Mirror's nose before she saw Advisor Clara.

Fuck. Just what I need right now. Mirror inwardly groaned, but kept a polite smile plastered on her face. Advisor Clara was officially another of King Regent Victor's "advisors." Unlike Mirror, who made sure Victor knew their relationship was platonic, at knifepoint if necessary, Clara fully embraced her role as Victor's Right-Hand Mistress and Fuck Buddy, and lorded it over everybody who would listen.

Mirror picked up her pace down the hall, hoping that if she walked with purpose, Advisor Clara wouldn't stop her. Clara delighted in detailing all the tricks she used to ensure Victor could keep it up long enough for her to realistically pretend to orgasm. Hearing just one of Clara's explicit play-by-plays of her nights with the King Regent was more than enough for a lifetime.

Mirror's eyebrows came together once she got a closer look at the woman. Advisor Clara's expression was even more vague than usual and she kept hiccupping. Her heels--more stilts than shoes--weaved back and forth as she wandered down the hallway. Mirror checked the position of the sun through a nearby window: barely past noon. Clara must have had a really frustrating night if she was drinking already.

"Watch it," Clara muttered as she stumbled into Mirror, nearly pushing Mirror off her feet.

"Hey!" Mirror called at her, but Clara wasn't even paying attention. The Regent's mistress just continued teetering away on the tiled floor.

That was weird. Mirror watched Clara stumble down the rest of the hallway and turn down the corridor leading to the king's chambers. She shrugged and continued toward the Captain of the Guard's quarters, then stopped. No crinkling sound. She turned her hidden jacket pocket inside out.

It was empty.

"Bitch," Mirror muttered, and ran down the hallway after Clara. She rounded the corner, but nobody was there. Clara had either been faking her drunkenness the whole time, or the woman could move a lot faster on those heels than seemed physically possible. Mirror could hear voices coming from Victor's room at the end of the hall, and pulled one of the candle sconces on the wall next to her. A secret door slid open, revealing one of the many hidden hallways that ran throughout the castle.

Mirror always smiled a little when she remembered the day Snow first showed her these passageways. Victor was so obsessed with making sure Snow was never prepared to be king that he refused his stepson proper schooling, leaving the young man untold hours to do whatever he wanted. Mirror had only been in the palace for a few weeks before Snow came bounding up to her with all of the energy of a lonely puppy and asked her if she wanted to see something "super secret." Once she was hidden inside the passageway, Mirror allowed herself a full grin. In the year she'd lived at the castle, Snow had never stopped surprising her.

Mirror followed the raised voices until she found one of the peep holes into Victor's bedroom. Mirror's heart sank. Victor had already opened the letter and was reading passages aloud to Clara, who looked almost more upset about it than Victor did.

"How dare they?" Victor screamed, his voice high and nasally. He swept an arm across his desk, scattering glittering statues and papers to the floor. "I am their leader! I am perfect! I am the fairest in the whole fucking land!" he yelled.

"Of course you are, my love," Clara cooed, stroking his arm. "They are all ugly hags and miserable poor people who can't appreciate how handsome and perfect you are," she said. Stroke, stroke. Clara's hands rubbed along his chest and moved downward until they cupped the hard bulge in his pants.

Mirror glanced away, feeling a little ill. This wasn't what she came to see. Even staring at a wall sconce, Mirror could still hear them: smacking noises as Clara sucked at Victor's face, and a slapping sound like one of them spanked the other.

"That's right, baby, you'll show them that you're the real king," Clara said in a husky voice, loud enough for Mirror to uncomfortably hear every word.

Enough of this, Mirror thought, quietly moving away.

"No. They'll never see my greatness until my ridiculous stepson is dead," Victor said.

Mirror stopped walking, and peeked back into the room.

Victor showed Clara a small black bottle. It dangled from a chord he carefully placed around Clara's neck. It bounced slightly as it made contact with her voluptuous breasts. Victor’s hands lingered against her skin, tracing the path of the cord, and Clara's cleavage heaved up like she sought more of his touch. He pushed her back until Clara sat on the edge of the table, her legs moving up to wrap around Victor's waist.

"Just a little of this and both of our problems will be solved, my love," Victor said, one hand sliding down the front of Clara's dress and thumbing her nipples. His eyes stayed on the bottle as he leaned closer to her. "If you do this for me, my dove, nobody will suspect a thing. I need you to be my huntress and strike down the enemy for me." His other hand slid up her thigh inside her dress. Mirror knew the second he found Clara's core: the woman's head fell back, her long red hair spilling in waves behind her. C [...]