The Long Road of Sand - Pier Paolo Pasolini - E-Book

The Long Road of Sand E-Book

Pier Paolo Pasolini

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Summer 1959. Pier Paolo Pasolini, driving a Fiat Millecento, travelled along the Italian coastline, to carry out La lunga strada di sabbia [The Long Road of Sand]: a wide report commissioned by the magazine Successo on Italy between tradition and transformation, middle-class holidays and remains of a difficult post-war period. After forty years, the photographer Philippe Séclier has travelled again along the same route, finding traces, images and memories of the great writer and of his unforgettable portrait of Italy. Now, Contrasto publishes for the first time the complete text of The long road of sand, together with the original manuscript by Pier Paolo Pasolini and the photographs by Philippe Séclier. A unique document to get to know again, forty years after his death, the skill of a great writer and intellectual, and rediscover his strong bond with our country.

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