The Three Houses of Esther - Dr. Brian J. Bailey - E-Book

The Three Houses of Esther E-Book

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

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The Three Houses of Esther is an inspiring study guide to discovering the intimate and eternal presence of the King of kings. Through Dr. Bailey’s skillful and thought provoking explanations, you will see how all who would choose to complete the difficult and challenging periods of spiritual preparation can become those who are called, chosen, and found faithful unto their God.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018

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A Guide For Being Called, Chosen, and Faithful

Version 1.0

The Three Houses of Esther

© 1992 Brian J. Bailey

Version 1.0

Front cover design:

 ©  Zion Fellowship, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews.

All Scripture quotations in this book are taken from the

King James Version Bible unless otherwise stated.

Published by Zion Christian Publishers

Version 1.0

Published as an e-book on September 2017

in the United States of America

E-book ISBN 1-59665-696-4

For more information, please contact:

Zion Christian Publishers

A Zion Fellowship ® Ministry

P.O. Box 70

Waverly, New York 14892

Phone: (607) 565 2801


To the King of kings and Lord of lords,

Who rules in the affairs of men,

Giving to everyone according to their works.

And to my dear wife Audrey,

Who has helped me come to understand

And appreciate that all of His ways

Are in truth and judgment


Dr Paul and Betsy Caram, Pst. Joe Ciluffo, Bonnie Cooper and Cathy Heisey for their diligent effort in the first edition of this book, and also to Carla Borges, Sarah Kropf, Justin Kropf, Caroline Tham and Suzanne Ying for the revision of this book.

We wish to extend our thanks to these dear ones for without their many hours of invaluable assistance, this book would not have been possible. We are truly grateful for their diligence, creativity, and excellence in the compilation of this book for the glory of God. 



Between chapters six and seven of the book of Ezra (a period of 58 years, from 515 B.C. to 458 B.C.), the story of the book of Esther took place.

Israel had been released from Babylonian Captivity by Cyrus, King of Persia, and many, but not all of the Jews had chosen to return to Jerusalem. Many others dwelt in the nations of the Persian Empire, in fact, in all of the 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia.

The reigning monarch was Ahasuerus, best known by his secular name of Xerxes. He is the fourth king mentioned in Daniel 11:2, “Who by his strength and through his riches stirred up all against the realm of Greece.” Ahasuerus truly fulfilled this, for he raised up an army of 2,500,000 men with 3,000 ships and came against the nation of Greece. Initially he was successful, destroying Athens and burning the Acropolis. However, Thermistocles, commander of the Athenian fleet, destroyed the Persian Navy in the Bay of Salamis. Without naval support, the Persian army suffered a crushing defeat at Platae in 479 B.C. by a Grecian Army. Thus Ahasuerus was obliged to retreat back into Persia where the historian Heroditus tells us he became absorbed with his harem.